This guide will walk you through the process of creating an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) running Cassandra on an zure Cobalt ARM64 VM in 4 steps:
- Set up the Environment
- Create an Azure Kubernetes Service AKS running on ARM64
- Create an Azure Container Registry (ACR) (Optional)
- Deploy Cassandra to the Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
Coming soon!
- An Azure account with a subscription ID:
- Install the Azure CLI:
export myResourceGroup=<your resource group name>
export mylocation=<your location>
export myAKSCluster=<your AKS cluster name>
For ACR (Optional):
export myACRName=<your ACR name>
export myACRImage=${myACRName}:v1
Ensure that ARM64 images are available in the Azure region you are deploying to:
az vm image list \
--all \
--location $mylocation \
--architecture Arm64 \
--publisher Canonical \
-o table
Set the ARM64 image to use for the VM:
export sourcearmimage=<your ARM image name>
export sourcearmimagename=<your ARM image name>
Create a resource group:
az group create --resource-group $myResourceGroup --location $mylocation
Choose a Cobalt-based Dpsv6, Dpdsv6, Dplsv6, Dpldsv6, Epsv6, or Epdsv6 VM series for --node-vm-size:
az aks create \
--resource-group $myResourceGroup \
--name $myAKSCluster \
--location $mylocation \
--node-vm-size $sourcearmimagename \
--node-count 1 \
Example: Deploy AKS on the Cobalt-based Standard_D2pds_v6 VM series in eastus:
az aks create \
--resource-group $myResourceGroup \
--name $myAKSCluster \
--location eastus \
--node-vm-size Standard_D2pds_v6 \
--node-count 5 \
Install kubectl in the Azure CLI, connected to AKS:
az aks install-cli
Get the credentials of the new AKS cluster:
az aks get-credentials --resource-group $myResourceGroup --name $myAKSCluster --overwrite-existing
az acr create \
--resource-group $myResourceGroup \
--name $myACRName \
--location $mylocation \
--sku Standard \
--admin-enabled true
Log in to the ACR:
az acr login --name $myACRName
Attach the ACR to the AKS instance:
az aks update -g $myResourceGroup -n $myAKSCluster --attach-acr $myACRName
Add the current Cassandra arm64 Docker Hub image to your ACR:
docker pull --platform linux/arm64 cassandra:latest
docker tag cassandra:latest ${myACRName}$myACRImage
docker push ${myACRName}$myACRImage
Current image:
kubectl create -f cassandra-deployment.yaml
kubectl create -f cassandra-service.yaml
kubectl get pods -l app=cassandra
kubectl logs <pod name for cassandra>
Edit cassandra-deployment-from-acr.yaml
to specify the ACR repository image to deploy:
- name: cassandra
kubectl create -f cassandra-deployment-from-acr.yaml
kubectl create -f cassandra-service.yaml
kubectl get pods -l app=cassandra
kubectl logs <pod name for cassandra>
After completing these steps, you will have successfully created an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) running Cassandra on Azure Cobalt ARM64 VMs.