All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Notify when diffing a non existent file against its stashed version
- Catch missing errors on git execution processes
- Allow to configure if pop or apply will available as main or secondary stash item action
- Allow to configure the alternative diff action for the stashed file compare button
- Other comparison modes for diffing changes
- Branch command on stash context menu
- Breadcrumbs like text on commands' selection placeholders
- Dependency updates
- Id uniqueness for stash items on the explorer tree
- Allow to stash selected files from the source control view via context menu
- Typo in config key
- Allow to lazy load explorer items to improve performance
- Setting to configure if empty repositories should be listed or not
- Configurable file icons on tree items
- Decorations on tree items
- Remove wrong commands from palette
- Tree items descriptions
- Open project directory from explorer
- Open stashed file current copy from explorer
- New settings and defaults for explorer items elements
- Prefer codicons when possible (vscode 1.52)
- Better copy to clipboard submenus (vscode 1.50)
- Use latest major version dependencies
- Files on expanded stashes disappeared when reloading tree
- Wrong documentation on some labels
- Remove wrong command from palette
- Allow to copy to clipboard stash information from tree view
- Typo on tooltip - thanks to @Dylanlan
- Latest dependencies
- New code style
- Allow configuration to show the number of stashes on the explorer repository label
- Allow to include repositories on parent directories
- Not refreshing automatically the stashes explorer on Windows under some circumstances
- Allow to configure a search depth for finding repositories on subdirectories
- Support for renamed files
- Custom labels for each change type
- Improve the extension loading time and lower extension size
- Improve and speed up the way diff file contents are shown
- Replace some icons with the latest ones from Visual Studio Code
- Renamed some settings
- Some libraries
- Not handling correctly file paths with spaces in their names
- Better success/error identification when running git commands
Showing duplicated repositories on tree in some cases - thanks to @nckcol
- Tree
- File
- Recreate untracked file
- File
- Multi-root support
- Some icons
- Settings
- Rename some settings
- Update some default formats
- Unable to compare with current version on Win
- Unable to create stash when al changes are staged
- Actions on tree stashes
- Stash
- Apply/pop and Drop
- File
- Diff to file in current state
- Apply changes from single file
- Stash
- More Keep index commands
- Icons are now consistent with the general UI
- Improve default stash tooltips for tree items
- Notify when a stash application has conflicts
- Log shows date, git command and involved stash if available
- Binary files like images are now supported
- Configurable tooltips for tree elements
- Tree is now displayed on SCM view container
- A new default configuration for tree stashes to remove some clutter
- Update refresh icon
- Slightly faster diff displaying
- Some text encoding problems
- Show log only when requested
- Better file support
- More specific icons
- Stashes list on commands are now formatted
- Explorer showing non stash files in some cases
- Not showing contents of indexed untracked files
- Explorer Tree
- Add buttons
- Settings
- Autoclear log
- show / hide the explorer buttons
- Commands
- Reload tree
- show / hide explorer
Commands are now listed only when on a git repository
- Missing commands
- Save simple, keep index, include untracked, stash all
- Pop w/ reindex
- Apply w/ reindex
- Branch
- Explorer Tree
- Show stashed untracked files too
- Explorer Tree icons
- Commands
- Apply
- Drop
- Clear
- Improve auto-reload time in explorer tree
- Trimming diff data breaking some results
- Configure diff view title
- Improve stash watcher
- Configurations for tree items
- Initial release
- Display an explorer tree with the stashes and their files
- Click on stashed file displays a diff view with the changes