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Models - Documentation - Django Event Management


Models diagram

                  +-----------------+     +----------------------+
                  | User            | m:n | Group                |
                  |                 +-----+                      |
                  | first_name      |     | • moderators         |
                  | last_name       |     +----------------------+
                  | email           |
                  |                 |
+-----------+     | ■ is_active     |
| Level     |     | ■ is_staff      |
|           <--+  | ■ is_superuser  |     +----------------------+
| title     |  |  +-+---------------+     | Event                |
| order     |  |    | 1:1                 |                      |
+-----------+  |  +-+---------------+     | title                |
               |  | Person          |     | description          |
+-----------+  +--+                 |     | date                 |
| Country   |     | ■ is_supervisor |     | time_begin           |
|           <-----+                 |     | duration             |
| name      |     |                 |     | maximum_participants |
|           |     |                 |     | project_numbers      |
+-----------+     |                 |     |                      |
                  |                 |     | ■ leisure            |
+-----------+     |                 |     | ■ published          |
| Unit      <-----+                 +-----+ ■ canceled           |
|           |     +-+-^--+-+------^-+ m:n +---------^------------+
| title     |       | |  | |      | presenters      |
| order     |       | |  | |      |                 |
+-----------+       | |  | |      |                 |
                    | |  | |    +-+-----------------+------------+
         supervisor +-+  | |    | Registration                   |
                         | |    |                                |
                     m:n | |    | ■ approvement_state            |
         representatives +-+    | ■ canceled                     |
+---> ForeignKey
+---+ ManyToManyField, OneToOneField
    ■ BooleanField
    • Instance

User model

Currently, the Person model has a One-To-One Link With the User model. This is based on:

Another option for changes in the future is a custom user model