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XLD Argos Plugin

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This document describes the functionality provided by the XL Deploy Argos Plugin, an interface to the Argos Software SupplyChain Notary


The XLD Argos plugin allows for verifying on the Argos Service that the Deployment Package is created during a valid process. The verfication can be done on the Deployment Package or during every deployment.


  • Do an Argos verification on a Deployment Package
  • Verify a Deployment Package before deployment.


  • XLD Server 8.0+


Place the 'xld-argos-plugin-<version>.xlpd' file into your SERVER_HOME/plugins directory.

Place the file '' into your SERVER_HOME/conf directory. With at least the property argos.service.base.url.

   argos.service.base.url=https://<argos service hostname>/api

Configure XLDeploy Credentials

Property settings settings.

The following properties can be set in the file.

Property Default Possible Values Description
argos.service.base.url http://localhost:8080/api Url of the Argos Service
argos.service.actuator.uri actuator/health uri to check status of Argos Service
argos.verification.status DISABLED DISABLED do no verification, if not enabled on the Environment
ENABLED do always a verification, independent of Environment setting
argos.action.on.invalid NONE NONE No action on invalid verification of deployment package
WARN Warn on invalid verification of deployment package
ABORT Abort deployment on invalid verification of deployment package
xld.base.url http://localhost:4516/deployit Url for this XL Deploy instance to do REST calls Configuration/config/administration/argos/xldconfig argos.xldeploy Ci with XL Deploy credentials
argos.result.prefix Package: %s log message prefix
argos.abort.template \ has an invalid Argos Notary Verification, abort log message on abort
argos.warn.template \ has an invalid Argos Notary Verification, this is a warning log message on warn
argos.none.template \ has an invalid Argos Notary Verification but an action is not defined log message on no action
argos.valid.template \ is valid according Argos Notary Verification log message prefix

Argos Notary for Deployment Packages and Environment.


Define a Service Account.

For the verification of the Deployment Package an an Argos Service account is needed. The account should be created on the same branch as the SupplyChain. During this creation a keyid and a passphrase are presented, these are needed for the configuration in XLDeploy.

Choose in the Environments branch in XLDeploy for New > argos > ServiceAccount

New SA

Fill in a relevant name and the keyid and the passphrase of the account in the Argos Service

Configure SA

Configure Application.

On an Application for which the Deployment Packages should be verified the SupplyChain name in the Argos Service should be defined and the Service Account which should do the verification.

Configure Application

The SupplyChain name should be qualified in the Gradle way ([group name]:[supply chain name])

Configure Environment.

On the Environments it is possible to enable or disable the verification during deployment. The setting in the configuration file takes precedence over this setting at least if that setting has a higher level.

Configure Environment

Setting Default Possible Values Description
Verify with Argos DISABLED DISABLED do no verification, if not enabled globally
ENABLED do always a verification
Action On Invalid NONE NONE No action on invalid verification of deployment package
WARN Warn on invalid verification of deployment package
ABORT Abort deployment on invalid verification of deployment package

Verify a package.

It is possible to check the verification with a task on the Deployment Package.

Run verification

Verification during deployment.

If verification is enabled, a verification will be done as the first step during every deployment, except for NOOPand DESTROY operations.

    | # [Phased plan] 
    | # [Plan phase] Deploy
    |  * Deploy on localhost
    |    -------------------
    |  1. (  0) - Argos Notary Verification Step  (step: ArgosVerificationStep, rule:
    |  2. ( 10) - Stop tomcat  (step: ScriptExecutionStep, rule: com.xebialabs.deployit.plugin.generic.container.LifeCycleContributor.restartContainers)
    |  3. ( 60) - Create war settings in argos-test-app.xml on localhost  (step: TemplateArtifactCopyStep, rule: tomcat.WarModule.executeCreate_CREATE)
    |  4. ( 70) - Create argos-test-app.war on localhost  (step: ArtifactCopyStep, rule: tomcat.WarModule.executeCreate_CREATE)
    |             *checkpoint*  CREATE Infrastructure/argos/tomcat/tomcat/localhost/argos-test-app.war
    |  5. ( 90) - Start tomcat  (step: ScriptExecutionStep, rule: com.xebialabs.deployit.plugin.generic.container.LifeCycleContributor.restartContainers)
    | # [Plan phase] 
    |  * Register changes for argos-test-app
    |    -----------------------------------
    |  1. (100) - Register deployeds  (step: RepositoryUpdateStep, rule: null)

Collect an Argos Notary Link Object

XL Deploy can generate a Link Object on a Deployment Package and store this to the Argos Notary Service.

Run task collectArgosLink using xldeploy cli

Run with the cli the following statements or a python script with these statements

	import sys

	package =<deployment package version id>)
	control = deployit.prepareControlTask(package, 'collectArgosLink')
	taskId = deployit.createControlTask(control)

The link object will be stored under the SupplyChain and using the account both defined in the Application.

Get Artifacts in an Application Version

A REST endpoint extension is added which returns the list of Artifacts defined in a udm.Version.

Method uri parameters parameter description
GET /api/extension/argosnotary/collectartifacts application XLDeploy Application name
version version
Status returns meaning
200 json entity list of artifacts
400 error in stdout iput error
404 version not found


    "entity": [
            "uri": "file uri",
            "hash": "sha256 hash"
    "stdout": "",
    "stderr": "",
    "exception": null


   $ http://localhost:4516/api/extension/argosnotary/collectartifacts?application=PetClinic&version=1


    "entity": [
            "uri": "deployit-manifest.xml",
            "hash": "995e418909d8402e93885fa30d212eca41754f51165486266978aedce0337c48"
            "uri": "localFile/sprint review.odp",
            "hash": "659289d6936a753e43bc4dc1cec2e19720c1426ea9fb98b935188449bba4c2a2"
            "uri": "petclinic.war/petclinic.war","hash
            "uri": "index.html",
            "hash": "38ffd4972ae513a0c79a8be4573403edcd709f0f572105362b08ff50cf6de521"
    "stdout": "",
    "stderr": "",
    "exception": null