Application used at Atelier des Médias to gather various statistics about people at the office and display then.
Android application getting Wifi logs from neufbox server and sending then to Atelier des Medias remote server.
Receive and store log in the database and display then.
- PresenceCode.StoreService: receive and store wifi statistics in the xwiki.adm_presence_stat table
- Presence.WebHome: application entry point
Scan the number of connections to a neufbox
You need to update the user/password info
What the script does :
# Log a user into the neufbox
# Get the auth token from the neufbox
curl http://neufbox/api/1.0/?method=auth.getToken
# Parse the XML answer
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rsp stat="ok" version="1.0">
<auth token="bc9e501ade45c0fb2a50f48***********" method="all" />
# Then get the number of clients using auth token
# Return json with some info