This project consists in the realization of a Ball-Plate system with 2 degree of freedom which will control the position of the ball by tilting the plate.
Two servomotors will allow the table to be oriented with a certain angle of inclination to counterbalance the movements of the ball.
A Pi camera placed above the device will feed live images of the plate to a Raspberry PI 4B.
A Python program will then be responsible for processing these images, analyzing them to draw conclusions such as the position of the ball, its speed and acceleration.
Then it is feed to PID controller and transmitting the result by USB to the Arduino which will control the rotation of both servos independently.
All the data will be sent to the Python program running in another computer using MQTT protocol. And the results would be plotted.
- Amoghavarsha S G
- Niranjana Jois H C
- Kiran C N
- Hardware
- Raspberry Pi 4B
- Pi Camera
- PC
- Arduino
- 2 Servo motors
- Universal Joint
- 2 Push rods
- Software
- On both Raspberry Pi and PC
- opencv-contrib-python
- numpy
- json
- paho_mqtt
- threading
- On Raspberry PI
- pyserial
- mosquitto broker
- On PC
- pyqtgraph
- Qt5
- On both Raspberry Pi and PC
Raspberry pi
- Install raspberry pi os.
- Install mosquitto broker on your Raspberry PI.
sudo apt install mosquitto
- Install all the python packages mentioned above.
- git clone this repositiory
- we only need on-pi directory files here
- Clone this repository on PC
- Upload the on-arduino.ino file in on-arduino directory to the Arduino.
- By default pin 5 is for X-axis servo and 6 for Y-axis servo.
Servo Motors
Raspberry Pi and Pi Camera
Overall Structure