📸📲This repository showcases a dynamic gallery app developed using React Native and JavaScript. Leveraging the power of the Stack.Navigator library, ScrollView library, useEffect hook, axios, and a REST API, this app offers real-time image fetching and implements server-side pagination to ensure optimal performance and prevent server overload

- Real-Time Image Fetching: The app employs a REST API to fetch images in real-time from a server. This ensures that users can access the latest and updated images without the need for manual refreshing.
- Server-Side Pagination: To optimize performance and prevent server overload, the app implements server-side pagination. It fetches a limited number of images (e.g., 20 images per page) at a time, reducing the server load and enhancing the app's responsiveness.
- Stack.Navigator Library: The app utilizes the Stack.Navigator library to implement smooth navigation between screens. This library offers a stack-based navigation system, allowing users to navigate back and forth effortlessly.
- ScrollView Library: The app leverages the ScrollView library to provide a smooth scrolling experience for users. This ensures that users can comfortably browse through a large collection of images without any performance issues.
- useEffect Hook: The app utilizes the useEffect hook to handle side effects, such as fetching images from the server and updating the UI. This hook ensures that the app remains responsive and efficiently manages data fetching processes.
- Axios: The app integrates the Axios library for making HTTP requests to the server's REST API. This library simplifies the process of fetching images and handling API responses, ensuring a seamless image retrieval experience.
- Dynamic Image Rendering: The app dynamically renders images fetched from the server, providing users with a visually appealing and interactive gallery experience. Users can view high-quality images, zoom in/out, and swipe through the image collection effortlessly.
- Responsive Design: The app is designed with responsiveness in mind, adapting to various screen sizes and orientations. It offers an optimal viewing experience on different devices, including smartphones and tablets.
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By utilizing React Native, JavaScript, Stack.Navigator, ScrollView, useEffect, axios, and server-side pagination, this gallery app delivers a seamless and responsive image browsing experience. Whether you're a photography enthusiast or looking to showcase visual content, this app provides a solid foundation. Start exploring and enjoying a vast collection of images today!