Releases: annakins/Katana
Version 2.5.4
WIP. Use at your own risk.
Please check this version's additions at the very bottom.
✅ Stage 10 CTD issue fixed (deals with activators).
✅ You will be able to skip Chasing the Current, so you can get Megara right away.
✅ River is set to be disabled now, not deleted. I wonder why.
✅ New companion available: Shale. Please read the mod's description for more information.
✅ New quest: The Ravens' Lament.
✅ New quest: Serenata.
✅ Katana has a new hairstyle.
✅ Katana has piercings on her left ear now.
✅ Changed Katana's outfit to Elmlock. Noice.
✅ Elmlock - No College Emblem texture.
✅ Katana has a new get-up animation.
✅ Majorly optimized script calls. A lot. I love you, Papyrus Profiler.
✅ Katana's affinity system has been greatly modified to be efficient involving scripts.
✅ Separated affinity system (for scenes) so there's no dependency on Katana.
✅ A lot more warm dialogue, in general. Cozy times.
✅ Overall, a lot of new lines to complement your journey.
✅ Skyrim quest commentary won't repeat anymore.
✅ ALL of Katana's current lines from 2.0.6 have been re-voiced.
✅ ALL of Katana's shade's lines from 2.0.6 have been re-voiced.
✅ New feature: Show appreciation - via hugging, compliments, or gifts.
✅ Added quiet packages and special packages for Skyrim quests.
✅ Added conditions to all the mod's quests to prevent chatter overlap (internal-only).
✅ Megara's armor now switched to Prestige College Mage.
✅ Megara can give you stew 5x a game session if you talk to her while she's using a cooking pot.
✅ Megara can now cure the player if SHE has garlic in her inventory.
✅ Black's MCO for Katana in FOMOD (yay perms).
✅ New CACO patch for Megara's potion-buff system.
✅ Megara's potion-buff book edited for Apothecary and CACO patches.
✅ JK's Solitude Outskirts patch added.
✅ Added Great City of Solitude patch.
✅ New patch for The Great City of Winterhold due to Elli not showing up on a test I did.
✅ Removed Practical Pirate SPID patch.
✅ Removed Lux and Lux Orbis patches from FOMOD since they're included in the other mods.
✅ Removed Khajiit Speak patch. Maintaining that is too much for me; thanks for understanding.
✅ Checked ALL player dialogue options + moved GetIsID condition to the top.
✅ Removed 1 hour condition for "So, what brings you to Skyrim?"
✅ Removed vendoritemfood keyword from carrot.
✅ Objective modified for The Sweetest Carrot, to be clearer.
✅ Added objectives to Chasing the Current for the very first few stages, so you know when Katana is ready to talk.
✅ Katana's Koroshi can now be tempered.
✅ Removed Azatar's duplicate FaceGenData.
✅ Fixed sneak bug for the most part. Try the Reset Pose if anything.
✅ Aliases are no longer cleared when you dismiss the companions.
✅ Added Megara's Enchanted Lantern for tracking.
✅ Modified some conditions to make it so some options don't appear when Katana's dismissed.
✅ Added AK69KatanaPQTalkT to other branches. Was a missing option.
✅ Changed and added a fair amount of dialogue for Chasing the Current, for flow.
✅ I strongly suggest checking the favor menu for the mod's companions.
✅ Thalmor spies for The Khat's Eye are now set to be disabled once you complete that mission.
✅ Switched A Nutty Dispute's scene start to a trigger, not an idle.
✅ Reduced radius for Chadryn's Riften package since he's generally harder to find there.
✅ Switched Sugar and Spice idle starts to a trigger also.
✅ Switched 3 of Chadryn's idle starts to triggers.
✅ Switched Megara's ebony dagger to a steel one.
✅ Reduced Megara's staff's damage by 1.
✅ Reduced Megara's armor rating.
✅ Increased Megara's hold back radius.
✅ Megara's staff enchantment costs switched to 0.
✅ Increased chance of shade showing up (was <=25, now <=40).
✅ Added Can't Drop flag on companions' weapons in the mod.
✅ Removed Elli's unique greatsword. Just a normal EnchEbonyGreatswordStamina06 now.
✅ Changed expression values since 50 just doesn't cut it.
✅ Changed how sandboxaroundplayer package is done.
✅ Removed requirement to NOT be in Whiterun to start Sugar and Spice.
✅ Removed requirement to be in the Bannered Mare to start the Sweetest Carrot (but you should have met Chadryn already).
✅ Changed certain HDPTs to male for some of the mod's NPCs.
✅ Renamed Megara's clothing to AK69MegaraTop, etc.
✅ Removed requirement to NOT be in Whiterun to head to the Drunken Huntsman to talk to Megara for the first time.
✅ Changed Loyalty Z7A8: "No. I tell you everything." to "Drop everything and come with me."
✅ Changed Chasing the Current's Bee and Barb package so Megara's not upstairs.
✅ Switched AK69EasterEggQuest condition for The Sweetest Carrot's intro to >= 10 instead of == 10.
✅ Removed GetInCell ChillfurrowFarm condition so Megara's line plays.
✅ To avoid friendly fire, Megara's staff target type is no longer set to aimed.
✅ Removed DAR animations and replaced with new OAR ones.
✅ When you dismiss Katana or tell her to wait: Shadow Mode, Hold Back Mode, and Scouting will be turned off.
✅ Added failsafe for Chadryn's trigger scenes.
✅ Removed menu that was a bit extra, for Katana to hold back in combat.
✅ Removed Cappy+Takiyo from PlayerHorseFaction.
✅ Increased Megara's 1H skill by 2 since her 2H skill was higher.
✅ The Sweetest Carrot: when you pick up the carrot, Megara's line is now a scene.
✅ The mod's quests' idle lines will now fire only once.
✅ Optimized how Shadow Mode is done for backend/maintenance purposes.
✅ Corrected missing dialogue from Katana's intro.
✅ Modified some of the intro's wording.
✅ Many quest packages have been modified to consider the player being in the same cell.
✅ Changed some lines for "I want to ask you something." depending on context (especially after The Ravens' Lament and Serenata).
✅ Removed Takiyo Summon spell because it wasn't being used.
✅ Modified Chadryn's trigger scripts so it's Katana that gets detected, not the player.
✅ Added missing booleans for Chasing the Current so some lines don't repeat.
✅ Added missing boolean for Carrot Quest.
✅ If you talk to Megara while your health is low, she will heal you.
Added in this version
Going into official changelog
✅ Added Solitude Docks Updated patch.
Won't add these to the official changelog
- Optimized Chadryn's packages (unticked World Interactions + added moveto script so he gets to those locations faster)
Version 2.5.3
WIP. Use at your own risk.
Please check this version's additions at the very bottom.
✅ Stage 10 CTD issue fixed (deals with activators).
✅ You will be able to skip Chasing the Current, so you can get Megara right away.
✅ River is set to be disabled now, not deleted. I wonder why.
✅ New companion available: Shale. Please read the mod's description for more information.
✅ New quest: The Ravens' Lament.
✅ New quest: Serenata.
✅ Katana has a new hairstyle.
✅ Katana has piercings on her left ear now.
✅ Changed Katana's outfit to Elmlock. Noice.
✅ Elmlock - No College Emblem texture.
✅ Katana has a new get-up animation.
✅ Majorly optimized script calls. A lot. I love you, Papyrus Profiler.
✅ Katana's affinity system has been greatly modified to be efficient involving scripts.
✅ Separated affinity system (for scenes) so there's no dependency on Katana.
✅ A lot more warm dialogue, in general. Cozy times.
✅ Overall, a lot of new lines to complement your journey.
✅ Skyrim quest commentary won't repeat anymore.
✅ ALL of Katana's current lines from 2.0.6 have been re-voiced.
✅ ALL of Katana's shade's lines from 2.0.6 have been re-voiced.
✅ New feature: Show appreciation - via hugging, compliments, or gifts.
✅ Added quiet packages and special packages for Skyrim quests.
✅ Added conditions to all the mod's quests to prevent chatter overlap (internal-only).
✅ Megara's armor now switched to Prestige College Mage.
✅ Megara can give you stew 5x a game session if you talk to her while she's using a cooking pot.
✅ Megara can now cure the player if SHE has garlic in her inventory.
✅ Black's MCO for Katana in FOMOD (yay perms).
✅ New CACO patch for Megara's potion-buff system.
✅ Megara's potion-buff book edited for Apothecary and CACO patches.
✅ JK's Solitude Outskirts patch added.
✅ New patch for The Great City of Winterhold due to Elli not showing up on a test I did.
✅ Removed Practical Pirate SPID patch.
✅ Removed Lux and Lux Orbis patches from FOMOD since they're included in the other mods.
✅ Removed Khajiit Speak patch. Maintaining that is too much for me; thanks for understanding.
✅ Checked ALL player dialogue options + moved GetIsID condition to the top.
✅ Removed 1 hour condition for "So, what brings you to Skyrim?"
✅ Removed vendoritemfood keyword from carrot.
✅ Objective modified for The Sweetest Carrot, to be clearer.
✅ Added objectives to Chasing the Current for the very first few stages, so you know when Katana is ready to talk.
✅ Katana's Koroshi can now be tempered.
✅ Removed Azatar's duplicate FaceGenData.
✅ Fixed sneak bug for the most part. Try the Reset Pose if anything.
✅ Aliases are no longer cleared when you dismiss the companions.
✅ Added Megara's Enchanted Lantern for tracking.
✅ Modified some conditions to make it so some options don't appear when Katana's dismissed.
✅ Added AK69KatanaPQTalkT to other branches. Was a missing option.
✅ Changed and added a fair amount of dialogue for Chasing the Current, for flow.
✅ I strongly suggest checking the favor menu for the mod's companions.
✅ Thalmor spies for The Khat's Eye are now set to be disabled once you complete that mission.
✅ Switched A Nutty Dispute's scene start to a trigger, not an idle.
✅ Reduced radius for Chadryn's Riften package since he's generally harder to find there.
✅ Switched Sugar and Spice idle starts to a trigger also.
✅ Switched 3 of Chadryn's idle starts to triggers.
✅ Switched Megara's ebony dagger to a steel one.
✅ Reduced Megara's staff's damage by 1.
✅ Reduced Megara's armor rating.
✅ Increased Megara's hold back radius.
✅ Megara's staff enchantment costs switched to 0.
✅ Increased chance of shade showing up (was <=25, now <=40).
✅ Added Can't Drop flag on companions' weapons in the mod.
✅ Removed Elli's unique greatsword. Just a normal EnchEbonyGreatswordStamina06 now.
✅ Changed expression values since 50 just doesn't cut it.
✅ Changed how sandboxaroundplayer package is done.
✅ Removed requirement to NOT be in Whiterun to start Sugar and Spice.
✅ Removed requirement to be in the Bannered Mare to start the Sweetest Carrot (but you should have met Chadryn already).
✅ Changed certain HDPTs to male for some of the mod's NPCs.
✅ Renamed Megara's clothing to AK69MegaraTop, etc.
✅ Removed requirement to NOT be in Whiterun to head to the Drunken Huntsman to talk to Megara for the first time.
✅ Changed Loyalty Z7A8: "No. I tell you everything." to "Drop everything and come with me."
✅ Changed Chasing the Current's Bee and Barb package so Megara's not upstairs.
✅ Switched AK69EasterEggQuest condition for The Sweetest Carrot's intro to >= 10 instead of == 10.
✅ Removed GetInCell ChillfurrowFarm condition so Megara's line plays.
✅ To avoid friendly fire, Megara's staff target type is no longer set to aimed.
✅ Removed DAR animations and replaced with new OAR ones.
✅ When you dismiss Katana or tell her to wait: Shadow Mode, Hold Back Mode, and Scouting will be turned off.
✅ Added failsafe for Chadryn's trigger scenes.
✅ Removed menu that was a bit extra, for Katana to hold back in combat.
✅ Removed Cappy+Takiyo from PlayerHorseFaction.
✅ Increased Megara's 1H skill by 2 since her 2H skill was higher.
✅ The Sweetest Carrot: when you pick up the carrot, Megara's line is now a scene.
✅ The mod's quests' idle lines will now fire only once.
✅ Optimized how Shadow Mode is done for backend/maintenance purposes.
✅ Corrected missing dialogue from Katana's intro.
✅ Modified some of the intro's wording.
✅ Many quest packages have been modified to consider the player being in the same cell.
✅ Changed some lines for "I want to ask you something." depending on context (especially after The Ravens' Lament and Serenata).
✅ Removed Takiyo Summon spell because it wasn't being used.
✅ Modified Chadryn's trigger scripts so it's Katana that gets detected, not the player.
✅ Added missing booleans for Chasing the Current so some lines don't repeat.
✅ Added missing boolean for Carrot Quest.
✅ If you talk to Megara while your health is low, she will heal you.
Added in this version
Going into official changelog
✅ Added Great City of Solitude patch
Won't add these to the official changelog
- Added 46 more Katana lines
Version 2.5.2
WIP. Use at your own risk.
Please check this version's additions at the very bottom.
✅ Stage 10 CTD issue fixed (deals with activators).
✅ You will be able to skip Chasing the Current, so you can get Megara right away.
✅ River is set to be disabled now, not deleted. I wonder why.
✅ New companion available: Shale. Please read the mod's description for more information.
✅ New quest: The Ravens' Lament.
✅ New quest: Serenata.
✅ Katana has a new hairstyle.
✅ Katana has piercings on her left ear now.
✅ Changed Katana's outfit to Elmlock. Noice.
✅ Elmlock - No College Emblem texture.
✅ Katana has a new get-up animation.
✅ Majorly optimized script calls. A lot. I love you, Papyrus Profiler.
✅ Katana's affinity system has been greatly modified to be efficient involving scripts.
✅ Separated affinity system (for scenes) so there's no dependency on Katana.
✅ A lot more warm dialogue, in general. Cozy times.
✅ Overall, a lot of new lines to complement your journey.
✅ Skyrim quest commentary won't repeat anymore.
✅ ALL of Katana's current lines from 2.0.6 have been re-voiced.
✅ ALL of Katana's shade's lines from 2.0.6 have been re-voiced.
✅ New feature: Show appreciation - via hugging, compliments, or gifts.
✅ Added quiet packages and special packages for Skyrim quests.
✅ Added conditions to all the mod's quests to prevent chatter overlap (internal-only).
✅ Megara's armor now switched to Prestige College Mage.
✅ Megara can give you stew 5x a game session if you talk to her while she's using a cooking pot.
✅ Megara can now cure the player if SHE has garlic in her inventory.
✅ Black's MCO for Katana in FOMOD (yay perms).
✅ New CACO patch for Megara's potion-buff system.
✅ Megara's potion-buff book edited for Apothecary and CACO patches.
✅ JK's Solitude Outskirts patch added.
✅ New patch for The Great City of Winterhold due to Elli not showing up on a test I did.
✅ Removed Practical Pirate SPID patch.
✅ Removed Lux and Lux Orbis patches from FOMOD since they're included in the other mods.
✅ Removed Khajiit Speak patch. Maintaining that is too much for me; thanks for understanding.
✅ Checked ALL player dialogue options + moved GetIsID condition to the top.
✅ Removed 1 hour condition for "So, what brings you to Skyrim?"
✅ Removed vendoritemfood keyword from carrot.
✅ Objective modified for The Sweetest Carrot, to be clearer.
✅ Added objectives to Chasing the Current for the very first few stages, so you know when Katana is ready to talk.
✅ Katana's Koroshi can now be tempered.
✅ Removed Azatar's duplicate FaceGenData.
✅ Fixed sneak bug for the most part. Try the Reset Pose if anything.
✅ Aliases are no longer cleared when you dismiss the companions.
✅ Added Megara's Enchanted Lantern for tracking.
✅ Modified some conditions to make it so some options don't appear when Katana's dismissed.
✅ Added AK69KatanaPQTalkT to other branches. Was a missing option.
✅ Changed and added a fair amount of dialogue for Chasing the Current, for flow.
✅ I strongly suggest checking the favor menu for the mod's companions.
✅ Thalmor spies for The Khat's Eye are now set to be disabled once you complete that mission.
✅ Switched A Nutty Dispute's scene start to a trigger, not an idle.
✅ Reduced radius for Chadryn's Riften package since he's generally harder to find there.
✅ Switched Sugar and Spice idle starts to a trigger also.
✅ Switched 3 of Chadryn's idle starts to triggers.
✅ Switched Megara's ebony dagger to a steel one.
✅ Reduced Megara's staff's damage by 1.
✅ Reduced Megara's armor rating.
✅ Increased Megara's hold back radius.
✅ Megara's staff enchantment costs switched to 0.
✅ Increased chance of shade showing up (was <=25, now <=40).
✅ Added Can't Drop flag on companions' weapons in the mod.
✅ Removed Elli's unique greatsword. Just a normal EnchEbonyGreatswordStamina06 now.
✅ Changed expression values since 50 just doesn't cut it.
✅ Changed how sandboxaroundplayer package is done.
✅ Removed requirement to NOT be in Whiterun to start Sugar and Spice.
✅ Removed requirement to be in the Bannered Mare to start the Sweetest Carrot (but you should have met Chadryn already).
✅ Changed certain HDPTs to male for some of the mod's NPCs.
✅ Renamed Megara's clothing to AK69MegaraTop, etc.
✅ Removed requirement to NOT be in Whiterun to head to the Drunken Huntsman to talk to Megara for the first time.
✅ Changed Loyalty Z7A8: "No. I tell you everything." to "Drop everything and come with me."
✅ Changed Chasing the Current's Bee and Barb package so Megara's not upstairs.
✅ Switched AK69EasterEggQuest condition for The Sweetest Carrot's intro to >= 10 instead of == 10.
✅ Removed GetInCell ChillfurrowFarm condition so Megara's line plays.
✅ To avoid friendly fire, Megara's staff target type is no longer set to aimed.
✅ Removed DAR animations and replaced with new OAR ones.
✅ When you dismiss Katana or tell her to wait: Shadow Mode, Hold Back Mode, and Scouting will be turned off.
✅ Added failsafe for Chadryn's trigger scenes.
✅ Removed menu that was a bit extra, for Katana to hold back in combat.
✅ Removed Cappy+Takiyo from PlayerHorseFaction.
✅ Increased Megara's 1H skill by 2 since her 2H skill was higher.
✅ The Sweetest Carrot: when you pick up the carrot, Megara's line is now a scene.
✅ The mod's quests' idle lines will now fire only once.
✅ Optimized how Shadow Mode is done for backend/maintenance purposes.
✅ Corrected missing dialogue from Katana's intro.
✅ Modified some of the intro's wording.
✅ Many quest packages have been modified to consider the player being in the same cell.
✅ Changed some lines for "I want to ask you something." depending on context (especially after The Ravens' Lament and Serenata).
Added in this version
Going into official changelog
✅ Removed Takiyo Summon spell because it wasn't being used.
✅ Modified Chadryn's trigger scripts so it's Katana that gets detected, not the player.
✅ Added missing booleans for Chasing the Current so some lines don't repeat.
✅ Added missing boolean for Carrot Quest.
✅ If you talk to Megara while your health is low, she will heal you.
Won't add these to the official changelog
- Correctly attached Shale's bribe MGEF.
- Added banter with Shale.
- Taunt cooldown for Shale is corrected.
Version 2.5.1
WIP. Use at your own risk.
Please check this version's additions at the very bottom.
✅ Stage 10 CTD issue fixed (deals with activators).
✅ You will be able to skip Chasing the Current, so you can get Megara right away.
✅ River is set to be disabled now, not deleted. I wonder why.
✅ New character: Shale.
✅ New quest: The Ravens' Lament.
✅ New quest: Serenata.
✅ Katana has a new hairstyle.
✅ Katana has piercings on her left ear now.
✅ Changed Katana's outfit to Elmlock. Noice.
✅ Elmlock - No College Emblem texture.
✅ Katana has a new get-up animation.
✅ Majorly optimized script calls. A lot. I love you, Papyrus Profiler.
✅ Katana's affinity system has been greatly modified to be efficient involving scripts.
✅ Separated affinity system (for scenes) so there's no dependency on Katana.
✅ A lot more warm dialogue, in general. Cozy times.
✅ Overall, a lot of new lines to complement your journey.
✅ Skyrim quest commentary won't repeat anymore.
✅ ALL of Katana's current lines from 2.0.6 have been re-voiced.
✅ ALL of Katana's shade's lines from 2.0.6 have been re-voiced.
✅ New feature: Show appreciation - via hugging, compliments, or gifts.
✅ Added quiet packages and special packages for Skyrim quests.
✅ Added conditions to all the mod's quests to prevent chatter overlap (internal-only).
✅ Megara's armor now switched to Prestige College Mage.
✅ Megara can give you stew 5x a game session if you talk to her while she's using a cooking pot.
✅ Megara can now cure the player if SHE has garlic in her inventory.
✅ Black's MCO for Katana in FOMOD (yay perms).
✅ New CACO patch for Megara's potion-buff system.
✅ Megara's potion-buff book edited for Apothecary and CACO patches.
✅ JK's Solitude Outskirts patch added.
✅ New patch for The Great City of Winterhold due to Elli not showing up on a test I did.
✅ Removed Practical Pirate SPID patch.
✅ Removed Lux and Lux Orbis patches from FOMOD since they're included in the other mods.
✅ Removed Khajiit Speak patch. Maintaining that is too much for me; thanks for understanding.
✅ Checked ALL player dialogue options + moved GetIsID condition to the top.
✅ Removed 1 hour condition for "So, what brings you to Skyrim?"
✅ Removed vendoritemfood keyword from carrot.
✅ Objective modified for The Sweetest Carrot, to be clearer.
✅ Added objectives to Chasing the Current for the very first few stages, so you know when Katana is ready to talk.
✅ Katana's Koroshi can now be tempered.
✅ Removed Azatar's duplicate FaceGenData.
✅ Fixed sneak bug for the most part. Try the Reset Pose if anything.
✅ Aliases are no longer cleared when you dismiss the companions.
✅ Added Megara's Enchanted Lantern for tracking.
✅ Modified some conditions to make it so some options don't appear when Katana's dismissed.
✅ Added AK69KatanaPQTalkT to other branches. Was a missing option.
✅ Changed and added a fair amount of dialogue for Chasing the Current, for flow.
✅ I strongly suggest checking the favor menu for the mod's companions.
✅ Thalmor spies for The Khat's Eye are now set to be disabled once you complete that mission.
✅ Switched A Nutty Dispute's scene start to a trigger, not an idle.
✅ Reduced radius for Chadryn's Riften package since he's generally harder to find there.
✅ Switched Sugar and Spice idle starts to a trigger also.
✅ Switched 3 of Chadryn's idle starts to triggers.
✅ Switched Megara's ebony dagger to a steel one.
✅ Reduced Megara's staff's damage by 1.
✅ Increased chance of shade showing up (was <=25, now <=40).
✅ Added Can't Drop flag on companions' weapons in the mod.
✅ Removed Elli's unique greatsword. Just a normal EnchEbonyGreatswordStamina06 now.
✅ Changed expression values since 50 just doesn't cut it.
✅ Changed how sandboxaroundplayer package is done.
✅ Removed requirement to NOT be in Whiterun to start Sugar and Spice.
✅ Removed requirement to be in the Bannered Mare to start the Sweetest Carrot (but you should have met Chadryn already).
✅ Changed certain HDPTs to male for some of the mod's NPCs.
✅ Renamed Megara's clothing to AK69MegaraTop, etc.
✅ Removed requirement to NOT be in Whiterun to head to the Drunken Huntsman to talk to Megara for the first time.
✅ Changed Loyalty Z7A8: "No. I tell you everything." to "Drop everything and come with me."
✅ Changed Chasing the Current's Bee and Barb package so Megara's not upstairs.
✅ Switched AK69EasterEggQuest condition for The Sweetest Carrot's intro to >= 10 instead of == 10.
✅ Removed GetInCell ChillfurrowFarm condition so Megara's line plays.
✅ To avoid friendly fire, Megara's staff target type is no longer set to aimed.
✅ Removed DAR animations and replaced with new OAR ones.
✅ When you dismiss Katana or tell her to wait: Shadow Mode, Hold Back Mode, and Scouting will be turned off.
✅ Added failsafe for Chadryn's trigger scenes.
✅ Removed menu that was a bit extra, for Katana to hold back in combat.
✅ Removed Cappy+Takiyo from PlayerHorseFaction.
✅ Increased Megara's 1H skill by 2 since her 2H skill was higher.
✅ The Sweetest Carrot: when you pick up the carrot, Megara's line is now a scene.
✅ The mod's quests' idle lines will now fire only once.
✅ Optimized how Shadow Mode is done for backend/maintenance purposes.
✅ Corrected missing dialogue from Katana's intro.
✅ Reduced Megara's armor rating.
✅ Increased Megara's hold back radius.
✅ Megara's staff enchantment costs switched to 0.
✅ Modified some of the intro's wording.
✅ Many quest packages have been modified to consider the player being in the same cell.
✅ Changed some lines for "I want to ask you something." depending on context (especially after The Ravens' Lament and Serenata).
Added in this version
Won't add these to the official changelog (check 2.5 changelog as it's much more detailed)
- Changed FX for Shale's Sparks so we can tell the difference between that and the bolt (it's targeted and not aimed, so not obvious).
- Added more conditions for that Arvel scene in Bleak Falls Barrow so the 3 can show how annoyed they are.
- Lightning bolt is back to its default cost so it's not OP.
- Removed "stop casting" debug spell because it's no longer necessary.
- Corrected conditions for when Megara has garlic on her so she can cure the player.
- Taunt cooldown doesn't work at the moment. I'll need to modify it.
Version 2.5
WIP. Use at your own risk.
Please check this version's additions at the very bottom.
✅ Stage 10 CTD issue fixed (avoidable crash - just make sure to talk to Katana instead of using mods like Remote Interactions at this stage).
✅ Checked ALL player dialogue options + moved GetIsID condition to the top.
✅ Removed 1 hour condition for "So, what brings you to Skyrim?"
✅ Removed vendoritemfood keyword from carrot.
✅ Objective modified for The Sweetest Carrot, to be clearer.
✅ Katana has a new hairstyle.
✅ Katana has piercings on her left ear now.
✅ Katana's Koroshi can now be tempered.
✅ Removed Azatar's duplicate FaceGenData.
✅ Added A Night to Remember commentary.
✅ Added package for C02 ceremony.
✅ Both of their aliases are no longer cleared when you dismiss them.
✅ Added Megara's Enchanted Lantern for tracking.
✅ New patch for The Great City of Winterhold due to Elli not showing up on a test I did.
✅ Modified some conditions to make it so some options don't appear when Katana's dismissed.
✅ Added AK69KatanaPQTalkT to other branches. Was a missing option.
✅ Changed and added some dialogue for Chasing the Current, for flow.
✅ New kind of favor (Katana). You need to have a specific book for this to work, and Megara must be around. If you figured this out, please let me know HAHA.
✅ Majorly optimized script calls. A lot. I love you, Papyrus Profiler.
✅ Katana's friendship system has been greatly modified.
✅ River is set to be disabled now, not deleted. I wonder why.
✅ New character: Shale.
✅ New CACO patch for Megara's potion-buff system.
✅ Megara's potion-buff book edited for Apothecary and CACO patches.
✅ Thalmor spies for The Khat's Eye are now set to be disabled once you complete that mission.
✅ Major: You will be able to skip Chasing the Current, so you can get Megara right away.
✅ A lot more warm dialogue, in general. Cozy times.
✅ New feature: Show appreciation - via hugging or gifts.
✅ Switched A Nutty Dispute's scene start to a trigger, not an idle.
✅ Reduced radius for Chadryn's Riften package since he's generally harder to find there. The article will reflect this change.
✅ Switched Sugar and Spice idle starts to a trigger also.
✅ Switched 3 of Chadryn's idle starts to triggers.
✅ Skyrim quest commentary won't repeat anymore.
✅ Switched Megara's ebony dagger to a steel one.
✅ Reduced Megara's staff's damage by 1.
✅ Increased chance of Shade showing up (was <=25, now <=40).
✅ Black's MCO for Katana in FOMOD (yay perms).
✅ Added Can't Drop flag on companions' weapons in the mod.
✅ Removed Elli's unique greatsword. Just a normal EnchEbonyGreatswordStamina06 now.
✅ Changed expression values since 50 just doesn't cut it.
✅ EVEN MORE optimization for friendship system.
✅ Changed how sandboxaroundplayer package is done.
✅ Removed requirement to NOT be in Whiterun to start Sugar and Spice.
✅ Removed requirement to be in the Bannered Mare to start the Sweetest Carrot (but you should have met Chadryn already).
✅ Changed certain HDPTs to male for some of the mod's NPCs.
✅ JK's Solitude Outskirts patch added.
✅ Renamed Megara's clothing to AK69MegaraTop, etc.
✅ Removed requirement to NOT be in Whiterun to head to the Drunken Huntsman to talk to Megara for the first time, for Chasing the Current. Instead, you cannot be at the Drunken Huntsman to trigger Katana's forcegreet.
✅ Changed Katana's outfit to Elmlock. Noice.
✅ Removed Practical Pirate SPID patch.
✅ Changed Loyalty Z7A8: "No. I tell you everything." to "Drop everything and come with me."
✅ Changed Chasing the Current's Bee and Barb package so Megara's not upstairs.
✅ Removed Lux and Lux Orbis patches from FOMOD since they're included in the other mods.
✅ Removed Khajiit Speak patch. Maintaining that is too much for me; thanks for understanding.
✅ Switched AK69EasterEggQuest condition for The Sweetest Carrot's intro to >= 10 instead of == 10.
✅ Removed GetInCell ChillfurrowFarm condition so Megara's line plays whether or not you've left the cell after picking up the carrot.
✅ Fixed sneak bug for the most part. Say what?
✅ To avoid friendly fire, Megara's staff target type is no longer set to aimed.
✅ Removed DAR animations and replaced with new OAR ones.
✅ When you dismiss Katana or tell her to wait: Shadow Mode, Hold Back Mode, and Scouting will be turned off.
✅ Added failsafe for Chadryn's trigger scenes.
✅ Removed menu that was a bit extra, for Katana to hold back in combat.
✅ Removed Cappy+Takiyo from PlayerHorseFaction.
✅ Increased Megara's 1H skill by 2 since her 2H skill was higher.
✅ Elmlock - No College Emblem texture.
✅ The Sweetest Carrot: when you pick up the carrot, Megara's line is now a scene.
✅ Megara can now cure the player if SHE has garlic in her inventory.
✅ The mod's quests' idle lines will now fire only once.
✅ Optimized how Shadow Mode is done for backend/maintenance purposes.
✅ Corrected missing dialogue from Katana's intro.
✅ Reduced Megara's armor rating.
✅ Increased Megara's hold back radius.
✅ Megara's staff enchantment costs switched to 0.
✅ Megara's armor now switched to Prestige College Mage.
✅ Modified some of the intro's wording.
✅ Many quest packages have been modified to consider the player being in the same cell.
✅ Added a lot of quiet packages for Skyrim quests.
✅ ALL of Katana's current lines from 2.0.6 have been re-voiced.
✅ Megara can give you stew 5x a game session if you talk to her while she's using a cooking pot.
✅ New quest: The Ravens' Lament
✅ Katana has a new get-up animation.
✅ Separated friendship system (for scenes) so there's no dependency on Katana
✅ Added conditions to all the mod's quests to prevent chatter overlap (internal-only)
✅ New quest: Serenata
✅ Changed some lines for "I want to ask you something." depending on context (especially after The Ravens' Lament and Serenata)
✅ Re-voiced ALL of Katana's shade's lines (from 2.0.6).
Added in this version
Going into official changelog:
- Added objectives to Chasing the Current for the very first few stages, so you know when Katana is ready to talk.
Won't add these to the official changelog:
- Modified go-to-camp package when you see Shale.
- Modified battle with River at the end so she teleports you to a marker, to prevent sliding off a cliff.
- Made Shale tankier. May still be a WIP.
- Made it so guests don't sit after Serenata ceremony, so animations don't look weird when you talk to them.
- Made it so the three don't sit at The Bee and Barb (end of quest) so animations don't look weird when you talk to them.
- Shale's taunt system is in place.
- Modified skip quest dialogue to get to Megara.
- Added skip quest option to get to Megara and Shale right away.
- Added Arniel to MG quiet package.
- Added Grelod to DB quiet package.
- Changed how Shale's magic works. Targeted, no aimed stuff. If he gets stuck, there's an auto debug spell. May still be a WIP.
Version 2.4.5
WIP. Use at your own risk.
Please check this version's additions at the very bottom.
✅ Stage 10 CTD issue fixed (avoidable crash - just make sure to talk to Katana instead of using mods like Remote Interactions at this stage).
✅ Checked ALL player dialogue options + moved GetIsID condition to the top.
✅ Removed 1 hour condition for "So, what brings you to Skyrim?"
✅ Removed vendoritemfood keyword from carrot.
✅ Objective modified for The Sweetest Carrot, to be clearer.
✅ Katana has a new hairstyle.
✅ Katana has piercings on her left ear now.
✅ Katana's Koroshi can now be tempered.
✅ Removed Azatar's duplicate FaceGenData.
✅ Added A Night to Remember commentary.
✅ Added package for C02 ceremony.
✅ Both of their aliases are no longer cleared when you dismiss them.
✅ Added Megara's Enchanted Lantern for tracking.
✅ New patch for The Great City of Winterhold due to Elli not showing up on a test I did.
✅ Modified some conditions to make it so some options don't appear when Katana's dismissed.
✅ Added AK69KatanaPQTalkT to other branches. Was a missing option.
✅ Changed and added some dialogue for Chasing the Current, for flow.
✅ New kind of favor (Katana). You need to have a specific book for this to work, and Megara must be around. If you figured this out, please let me know HAHA.
✅ Majorly optimized script calls. A lot. I love you, Papyrus Profiler.
✅ Katana's friendship system has been greatly modified.
✅ River is set to be disabled now, not deleted. I wonder why.
✅ New character: Shale.
✅ New CACO patch for Megara's potion-buff system.
✅ Megara's potion-buff book edited for Apothecary and CACO patches.
✅ Thalmor spies for The Khat's Eye are now set to be disabled once you complete that mission.
✅ Major: You will be able to skip Chasing the Current, so you can get Megara right away.
✅ A lot more warm dialogue, in general. Cozy times.
✅ New feature: Show appreciation - via hugging or gifts.
✅ Switched A Nutty Dispute's scene start to a trigger, not an idle.
✅ Reduced radius for Chadryn's Riften package since he's generally harder to find there. The article will reflect this change.
✅ Switched Sugar and Spice idle starts to a trigger also.
✅ Switched 3 of Chadryn's idle starts to triggers.
✅ Skyrim quest commentary won't repeat anymore.
✅ Switched Megara's ebony dagger to a steel one.
✅ Reduced Megara's staff's damage by 1.
✅ Increased chance of Shade showing up (was <=25, now <=40).
✅ Black's MCO for Katana in FOMOD (yay perms).
✅ Added Can't Drop flag on companions' weapons in the mod.
✅ Removed Elli's unique greatsword. Just a normal EnchEbonyGreatswordStamina06 now.
✅ Changed expression values since 50 just doesn't cut it.
✅ EVEN MORE optimization for friendship system.
✅ Changed how sandboxaroundplayer package is done.
✅ Removed requirement to NOT be in Whiterun to start Sugar and Spice.
✅ Removed requirement to be in the Bannered Mare to start the Sweetest Carrot (but you should have met Chadryn already).
✅ Changed certain HDPTs to male for some of the mod's NPCs.
✅ JK's Solitude Outskirts patch added.
✅ Renamed Megara's clothing to AK69MegaraTop, etc.
✅ Removed requirement to NOT be in Whiterun to head to the Drunken Huntsman to talk to Megara for the first time, for Chasing the Current. Instead, you cannot be at the Drunken Huntsman to trigger Katana's forcegreet.
✅ Changed Katana's outfit to Elmlock. Noice.
✅ Removed Practical Pirate SPID patch.
✅ Changed Loyalty Z7A8: "No. I tell you everything." to "Drop everything and come with me."
✅ Changed Chasing the Current's Bee and Barb package so Megara's not upstairs.
✅ Removed Lux and Lux Orbis patches from FOMOD since they're included in the other mods.
✅ Removed Khajiit Speak patch. Maintaining that is too much for me; thanks for understanding.
✅ Switched AK69EasterEggQuest condition for The Sweetest Carrot's intro to >= 10 instead of == 10.
✅ Removed GetInCell ChillfurrowFarm condition so Megara's line plays whether or not you've left the cell after picking up the carrot.
✅ Fixed sneak bug for the most part. Say what?
✅ To avoid friendly fire, Megara's staff target type is no longer set to aimed.
✅ Removed DAR animations and replaced with new OAR ones.
✅ When you dismiss Katana or tell her to wait: Shadow Mode, Hold Back Mode, and Scouting will be turned off.
✅ Added failsafe for Chadryn's trigger scenes.
✅ Removed menu that was a bit extra, for Katana to hold back in combat.
✅ Removed Cappy+Takiyo from PlayerHorseFaction.
✅ Increased Megara's 1H skill by 2 since her 2H skill was higher.
✅ Elmlock - No College Emblem texture.
✅ The Sweetest Carrot: when you pick up the carrot, Megara's line is now a scene.
✅ Megara can now cure the player if SHE has garlic in her inventory.
✅ The mod's quests' idle lines will now fire only once.
✅ Optimized how Shadow Mode is done for backend/maintenance purposes.
✅ Corrected missing dialogue from Katana's intro.
✅ Reduced Megara's armor rating.
✅ Increased Megara's hold back radius.
✅ Megara's staff enchantment costs switched to 0.
✅ Megara's armor now switched to Prestige College Mage.
✅ Modified some of the intro's wording.
✅ Many quest packages have been modified to consider the player being in the same cell.
✅ Added a lot of quiet packages for Skyrim quests.
✅ ALL of Katana's current lines from 2.0.6 have been re-voiced.
✅ Megara can give you stew 5x a game session if you talk to her while she's using a cooking pot.
✅ New quest: The Ravens' Lament
✅ Katana has a new get-up animation.
✅ Separated friendship system (for scenes) so there's no dependency on Katana
✅ Added conditions to all the mod's quests to prevent chatter overlap (internal-only)
✅ New quest: Serenata
✅ Changed some lines for "I want to ask you something." depending on context (especially after The Ravens' Lament and Serenata)
✅ Re-voiced ALL of Katana's shade's lines (from 2.0.6).
Added in this version
- Mostly a backup due to the amount of lines added into the Creation Kit. It's basically everything (all of Katana's is voiced) except new banter with Shale.
- This build now also has Companions + MG + DB + TG quiet packages for a lot of scenes. Please report bugs.
- Megara had a wrist seam all this time and I didn't notice 'til the wonderful Serket said something about it. <3 Fixed.
Version 2.4.4
WIP. Use at your own risk.
Please check this version's additions at the very bottom.
✅ Stage 10 CTD issue fixed (avoidable crash - just make sure to talk to Katana instead of using mods like Remote Interactions at this stage).
✅ Checked ALL player dialogue options + moved GetIsID condition to the top.
✅ Removed 1 hour condition for "So, what brings you to Skyrim?"
✅ Removed vendoritemfood keyword from carrot.
✅ Objective modified for The Sweetest Carrot, to be clearer.
✅ Katana has a new hairstyle.
✅ Katana has piercings on her left ear now.
✅ Katana's Koroshi can now be tempered.
✅ Removed Azatar's duplicate FaceGenData.
✅ Added A Night to Remember commentary.
✅ Added package for C02 ceremony.
✅ Both of their aliases are no longer cleared when you dismiss them.
✅ Added Megara's Enchanted Lantern for tracking.
✅ New patch for The Great City of Winterhold due to Elli not showing up on a test I did.
✅ Modified some conditions to make it so some options don't appear when Katana's dismissed.
✅ Added AK69KatanaPQTalkT to other branches. Was a missing option.
✅ Changed and added some dialogue for Chasing the Current, for flow.
✅ New kind of favor (Katana). You need to have a specific book for this to work, and Megara must be around. If you figured this out, please let me know HAHA.
✅ Majorly optimized script calls. A lot. I love you, Papyrus Profiler.
✅ Katana's friendship system has been greatly modified.
✅ River is set to be disabled now, not deleted. I wonder why.
✅ New character: Shale.
✅ New CACO patch for Megara's potion-buff system.
✅ Megara's potion-buff book edited for Apothecary and CACO patches.
✅ Thalmor spies for The Khat's Eye are now set to be disabled once you complete that mission.
✅ Major: You will be able to skip Chasing the Current, so you can get Megara right away.
✅ A lot more warm dialogue, in general. Cozy times.
✅ New feature: Show appreciation - via hugging or gifts.
✅ Switched A Nutty Dispute's scene start to a trigger, not an idle.
✅ Reduced radius for Chadryn's Riften package since he's generally harder to find there. The article will reflect this change.
✅ Switched Sugar and Spice idle starts to a trigger also.
✅ Switched 3 of Chadryn's idle starts to triggers.
✅ Skyrim quest commentary won't repeat anymore.
✅ Switched Megara's ebony dagger to a steel one.
✅ Reduced Megara's staff's damage by 1.
✅ Increased chance of Shade showing up (was <=25, now <=40).
✅ Black's MCO for Katana in FOMOD (yay perms).
✅ Added Can't Drop flag on companions' weapons in the mod.
✅ Removed Elli's unique greatsword. Just a normal EnchEbonyGreatswordStamina06 now.
✅ Changed expression values since 50 just doesn't cut it.
✅ EVEN MORE optimization for friendship system.
✅ Changed how sandboxaroundplayer package is done.
✅ Removed requirement to NOT be in Whiterun to start Sugar and Spice.
✅ Removed requirement to be in the Bannered Mare to start the Sweetest Carrot (but you should have met Chadryn already).
✅ Changed certain HDPTs to male for some of the mod's NPCs.
✅ JK's Solitude Outskirts patch added.
✅ Renamed Megara's clothing to AK69MegaraTop, etc.
✅ Removed requirement to NOT be in Whiterun to head to the Drunken Huntsman to talk to Megara for the first time, for Chasing the Current. Instead, you cannot be at the Drunken Huntsman to trigger Katana's forcegreet.
✅ Changed Katana's outfit to Elmlock. Noice.
✅ Removed Practical Pirate SPID patch.
✅ Changed Loyalty Z7A8: "No. I tell you everything." to "Drop everything and come with me."
✅ Changed Chasing the Current's Bee and Barb package so Megara's not upstairs.
✅ Removed Lux and Lux Orbis patches from FOMOD since they're included in the other mods.
✅ Removed Khajiit Speak patch. Maintaining that is too much for me; thanks for understanding.
✅ Switched AK69EasterEggQuest condition for The Sweetest Carrot's intro to >= 10 instead of == 10.
✅ Removed GetInCell ChillfurrowFarm condition so Megara's line plays whether or not you've left the cell after picking up the carrot.
✅ Fixed sneak bug for the most part. Say what?
✅ To avoid friendly fire, Megara's staff target type is no longer set to aimed.
✅ Removed DAR animations and replaced with new OAR ones.
✅ When you dismiss Katana or tell her to wait: Shadow Mode, Hold Back Mode, and Scouting will be turned off.
✅ Added failsafe for Chadryn's trigger scenes.
✅ Removed menu that was a bit extra, for Katana to hold back in combat.
✅ Removed Cappy+Takiyo from PlayerHorseFaction.
✅ Increased Megara's 1H skill by 2 since her 2H skill was higher.
✅ Elmlock - No College Emblem texture.
✅ The Sweetest Carrot: when you pick up the carrot, Megara's line is now a scene.
✅ Megara can now cure the player if SHE has garlic in her inventory.
✅ The mod's quests' idle lines will now fire only once.
✅ Optimized how Shadow Mode is done for backend/maintenance purposes.
✅ Corrected missing dialogue from Katana's intro.
✅ Reduced Megara's armor rating.
✅ Increased Megara's hold back radius.
✅ Megara's staff enchantment costs switched to 0.
✅ Megara's armor now switched to Prestige College Mage.
✅ Modified some of the intro's wording.
✅ Many quest packages have been modified to consider the player being in the same cell.
✅ Added a lot of quiet packages for Skyrim quests.
✅ ALL of Katana's current lines from 2.0.6 have been re-voiced.
✅ Megara can give you stew 5x a game session if you talk to her while she's using a cooking pot.
✅ New quest: The Ravens' Lament
✅ Katana has a new get-up animation.
✅ Separated friendship system (for scenes) so there's no dependency on Katana
✅ Added conditions to all the mod's quests to prevent chatter overlap (internal-only)
✅ New quest: Serenata
✅ Changed some lines for "I want to ask you something." depending on context (especially after The Ravens' Lament and Serenata)
✅ Re-voiced ALL of Katana's shade's lines (from 2.0.6).
Added in this version
- Mostly a backup due to the amount of lines added into the Creation Kit. It's basically everything (no voices for most new lines).
- This build now also has Companions + MG + DB + TG quiet packages for a lot of scenes. Please report bugs.
- Megara had a wrist seam all this time and I didn't notice 'til the wonderful Serket said something about it. <3 Fixed.
Version 2.4.3
WIP. Use at your own risk.
Please check this version's additions at the very bottom.
✅ Stage 10 CTD issue fixed (avoidable crash - just make sure to talk to Katana instead of using mods like Remote Interactions at this stage).
✅ Checked ALL player dialogue options + moved GetIsID condition to the top.
✅ Removed 1 hour condition for "So, what brings you to Skyrim?"
✅ Removed vendoritemfood keyword from carrot.
✅ Objective modified for The Sweetest Carrot, to be clearer.
✅ Katana has a new hairstyle.
✅ Katana has piercings on her left ear now.
✅ Katana's Koroshi can now be tempered.
✅ Removed Azatar's duplicate FaceGenData.
✅ Added A Night to Remember commentary.
✅ Added package for C02 ceremony.
✅ Both of their aliases are no longer cleared when you dismiss them.
✅ Added Megara's Enchanted Lantern for tracking.
✅ New patch for The Great City of Winterhold due to Elli not showing up on a test I did.
✅ Modified some conditions to make it so some options don't appear when Katana's dismissed.
✅ Added AK69KatanaPQTalkT to other branches. Was a missing option.
✅ Changed and added some dialogue for Chasing the Current, for flow.
✅ New kind of favor (Katana). You need to have a specific book for this to work, and Megara must be around. If you figured this out, please let me know HAHA.
✅ Majorly optimized script calls. A lot. I love you, Papyrus Profiler.
✅ Katana's friendship system has been greatly modified.
✅ River is set to be disabled now, not deleted. I wonder why.
✅ New character: Shale.
✅ New CACO patch for Megara's potion-buff system.
✅ Megara's potion-buff book edited for Apothecary and CACO patches.
✅ Thalmor spies for The Khat's Eye are now set to be disabled once you complete that mission.
✅ Major: You will be able to skip Chasing the Current, so you can get Megara right away.
✅ A lot more warm dialogue, in general. Cozy times.
✅ New feature: Show appreciation - via hugging or gifts.
✅ Switched A Nutty Dispute's scene start to a trigger, not an idle.
✅ Reduced radius for Chadryn's Riften package since he's generally harder to find there. The article will reflect this change.
✅ Switched Sugar and Spice idle starts to a trigger also.
✅ Switched 3 of Chadryn's idle starts to triggers.
✅ Skyrim quest commentary won't repeat anymore.
✅ Switched Megara's ebony dagger to a steel one.
✅ Reduced Megara's staff's damage by 1.
✅ Increased chance of Shade showing up (was <=25, now <=40).
✅ Black's MCO for Katana in FOMOD (yay perms).
✅ Added Can't Drop flag on companions' weapons in the mod.
✅ Removed Elli's unique greatsword. Just a normal EnchEbonyGreatswordStamina06 now.
✅ Changed expression values since 50 just doesn't cut it.
✅ EVEN MORE optimization for friendship system.
✅ Changed how sandboxaroundplayer package is done.
✅ Removed requirement to NOT be in Whiterun to start Sugar and Spice.
✅ Removed requirement to be in the Bannered Mare to start the Sweetest Carrot (but you should have met Chadryn already).
✅ Changed certain HDPTs to male for some of the mod's NPCs.
✅ JK's Solitude Outskirts patch added.
✅ Renamed Megara's clothing to AK69MegaraTop, etc.
✅ Removed requirement to NOT be in Whiterun to head to the Drunken Huntsman to talk to Megara for the first time, for Chasing the Current. Instead, you cannot be at the Drunken Huntsman to trigger Katana's forcegreet.
✅ Changed Katana's outfit to Elmlock. Noice.
✅ Removed Practical Pirate SPID patch.
✅ Changed Loyalty Z7A8: "No. I tell you everything." to "Drop everything and come with me."
✅ Changed Chasing the Current's Bee and Barb package so Megara's not upstairs.
✅ Removed Lux and Lux Orbis patches from FOMOD since they're included in the other mods.
✅ Removed Khajiit Speak patch. Maintaining that is too much for me; thanks for understanding.
✅ Switched AK69EasterEggQuest condition for The Sweetest Carrot's intro to >= 10 instead of == 10.
✅ Removed GetInCell ChillfurrowFarm condition so Megara's line plays whether or not you've left the cell after picking up the carrot.
✅ Fixed sneak bug for the most part. Say what?
✅ To avoid friendly fire, Megara's staff target type is no longer set to aimed.
✅ Removed DAR animations and replaced with new OAR ones.
✅ When you dismiss Katana or tell her to wait: Shadow Mode, Hold Back Mode, and Scouting will be turned off.
✅ Added failsafe for Chadryn's trigger scenes.
✅ Removed menu that was a bit extra, for Katana to hold back in combat.
✅ Removed Cappy+Takiyo from PlayerHorseFaction.
✅ Increased Megara's 1H skill by 2 since her 2H skill was higher.
✅ Elmlock - No College Emblem texture.
✅ The Sweetest Carrot: when you pick up the carrot, Megara's line is now a scene.
✅ Megara can now cure the player if SHE has garlic in her inventory.
✅ The mod's quests' idle lines will now fire only once.
✅ Optimized how Shadow Mode is done for backend/maintenance purposes.
✅ Corrected missing dialogue from Katana's intro.
✅ Reduced Megara's armor rating.
✅ Increased Megara's hold back radius.
✅ Megara's staff enchantment costs switched to 0.
✅ Megara's armor now switched to Prestige College Mage.
✅ Modified some of the intro's wording.
✅ Many quest packages have been modified to consider the player being in the same cell.
✅ Added a lot of quiet packages for Skyrim quests.
✅ ALL of Katana's current lines from 2.0.6 have been re-voiced.
✅ Megara can give you stew 5x a game session if you talk to her while she's using a cooking pot.
✅ New quest: The Ravens' Lament
✅ Katana has a new get-up animation.
✅ Separated friendship system (for scenes) so there's no dependency on Katana
✅ Added conditions to all the mod's quests to prevent chatter overlap (internal-only)
✅ New quest: Serenata
✅ Changed some lines for "I want to ask you something." depending on context (especially after The Ravens' Lament and Serenata)
✅ Re-voiced ALL of Katana's shade's lines (from 2.0.6).
Added in this version - new game needed due to variables, aliases, and markers
- Changed ALL observerstayput packages (the mod's companions need to be quiet during the scenes listed below). Needs detailed testing:
- Companions questline (esp. funeral + induction)
- Dark Brotherhood (esp. wedding scene)
- Dawnguard (Isran + Serana mostly)
- Civil War (esp. speeches)
- Elisif in scenes specifically in the Blue Palace
- Daedric (A Night to Remember is really specific, Erandur-related, Veren Duleri, Thorek, Fruki, Atub, Tyranus, Logrolf)
- Frea scenes
- College of Winterhold scenes
- High Hrothgar teaching scenes
- Peace Council
- DA funeral (in Falkreath)
- Scenes in Dragonsreach
- Lure dragon in Dragonsreach (weapons should be drawn)
- Scenes involving Paarthunax
- Scenes involving Delphine (our bebes should sneak + draw weapon when you're by the dragon mound)
- Execution scene, Solitude
- King Olaf's (appeal + burning)
- Blue Palace appeal scene (MS06)
- Shrine of Talos MS01
- Nightingale Hall TG08A (I'm not sure if followers can even go here but I had Katana before)
The difference between this and 2.4.2 is that this esp is clean. And other QoL changes that are relevant. Please check the Discord server for updated information. This is actively getting tested as of July 3.
Version 2.4.2
WIP. Use at your own risk.
Please check this version's additions at the very bottom.
✅ Stage 10 CTD issue fixed (avoidable crash - just make sure to talk to Katana instead of using mods like Remote Interactions at this stage).
✅ Checked ALL player dialogue options + moved GetIsID condition to the top.
✅ Removed 1 hour condition for "So, what brings you to Skyrim?"
✅ Removed vendoritemfood keyword from carrot.
✅ Objective modified for The Sweetest Carrot, to be clearer.
✅ Katana has a new hairstyle.
✅ Katana has piercings on her left ear now.
✅ Katana's Koroshi can now be tempered.
✅ Removed Azatar's duplicate FaceGenData.
✅ Added A Night to Remember commentary.
✅ Added package for C02 ceremony.
✅ Both of their aliases are no longer cleared when you dismiss them.
✅ Added Megara's Enchanted Lantern for tracking.
✅ New patch for The Great City of Winterhold due to Elli not showing up on a test I did.
✅ Modified some conditions to make it so some options don't appear when Katana's dismissed.
✅ Added AK69KatanaPQTalkT to other branches. Was a missing option.
✅ Changed and added some dialogue for Chasing the Current, for flow.
✅ New kind of favor (Katana). You need to have a specific book for this to work, and Megara must be around. If you figured this out, please let me know HAHA.
✅ Majorly optimized script calls. A lot. I love you, Papyrus Profiler.
✅ Katana's friendship system has been greatly modified.
✅ River is set to be disabled now, not deleted. I wonder why.
✅ New character: Shale.
✅ New CACO patch for Megara's potion-buff system.
✅ Megara's potion-buff book edited for Apothecary and CACO patches.
✅ Thalmor spies for The Khat's Eye are now set to be disabled once you complete that mission.
✅ Major: You will be able to skip Chasing the Current, so you can get Megara right away.
✅ A lot more warm dialogue, in general. Cozy times.
✅ New feature: Show appreciation - via hugging or gifts.
✅ Switched A Nutty Dispute's scene start to a trigger, not an idle.
✅ Reduced radius for Chadryn's Riften package since he's generally harder to find there. The article will reflect this change.
✅ Switched Sugar and Spice idle starts to a trigger also.
✅ Switched 3 of Chadryn's idle starts to triggers.
✅ Skyrim quest commentary won't repeat anymore.
✅ Switched Megara's ebony dagger to a steel one.
✅ Reduced Megara's staff's damage by 1.
✅ Increased chance of Shade showing up (was <=25, now <=40).
✅ Black's MCO for Katana in FOMOD (yay perms).
✅ Added Can't Drop flag on companions' weapons in the mod.
✅ Removed Elli's unique greatsword. Just a normal EnchEbonyGreatswordStamina06 now.
✅ Changed expression values since 50 just doesn't cut it.
✅ EVEN MORE optimization for friendship system.
✅ Changed how sandboxaroundplayer package is done.
✅ Removed requirement to NOT be in Whiterun to start Sugar and Spice.
✅ Removed requirement to be in the Bannered Mare to start the Sweetest Carrot (but you should have met Chadryn already).
✅ Changed certain HDPTs to male for some of the mod's NPCs.
✅ JK's Solitude Outskirts patch added.
✅ Renamed Megara's clothing to AK69MegaraTop, etc.
✅ Removed requirement to NOT be in Whiterun to head to the Drunken Huntsman to talk to Megara for the first time, for Chasing the Current. Instead, you cannot be at the Drunken Huntsman to trigger Katana's forcegreet.
✅ Changed Katana's outfit to Elmlock. Noice.
✅ Removed Practical Pirate SPID patch.
✅ Changed Loyalty Z7A8: "No. I tell you everything." to "Drop everything and come with me."
✅ Changed Chasing the Current's Bee and Barb package so Megara's not upstairs.
✅ Removed Lux and Lux Orbis patches from FOMOD since they're included in the other mods.
✅ Removed Khajiit Speak patch. Maintaining that is too much for me; thanks for understanding.
✅ Switched AK69EasterEggQuest condition for The Sweetest Carrot's intro to >= 10 instead of == 10.
✅ Removed GetInCell ChillfurrowFarm condition so Megara's line plays whether or not you've left the cell after picking up the carrot.
✅ Fixed sneak bug for the most part. Say what?
✅ To avoid friendly fire, Megara's staff target type is no longer set to aimed.
✅ Removed DAR animations and replaced with new OAR ones.
✅ When you dismiss Katana or tell her to wait: Shadow Mode, Hold Back Mode, and Scouting will be turned off.
✅ Added failsafe for Chadryn's trigger scenes.
✅ Removed menu that was a bit extra, for Katana to hold back in combat.
✅ Removed Cappy+Takiyo from PlayerHorseFaction.
✅ Increased Megara's 1H skill by 2 since her 2H skill was higher.
✅ Elmlock - No College Emblem texture.
✅ The Sweetest Carrot: when you pick up the carrot, Megara's line is now a scene.
✅ Megara can now cure the player if SHE has garlic in her inventory.
✅ The mod's quests' idle lines will now fire only once.
✅ Optimized how Shadow Mode is done for backend/maintenance purposes.
✅ Corrected missing dialogue from Katana's intro.
✅ Reduced Megara's armor rating.
✅ Increased Megara's hold back radius.
✅ Megara's staff enchantment costs switched to 0.
✅ Megara's armor now switched to Prestige College Mage.
✅ Modified some of the intro's wording.
✅ Many quest packages have been modified to consider the player being in the same cell.
✅ Added a lot of quiet packages for Skyrim quests.
✅ ALL of Katana's current lines from 2.0.6 have been re-voiced.
✅ Megara can give you stew 5x a game session if you talk to her while she's using a cooking pot.
✅ New quest: The Ravens' Lament
✅ Katana has a new get-up animation.
✅ Separated friendship system (for scenes) so there's no dependency on Katana
✅ Added conditions to all the mod's quests to prevent chatter overlap (internal-only)
✅ New quest: Serenata
✅ Changed some lines for "I want to ask you something." depending on context (especially after The Ravens' Lament and Serenata)
✅ Re-voiced ALL of Katana's shade's lines (from 2.0.6).
Added in this version - new game needed due to variables, aliases, and markers
- Changed ALL observerstayput packages (the mod's companions need to be quiet during the scenes listed below). Needs detailed testing since I have not done any due to the amount of changes:
- Companions questline (esp. funeral + induction)
- Dark Brotherhood (esp. wedding scene)
- Dawnguard (Isran + Serana mostly)
- Civil War (esp. speeches)
- Elisif in scenes specifically in the Blue Palace
- Daedric (A Night to Remember is really specific, Erandur-related, Veren Duleri, Thorek, Fruki, Atub, Tyranus, Logrolf)
- Frea scenes
- College of Winterhold, the first class
- High Hrothgar teaching scenes
- Peace Council
- DA funeral (in Falkreath)
- Scenes in Dragonsreach
- Lure dragon in Dragonsreach (weapons should be drawn)
- Scenes involving Paarthunax
- Scenes involving Delphine (our bebes should sneak + draw weapon when you're by the dragon mound)
- Execution scene, Solitude
- King Olaf's (appeal + burning)
- Blue Palace appeal scene (MS06)
- Shrine of Talos MS01
- Nightingale Hall TG08A (I'm not sure if followers can even go here but I had Katana before)
Version 2.4.1
WIP. Use at your own risk.
Please check this version's additions at the very bottom.
✅ Stage 10 CTD issue fixed (avoidable crash - just make sure to talk to Katana instead of using mods like Remote Interactions at this stage).
✅ Checked ALL player dialogue options + moved GetIsID condition to the top.
✅ Removed 1 hour condition for "So, what brings you to Skyrim?"
✅ Removed vendoritemfood keyword from carrot.
✅ Objective modified for The Sweetest Carrot, to be clearer.
✅ Katana has a new hairstyle.
✅ Katana has piercings on her left ear now.
✅ Katana's Koroshi can now be tempered.
✅ Removed Azatar's duplicate FaceGenData.
✅ Added A Night to Remember commentary.
✅ Added package for C02 ceremony.
✅ Both of their aliases are no longer cleared when you dismiss them.
✅ Added Megara's Enchanted Lantern for tracking.
✅ New patch for The Great City of Winterhold due to Elli not showing up on a test I did.
✅ Modified some conditions to make it so some options don't appear when Katana's dismissed.
✅ Added AK69KatanaPQTalkT to other branches. Was a missing option.
✅ Changed and added some dialogue for Chasing the Current, for flow.
✅ New kind of favor (Katana). You need to have a specific book for this to work, and Megara must be around. If you figured this out, please let me know HAHA.
✅ Majorly optimized script calls. A lot. I love you, Papyrus Profiler.
✅ Katana's friendship system has been greatly modified.
✅ River is set to be disabled now, not deleted. I wonder why.
✅ New character: Shale.
✅ New CACO patch for Megara's potion-buff system.
✅ Megara's potion-buff book edited for Apothecary and CACO patches.
✅ Thalmor spies for The Khat's Eye are now set to be disabled once you complete that mission.
✅ Major: You will be able to skip Chasing the Current, so you can get Megara right away.
✅ A lot more warm dialogue, in general. Cozy times.
✅ New feature: Show appreciation - via hugging or gifts.
✅ Switched A Nutty Dispute's scene start to a trigger, not an idle.
✅ Reduced radius for Chadryn's Riften package since he's generally harder to find there. The article will reflect this change.
✅ Switched Sugar and Spice idle starts to a trigger also.
✅ Switched 3 of Chadryn's idle starts to triggers.
✅ Skyrim quest commentary won't repeat anymore.
✅ Switched Megara's ebony dagger to a steel one.
✅ Reduced Megara's staff's damage by 1.
✅ Increased chance of Shade showing up (was <=25, now <=40).
✅ Black's MCO for Katana in FOMOD (yay perms).
✅ Added Can't Drop flag on companions' weapons in the mod.
✅ Removed Elli's unique greatsword. Just a normal EnchEbonyGreatswordStamina06 now.
✅ Changed expression values since 50 just doesn't cut it.
✅ EVEN MORE optimization for friendship system.
✅ Changed how sandboxaroundplayer package is done.
✅ Removed requirement to NOT be in Whiterun to start Sugar and Spice.
✅ Removed requirement to be in the Bannered Mare to start the Sweetest Carrot (but you should have met Chadryn already).
✅ Changed certain HDPTs to male for some of the mod's NPCs.
✅ JK's Solitude Outskirts patch added.
✅ Renamed Megara's clothing to AK69MegaraTop, etc.
✅ Removed requirement to NOT be in Whiterun to head to the Drunken Huntsman to talk to Megara for the first time, for Chasing the Current. Instead, you cannot be at the Drunken Huntsman to trigger Katana's forcegreet.
✅ Changed Katana's outfit to Elmlock. Noice.
✅ Removed Practical Pirate SPID patch.
✅ Changed Loyalty Z7A8: "No. I tell you everything." to "Drop everything and come with me."
✅ Changed Chasing the Current's Bee and Barb package so Megara's not upstairs.
✅ Removed Lux and Lux Orbis patches from FOMOD since they're included in the other mods.
✅ Removed Khajiit Speak patch. Maintaining that is too much for me; thanks for understanding.
✅ Switched AK69EasterEggQuest condition for The Sweetest Carrot's intro to >= 10 instead of == 10.
✅ Removed GetInCell ChillfurrowFarm condition so Megara's line plays whether or not you've left the cell after picking up the carrot.
✅ Fixed sneak bug for the most part. Say what?
✅ To avoid friendly fire, Megara's staff target type is no longer set to aimed.
✅ Removed DAR animations and replaced with new OAR ones.
✅ When you dismiss Katana or tell her to wait: Shadow Mode, Hold Back Mode, and Scouting will be turned off.
✅ Added failsafe for Chadryn's trigger scenes.
✅ Removed menu that was a bit extra, for Katana to hold back in combat.
✅ Removed Cappy+Takiyo from PlayerHorseFaction.
✅ Increased Megara's 1H skill by 2 since her 2H skill was higher.
✅ Elmlock - No College Emblem texture.
✅ The Sweetest Carrot: when you pick up the carrot, Megara's line is now a scene.
✅ Megara can now cure the player if SHE has garlic in her inventory.
✅ The mod's quests' idle lines will now fire only once.
✅ Optimized how Shadow Mode is done for backend/maintenance purposes.
✅ Corrected missing dialogue from Katana's intro.
✅ Reduced Megara's armor rating.
✅ Increased Megara's hold back radius.
✅ Megara's staff enchantment costs switched to 0.
✅ Megara's armor now switched to Prestige College Mage.
✅ Modified some of the intro's wording.
✅ Many quest packages have been modified to consider the player being in the same cell.
✅ Added a lot of quiet packages for Skyrim quests.
✅ ALL of Katana's current lines from 2.0.6 have been re-voiced.
✅ Megara can give you stew 5x a game session if you talk to her while she's using a cooking pot.
✅ New quest: The Ravens' Lament
✅ Katana has a new get-up animation.
✅ Separated friendship system (for scenes) so there's no dependency on Katana
✅ Added conditions to all the mod's quests to prevent chatter overlap (internal-only)
✅ New quest: Serenata
Added in this version - new game needed due to variables, aliases, and markers
✅ Changed some lines for "I want to ask you something." depending on context (especially after The Ravens' Lament and Serenata)
✅ Re-voiced ALL of Katana's shade's lines (from 2.0.6).