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File metadata and controls

164 lines (131 loc) · 8.21 KB


The RaisinBread (RB) database is an example dataset built for demonstration and testing purposes. This dataset should be expanded when new features are added and adjusted when existing features are changed or removed.

The sections below provide some insights into installing, modifying and exporting the dataset.

Automated RB Installation

The script tools/raisinbread_refresh.php includes functionality that drops all existing tables in the database and sources all of the RaisinBread data automatically. The script will preserve some server configuration settings in your database to simplify the process of switching between development environments. This tool can be run through the provided Makefile. To run this script, navigate to the LORIS root directory and run the following command:

make testdata

If RaisinBread is being installed for the first time, the steps outlined below in the Configuring section must be completed.

Manual RB Installation

The RaisinBread data is stored in the form of SQL INSERT statements located in the /raisinbread/RB_files/ directory and grouped by the database table they belong to. These statements rely on the pre-existence of the SQL tables and thus the data is heavily coupled with the default LORIS schema files located in the /SQL/ directory. The RaisinBread dataset also includes a few example instruments, these can be found in the raisinbread/instruments/ directory along with their respective SQL schemas in raisinbread/instruments/instrument_sql/ and their respective Meta SQL commands in raisinbread/instruments/instrument_sql/Meta/.

Note: The following instructions assume that the user has already installed a functional version of LORIS. It's important to note that the steps below will clear all data from the currently active database and replace it with the RaisinBread data.

Assumption: The commands below assume that the MySQL configuration files exist and contain a default database, user, host and password. In the event that that is not the case, replace all mysql commands below by the necessary values mysql -u user -p -h host database_name

Sourcing SQL

If the database being used is already populated and contains any tables or data, the following command must be used in the main LORIS root directory. Note that these commands will erase all the data in the database. Ensure that a backup is available if this data is important:

cat raisinbread/instruments/instrument_sql/9999-99-99-drop_instrument_tables.sql \
    SQL/9999-99-99-drop_tables.sql | mysql

Note: This command can also be used at any step to empty and delete all RaisinBread tables.

Important: Ensure that the above commands were completed properly and that all the tables were dropped before continuing the installation process.

If you could not drop all the tables with the commands above, you have the option to drop the tables by manually sourcing these .sql files directly from the mysql command line as follows:

mysql> source /var/www/loris/raisinbread/instruments/instrument_sql/9999-99-99-drop_instrument_tables.sql
mysql> source /var/www/loris/SQL/9999-99-99-drop_tables.sql

Note: It's important to drop the tables in the order listed above.

In order to be able to use the RaisinBread dataset, the LORIS SQL schema needs to be sourced, followed by the different instrument schemas and finally the actual RB data. The commands below assume that the current working directory is the main LORIS root directory. If the tables were not deleted or created properly, the schemas can be sourced directly on the mysql command line.

Note: It's important to load the RaisinBread tables in the order listed below.

cat SQL/0000-00-00-schema.sql \
    SQL/0000-00-01-Modules.sql \
    SQL/0000-00-02-Permission.sql \
    SQL/0000-00-03-ConfigTables.sql \
    SQL/0000-00-04-Help.sql \
    SQL/0000-00-05-ElectrophysiologyTables.sql \
    raisinbread/instruments/instrument_sql/aosi.sql \
    raisinbread/instruments/instrument_sql/bmi.sql \
    raisinbread/instruments/instrument_sql/medical_history.sql \
    raisinbread/instruments/instrument_sql/mri_parameter_form.sql \
    raisinbread/instruments/instrument_sql/radiology_review.sql \
    raisinbread/RB_files/*.sql | mysql

In order to be able to load the LORIS front-end while using the RaisinBread dataset some configurations are necessary.

  1. Copy the raisinbread/config/config.xml file into project/config.xml
  2. Input the correct <database> information in the project/config.xml file
  3. Change the values of the Config table of the SQL database to reflect the correct host and base values
  4. copy the raisinbread/instruments/ instrument PHP and LINST files to the project/instruments/ directory

The password of the admin user on the RB database is demo20!7

Getting the imaging files

MCIN members have automatic access to the imaging files on their dev VM where the raisinbread dataset is automatically mounted in the /data-raisinbread directory.

External users should email the loris-dev mailing list to request a copy of the data.

Modifying RB

The RaisinBread database should be handled like any other project. The data should never be modified directly in the SQL files, the database should be sourced, altered and re-exported into SQL files.

When possible, data modifications should be done directly from the LORIS front-end or using the LORIS tools. When modifications need to be done directly in SQL, it is important to only add clean data.

When implementing a feature that requires SQL modifications, the SQL patch created and submitted to the LORIS repository should be run on RaisinBread just like it would be run on any project database. The changes should appear in the same pull request as the new feature on the LORIS repository.

Any modification to the database will be reflected in the exports, make sure no personal information gets accidentally added to the RaisinBread database while you are modifying it.

Exporting RB

The RaisinBread data should be updated with every code change impacting the database. To do so, the user needs to source the database before the changes, modify the database and then export the data to be submitted back to LORIS in the same pull request as the code changes.

Contributing back into LORIS

In order to submit changes made to RaisinBread back to LORIS, an export tool was created in the tools/exporters/ directory. The DB_dump_table_data.php PHP script executes a mysqldump command that generates a single SQL file per SQL table in the raisinbread/RB_files/ directory. Each file contains foreign keys disabling and enabling, table truncation to clear all existing data and table locking to avoid data corruption during sourcing. If the data has been modified between sourcing these files and exporting them, the modification will be reported as git uncommitted changes and thus they can be verified and submitted to the LORIS repo in the same pull request as the code.

Note: When contributing back new imaging files in raisinbread, the file RB_parameter_file.sql can become too big due to the complete header being dumped in the parameter_file using ParameterTypeID=238. To decrease the size of the RB_parameter_file.sql file, run the following query on your mysql and recreate the RB_parameter_file.sql file.

DELETE FROM parameter_file JOIN parameter_type USING (ParameterTypeID) WHERE Name='header';


  • If you are having issues sourcing RB using the single command above, you can try to use the following commands sequentially. These commands echo the name of the SQL script before running it which helps to identify exactly what SQL statement is failing.

    for n in SQL/0000-*.sql; do echo $n; cat $n | mysql || break; done;
    for n in raisinbread/instruments/instrument_sql/*.sql; do echo $n; cat $n | mysql || break; done;
    for n in raisinbread/RB_files/*.sql; do echo $n; cat $n | mysql || break; done;
  • If you are having issues running independent scoring algorithms such as the example bmi.score file, make sure the scorer file is in the project/instruments directory and is exectutable by apache.