Keyname | Note |
K_NonUsBackslash | ? |
K_Lang2 | |
K_Lang1 | |
K_International2 | |
K_RightGui | |
K_LeftGui | |
K_Application | |
K_LedProgramming | |
K_Brightness | |
K_NonUsTilde | |
K_WinLock | |
K_International1 | |
K_International3 |
Keyname | Note |
K_Escape | |
K_F[number] | |
K_GraveAccentAndTilde | |
K_[number] | from 0 to 9 |
K_MinusAndUnderscore | |
K_Tab | |
K_[Uppercase Alphabetic Key] | K_Q is Q and q |
K_BracketLeft | [ and { |
K_BracketRight | ] and } |
K_CapsLock | |
K_SemicolonAndColon | |
K_ApostropheAndDoubleQuote | |
K_LeftShift and K_RightShift | |
K_LeftCtrl and K_RightControl | |
K_LeftAlt and K_RightAlt | |
K_Backslash | |
K_CommaAndLessThan | |
K_PeriodAndBiggerThan | |
K_SlashAndQuestionMark | |
K_Space | |
K_PrintScreen | |
K_ScrollLock | |
K_PauseBreak | |
K_[direction]Arrow | Direction being Up Down Left or Right |
K_Insert | |
K_Home | |
K_PageUp | |
K_Enter | |
K_EqualsAndPlus | |
K_Backspace | |
K_Delete | |
K_End | |
K_PageDown | |
K_Mute | |
K_Stop | |
K_PlayPause | |
K_NumLock | |
K_KeypadSlash | |
K_KeypadAsterisk | |
K_KeypadMinus | |
K_KeypadPlus | |
K_KeypadEnter | |
K_Keypad[number] | from 0 to 9 |
K_KeypadComma | |
K_KeypadPeriodAndDelete | |
K_ScanPreviousTrack | |
K_ScanNextTrack | |
K_Fn |
Keyname | Note |
Invalid | |
M_[1-20] | |
H_LeftLogo | |
H_RightLogo | |
K_Logo | |
MM_Zone[1-15] | |
KLP_Zone[1-50] | |
HSS_Zone[1-9] | |
D_C1_[1 - 300] | |
D_C2_[1 - 300] | |
D_C3_[1 - 300] | |
Oem[1 - 250] | |
DRAM_[1-12] | |
LC_C1_[1 - 150 ] | |
MB_Zone[1 - 100] | |
GPU_Zone[1 - 50] | |
K_Profile | |
Last |