If you want to make contributions to Apache Pulsar Manager, follow the steps below.
Before committing code changes to Apache Pulsar Manager, you need to install required dependencies, fork the pulsar-manager repository and configure IDE.
If you have not installed Java and Node, follow the instructions below.
Dependency | Installation guide |
Java 8 | https://openjdk.java.net/install/ |
Node 18 | https://nodejs.org/en/ |
Fork the pulsar-manager repository to your GitHub repository.
Clone pulsar-manager code to your machine.
git clone git@github.com:[your-github-id]/pulsar-manager.git
Install pulsar-manger dependencies.
cd pulsar-manager ./gradlew build -x test
Apache Pulsar Manager uses lombok, so set up your IDE with the required plugins.
To configure annotation processing in IntelliJ, follow the steps below.
In IntelliJ, click Settings > Build, Execution, Deployment > Compiler > Annotation Processors to open the Annotation Processors Settings window.
Tick the checkboxes of Enable annotation processing and Obtain processors from project classpath.
Click OK.
Follow the instructions here.
Add a remote repository.
git remote add apache git@github.com:apache/pulsar-manager.git
Sync you local repository with the remote repository.
git checkout master git pull apache master
Create your PR and commit code changes.
git checkout -b your_branch git add [your change files] git commit -m "commit messages" git push origin your_branch
Pulsar Manager is released under Apache License 2.0.
If you commit new files, run the following command to add the license header for each file:
./gradlew licenseFormat
Follow the code styles below to keep code consistent and easy to maintain.
Make sure your code looks plain and simple.
Language | Code style guide |
Java | https://google.github.io/styleguide/javaguide.html |
Vue | https://vuejs.org/v2/style-guide/ |