The chip::DeviceLayer APIs may be invoked via the Matter Shell CLI.
List the Device CLI commands.
> device help
help Usage: device <subcommand>
start Start the device layer. Usage: device start
get Get configuration value. Usage: device get <param_name>
config Dump entire configuration of device. Usage: device dump
Dump the configuration of the device.
> device config
VendorId: 235a
ProductId: feff
HardwareVersion: 0001
SerialNumber: <None>
ServiceId: <None>
FabricId: <None>
PinCode: <None>
Discriminator: <None>
DeviceId: <None>
DeviceCert: <None>
DeviceCaCerts: <None>
MfrDeviceId: <None>
MfrDeviceCert: <None>
- parameter: name of field to query
Where valid parameter names include:
- vendorid: Vendor Identifier
- productid: Product Identifier
- hardwarever: Hardware Version
- serial: Serial Number
- deviceid: Device Identification Number
- cert: Device Certificate
- cacerts: Device CA Certificates
- mfrdeviceid: Manufacturer Device Identification Number
- mfrcert: Manufacturer Device Certificate
- mfrcacerts: Manufacturer Device CA Certs
- pincode: Setup Pin Code
- discriminator: Setup Discriminator
- serviceid: Service Identifier
- fabricid: Fabric Identifier
> device get vendorid
Initialize the Matter stack and start the device layer event loop.
> device start
Init CHIP Stack
Starting Platform Manager Event Loop