Released March 15, 2024
Describe building ADMB from source for Windows and Visual C++ compilers.
Prerequisite — Visual Studio C++ is installed on the local computer.
Download source distribution
Double click downloaded zip file and extract admb directory to C:\admb\>.
In the Windows Start Menu, double click Visual Studio Developer Command Prompt shortcut in Visual Studio Tools folder.
In the Visual Studio Developer Command Prompt window, use the commands below to build ADMB.
Change to admb directory.
C:\> cd admb
To build ADMB, use the command below.
C:\admb\> nmake
In the Developer Command Prompt window, use the commands below to build and run the examples.
Build examples
C:\admb\> cd examples C:\admb\examples\> nmake all
Read manuals for more information.
For help and support, please post on the ADMB Discussions.