MyMediaRenamer is cross-platform bulk renaming tool for video and image files using their embedded metadata (e.g. EXIF).
The latest release is available here.
Since the binaries of the command-line interface (CLI) application are portable, there are no installation steps required to be done prior to using them. Just simply extract them to a local directory and run via console.
Note that due to the nature of portable .NET Core applications, expect a notable delay on first time use of the application.
A GUI version of this app is available for Windows only. Be sure to have installed .NET Framework 4.7.2 or beyond to be able to use this app.
.\MyMediaRenamer.Cli.exe --help
Usage: MyMediaRenamer [arguments] [options]
File Name Pattern Pattern used to determine the new file name of each file.
Media Files File(s) to rename.
-h|--help Show help information
--default-string The default string used when a tag fails to produce a valid string
-d|--dry-run Do a dry-run where the program does not actually rename any files.
-r|--recursive Recursively access files under given directories.
--skip-null Skip renaming a file if a tag fails to produce a valid string.
View the wiki for more details.
Note: The following screenshots show outdated file name pattern formats. Please see the wiki for details.