From 35f413ad8c77d3ad2f604c3389c5d853cb803c41 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Christoph Atteneder Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2019 15:09:14 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] Update translations --- .../i18n/ | 8 ++-- .../i18n/ | 40 ++++++++++--------- .../i18n/ | 6 ++- .../i18n/ | 6 ++- .../i18n/ | 6 ++- .../i18n/ | 6 ++- .../i18n/ | 6 ++- .../i18n/ | 6 ++- .../i18n/ | 6 ++- .../i18n/ | 6 ++- .../i18n/ | 6 ++- .../i18n/ | 6 ++- 12 files changed, 66 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-) diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ index 3333a653a79..e644705e012 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ @@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ offerbook.timeSinceSigning.daysSinceSigning.long={0} seit der Unterzeichnung Sie einen Trade mit einem Partner erfolgreich abschließen, der ein unterzeichnetes Zahlungskonto hat, wird Ihr Zahlungskonto unterzeichnet.\n{0} Tage später wird das anfängliche Limit von {1} aufgehoben und Ihr Konto kann die Zahlungskonten anderer Partner unterzeichnen. offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned=Noch nicht unterzeichnet -offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned.noNeed=Nicht unterzeichnet +offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned.noNeed=N/A shared.notSigned=DIeses Konto wurde noch nicht unterzeichnet shared.notSigned.noNeed=Dieser Kontotyp verwendet keine Unterzeichnung @@ -740,6 +740,7 @@ portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline=Mediationsergebnis für Trade m portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline.peerAccepted=Ihr Trade-Partner hat den Vorschlag des Mediators akzeptiert für Trade {0} Mediator hat die folgende Auszahlung vorgeschlagen:\nSie erhalten: {0}\nIhr Trading-Partner erhält: {1}\n\nSie können diese vorgeschlagene Auszahlung akzeptieren oder ablehnen.\n\nMit der Annahme unterzeichnen Sie die vorgeschlagene Auszahlungstransaktion. Wenn Ihr Trading-Partner auch akzeptiert und unterzeichnet, wird die Auszahlung abgeschlossen und der Trade geschlossen.\n\nWenn einer oder beide von Ihnen den Vorschlag ablehnen, müssen Sie bis {2} (Block {3}) warten, um einen Konflikt in der zweiten Runde mit einem Vermittler zu eröffnen, der den Fall erneut untersuchen und eine Auszahlung auf der Grundlage seiner Erkenntnisse vornehmen wird.\n\nDer Vermittler kann eine geringe Gebühr (Gebühr maximal: die Kaution des Traders) als Entschädigung für seine Arbeit erheben. Der Idealfall wäre, dass beide Trader dem Vorschlag des Mediators zustimmen, da das Schlichtungsverfahren für außergewöhnliche Umstände gedacht ist, z.B. wenn ein Trader sicher ist, dass der Mediator keinen fairen Auszahlungsvorschlag gemacht hat (oder wenn der andere Trader nicht reagiert).\n\nMehr Details zum neuen Vermittlungsmodell:\n portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Ablehnen und Vermittler hinzuziehen +portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=You've already accepted portfolio.closed.completed=Abgeschlossen portfolio.closed.ticketClosed=Vermittelt @@ -806,7 +807,7 @@ funds.tx.multiSigDeposit=MultiSig-Kaution: {0} funds.tx.multiSigPayout=MultiSig-Auszahlung: {0} funds.tx.disputePayout=Konfliktauszahlung: {0} funds.tx.disputeLost=Verlorener Konflikt: {0} -funds.tx.collateralForRefund=Refund collateral: {0} +funds.tx.collateralForRefund=Sicherheiten für die Rückerstattung: {0} funds.tx.timeLockedPayoutTx=Zeitgesperrte Auszahlung tx: {0} funds.tx.refund=Erstattung aus dem Vermittlungsverfahren: {0} funds.tx.unknown=Unbekannter Grund: {0} @@ -2385,7 +2386,8 @@\tStellen Sie bitte sicher, dass Sie die Voraussetzung MoneyGram verwendet wird, muss der BTC Käufer die MoneyGram und ein Foto der Quittung per E-Mail an den BTC-Verkäufer senden. Die Quittung muss den vollständigen Namen, das Land, das Bundesland des Verkäufers und den Betrag deutlich zeigen. Der Käufer bekommt die E-Mail-Adresse des Verkäufers im Handelsprozess angezeigt. Western Union verwendet wird, muss der BTC Käufer die MTCN (Tracking-Nummer) und ein Foto der Quittung per E-Mail an den BTC-Verkäufer senden. Die Quittung muss den vollständigen Namen, die Stadt, das Land des Verkäufers und den Betrag deutlich zeigen. Der Käufer bekommt die E-Mail-Adresse des Verkäufers im Handelsprozess angezeigt. Verwendung von HalCash muss der BTC-Käufer dem BTC-Verkäufer den HalCash-Code per SMS vom Mobiltelefon senden.\n\nBitte achten Sie darauf, dass Sie den maximalen Betrag, den Sie bei Ihrer Bank mit HalCash versenden dürfen, nicht überschreiten. Der Mindestbetrag pro Auszahlung beträgt 10 EUR und der Höchstbetrag 600 EUR. Bei wiederholten Abhebungen sind es 3000 EUR pro Empfänger pro Tag und 6000 EUR pro Empfänger pro Monat. Bitte überprüfen Sie diese Limits bei Ihrer Bank, um sicherzustellen, dass sie die gleichen Limits wie hier angegeben verwenden.\n\nDer Auszahlungsbetrag muss ein Vielfaches von 10 EUR betragen, da Sie keine anderen Beträge an einem Geldautomaten abheben können. Die Benutzeroberfläche beim Erstellen und Annehmen eines Angebots passt den BTC-Betrag so an, dass der EUR-Betrag korrekt ist. Sie können keinen marktbasierten Preis verwenden, da sich der EUR-Betrag bei sich ändernden Preisen ändern würde.\n\nIm Streitfall muss der BTC-Käufer den Nachweis erbringen, dass er die EUR geschickt hat. das Rückbuchungsrisiko zu begrenzen, setzt Bisq Limits für den Kauf pro Trade fest, die auf den folgenden 2 Faktoren basieren:\n\n1. Allgemeines Rückbuchungsrisiko für die Zahlungsmethode\n2. Status der Kontounterzeichnung\n\nDieses Zahlungskonto, das Sie gerade erstellt haben, birgt ein gewisses Rückbuchungsrisiko und ist noch nicht von einem Vermittler oder vertrauenswürdigen Partner unterzeichnet, so dass es auf den Kauf von {0} pro Trade beschränkt ist. Nach der Unterzeichnung erhöhen sich die Kauflimits wie folgt:\n\n● Vor der Unterzeichnung und bis zu 30 Tage nach der Unterzeichnung beträgt Ihr Kauflimit pro Trade {0}.\n● 30 Tage nach der Unterzeichnung wird Ihr Kauflimit pro Trade {1} betragen.\n● 60 Tage nach der Unterzeichnung wird Ihr Kauflimit pro Trade {2} betragen.\n\nVerkaufslimits sind von der Kontounterzeichnung nicht betroffen und steigen lediglich mit zunehmendem Alter des Kontos. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter\n\nEs gibt keine Begrenzung der Anzahl der Trades, die Sie tätigen können. Sie bitte, dass alle Banküberweisungen ein gewisses Rückbuchungsrisiko mitbringen.\n\nUm diese Risiko zu minimieren, setzt Bisq vor-Handel Grenzen basierend auf zwei Faktoren:\n\n1. Das erwartete Rückbuchungsrisiko für die genutzte Zahlungsmethode\n2. Das Alter des Kontos für diese Zahlungsmethode\n\nDas Konto, das Sie jetzt erstellen, ist neu und sein Alter ist null. So wie Ihr Konto über zwei Monate altert, wächst auch Ihre vor-Handel Grenze:\n\n● Während des 1sten Monats, ist Ihre vor-Handel Grenze {0}\n● Während des 2ten Monats, ist Ihre vor-Handel Grenze {1}\n● Nach dem 2ten Monat, ist Ihre vor-Handel Grenze {2}\n\nBeachten Sie bitte, dass es keine Grenze, wie oft Sie handeln können. das Rückbuchungsrisiko zu begrenzen, setzt Bisq Limits für den Kauf pro Trade fest, die auf den folgenden 2 Faktoren basieren:\n\n1. Allgemeines Rückbuchungsrisiko für die Zahlungsmethode\n2. Status der Kontounterzeichnung\n\nDieses Zahlungskonto, das Sie gerade erstellt haben, birgt ein gewisses Rückbuchungsrisiko und ist noch nicht von einem Vermittler oder vertrauenswürdigen Partner unterzeichnet, so dass es auf den Kauf von {0} pro Trade beschränkt ist. Nach der Unterzeichnung erhöhen sich die Kauflimits wie folgt:\n\n● Vor der Unterzeichnung und bis zu 30 Tage nach der Unterzeichnung beträgt Ihr Kauflimit pro Trade {0}.\n● 30 Tage nach der Unterzeichnung wird Ihr Kauflimit pro Trade {1} betragen.\n● 60 Tage nach der Unterzeichnung wird Ihr Kauflimit pro Trade {2} betragen.\n\nVerkaufslimits sind von der Kontounterzeichnung nicht betroffen und steigen lediglich mit zunehmendem Alter des Kontos. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter\n\nEs gibt keine Begrenzung der Anzahl der Trades, die Sie tätigen können. bestätigen Sie, dass Ihre Bank Bareinzahlungen in Konten von anderen Personen erlaubt. Zum Beispiel werden diese Einzahlungen bei der Bank of America und Wells Fargo nicht mehr erlaubt. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ index 2ede69adb42..573944fa59d 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ @@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ offerbook.timeSinceSigning.daysSinceSigning.long={0} από επικύρωσηΑφού ολοκληρώσεις επιτυχώς μια συναλλαγή με έναν συναλλασσόμενο που έχει επικυρωμένο λογαριασμό, ο λογαριασμός σου θα επικυρωθεί.\n{0} ημέρες αργότερα, το αρχικό όριο των {1} αίρεται, και ο λογαριασμός σου μπορεί να επικυρώνει λογαριασμούς άλλων συναλλασσόμενων. offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned=Ανεπικύρωτο προς το παρόν -offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned.noNeed=Ανεπικύρωτο +offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned.noNeed=Μη διαθέσιμο shared.notSigned=Ο λογαριασμός δεν έχει επικυρωθεί προς το παρόν shared.notSigned.noNeed=This account type doesn't use signing @@ -740,6 +740,7 @@ portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline=Αποτέλεσμα διαμε portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline.peerAccepted=Η έτερη συναλλασσόμενη αποδέχτηκε την πρόταση της διαμεσολαβήτριας για τη συναλλαγή {0} mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed.\n\nIf one or both of you reject the suggestion, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nThe arbitrator may charge a small fee (fee maximum: the trader''s security deposit) as compensation for their work. Both traders agreeing to the mediator''s suggestion is the happy path—requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances, such as if a trader is sure the mediator did not make a fair payout suggestion (or if the other peer is unresponsive).\n\nMore details about the new arbitration model:\n portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Απόρριψε και αιτήσου διαιτησία +portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=You've already accepted portfolio.closed.completed=Ολοκληρώθηκε portfolio.closed.ticketClosed=Arbitrated @@ -1781,8 +1782,8 @@ dao.factsAndFigures.menuItem.transactions=Συναλλαγές BSQ dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.marketPrice=Δεδομένα αγοράς dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.price=Τελευταία τιμής συναλλαγής BSQ/BTC (στο Bisq) -dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.avgPrice90=90 days average BSQ/BTC trade price -dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.avgPrice30=30 days average BSQ/BTC trade price +dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.avgPrice90=Μέση τιμή συναλλαγών BSQ/BTC 90 ημερών +dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.avgPrice30=Μέση τιμή συναλλαγών BSQ/BTC 30 ημερών dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.marketCap=Κεφαλαιοποίηση αγοράς (βάση τιμής συναλλαγών) dao.factsAndFigures.dashboard.availableAmount=Σύνολο διαθέσιμων BSQ @@ -1870,8 +1871,8 @@ disputeSummaryWindow.close.msg=Ticket closed on {0}\n\nSummary:\nPayout amount f disputeSummaryWindow.close.nextStepsForMediation=\n\nNext steps:\nOpen ongoing trade and accept or reject the suggested mediation disputeSummaryWindow.close.closePeer=Κλείσε και το αίτημα του έτερου συναλλασσόμενου (trading peer)! disputeSummaryWindow.close.txDetails.headline=Publish refund transaction -disputeSummaryWindow.close.txDetails.buyer=Buyer receives {0} on address: {1}\n -disputeSummaryWindow.close.txDetails.seller=Seller receives {0} on address: {1}\n +disputeSummaryWindow.close.txDetails.buyer=Ο αγοραστής λαμβάνει {0} στη διεύθυνση: {1}\n +disputeSummaryWindow.close.txDetails.seller=Ο πωλητής λαμβάνει {0} στη διεύθυνση: {1}\n disputeSummaryWindow.close.txDetails=Spending: {0}\n{1}{2}Transaction fee: {3} ({4} satoshis/byte)\nTransaction size: {5} Kb\n\nAre you sure you want to publish this transaction? emptyWalletWindow.headline={0} επείγον εργαλείο πορτοφολιού @@ -1963,7 +1964,7 @@ tradeDetailsWindow.tradeDate=Ημερομηνία συναλλαγής tradeDetailsWindow.txFee=Αμοιβή εξόρυξης tradeDetailsWindow.tradingPeersOnion=Διεύθυνση onion συναλλασσόμενων peers tradeDetailsWindow.tradeState=Κατάσταση συναλλαγής -tradeDetailsWindow.agentAddresses=Arbitrator/Mediator +tradeDetailsWindow.agentAddresses=Διαιτήτρια/Διαμεσολαβητής walletPasswordWindow.headline=Εισήγαγε κωδικό για ξεκλείδωμα @@ -2081,29 +2082,29 @@Έχεις διαθέσιμους πολ Major UpdatesΕΠΙΚΥΡΩΣΗ ΛΟΓΑΡΙΑΣΜΟΥΑναίρεσε το όριο συναλλαγής των 0.01 BTC αγοράζοντας BTC από έναν επικυρωμένο συναλλασσόμενο. TRADE PROTOCOLΝΕΟ ΠΡΩΤΟΚΟΛΛΟ ΣΥΝΑΛΛΑΓΩΝ 2-level dispute resolution system makes Bisq more secure, scalable, and censorship-resistant. -popup.accountSigning.selectAccounts.headline=Select payment accounts +popup.accountSigning.selectAccounts.headline=Επίλεξε λογαριασμούς πληρωμών popup.accountSigning.selectAccounts.description=Based on the payment method and point of time all payment accounts that are connected to a dispute where a payout to the buyer occurred will be selected for you to sign. popup.accountSigning.selectAccounts.signAll=Sign all payment methods popup.accountSigning.selectAccounts.datePicker=Select point of time until which accounts will be signed -popup.accountSigning.confirmSelectedAccounts.headline=Confirm selected payment accounts +popup.accountSigning.confirmSelectedAccounts.headline=Επιβεβαίωσε επιλεγμένους λογαριασμούς πληρωμών popup.accountSigning.confirmSelectedAccounts.description=Based on your input, {0} payment accounts will be selected. -popup.accountSigning.confirmSelectedAccounts.button=Confirm payment accounts -popup.accountSigning.signAccounts.headline=Confirm signing of payment accounts +popup.accountSigning.confirmSelectedAccounts.button=Επιβεβαίωσε λογαριασμούς πληρωμών +popup.accountSigning.signAccounts.headline=Επιβεβαίωσε επικύρωση λογαριασμών πληρωμών popup.accountSigning.signAccounts.description=Based on your selection, {0} payment accounts will be signed. popup.accountSigning.signAccounts.button=Επικύρωση λογαριασμών πληρωμών -popup.accountSigning.signAccounts.ECKey=Enter private arbitrator key -popup.accountSigning.signAccounts.ECKey.error=Bad arbitrator ECKey +popup.accountSigning.signAccounts.ECKey=Εισήγαγε προσωπικό κλειδί διαιτητή +popup.accountSigning.signAccounts.ECKey.error=Εσφαλμένο ECKey διαιτητή -popup.accountSigning.success.headline=Congratulations +popup.accountSigning.success.headline=Συγχαρητήρια popup.accountSigning.success.description=Οι {0} λογαριασμοί πληρωμών επικυρώθηκαν επιτυχώς! popup.accountSigning.generalInformation=You'll find the signing state of all your accounts in the account section.\n\nFor further information, please visit popup.accountSigning.signedByArbitrator=One of your payment accounts has been verified and signed by an arbitrator. Trading with this account will automatically sign your trading peer''s account after a successful trade.\n\n{0} popup.accountSigning.signedByPeer=One of your payment accounts has been verified and signed by a trading peer. Your initial trading limit will be lifted and you''ll be able to sign other accounts in {0} days from now.\n\n{1} -popup.accountSigning.peerLimitLifted=The initial limit for one of your accounts has been lifted.\n\n{0} +popup.accountSigning.peerLimitLifted=Αναιρέθηκε ο αρχικός περιορισμός για έναν από τους λογαριασμούς σου.\n\n{0} popup.accountSigning.peerSigner=One of your accounts is mature enough to sign other payment accounts and the initial limit for one of your accounts has been lifted.\n\n{0} #################################################################### @@ -2170,7 +2171,7 @@ list.currency.editList=Διόρθωση λίστας νομισμάτων table.placeholder.noItems=Προς το παρόν δεν υπάρχουν διαθέσιμες {0} table.placeholder.noData=Προς το παρόν δεν υπάρχουν διαθέσιμα δεδομένα -table.placeholder.processingData=Processing data... +table.placeholder.processingData=Επεξεργασία δεδομένων... peerInfoIcon.tooltip.tradePeer=Συναλλασσόμενου @@ -2255,7 +2256,7 @@ BTC_REGTEST=Bitcoin Regtest # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" BTC_DAO_TESTNET=Bitcoin DAO Testnet (deprecated) # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" -BTC_DAO_BETANET=Bisq DAO Betanet (Bitcoin Mainnet) +BTC_DAO_BETANET=Bitcoin DAO Betanet (Bitcoin Mainnet) # suppress inspection "UnusedProperty" BTC_DAO_REGTEST=Bitcoin DAO Regtest @@ -2385,7 +2386,8 @@Βεβαιώσου πως πληρείς της προΌταν χρησιμοποιείς MoneyGram, ο αγοραστής BTC πρέπει να στείλει μέσω email αριθμό Έγκρισης (Authorisation) και φωτογραφία της απόδειξης στον πωλητή. Στην απόδειξη θα πρέπει να διακρίνεται καθαρά Στην απόδειξη θα πρέπει να διακρίνεται καθαρά το πλήρες όνομα του πωλητή, η χώρα, η πόλη και το ποσό. Το email του πωλητή θα δοθεί στον αγοραστή κατά τη διαδικασία συναλλαγής.Όταν χρησιμοποιείς Western Union, ο αγοραστής BTC πρέπει να στείλει μέσω email το MTCN (αριθμός εντοπισμού) και φωτογραφία της απόδειξης στον πωλητή. Στην απόδειξη θα πρέπει να διακρίνεται καθαρά Στην απόδειξη θα πρέπει να διακρίνεται καθαρά το πλήρες όνομα του πωλητή, η χώρα, η πόλη και το ποσό. Το email του πωλητή θα δοθεί στον αγοραστή κατά τη διαδικασία συναλλαγής.Κατά τη χρήση του HalCash ο αγοραστής BTC απαιτείται να στείλει στον πωλητή BTC τον κωδικό HalCash μέσω γραπτού μηνύματος κινητού τηλεφώνου.\n\nΒεβαιώσου πως δεν θα υπερβείς το μέγιστο ποσό που επιτρέπει η τράπεζά σου για αποστολή προς τo HalCash. Το ελάχιστον ποσό ανά ανάληψη είναι 10 Ευρώ και το μέγιστο ποσό είναι 600 Ευρώ. Για επαναλαμβανόμενες αναλήψεις είναι 3000 Ευρώ ανά παραλήπτη ανά ημέρα, και 6000 Ευρώ ανά παραλήπτη ανά μήνα. Επαλήθευσε αυτά τα όρια με την τράπεζά σου, ώστε να βεβαιωθείς πως χρησιμοποιούν τα ίδια όρια που παραθέτουμε εδώ.\n\nΤο ποσό ανάληψης θα πρέπει να είναι πολλαπλάσιο των 10 Ευρώ, καθώς δεν μπορείς να τραβήξεις άλλα ποσά από ένα ΑΤΜ. Κατά τη δημιουργία και αποδοχή μιας προσφοράς, η Διεπαφή Χρήστη (UI) θα προσαρμόσει το ποσό BTC έτσι, ώστε το πόσο σε Ευρώ να είναι σωστό. Δεν μπορείς να χρησιμοποιήσεις τιμή βασισμένη στην τιμή της αγοράς, καθώς το ποσό σε Ευρώ θα μετατρέπεται κατά την αλλαγή των τιμών.\n\nΣε περίπτωση διένεξης ο αγοραστής BTC απαιτείται να παραθέσει απόδειξη πως έστειλε το ποσό σε Ευρώ.Για να μετριάσει το ρίσκο αντιλογισμού χρέωσης, το Bisq θέτει όρια ανά συναλλαγή βασισμένα σε δύο παράγοντες:\n\n1. Τις πιθανότητες να συμβεί αντιλογισμός χρέωσης για τη μέθοδο πληρωμής που χρησιμοποιείται\n2. Την κατάσταση επικύρωσης του λογαριασμού .\n\nΟ λογαριασμός πληρωμών που δημιουργείς τώρα εμπεριέχει ρίσκο αντιλογισμού χρέωσης και δεν είναι επικυρωμένος από διαμεσολαβητή ή έμπιστο συναλλασσόμενο, οπότε περιορίζεται σε {0} αγορά ανά συναλλαγή Αφού επικυρωθεί, το όριο αγοράς ανά συναλλαγή θα αυξάνεται ως εξής:\n\n● Πριν την επικύρωση και μέχρι 30 ημέρες μετά, το όριο αγοράς ανά συναλλαγή θα είναι {0}\n● 30 ημέρες μετά την επικύρωση το όριο αγοράς ανά συναλλαγή θα είναι {1}\n● 60 ημέρες μετά την επικύρωση το όριο αγοράς ανά συναλλαγή θα είναι {2}\n\nΌρια πωλήσεων δεν επηρεάζονται από την επικύρωση του λογαριασμού και αυξάνονται καθώς αυξάνεται η ηλικία του λογαριασμού. Περισσότερες πληροφορίες στην ιστοσελίδα\n\nΔεν υπάρχει όριο στο συνολικό πλήθος συναλλαγών.Λάβε υπόψιν πως όλες οι συναλλαγές μέσω τραπεζών περιέχουν ρίσκο αντιλογισμού χρέωσης.\n\nΓια να μετριάσει το ρίσκο, το Bisq θέτει όρια ανά συναλλαγή βασισμένα σε δύο παράγοντες:\n\n1. Τις πιθανότητες να συμβεί αντιλογισμός χρέωσης για τη μέθοδο πληρωμής που χρησιμοποιείται\n2. Την ηλικία λογαριασμού για αυτή τη μέθοδο πληρωμής.\n\nΟ λογαριασμός που δημιουργείς τώρα είναι καινούργιος και η ηλικία του είναι μηδέν. Καθώς η ηλικία του λογαριασμού σου θα μεγαλώνει, τα όρια ανά συναλλαγή θα αυξάνονται ως εξής:\n\n● Κατά τον 1ο μήνα το όριο ανά συναλλαγή θα είναι {0}\n● Κατά το 2ο μήνα το όριο ανά συναλλαγή θα είναι {1}\n● Μετά το 2ο μήνα το όριο ανά συναλλαγή θα είναι {2}\n\nΣημείωσε πως δεν υπάρχει όριο στο συνολικό πλήθος συναλλαγών.Για να μετριάσει το ρίσκο αντιλογισμού χρέωσης, το Bisq θέτει όρια ανά συναλλαγή βασισμένα σε δύο παράγοντες:\n\n1. Τις πιθανότητες να συμβεί αντιλογισμός χρέωσης για τη μέθοδο πληρωμής που χρησιμοποιείται\n2. Την κατάσταση επικύρωσης του λογαριασμού .\n\nΟ λογαριασμός πληρωμών που δημιουργείς τώρα εμπεριέχει ρίσκο αντιλογισμού χρέωσης και δεν είναι επικυρωμένος από διαμεσολαβητή ή έμπιστο συναλλασσόμενο, οπότε περιορίζεται σε {0} αγορά ανά συναλλαγή Αφού επικυρωθεί, το όριο αγοράς ανά συναλλαγή θα αυξάνεται ως εξής:\n\n● Πριν την επικύρωση και μέχρι 30 ημέρες μετά, το όριο αγοράς ανά συναλλαγή θα είναι {0}\n● 30 ημέρες μετά την επικύρωση το όριο αγοράς ανά συναλλαγή θα είναι {1}\n● 60 ημέρες μετά την επικύρωση το όριο αγοράς ανά συναλλαγή θα είναι {2}\n\nΌρια πωλήσεων δεν επηρεάζονται από την επικύρωση του λογαριασμού και αυξάνονται καθώς αυξάνεται η ηλικία του λογαριασμού. Περισσότερες πληροφορίες στην ιστοσελίδα\n\nΔεν υπάρχει όριο στο συνολικό πλήθος συναλλαγών.Επιβεβαίωσε πως η τράπεζά σου επιτρέπει την αποστολή μετρητών σε λογαριασμούς τρίτων. Για παράδειγμα, η Bank of America και η Wells Fargo δεν επιτρέπουν πλέον τέτοιου είδους καταθέσεις. @@ -2604,7 +2606,7 @@ validation.pattern=Η εισαγόμενη τιμή πρέπει να είναι validation.noHexString=Η εισαγόμενη τιμή δεν είναι μορφής HEX. validation.advancedCash.invalidFormat=Πρέπει να είναι ένα έγκυρο email ή μια ταυτότητα πορτοφολιού με μορφή: X000000000000 validation.invalidUrl=Μη έγκυρη URL -validation.mustBeDifferent=Your input must be different from the current value +validation.mustBeDifferent=Η εισαγόμενη τιμή πρέπει να είναι διαφορετική από την τρέχουσα τιμή validation.cannotBeChanged=Η παράμετρος δεν μπορεί να μετατραπεί validation.numberFormatException=Number format exception {0} validation.mustNotBeNegative=Η τιμή δεν μπορεί να είναι αρνητική diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ index 0752f9b2e7d..6c683ac5ba2 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ @@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ offerbook.timeSinceSigning.daysSinceSigning.long={0} desde el firmado complete con éxito un intercambio con un par que tenga una cuenta de pago firmada, su cuenta de pago es firmada.\n][{0} días después, el límite inicial de {1} se eleva y su cuenta puede firmar las cuentas de pago de otros pares. offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned=No firmada aún -offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned.noNeed=No firmada +offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned.noNeed=No disponible shared.notSigned=Esta cuenta aún no se ha firmado shared.notSigned.noNeed=Este tipo de cuenta no utiliza firmado @@ -740,6 +740,7 @@ portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline=Resultado de mediación para el portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline.peerAccepted=El par de intercambio ha aceptado la sugerencia del mediador para el intercmabio {0} mediador ha sugerido el siguiente pago:\nUsted recibe: {0}\nEl par de intercambio recibe: {1}\n\nUsted puede aceptar o rechazar esta sugerencia de pago.\n\nAceptándola, usted firma el pago propuesto. Si su par de intercambio también acepta y firma, el pago se completará y el intercambio se cerrará.\n\nSi una o ambas partes rechaza la sugerencia, tendrá que esperar hasta {2} (bloque {3}) para abrir una segunda ronda de disputa con un árbitro que investigará el caswo de nuevo y realizará el pago de acuerdo a sus hallazgos.\n\nEl árbitro puede cobrar una tasa pequeña (tasa máxima: el depósito de seguridad del comerciante) como compensación por su trabajo. Que las dos partes estén de acuerdo es el buen camino, ya que requerir arbitraje se reserva para circunstancias excepcionales, como que un comerciante esté seguro de que el mediador hizo una sugerencia de pago injusta (o que la otra parte no responda).\n\nMás detalles acerca del nuevo modelo de arbitraje:\n portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Rechazar y solicitar arbitraje +portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=You've already accepted portfolio.closed.completed=Completado portfolio.closed.ticketClosed=Arbitrada @@ -2385,7 +2386,8 @@ favor asegúrese de que cumple los requisitos para utilizar MoneyGram, el comprador de BTC tiene que enviar el número de autorización y una foto del recibo al vendedor de BTC por correo electrónico. El recibo debe mostrar claramente el monto, así como el nombre completo, país y demarcación (departamento,estado, etc.) del vendedor. Al comprador se le mostrará el correo electrónico del vendedor en el proceso de transacción. utilizar Western Union, el comprador de BTC tiene que enviar el número de autorización (MTCN) y una foto del recibo al vendedor de BTC por correo electrónico. El recibo debe mostrar claramente el monto, así como el nombre completo, país y demarcación (departamento,estado, etc.) del vendedor. Al comprador se le mostrará el correo electrónico del vendedor en el proceso de transacción. usar HalCash el comprador de BTC necesita enviar al vendedor de BTC el código HalCash a través de un mensaje de texto desde el teléfono móvil.\n\nPor favor asegúrese de que no excede la cantidad máxima que su banco le permite enviar con HalCash. La cantidad mínima por retirada es de 10 EUR y el máximo son 600 EUR. Para retiros frecuentes es 3000 por receptor al día y 6000 por receptor al mes. Por favor compruebe estos límites con su banco y asegúrese que son los mismos aquí expuestos.\n\nLa cantidad de retiro debe ser un múltiplo de 10 EUR ya que no se puede retirar otras cantidades desde el cajero automático. La Interfaz de Usuario en la pantalla crear oferta y tomar oferta ajustará la cantidad de BTC para que la cantidad de EUR sea correcta. No puede usar precios basados en el mercado ya que la cantidad de EUR cambiaría con el cambio de precios.\n\nEn caso de disputa el comprador de BTC necesita proveer la prueba de que ha enviado EUR. limitar el riesgo de devolución de cargo, Bisq establece límites por compra basados en los 2 siguientes factores:\n\n1. Riesgo general de devolución de cargo para el método de pago\n2. Estado de firmado de cuenta\n\nEsta cuenta de pago que ha creado conlleva cierto riesgo de devolución de cargo y aún no ha sido firmada por un árbitro o par de confianza, con lo que ha sido limitado a comprar {0} por intercambio. Después de firmarse, los límites de compra se incrementarán de esta manera:\n\n● Antes de ser firmada, y hasta 30 días después de la firma, su límite por intercambio de compra será {0}\n● 30 días después de la firma, su límite de compra por intecambio será de {1}\n● 60 días después de la firma, su límite de compra por intercambio será de {2}\n\nLos límites de venta no se ven afectados por el firmado de cuentas, y aumenta solo con el incremente de edad de la cuenta. Más información en\n\nNo hay límites en el número de transacciones que se pueden hacer. favor, tenga en cuenta que todas las transferencias bancarias tienen cierto riesgo de reversión de pago.\n\nPara disminuir este riesgo, Bisq establece límites por intercambio basándose en dos factores:\n\n1. El nivel estimado de riesgo de reversión de pago para el método de pago usado\n2. La edad de su cuenta para ese método de pago\n\nLa cuenta que está creando ahora es nueva y su edad es cero. A medida que su cuenta gane edad en un periodo de dos meses, también aumentará el límite por transacción.\n\n● Durante el primer mes, el límite será {0}\n● Durante el segundo mes, el límite será {1}\n● Después del segundo mes, el límite será {2}\n\nTenga en cuenta que no hay límites en el total de transacciones que puede realizar. limitar el riesgo de devolución de cargo, Bisq establece límites por compra basados en los 2 siguientes factores:\n\n1. Riesgo general de devolución de cargo para el método de pago\n2. Estado de firmado de cuenta\n\nEsta cuenta de pago que ha creado conlleva cierto riesgo de devolución de cargo y aún no ha sido firmada por un árbitro o par de confianza, con lo que ha sido limitado a comprar {0} por intercambio. Después de firmarse, los límites de compra se incrementarán de esta manera:\n\n● Antes de ser firmada, y hasta 30 días después de la firma, su límite por intercambio de compra será {0}\n● 30 días después de la firma, su límite de compra por intecambio será de {1}\n● 60 días después de la firma, su límite de compra por intercambio será de {2}\n\nLos límites de venta no se ven afectados por el firmado de cuentas, y aumenta solo con el incremente de edad de la cuenta. Más información en\n\nNo hay límites en el número de transacciones que se pueden hacer. favor confirme que su banco permite enviar depósitos de efectivo a cuentas de otras personas. Por ejemplo, Bank of America y Wells Fargo ya no permiten estos depósitos. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ index 59eee294af7..59035b83399 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ @@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ offerbook.timeSinceSigning.daysSinceSigning.long={0} since signing you successfully complete a trade with a peer who has a signed payment account, your payment account is signed.\n{0} days later, the initial limit of {1} is lifted and your account can sign other peers'' payment accounts. offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned=Not signed yet -offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned.noNeed=Unsigned +offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned.noNeed=بدون پاسخ shared.notSigned=This account hasn't been signed yet shared.notSigned.noNeed=This account type doesn't use signing @@ -740,6 +740,7 @@ portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline=Mediation result for trade with portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline.peerAccepted=Your trade peer has accepted the mediator''s suggestion for trade {0} mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed.\n\nIf one or both of you reject the suggestion, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nThe arbitrator may charge a small fee (fee maximum: the trader''s security deposit) as compensation for their work. Both traders agreeing to the mediator''s suggestion is the happy path—requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances, such as if a trader is sure the mediator did not make a fair payout suggestion (or if the other peer is unresponsive).\n\nMore details about the new arbitration model:\n portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Reject and request arbitration +portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=You've already accepted portfolio.closed.completed=تکمیل شده portfolio.closed.ticketClosed=Arbitrated @@ -2385,7 +2386,8 @@لطفا مطمئن شوید که الزامات اسهنگام استفاده از MoneyGram، خریدار BTC باید شماره مجوز و عکس رسید را از طریق ایمیل به فروشنده BTC ارسال کند. رسید باید به وضوح نام کامل فروشنده، کشور، دولت و مبلغ را نشان دهد. ایمیل فروشنده در فرآیند معامله به خریدار نشان داده می شود.هنگام استفاده از Western Union، خریدار BTC باید شماره MTCN (شماره پیگیری) را از طریق ایمیل به فروشنده BTC ارسال کند. رسید باید به وضوح نام کامل فروشنده، کشور، دولت و مبلغ را نشان دهد. ایمیل فروشنده در فرآیند معامله به خریدار نشان داده می شود.زمانی که از HalCash استفاده می‌کنید، خریدار باید کد HalCash را از طریق پیام کوتاه موبایل به فروشنده BTC ارسال کند.\n\nلطفا مطمئن شوید که از حداکثر میزانی که بانک شما برای انتقال از طریق HalCash مجاز می‌داند تجاوز نکرده‌اید. حداقل مقداردر هر برداشت معادل 10 یورو و حداکثر مقدار 600 یورو می‌باشد. این محدودیت برای برداشت‌های تکراری برای هر گیرنده در روز 3000 یورو و در ماه 6000 یورو می‌باشد. لطفا این محدودیت‌ها را با بانک خود مطابقت دهید و مطمئن شوید که آنها هم همین محدودی‌ها را دارند.\n\nمقدار برداشت باید شریبی از 10 یورو باشد چرا که مقادیر غیر از این را نمی‌توانید از طریق ATM برداشت کنید. رابط کاربری در صفحه ساخت پینشهاد و پذیرش پیشنهاد مقدار BTC را به گونه‌ای تنظیم می‌کنند که مقدار EUR درست باشد. شما نمی‌توانید از قیمت بر مبنای بازار استفاده کنید چون مقدار یورو با تغییر قیمت‌ها عوض خواهد شد.\n\nدر صورت بروز اختلاف خریدار BTC باید شواهد مربوط به ارسال یورو را ارائه دهد. limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade buy limits based on the following 2 factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n\nThis payment account you just created carries some chargeback risk and is not yet signed by an arbitrator or trusted peer, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After it is signed, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and up to 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing, and increase merely as account age increases. More information is at\n\nThere are no limits on the number of trades you can make.لطفا توجه داشته باشید که تمام انتقال های بانکی مقدار مشخصی از ریسک استرداد وجه را تقبل می کنند. برای کاهش این ریسک، Bisq محدودیت به ازای هر معامله را بر اساس دو عامل تعیین می کند: \n\n1. میزان برآورد ریسک استرداد وجه برای روش پرداخت استفاده شده.\n\n2. عمر حساب کاربری شما برای این روش پرداخت\n\n حسابی که اکنون ایجاد می کنید، جدید است و عمر آن صفر است. همانطور که عمر حساب شما در طول یک دوره دو ماهه رشد می کند، محدودیت به ازای هر معامله ی شما نیز با آن رشد می کند:\n\n ● در ماه اول، میزان محدودیت به ازای هر معامله شما {0} خواهد بود\n ● در طول ماه دوم محدودیت شما {1} خواهد بود\n ● پس از ماه دوم، محدودیت شما {2} خواهد بود \n\n لطفا توجه داشته باشید که هیچ محدودیتی در کل تعداد دفعاتی که می توانید معامله کنید، وجود ندارد. limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade buy limits based on the following 2 factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n\nThis payment account you just created carries some chargeback risk and is not yet signed by an arbitrator or trusted peer, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After it is signed, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and up to 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing, and increase merely as account age increases. More information is at\n\nThere are no limits on the number of trades you can make.لطفا مطمئن شوید که بانک شما اجازه پرداخت سپرده نفد به حساب دیگر افراد را می‌دهد. برای مثال، Bank of America و Wells Fargo دیگر اجازه چنین پرداخت‌هایی را نمی‌دهند. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ index b5c835925e2..d932d3d0e1b 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ @@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ offerbook.timeSinceSigning.daysSinceSigning.long={0} since signing you successfully complete a trade with a peer who has a signed payment account, your payment account is signed.\n{0} days later, the initial limit of {1} is lifted and your account can sign other peers'' payment accounts. offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned=Not signed yet -offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned.noNeed=Unsigned +offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned.noNeed=N/A shared.notSigned=This account hasn't been signed yet shared.notSigned.noNeed=This account type doesn't use signing @@ -740,6 +740,7 @@ portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline=Mediation result for trade with portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline.peerAccepted=Your trade peer has accepted the mediator''s suggestion for trade {0} mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed.\n\nIf one or both of you reject the suggestion, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nThe arbitrator may charge a small fee (fee maximum: the trader''s security deposit) as compensation for their work. Both traders agreeing to the mediator''s suggestion is the happy path—requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances, such as if a trader is sure the mediator did not make a fair payout suggestion (or if the other peer is unresponsive).\n\nMore details about the new arbitration model:\n portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Reject and request arbitration +portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=You've already accepted portfolio.closed.completed=Terminé portfolio.closed.ticketClosed=Arbitrated @@ -2385,7 +2386,8 @@ vous assurer que vous remplissez les conditio de l'utilisation de MoneyGram, l'acheteur de BTC doit envoyer le numéro d'autorisation et une photo du reçu par mail au vendeur de BTC. Le reçu doit clairement mentionner le nom complet du vendeur, le pays, la région et le montant. L'acheteur verra ensuite s'afficher le mail du vendeur pendant le processus de la transaction. de l'utilisation de Western Union, l'acheteur BTC doit envoyer le MTCN (numéro de suivi) et une photo du reçu par e-mail au vendeur de BTC. Le reçu doit indiquer clairement le nom complet du vendeur, la ville, le pays et le montant. L'acheteur verra ensuite s'afficher le mail du vendeur pendant le processus de la transaction. de l'utilisation de HalCash, l'acheteur de BTC doit envoyer au vendeur de BTC le code HalCash par SMS depuis son téléphone portable.\n\nVeuillez vous assurer de ne pas dépasser le montant maximum que votre banque vous permet d'envoyer avec HalCash. Le montant minimum par retrait est de 10 EUR et le montant maximum est de 600 EUR. Pour les retraits récurrents, il est de 3000 EUR par destinataire par jour et 6000 EUR par destinataire par mois. Veuillez vérifier ces limites auprès de votre banque pour vous assurer qu'elles utilisent les mêmes limites que celles indiquées ici.\n\nLe montant du retrait doit être un multiple de 10 EUR car vous ne pouvez pas retirer d'autres montants à un distributeur automatique. Pendant les phases de create-offer et take-offer l'affichage de l'interface utilisateur ajustera le montant en BTC afin que le montant en euros soit correct. Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser le prix basé sur le marché, car le montant en euros varierait en fonction de l'évolution des prix.\n\nEn cas de litige, l'acheteur de BTC doit fournir la preuve qu'il a envoyé la somme en EUR. limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade buy limits based on the following 2 factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n\nThis payment account you just created carries some chargeback risk and is not yet signed by an arbitrator or trusted peer, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After it is signed, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and up to 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing, and increase merely as account age increases. More information is at\n\nThere are no limits on the number of trades you can make. prendre note que tous les transferts bancaires présentent un risque certain de rétrofacturation.\n\nPour atténuer ce risque, Bisq fixe des limites par opération selon deux critères:\n\n1. Une estimation du niveau de risque de rétrofacturation selon le mode de paiement utilisé\n2. l'ancienneté de votre compte avec ce mode de paiement\n\nLe compte que vous venez de créer est nouveau et son âge est égal à zéro. Au fur et à mesure que votre compte prendra de l'âge sur une période de deux mois, vos limites par opération augmenteront avec lui :\n\n● Au cours du 1er mois, votre limite par transaction sera de {0}.\n● Au cours du 2e mois, votre limite par opération sera de {1}.\n● Après le 2e mois, votre limite par opération sera de {2}.\n\nVeuillez noter qu'il n'y a pas de limite sur le nombre total de transactions que vous pouvez effectuer. limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade buy limits based on the following 2 factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n\nThis payment account you just created carries some chargeback risk and is not yet signed by an arbitrator or trusted peer, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After it is signed, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and up to 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing, and increase merely as account age increases. More information is at\n\nThere are no limits on the number of trades you can make. confirmer que votre banque vous permet d'envoyer des dépôts en espèces sur le compte d'autres personnes. Par exemple, Bank of America et Wells Fargo n'autorisent plus de tels dépôts. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ index 916444bbce4..c2245076748 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ @@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ offerbook.timeSinceSigning.daysSinceSigning.long={0} since signing you successfully complete a trade with a peer who has a signed payment account, your payment account is signed.\n{0} days later, the initial limit of {1} is lifted and your account can sign other peers'' payment accounts. offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned=Not signed yet -offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned.noNeed=Unsigned +offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned.noNeed=N/A shared.notSigned=This account hasn't been signed yet shared.notSigned.noNeed=This account type doesn't use signing @@ -740,6 +740,7 @@ portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline=Mediation result for trade with portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline.peerAccepted=Your trade peer has accepted the mediator''s suggestion for trade {0} mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed.\n\nIf one or both of you reject the suggestion, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nThe arbitrator may charge a small fee (fee maximum: the trader''s security deposit) as compensation for their work. Both traders agreeing to the mediator''s suggestion is the happy path—requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances, such as if a trader is sure the mediator did not make a fair payout suggestion (or if the other peer is unresponsive).\n\nMore details about the new arbitration model:\n portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Reject and request arbitration +portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=You've already accepted portfolio.closed.completed=完了 portfolio.closed.ticketClosed=Arbitrated @@ -2385,7 +2386,8 @@ (ClearXchange) の使用に関する要件を満を使用する場合、BTCの買い手は認証番号と領収書の写真をEメールでBTCの売り手に送信する必要があります。領収書には、売り手の氏名、市区町村、国、金額を明確に記載する必要があります。買い手には、取引プロセスにて売り手のEメールが表示されます。 Unionを使用する場合、BTCの買い手はMTCN(追跡番号)と領収書の写真をEメールでBTCの売り手に送信する必要があります。領収書には、売り手の氏名、市区町村、国、金額を明確に記載する必要があります。買い手には、取引プロセスにて売り手のEメールが表示されます。を使用する場合、BTCの買い手は携帯電話からのテキストメッセージを介してBTCの売り手にHalCashコードを送信する必要があります。\n\n銀行がHalCashで送金できる最大額を超えないようにしてください。 1回の出金あたりの最小金額は10EURで、最大金額は600EURです。繰り返し出金する場合は、1日に受取人1人あたり3000EUR、1ヶ月に受取人1人あたり6000EURです。あなたの銀行でも、ここに記載されているのと同じ制限を使用しているか、これらの制限を銀行と照合して確認してください。\n\n出金額は10の倍数EURでなければ、ATMから出金できません。 オファーの作成画面およびオファー受け入れ画面のUIは、EUR金額が正しくなるようにBTC金額を調整します。価格の変化とともにEURの金額は変化するため、市場ベースの価格を使用することはできません。\n\n係争が発生した場合、BTCの買い手はEURを送ったという証明を提出する必要があります。 limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade buy limits based on the following 2 factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n\nThis payment account you just created carries some chargeback risk and is not yet signed by an arbitrator or trusted peer, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After it is signed, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and up to 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing, and increase merely as account age increases. More information is at\n\nThere are no limits on the number of trades you can make.すべての銀行振込にはある程度のチャージバックのリスクがあることに気を付けて下さい。\n\nこのリスクを軽減するために、Bisqは下記の2つの要因に基づいて取引ごとの制限を設定します。\n\n1.使用する支払い方法でのチャージバックリスクの推定レベル\n2.お支払い方法のアカウントの年齢\n\nあなたが今作成しているアカウントは新しいもので、年齢は0です。 あなたのアカウントが2ヶ月の期間にわたって年齢が上がるにつれて、あなたの取引ごとの制限はそれと共に成長します:\n\n●1ヶ月目の間、1取引あたりの上限は{0}になります\n●2ヵ月目の間、1取引あたりの上限は{1}になります\n●2ヶ月目以降は、1取引あたりの上限は{2}になります\n\n取引できる合計回数には制限はありません。 limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade buy limits based on the following 2 factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n\nThis payment account you just created carries some chargeback risk and is not yet signed by an arbitrator or trusted peer, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After it is signed, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and up to 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing, and increase merely as account age increases. More information is at\n\nThere are no limits on the number of trades you can make.あなたの銀行が他の人の口座に現金入金を送ることを許可していることを確認してください。たとえば、Bank of America と Wells Fargo では、こうした預金は許可されなくなりました。 diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ index faa73f4135e..52039e25369 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ @@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ offerbook.timeSinceSigning.daysSinceSigning.long={0} desde a assinatura você completa com sucesso um negócio com um par que tenha uma conta de pagamento assinada, a sua conta de pagamento é assinada .\n{0} dias depois, o limite inicial de {1} é aumentado e a sua conta pode assinar contas de pagamento de outros pares. offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned=Ainda não assinada -offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned.noNeed=Não assinada +offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned.noNeed=N/D shared.notSigned=Esta conta ainda não foi assinada shared.notSigned.noNeed=Este tipo de conta não usa assinaturas @@ -740,6 +740,7 @@ portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline=Resultado da mediação para o portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline.peerAccepted=O seu par de negócio aceitou a sugestão do mediador para o negócio {0} mediador sugeriu o seguinte pagamento:\nVocê recebeu: {0}\nO seu par de negociação recebe: {1}\n\nVocê pode aceitar ou rejeitar este pagamento sugerido.\n\nAo aceitar, você assina a transação do pagamento sugerido. Se o seu par de negociação também aceitar e assinar, o pagamento será completado e o negócio será fechado.\n\nSe ambos rejeitarem a sugestão, você terá que esperar até {2} (bloco {3}) para abrir uma segunda ronda de disputa com um árbitro que investigará o caso novamente e fará um pagamento baseado nas suas descobertas .\n\nO árbitro pode cobrar uma pequena taxa (máximo: o depósito de segurança do negociador) como compensação para o seu trabalho. Ter ambos os negociadores concordando com a sugestão do mediador é o caminho preferido - solicitar arbitragem é para circunstâncias excepcionais, tais como se um negociador estiver seguro de que o mediador não fez uma sugestão de pagamento justa (ou se o seu par estiver inacessível).\n\nPara mais detalhes sobre o novo modelo de arbitragem:\n portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Rejeitar e solicitar arbitragem +portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=You've already accepted portfolio.closed.completed=Concluído portfolio.closed.ticketClosed=Arbitrado @@ -2385,7 +2386,8 @@ favor certifique-se de que preenche os requeriment usar o MoneyGram, o comprador de BTC deve enviar o Número de Autorização e uma foto do recibo por e-mail ao vendedor de BTC. O recibo deve mostrar claramente o nome completo do vendedor, o país, o estado e a quantia. O comprador visualizará o e-mail do vendedor no processo de negócio. usar o Western Union, o comprador do BTC deve enviar o MTCN (número de rastreamento) e uma foto do recibo por e-mail ao vendedor de BTC. O recibo deve mostrar claramente o nome completo do vendedor, a cidade, o país e a quantia. O comprador visualizará o e-mail do vendedor no processo de negócio. usar o HalCash, o comprador de BTC precisa enviar ao vendedor de BTC o código HalCash através de uma mensagem de texto do seu telemóvel.\n\nPor favor, certifique-se de não exceder a quantia máxima que seu banco lhe permite enviar com o HalCash. A quantia mín. de levantamento é de 10 euros e a quantia máx. é de 600 EUR. Para levantamentos repetidos é de 3000 euros por recipiente por dia e 6000 euros por recipiente por mês. Por favor confirme esses limites com seu banco para ter certeza de que eles usam os mesmos limites mencionados aqui.\n\nA quantia de levantamento deve ser um múltiplo de 10 euros, pois você não pode levantar outras quantias de uma ATM. A interface do utilizador no ecrã para criar oferta e aceitar ofertas ajustará a quantia de BTC para que a quantia de EUR esteja correta. Você não pode usar o preço com base no mercado, pois o valor do EUR estaria mudando com a variação dos preços.\n\nEm caso de disputa, o comprador de BTC precisa fornecer a prova de que enviou o EUR. limitar riscos de estorno, o Bisq estabelece limites de compra por negócio com base nos dois seguintes factores:\n\n1. Risco geral de estorno para o método de pagamento\n2. Estado de assinatura da conta\n\nEssa conta de pagamento que você acabou de criar tem algum risco de estorno e ainda não foi assinada por um árbitro ou um par confiável, portanto, está limitada à compra de {0} por negócio. Após a assinatura, os limites de compra aumentarão da seguinte forma:\n\n● Antes de assinar e até 30 dias após a assinatura, o seu limite de compra por negócio será {0}\n● 30 dias após a assinatura, o seu limite de compra por negócio será de {1}\n● 60 dias após a assinatura, o seu limite de compra por negócio será de {2}\n\nOs limites de venda não são afetados pela assinatura da conta e aumentam apenas à medida que a idade da conta aumenta. Mais informações estão em\n\nNão há limites para o número de negócio que você pode fazer. favor, esteja ciente de que todas as transferências bancárias carregam uma certa quantidade de risco de estorno.\n\nPara mitigar esse risco, o Bisq define limites por negócio com base em dois fatores:\n\n1. O nível estimado de risco de estorno para o método de pagamento usado\n2. A idade da sua conta para esse método de pagamento\n\nA conta que você está criando agora é nova e sua idade é zero. À medida que a sua conta aumenta de idade ao longo de um período de dois meses, os seus limites por negócio aumentarão:\n\n● Durante o primeiro mês, seu limite por negócio será {0}\n● Durante o segundo mês, seu limite por negócio será {1}\n● Após o segundo mês, seu limite por negócio será {2}\n\nPor favor, note que não há limites para o número total de vezes que você pode negociar. limitar riscos de estorno, o Bisq estabelece limites de compra por negócio com base nos dois seguintes factores:\n\n1. Risco geral de estorno para o método de pagamento\n2. Estado de assinatura da conta\n\nEssa conta de pagamento que você acabou de criar tem algum risco de estorno e ainda não foi assinada por um árbitro ou um par confiável, portanto, está limitada à compra de {0} por negócio. Após a assinatura, os limites de compra aumentarão da seguinte forma:\n\n● Antes de assinar e até 30 dias após a assinatura, o seu limite de compra por negócio será {0}\n● 30 dias após a assinatura, o seu limite de compra por negócio será de {1}\n● 60 dias após a assinatura, o seu limite de compra por negócio será de {2}\n\nOs limites de venda não são afetados pela assinatura da conta e aumentam apenas à medida que a idade da conta aumenta. Mais informações estão em\n\nNão há limites para o número de negócio que você pode fazer. favor, confirme que seu banco permite-lhe enviar depósitos em dinheiro para contas de outras pessoas. Por exemplo, o Bank of America e o Wells Fargo não permitem mais esses depósitos. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ index 04263ac6f34..d86a91e858d 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ @@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ offerbook.timeSinceSigning.daysSinceSigning.long={0} since signing you successfully complete a trade with a peer who has a signed payment account, your payment account is signed.\n{0} days later, the initial limit of {1} is lifted and your account can sign other peers'' payment accounts. offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned=Not signed yet -offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned.noNeed=Unsigned +offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned.noNeed=N/D shared.notSigned=This account hasn't been signed yet shared.notSigned.noNeed=This account type doesn't use signing @@ -740,6 +740,7 @@ portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline=Mediation result for trade with portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline.peerAccepted=Your trade peer has accepted the mediator''s suggestion for trade {0} mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed.\n\nIf one or both of you reject the suggestion, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nThe arbitrator may charge a small fee (fee maximum: the trader''s security deposit) as compensation for their work. Both traders agreeing to the mediator''s suggestion is the happy path—requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances, such as if a trader is sure the mediator did not make a fair payout suggestion (or if the other peer is unresponsive).\n\nMore details about the new arbitration model:\n portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Reject and request arbitration +portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=You've already accepted portfolio.closed.completed=Concluído portfolio.closed.ticketClosed=Arbitrated @@ -2385,7 +2386,8 @@ favor certifique-se de que preenche os requisitos usar o MoneyGram, o comprador de BTC deve enviar o Número de Autorização e uma foto do recibo por e-mail ao vendedor de BTC. O recibo deve mostrar claramente o nome completo do vendedor, o país, o estado e a quantia. O comprador visualizará o e-mail do vendedor no processo de negócio. usar o Western Union, o comprador do BTC deve enviar o MTCN (número de rastreamento) e uma foto do recibo por e-mail ao vendedor de BTC. O recibo deve mostrar claramente o nome completo do vendedor, a cidade, o país e a quantia. O comprador visualizará o e-mail do vendedor no processo de negócio. usar o HalCash, o comprador de BTC precisa enviar ao vendedor de BTC o código HalCash através de uma mensagem de texto do seu telefone.\n\nPor favor, certifique-se de não exceder a quantia máxima que seu banco lhe permite enviar com o HalCash. O valor mínimo de saque é de 10 euros e valor máximo é de 600 EUR. Para saques repetidos é de 3000 euros por destinatário por dia e 6000 euros por destinatário por mês. Por favor confirme esses limites com seu banco para ter certeza de que eles usam os mesmos limites mencionados aqui.\n\nO valor de saque deve ser um múltiplo de 10 euros, pois você não pode sacar notas diferentes de uma ATM. Esse valor em BTC será ajustado na telas de criar e aceitar ofertas para que a quantia de EUR esteja correta. Você não pode usar o preço com base no mercado, pois o valor do EUR estaria mudando com a variação dos preços.\n\nEm caso de disputa, o comprador de BTC precisa fornecer a prova de que enviou o EUR. limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade buy limits based on the following 2 factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n\nThis payment account you just created carries some chargeback risk and is not yet signed by an arbitrator or trusted peer, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After it is signed, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and up to 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing, and increase merely as account age increases. More information is at\n\nThere are no limits on the number of trades you can make. favor, esteja ciente de que todas as transferências bancárias possuem um certo risco de serem estornadas.\n\nPara reduzir esse risco, o Bisq definite limites por transação, que são baseados em dois fatores:\n\n1. O nível estimado de risco de estorno para o método de pagamento utilizado\n2. A idade da sua conta para aquele método de pagamento\n\nA conta que você está criando agora é considerada nova, e portanto tem uma idade de zero. À medida que a idade da sua conta for aumentando, os seus limites também irão aumentar:\n\n● Durante o 1º mês, o seu limite por negociação será de {0}\n● Durante o 2º mês, o seu limite por negociação será de {1}\n● Após o 2º mês, o seu limite por negociação será de {2}\n\nNote que esses limites são para cada negociação. Não existem limites no número total de negociações que você pode realizar. limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade buy limits based on the following 2 factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n\nThis payment account you just created carries some chargeback risk and is not yet signed by an arbitrator or trusted peer, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After it is signed, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and up to 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing, and increase merely as account age increases. More information is at\n\nThere are no limits on the number of trades you can make. de que o seu banco permite a realização de depósitos em espécie na conta de terceiros. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ index 36a658f4692..e325e0b92b6 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ @@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ offerbook.timeSinceSigning.daysSinceSigning.long={0} since signing you successfully complete a trade with a peer who has a signed payment account, your payment account is signed.\n{0} days later, the initial limit of {1} is lifted and your account can sign other peers'' payment accounts. offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned=Not signed yet -offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned.noNeed=Unsigned +offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned.noNeed=Н/Д shared.notSigned=This account hasn't been signed yet shared.notSigned.noNeed=This account type doesn't use signing @@ -740,6 +740,7 @@ portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline=Mediation result for trade with portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline.peerAccepted=Your trade peer has accepted the mediator''s suggestion for trade {0} mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed.\n\nIf one or both of you reject the suggestion, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nThe arbitrator may charge a small fee (fee maximum: the trader''s security deposit) as compensation for their work. Both traders agreeing to the mediator''s suggestion is the happy path—requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances, such as if a trader is sure the mediator did not make a fair payout suggestion (or if the other peer is unresponsive).\n\nMore details about the new arbitration model:\n portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Reject and request arbitration +portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=You've already accepted portfolio.closed.completed=Завершена portfolio.closed.ticketClosed=Arbitrated @@ -2385,7 +2386,8 @@Убедитесь, что выполняете треПри использовании MoneyGram покупатель BTC должен отправить по электронной почте продавцу BTC код подтверждения и фотографию квитанции. В квитанции должно быть четко указано полное имя продавца, страна, штат (область) и сумма. Электронный адрес продавца будет показан покупателю в процессе сделки.При использовании Western Union покупатель BTC должен отправить по электронной почте продавцу BTC контрольный номер MTCN и фотографию квитанции. В квитанции должно быть четко указано полное имя продавца, страна, город и сумма. Электронный адрес продавца будет показан покупателю в процессе сделки.Используя HalCash, покупатель BTC обязуется отправить продавцу BTC код HalCash через СМС с мобильного телефона.\n\nУбедитесь, что не вы не превысили максимальную сумму, которую ваш банк позволяет отправить с HalCash. Минимальная сумма на вывод средств составляет 10 EUR, а и максимальная — 600 EUR. При повторном выводе средств лимит составляет 3000 EUR на получателя в день и 6000 EUR на получателя в месяц. Просьба сверить эти лимиты с вашим банком и убедиться, что лимиты банка соответствуют лимитам, указанным здесь.\n\nВыводимая сумма должна быть кратна 10 EUR, так как другие суммы снять из банкомата невозможно. Приложение само отрегулирует сумму BTC, чтобы она соответствовала сумме в EUR, во время создания или принятия предложения. Вы не сможете использовать текущий рыночный курс, так как сумма в EUR будет меняться с изменением курса.\n\nВ случае спора покупателю BTC необходимо предоставить доказательство отправки EUR. limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade buy limits based on the following 2 factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n\nThis payment account you just created carries some chargeback risk and is not yet signed by an arbitrator or trusted peer, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After it is signed, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and up to 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing, and increase merely as account age increases. More information is at\n\nThere are no limits on the number of trades you can make.Обратите внимание, что все банковские переводы несут определенный риск возврата платежа.\n\nЧтобы снизить этот риск, Bisq ограничивает суммы сделок на основе двух факторов: \n\n1. Расчёт уровня риска возврата платежа для данного метода платежа.\n2. Возраст вашего счёта, созданного для этого метода платежа.\n\nСрок существования нового счёта сейчас равен нулю. С ростом этого срока в течении двух месяцев, предел сумм сделок будет расти:\n\n● В течении 1-го месяца предел каждой сделки составит {0}.\n● В течении 2-го месяца предел сделки составит {1}.\n● После 2-го месяца предел сделки составит {2}.\n\nОбщее количество совершаемых вами сделок не ограничено. limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade buy limits based on the following 2 factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n\nThis payment account you just created carries some chargeback risk and is not yet signed by an arbitrator or trusted peer, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After it is signed, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and up to 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing, and increase merely as account age increases. More information is at\n\nThere are no limits on the number of trades you can make.Убедитесь, что ваш банк позволяет отправлять денежные переводы на счета других лиц. Например, Bank of America и Wells Fargo больше не разрешают такие переводы. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ index b3fc3c287a2..26cd39a6d10 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ @@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ offerbook.timeSinceSigning.daysSinceSigning.long={0} since signing you successfully complete a trade with a peer who has a signed payment account, your payment account is signed.\n{0} days later, the initial limit of {1} is lifted and your account can sign other peers'' payment accounts. offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned=Not signed yet -offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned.noNeed=Unsigned +offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned.noNeed=ไม่พร้อมใช้งาน shared.notSigned=This account hasn't been signed yet shared.notSigned.noNeed=This account type doesn't use signing @@ -740,6 +740,7 @@ portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline=Mediation result for trade with portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline.peerAccepted=Your trade peer has accepted the mediator''s suggestion for trade {0} mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed.\n\nIf one or both of you reject the suggestion, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nThe arbitrator may charge a small fee (fee maximum: the trader''s security deposit) as compensation for their work. Both traders agreeing to the mediator''s suggestion is the happy path—requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances, such as if a trader is sure the mediator did not make a fair payout suggestion (or if the other peer is unresponsive).\n\nMore details about the new arbitration model:\n portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Reject and request arbitration +portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=You've already accepted portfolio.closed.completed=เสร็จสิ้น portfolio.closed.ticketClosed=Arbitrated @@ -2385,7 +2386,8 @@โปรดดูให้แน่ใจว่าคเมื่อใช้ MoneyGram ผู้ซื้อ BTC จะต้องส่งหมายเลขการอนุมัติและรูปใบเสร็จรับเงินทางอีเมลไปยังผู้ขาย BTC ใบเสร็จจะต้องแสดงชื่อเต็ม ประเทศ รัฐและจำนวนเงินทั้งหมดของผู้ขาย ผู้ซื้อจะได้รับอีเมลของผู้ขายในขั้นตอนการค้าเมื่อใช้ Western Union ผู้ซื้อ BTC จะต้องส่ง MTCN (หมายเลขติดตาม) และรูปใบเสร็จรับเงินทางอีเมลไปยังผู้ขาย BTC ใบเสร็จรับเงินต้องแสดงชื่อเต็ม ประเทศ เมืองและจำนวนเงินทั้งหมดของผู้ขาย ผู้ซื้อจะได้รับอีเมลของผู้ขายในขั้นตอนการค้าเมื่อมีการใช้งาน HalCash ผู้ซื้อ BTC จำเป็นต้องส่งรหัส Halcash ให้กับผู้ขายทางข้อความโทรศัพท์มือถือ\n\nโปรดตรวจสอบว่าไม่เกินจำนวนเงินสูงสุดที่ธนาคารของคุณอนุญาตให้คุณส่งด้วย HalCash จำนวนเงินขั้นต่ำในการเบิกถอนคือ 10 EUR และสูงสุดในจำนวนเงิน 600 EUR สำหรับการถอนซ้ำเป็น 3000 EUR ต่อผู้รับและต่อวัน และ 6000 EUR ต่อผู้รับและต่อเดือน โปรดตรวจสอบข้อจำกัดจากทางธนาคารคุณเพื่อให้มั่นใจได้ว่าทางธนาคารได้มีการใช้มาตรฐานข้อกำหนดเดียวกันกับดังที่ระบุไว้ ณ ที่นี่\n\nจำนวนเงินที่ถอนจะต้องเป็นจำนวนเงินหลาย 10 EUR เนื่องจากคุณไม่สามารถถอนเงินอื่น ๆ ออกจากตู้เอทีเอ็มได้ UI ในหน้าจอสร้างข้อเสนอและรับข้อเสนอจะปรับจำนวนเงิน BTC เพื่อให้จำนวนเงิน EUR ถูกต้อง คุณไม่สามารถใช้ราคาตลาดเป็นจำนวนเงิน EUR ซึ่งจะเปลี่ยนแปลงไปตามราคาที่มีการปรับเปลี่ยน\n\nในกรณีที่มีข้อพิพาทผู้ซื้อ BTC ต้องแสดงหลักฐานว่าได้ส่ง EUR แล้ว limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade buy limits based on the following 2 factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n\nThis payment account you just created carries some chargeback risk and is not yet signed by an arbitrator or trusted peer, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After it is signed, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and up to 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing, and increase merely as account age increases. More information is at\n\nThere are no limits on the number of trades you can make.โปรดทราบว่าการโอนเงินผ่านธนาคารทั้งหมดมีความเสี่ยงจากการเรียกเก็บเงินคืน\n\nเพื่อลดความเสี่ยงนี้ Bisq ตั้งค่าขีดจำกัดต่อการซื้อขายขึ้นอยู่กับสองปัจจัยคือ\n\n1. ระดับความเสี่ยงจากการเรียกเก็บเงินคืนโดยประเมินจากวิธีการชำระเงินที่ใช้\n2. อายุของบัญชีสำหรับวิธีการชำระเงินนั้น\n\nขณะนี้บัญชีที่คุณกำลังสร้างใหม่และยังไม่ได้เริ่มอายุการใช้งาน เนื่องจากบัญชีของคุณเติบโตขึ้นเมื่ออายุเกินกว่าระยะเวลาสองเดือน ขีดจำกัดต่อการซื้อขายของคุณจะเติบโตไปพร้อมเช่นกัน: \n\n●ในช่วง 1 เดือนขีดจำกัดต่อการซื้อขายของคุณจะเป็น {0} \n●ในช่วงเดือนที่ 2 ขีดจำกัดต่อการซื้อขายของคุณจะเป็น {1} \n●หลังจากเดือนที่ 2 ขีดจำกัดต่อการซื้อขายของคุณจะเป็น {2} \n\nโปรดทราบว่าไม่มีข้อจำกัดเกี่ยวกับจำนวนครั้งที่คุณสามารถซื้อขายได้ limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade buy limits based on the following 2 factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n\nThis payment account you just created carries some chargeback risk and is not yet signed by an arbitrator or trusted peer, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After it is signed, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and up to 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing, and increase merely as account age increases. More information is at\n\nThere are no limits on the number of trades you can make.โปรดยืนยันว่าธนาคารของคุณได้อนุมัติให้คุณสามารถส่งเงินสดให้กับบัญชีบุคคลอื่นได้ ตัวอย่างเช่น บางธนาคารที่ไม่ได้มีการบริการถ่ายโอนเงินสดอย่าง Bank of America และ Wells Fargo diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ index 06aa12038c6..381e76ecdc5 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ @@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ offerbook.timeSinceSigning.daysSinceSigning.long={0} since signing you successfully complete a trade with a peer who has a signed payment account, your payment account is signed.\n{0} days later, the initial limit of {1} is lifted and your account can sign other peers'' payment accounts. offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned=Not signed yet -offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned.noNeed=Unsigned +offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned.noNeed=Không áp dụng shared.notSigned=This account hasn't been signed yet shared.notSigned.noNeed=This account type doesn't use signing @@ -740,6 +740,7 @@ portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline=Mediation result for trade with portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline.peerAccepted=Your trade peer has accepted the mediator''s suggestion for trade {0} mediator has suggested the following payout:\nYou receive: {0}\nYour trading peer receives: {1}\n\nYou can accept or reject this suggested payout.\n\nBy accepting, you sign the proposed payout transaction. If your trading peer also accepts and signs, the payout will be completed, and the trade will be closed.\n\nIf one or both of you reject the suggestion, you will have to wait until {2} (block {3}) to open a second-round dispute with an arbitrator who will investigate the case again and do a payout based on their findings.\n\nThe arbitrator may charge a small fee (fee maximum: the trader''s security deposit) as compensation for their work. Both traders agreeing to the mediator''s suggestion is the happy path—requesting arbitration is meant for exceptional circumstances, such as if a trader is sure the mediator did not make a fair payout suggestion (or if the other peer is unresponsive).\n\nMore details about the new arbitration model:\n portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=Reject and request arbitration +portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=You've already accepted portfolio.closed.completed=Hoàn thành portfolio.closed.ticketClosed=Arbitrated @@ -2385,7 +2386,8 @@ắc chắc bạn đáp ứng các yêu cầu khi s dùng MoneyGram người mua BTC phải gửi số xác nhận và ảnh chụp hoá đơn đến emailnguoiwf bán. Hoá đơn phải chỉ rõ tên đầy đủ, quốc gia, tiểu bang và số lượng. Người mua sẽ trình email của người bán ra trong quá trình giao dịch sử dụng Western Union, người mua BTC phải gửi MTCN (số theo dõi) và ảnh giấy biên nhận bằng email cho người bán BTC. Giấy biên nhận phải nêu rõ họ tên, thành phố, quốc gia của người bán và số tiền. Người mua sẽ được hiển thị email người bán trong quá trình giao dịch. sử dụng HalCash người mua BTC cần phải gửi cho người bán BTC mã HalCash bằng tin nhắn điện thoại.\n\nVui lòng đảm bảo là lượng tiền này không vượt quá số lượng tối đa mà ngân hàng của bạn cho phép gửi khi dùng HalCash. Số lượng rút tối thiểu là 10 EUR và tối đa là 600 EUR. Nếu rút nhiều lần thì giới hạn sẽ là 3000 EUR/ người nhận/ ngày và 6000 EUR/người nhận/tháng. Vui lòng kiểm tra chéo những giới hạn này với ngân hàng của bạn để chắc chắn là họ cũng dùng những giới hạn như ghi ở đây.\n\nSố tiền rút phải là bội số của 10 EUR vì bạn không thể rút các mệnh giá khác từ ATM. Giao diện người dùng ở phần 'tạo chào giá' và 'chấp nhận chào giá' sẽ điều chỉnh lượng btc sao cho lượng EUR tương ứng sẽ chính xác. Bạn không thể dùng giá thị trường vì lượng EUR có thể sẽ thay đổi khi giá thay đổi.\n\nTrường hợp tranh chấp, người mua BTC cần phải cung cấp bằng chứng chứng minh mình đã gửi EUR. limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade buy limits based on the following 2 factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n\nThis payment account you just created carries some chargeback risk and is not yet signed by an arbitrator or trusted peer, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After it is signed, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and up to 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing, and increase merely as account age increases. More information is at\n\nThere are no limits on the number of trades you can make.ãy hiểu rằng tất cả giao dịch chuyển khoản ngân hàng đều có thể có rủi ro bị đòi tiền lại.\n\nĐể hạn chế rủi ro này, Bisq đã đặt giới hạn trên mỗi giao dịch dựa trên hai yếu tố:\n\n1. Mức rủi ro đòi tiền lại ước tính cho mỗi phương thức thanh toán áp dụng\n2. Tuổi tài khoản của bạn đối với phương thức thanh toán\n\nTài khoản bạn đang tạo là mới và tuổi bằng không. Sau khi tài khoản của bạn được hai tháng tuổi, giới hạn trên mỗi giao dịch của bạn sẽ tăng lên theo:\n\n● Trong tháng đầu tiên, giới hạn trên mỗi giao dịch của bạn là {0}\n● Trong tháng thứ hai, giới hạn trên mỗi giao dịch của bạn là {1}\n● Sau hai tháng, giới hạn trên mỗi giao dịch của bạn là {2}\n\nLưu ý không có giới hạn trên tổng số lần bạn có thể giao dịch. limit chargeback risk, Bisq sets per-trade buy limits based on the following 2 factors:\n\n1. General chargeback risk for the payment method\n2. Account signing status\n\nThis payment account you just created carries some chargeback risk and is not yet signed by an arbitrator or trusted peer, so it is limited to buying {0} per trade. After it is signed, buy limits will increase as follows:\n\n● Before signing, and up to 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {0}\n● 30 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {1}\n● 60 days after signing, your per-trade buy limit will be {2}\n\nSell limits are not affected by account signing, and increase merely as account age increases. More information is at\n\nThere are no limits on the number of trades you can make. lòng xác nhận rằng ngân hàng của bạn cho phép nạp tiền mặt vào tài khoản của người khác. Chẳng hạn, Ngân Hàng Mỹ và Wells Fargo không còn cho phép nạp tiền như vậy nữa. diff --git a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ index 341205a18ba..b05485dea3c 100644 --- a/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ +++ b/core/src/main/resources/i18n/ @@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ offerbook.timeSinceSigning.daysSinceSigning.long=自签署{0}当您成功地完成与拥有已签字付款帐户的伙伴交易时,您的付款帐户已签字。\n{0} 天后,最初的 {1} 的限制解除以及你的账户可以签署其他伙伴的”付款账户。 offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned=尚未签字 -offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned.noNeed=未签字 +offerbook.timeSinceSigning.notSigned.noNeed=N/A shared.notSigned=此账户还没有被签署 shared.notSigned.noNeed=此账户类型不使用签名 @@ -740,6 +740,7 @@ portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline=调解员在交易 ID:{0}上 portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.headline.peerAccepted=你的伙伴已经接受了调解员的建议调解员建议的支出如下:\n你将支付:{0}\n你的交易伙伴将支付:{1}\n\n你可以接受或拒绝这笔调解费支出。\n\n通过接受,你签署了合约的支付交易。如果你的交易伙伴也接受和签署,支付将完成,交易将关闭。\n\n如果你们其中一人或双方都拒绝该建议,你将必须等到(2)({3}区块)与仲裁员展开第二轮纠纷讨论,仲裁员将再次调查该案件,并根据他们的调查结果进行支付。\n\n仲裁员可以收取少量费用(费用上限:交易的保证金)作为其工作的补偿。两个交易者都同意调解员的建议是愉快的路径请求仲裁是针对特殊情况的,比如如果一个交易者确信调解员没有提出公平的赔偿建议(或者如果另一个同伴没有回应)。\n\n关于新的仲裁模型的更多细节: portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.openArbitration=拒绝并请求仲裁 +portfolio.pending.mediationResult.popup.alreadyAccepted=You've already accepted portfolio.closed.completed=完成 portfolio.closed.ticketClosed=已仲裁 @@ -2385,7 +2386,8 @@请确保您满足了使用 Zelle(ClearXchange)的使用 MoneyGram 时,BTC 买方必须将授权号码和收据的照片通过电子邮件发送给 BTC 卖方。收据必须清楚地显示卖方的全名、国家、州和金额。买方将在交易过程中显示卖方的电子邮件。使用 Western Union 时,BTC 买方必须通过电子邮件将 MTCN(运单号)和收据照片发送给 BTC 卖方。收据上必须清楚地显示卖方的全名、城市、国家和金额。买方将在交易过程中显示卖方的电子邮件。使用 HalCash 时,BTC 买方需要通过手机短信向 BTC 卖方发送 HalCash 代码。\n\n请确保不要超过银行允许您用半现金汇款的最高金额。每次取款的最低金额是 10 欧元,最高金额是 10 欧元。金额是 600 欧元。对于重复取款,每天每个接收者 3000 欧元,每月每个接收者 6000 欧元。请与您的银行核对这些限额,以确保它们使用与此处所述相同的限额。\n\n提现金额必须是 10 欧元的倍数,因为您不能从 ATM 机提取其他金额。 create-offer 和 take-offer 屏幕中的 UI 将调整 BTC 金额,使 EUR 金额正确。你不能使用基于市场的价格,因为欧元的数量会随着价格的变化而变化。\n为了降低这一风险,Bisq 基于两个因素对每笔交易设置了限制:\n\n1. 使用的付款方法的预估退款风险水平\n2. 您的付款方式的账龄\n\n您刚刚创建的这个支付帐户有一定的退款风险,而且还没有仲裁员或受信任的伙伴签署,所以它只能在每笔交易中购买 {0} 。签署后,购买限额将增加如下:\n\n●在签署前,以及签署后30天内,您每笔交易的购买限额将为 {0}\n●在签署后的第二个月,您的每笔交易限额将为 {1}\n●在签署后第二个月后,您的每笔交易限额为 {2}\n\n销售限额不受帐户签署的影响,并且仅随着账龄的增加而增加。更多信息请访问。\n\n请注意,您可以交易的总次数没有限制。请注意,所有银行转账都有一定的退款风险。\n\n为了降低这一风险,Bisq 基于两个因素对每笔交易设置了限制:\n\n1. 使用的付款方法的预估退款风险水平\n2. 您的付款方式的账龄\n\n您现在创建的帐户是新的,它的账龄为零。随着你的账户在两个月的时间里增长,你的每笔交易限额也会随之增长:\n\n●在第一个月,您的每笔交易限额为 {0}\n●在第二个月,您的每笔交易限额将为 {1}\n●第二个月后,您的每笔交易限额为 {2}\n\n请注意,您可以交易的总次数没有限制。为了降低这一风险,Bisq 基于两个因素对每笔交易设置了限制:\n\n1. 使用的付款方法的预估退款风险水平\n2. 您的付款方式的账龄\n\n您刚刚创建的这个支付帐户有一定的退款风险,而且还没有仲裁员或受信任的伙伴签署,所以它只能在每笔交易中购买 {0} 。签署后,购买限额将增加如下:\n\n●在签署前,以及签署后30天内,您每笔交易的购买限额将为 {0}\n●在签署后的第二个月,您的每笔交易限额将为 {1}\n●在签署后第二个月后,您的每笔交易限额为 {2}\n\n销售限额不受帐户签署的影响,并且仅随着账龄的增加而增加。更多信息请访问。\n\n请注意,您可以交易的总次数没有限制。请确认您的银行允许您将现金存款汇入他人账户。例如,美国银行和富国银行不再允许此类存款。