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Andela-Societies ✍

API for Andela Societies.

The Andela Societies are an awesome platform for collaboration and relationship-building across all centers of Andela for all fellows. They give all Fellows a common ground to interact and know about each other regardless as to the geographical location of each one of them. This way location of the Fellow does not stand in the way of the opportunity for long-lasting collaborative relationships being formed.

  • API

This App exposes endpoints that allows clients/Users to interact with Andela society Platform.

  • Available Resource Endpoints

Method Endpoint Usage
POST /api/v1.0/login Login user.
POST /api/v1/activities or /api/v1/activities/ Create an activity.
GET /api/v1/activity-types or /api/v1/activity-types/ Get information on activity types.
POST /api/v1/logged-activities or /api/v1/logged-activities/ Log a new activity.
DELETE /api/v1/logged-activities/{logged_activity_id} or /api/v1/logged-activities/{logged_activity_id}/ Delete a logged activity.
PUT /api/v1/logged-activities/{logged_activity_id} or /api/v1/logged-activities/{logged_activity_id}/ Edit a logged activity.
POST /api/v1/societies or /api/v1/societies/ Create a society.
PUT /api/v1/societies/{society_id} or /api/v1/societies/{society_id}/ Edit a society.
GET /api/v1/user/profile or /api/v1/user/profile/ Get user information.
GET /api/v1/users/{user_id}/logged-activities Get a user's logged activities by user_id URL parameter.

Getting Started 🕵

  • To run on local machine git clone this project :
 $ git clone

Copy and paste the above command in your terminal, the project will be downloaded to your local machine.

  • To consume API in client of choice navigate to:


The application is built using python: Flask framework.

Flask is a micro-framework for the Python programming language.

To Install python checkout:


For this section I will assume you have python3 and it's configured on your machine.
Navigate to the folder you cloned and run:

Get configuration .env from the team channel or ask the team TTL

Using Docker

  • Install docker on your machine

  • Navigate to src folder within the project, then run

       docker-compose build
- Run this to start the server

    docker-compose up
- Useful Commands you might need

    - Connect to the running web service
        $ docker-compose exec python-web-api-dev  bash

    - Delete containers (in case something breaks)

        docker-compose down
    - Commands that you can run inside the container
        # seed data

        $ python db seed

        # setup migrations

        $ python db init # run once at initialization
        $ python db migrate # run whenever you change the models
        $ python db upgrade # apply the changes to the db

Manual Way

  • Install Requirements
$ cd src
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Configure Environment
export SECRET="Thequickbrownfoxjumpedoverthelazydog"
export APP_SETTINGS=Development
export DEV_DATABASE=database_url_for_development_environment
export TEST_DATABASE=database_url_for_testing_environment
export DEV_TOKEN=token_from_signed_in_webapps

Note replace the value for DATABASE_URL & TEST_DATABASE with a real database path and SECRET with a strong string value

  • Run App 🏃
$ cd src
$ python run

The app should be accessible via :

Running the tests

$ cd src
$ python test
  • Coding style tests

PEP8 (pycodestyle) standards are followed in project.
PEP8 has deprecated; instead use pycodestyle for the same effect

$ cd src
$ pycodestyle .

Database Seeding 🔂

You will need the following extra environment variables to seed the database.

export PUBLIC_KEY=""
export DEV_TOKEN=""
export APP_SETTINGS="Development"

The value of this variables are obtained from the TTL, or the DevOps engineer in the team.

Seed the database.

$ python db seed

Running the sandbox

Follow the instructions on this link to run it.

In case of any errors ask the DevOps Engineer in the team

Set Up Notifications Package

Deployment 🚀

Built With 🏗 🔨⚒

  • Flask - The web framework used
  • Flaskrestplus - Extension for Flask that adds support for quickly building REST APIs.

Contributing 👍

  • Please Fork me! :-)

Versioning ⚙

Authors 📚

  • AndelaOSP

License 🤝

  • This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details

Acknowledgments 🙏