The nRF54L devices are equipped with Hardware Key Management Unit (KMU), that requires provisioning when in use.
The |NCS| provides a west command, ncs-provision
, allowing to upload keys to the device though the Serial Write Debug (SWD) interface.
First, ensure that the `nRF Util`_ tool is installed. It should install automatically during the setup of the |NCS| working environment. Once completed, install the required additional commands for nRF Util:
nrfutil install device
Additionally, before provisioning, make sure you familiarized yourself with the :ref:`ug_nrf54l_developing_basics_kmu_provisioning_keys` section.
If you need a new key, you can generate it using imgtool or another tool that produces the required kind and format of key as a PEM file.
For instructions on how to generate a key using imgtool, see the :doc:`imgtool page in the MCUboot documentation<mcuboot:imgtool>`. See the following example for generating a private key:
imgtool keygen -k my_ed25519_priv_key.pem -t ed25519
Before uploading keys, ensure that the SoC is unprovisioned. If the SoC has been previously provisioned and you need to use a different set of keys, you must first erase the SoC with the following erase command:
nrfutil device erase --all
Once you have an unprovisioned SoC, upload keys to the board by running one of the following commands:
.. tabs:: .. tab:: west .. parsed-literal:: :class: highlight west ncs-provision upload -s nrf54l15 -k ed25519.pem -k ed25519-1.pem -k ed25519-2.pem --keyname UROT_PUBKEY * Parameter ``-s (-–soc)`` specifies the target device. * Parameter ``-k (-–key)`` specifies the private key PEM files to be provisioned to the SoC. You can specify up to three keys. * Parameter ``--keyname`` specifies the key name for which the key PEM files will be uploaded. * Parameter ``--dev-id`` specifies the interface serial number and should be used if multiple J-link interfaces are connected to the development machine. * Parameter ``-p (--policy)`` specifies the policy applied to the given set of keys. You can apply the following options: * ``lock-last`` - Uploads the last key as locked, while the preceding keys are revocable. This option is set by default. * ``revokable`` - Enables revocation for each key. * ``lock`` - Sets all keys to be permanent. * Parameter ``--build-dir`` specifies the path to a directory where a JSON file for nRF Util tool will be created. If this parameter is not provided, a temporary directory will be used instead. * Parameter ``-i (--input)`` specifies path to a YAML file that contains one or more key definitions intended for upload. This file can serve as a substitute for other parameters. The YAML file should look as follows: .. code-block:: YAML - keyname: UROT_PUBKEY keys: ["/path/private-key1.pem", "/path/private-key2.pem"] policy: lock - keyname: APP_PUBKEY keys: ["/path/private-key3.pem", "/path/private-key4.pem"] policy: lock * Parameter ``--dry-run`` specifies that a command should generate a keyfile for nRF Util without actually executing the command. The script generates the public key for each private key and uploads them to your device. These public keys generate the verification keys for the application image, which are then used by MCUboot for validation. The first key specified in the command is used for signing the application image. Currently, the script supports only ED25519 Keys. For MCUboot, take note of the following: * By default, it uses one key. * KMU support in its configuration needs to be enabled by setting the ``SB_CONFIG_MCUBOOT_SIGNATURE_USING_KMU`` sysbuild Kconfig option. Otherwise, MCUboot will fallback to the compiled-in key. To provision one key to the board, run the following command: .. parsed-literal:: :class: highlight west ncs-provision upload -s nrf54l15 -k ed25519.pem --keyname UROT_PUBKEY .. tab:: nRF Util The nRF Util provisioning command requires a JSON file with the keys and the key metadata. You can use the ``_ script, :ref:`similarly to nRF54H20<ug_nrf54h20_keys_generating>`, to generate the JSON file and the metadata from the PEM file you :ref:`generated earlier <ug_nrf54l_developing_provision_kmu_generate>`. For this purpose, invoke the script with the ``--key-from-file`` option to provide the PEM file and with the ``--file`` option to create a JSON file. The file can contain multiple keys. Calling the script multiple times and passing the same file to the `--file` argument will add all keys to the same JSON file. To provision keys onto the KMU of the nRF54L15 SoC, use the following nRF Util command, with the ``<snr>`` being the serial number of the device and ``<key-file>`` being the name of the key file in the JSON format: .. parsed-literal:: :class: highlight nrfutil device x-provision-keys --serial-number <snr> --key-file <JSON-key-file> You can call this command multiple times also to provision multiple keys, as long as each key has a different ID that is part of the metadata string. For more information about this command, see the `Provisioning keys for hardware KMU`_ page in the nRF Util documentation.