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Aiogram Bot template

start developing your telegram bot right away!

I built this project, so i could develop my bots faster.

this bot doesn't do anything useful but it's a template for building fully functional bots.

it's an example implementation, you can do it however you like and change it to your liking!

project will be updated and new features will be added soon...

some other templates for Aiogram that this project is inspired by them:


this template project uses:

Develpment tools:


local installation for Linux

you need git and python +3.7 installed in your system

clone the repository:

first Fork this project on your github account if you want.

clone the repository:


git clone

change directory to project's direcotry:

cd aiogram-template

install virtualenv with pip if you don't have it:

pip install virtualenv

create a new virtualenv and enable it:

python -m virtualenv .venv

source .venv/bin/activate

now you need to install needed libraries:

pip install -r requirements.txt

now you need MySql installed on your system(or in a docker container) and also redis.

make sure to install these two dependencies for your linux distro.

you can also use sqlite or postgresql or anything else that is supported by Tortoise-ORM.

now it's time to create .env file and enter your configuration:

mv .env.example .env

open the .env file in your editor and complete the required variables and any other configuration you want based on app/ file.

PROXY_URL is optional, it's useful if you live in a country that telegram is banned.

I'ts done!

now you can test it:

first make file executable: chmod +x app/

run the bot: app/ or cd app && ./

also you can run the bot in auto-reload mode so it will reload the application every time you change a file:

./ --reload


deploy with docker

  • soon...


  • None

If you have any question or it's anything wrong with the app just open a github issue.

Any suggestion or contribution will be appreciated.