This example demonstrates how to use C# and Windows Forms to:
- Connect to a scope
- Query the horizontal and vertical scaling factors to scale the waveform data
- Fetch the raw waveform data from the oscilloscope
- Scale the data to create a series of XY data pairs
- Plot the data on screen
Title: Curve Query (Fetch Waveform) Windows Forms C# Example
Author: David Wyban
Development Environment Used:
- Visual Studio 2022
- Windows 10
- NI-VISA 2023 Q2
Libraries Used:
- .NET Framework 4.7.2
- Windows Forms (included in .NET Framework 4.7.2)
- IVI VISA.NET (Installed with NI-VISA)
- OxyPlot (Installed by NuGet Package Manager)
This example works with the following Tektronix Oscilloscopes.
- 2 Series MSO
- 4 Series MSO
- 5 Series (B) MSO
- 5 Series LP MSO
- 6 Series (B) MSO
- LPD64 Digitizer
- DPO MSO 5000(B) Series
- DPO 7000(C) Series
- DPO DSA MSO 70000 (B)(C)(D)(DX)(SX) Series
It may work with the following additional models of Tektronix Oscilloscopes, but it has not been verified.
- TBS1000(B)(C) Series
- TBS1000B-EDU Series
- TBS2000(B) Series
- DPO MSO 2000(B) Series
- DPO MSO 3000 Series (Firmware Version 2.4 or Later)
- MDO3000 Series
- DPO MSO 4000(B) Series
- MDO4000(B)(C) Series
- 3 Series MDO
Licensed under the Tektronix Sample License.