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AEM Dispatcher Optimizer Tool App

Analyze an AEM dispatcher configuration for issues. Output a CSV report of the issues detected including the rule description, the context in which the violation was detected, and the severity of the issue.


This project requires Java 8.

mvn install


  • Set REPOSITORY_URL to the path to an AEM project directory (at minimum: a directory containing a dispatcher module)
  • Set ARTIFACTS_DESTINATION_PATH to the path where you would like the results file (results.csv) written

For example, to test an AEM project in ../test-projects/test-project-all-rules-fail and have the results written to ./results.csv:

REPOSITORY_URL=../test-projects/test-project-all-rules-fail \
java -jar target/dispatcher-optimizer-app-*.jar

Run in IntelliJ

Set up a "Spring Boot" run configuration, and set the following 2 Environment Variables to test the included test-project/test-project-all-rules-fail config and output results to results/test-project/:



  1. Update the dispatcher-optimizer-core dependency version in pom.xml to the latest release (ie. 1.0.4).
  2. Build and test the app with the updated dependency: mvn clean install
  3. Commit the pom.xml change and push to main.
  4. Release the app. From the app/ root:
mvn release:prepare
mvn release:perform
  1. Finally, update the dispatcher-optimizer-core dependency version in pom.xml to the latest SNAPSHOT (ie. 1.0.5-SNAPSHOT).
  2. Commit the pom.xml change and push to main.


Build Docker image:

docker build -t aem-skylab/dispatcher-optimizer-tool:v1 .

Run Docker image:

Note how we're mounting 2 directories:

  • $PWD is mounted to /mnt/git - this is where the dispatcher config will be read from
  • $PWD/results-container is mounted to /mnt/artifacts - this is where the results will be written
cd test-projects/test-project-all-rules-fail
docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/mnt/git -v $PWD/results-container:/mnt/artifacts aem-skylab/dispatcher-optimizer-tool:v1