All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
2024.8.16-1 (2024-08-15)
Note: Version bump only for package idea-run-typescript
2024.8.16-0 (2024-08-15)
- Invalid plugin descriptor 'description'. All the links in the plugin description must be HTTPS (4c5d98d)
2024.8.15-0 (2024-08-15)
- use
as default
- can't set commandLine.charset to utf-8 when sys is gbk (17e25ce), closes NT_kwDOAAKQHrIxMTk1MTQ2MjQ2MzoxNjc5NjY#issuecomment-2291094308
- use
as default (a4fe218), closes / / - allow force utf8 by
(c6aa98c), closes NT_kwDOAAKQHrIxMTk1MTQ2MjQ2MzoxNjc5NjY#issuecomment-2291094308 - todo: save
(dc28143) - todo:
(64fac54) - todo: add
- update deps (e5026b4)
2022.11.14-1 (2022-11-14)
- add detect tsx / esno (09aa303)
2021.12.2-0 (2021-12-01)
- Variable 'runSettings' is never used (8bd65d2)
2021.10.11-1 (2021-10-10)
- initTextFieldEmptyText (2c91e2f)
2021.7.20-0 (2021-07-20)
- console: #25 (comment) (3fbea78), closes /
- update script (292fbd0)
2021.6.6-0 (2021-06-06)
- update kotlin to
- Delete intellij-plugin-verifier.yml (421ae9e)
- Enable and update GitHub Action to test both IC & IU (6473496)
2020.9.1-0 (2020-08-31)
- fix change-notes (6f52a90)
- update setting (05aed69)
2020.8.26-0 (2020-08-26)
2020.8.25-0 (2020-08-24)
- use withConsoleMode(true) (1cd0c66)
- update check (05c5c59)
2020.8.24-0 (2020-08-23)
- invalid var name { nodejs.console.use.terminal => NODEJS_CONSOLE_USE_TERMINAL } (be218a7)
- change version style for support changelog (a4b8216)
- #15 (77db096)
- error yaml syntax on line 21 (9413aeb)
- remove deprecated message from TsAction (d30031f)
- use NodeCommandLineUtil and supported ide => 193.4932.9 (8e23aea)
- jvmArgs (732acd6)
- use
(ab2f7d4) - update envs code by #14 (ae15c6e)
- pick changes from #14 (93d5880)
- add code style config (087aba8)
- deps: update kotlin { 1.3.50 => 1.4.0 } (f85252e)
- deps: use gradle-6.1.1 (528409e)
- gradle: disable (fb6272f)
- gradle: add verifyPlugin (dd77d52)
- add copy from build/distributions to releases (52a0503)
- add copy plugin.jar from build/libs to releases (405348c)
- update run config setting (e6e3928)
- add run config (372fc36)
- merge config from #10 (a2808ba)
- add updateGradleProperties (ca53188)
- add Gradle from #14 (c1a0277)
- add script for update version (822b5ba)
- add gradlew verifyPlugin (975b4b1)
- Build the plugin using Gradle (dc9bea7)
- skip check version 181 (50cce1f)
- release: publish (b173e4f)
- update script (f18bf1c)
- release: publish (e36bc43)
- add miss file (19676d0)
- update config (9f78f45)
- show as deprecated (cd6211a)
- show as deprecated (6093855)
- add .editorconfig (d19b52f)
- #14 (comment) (4d9de1d), closes /
- make
can be fully replaceDebugTsAction
- remove envs2
- not support old ide version
- support
- #15 (77db096)
- error yaml syntax on line 21 (9413aeb)
- psiFile null (d9a6aaa)
- project.baseDir.path => project.basePath (49aabfb)
- null (afc0c88)
- make build plugin work at IDEA 2019.1.4#IU-191.8026.42 (fb3e11c), closes 2019.1.4#IU-191
- action: 按鈕只會出現在 ts 上 (cadb742)
- conf: 修正為檔案選擇器 (d3aec6d)
- console: 修正為普通 Run 輸出 (70ea2d1)
- remove deprecated message from TsAction (d30031f)
- use NodeCommandLineUtil and supported ide => 193.4932.9 (8e23aea)
- try remember ts-node package choose #9 (7d2097f)
- better check
(d5da387) - findPreferredPackage(name: List) (bf59600)
- support select
(178fc00) - showUpdateNotification (dbda60d)
- showUpdateNotification (83a46a0)
- Give up try using Plugin way for Run Debug (c75599c)
- make ScratchFile run in project path (387510e)
- support Scratch File #5 (d9059c2)
- FORCE_COLOR=3 (2360e42)
- support .tsx (79df6ef)
- emit ctrl+c with
by Sergey Simonchik (c2960f0) - action: 支援顯示額外的 Before launch action (例如 build) (5467250)
- action: 支援顯示額外的 Before launch action (例如 build) (51fb083)
- jvmArgs (732acd6)
- add install zip (fac5c52)
- add code style config (087aba8)
- deps: update kotlin { 1.3.50 => 1.4.0 } (f85252e)
- deps: use gradle-6.1.1 (528409e)
- gradle: disable (fb6272f)
- gradle: add verifyPlugin (dd77d52)
- add copy from build/distributions to releases (52a0503)
- add copy plugin.jar from build/libs to releases (405348c)
- update run config setting (e6e3928)
- add run config (372fc36)
- merge config from #10 (a2808ba)
- add updateGradleProperties (ca53188)
- add Gradle from #14 (c1a0277)
- add script for update version (822b5ba)
- Build the plugin using Gradle (dc9bea7)
- skip check version 181 (50cce1f)
- add Plugin compatibility check (3a14b32)
- update script (f18bf1c)
- release: publish (e36bc43)
- add miss file (19676d0)
- update config (9f78f45)
- show as deprecated (cd6211a)
- show as deprecated (6093855)
- add .editorconfig (d19b52f)
- release: publish (2cfe95b)
- release: publish (7af8528)
- v2020.03.04.0 (ec0c31d)
- Build Plugin in IntelliJ IDEA 2019.2.4#IU-192.7142.36 (8e81b89), closes 2019.2.4#IU-192
- (c134fd9)
- .idea/artifacts/idea_run_typescript_jar.xml (a845439)
- build plugin/jar at IDEA 2019.1.4#IU-191.8026.42 (1acf695), closes 2019.1.4#IU-191
- svg by Freepik/Flaticon (20849c0)
- remove all log print (99621cb)
- remove all log print (306ecb0)
- #14 (comment) (4d9de1d), closes /
- make
can be fully replaceDebugTsAction
(51cbdd1) - Fetching environment variables from typescript config and setting working directory (9b935ec)
- Update intellij-plugin-verifier.yml (5b74f79)
- [FIX] TsUtil.kt: Fix a NPE (adab34a)
- . (b1accc7)
- Build Plugin in IntelliJ IDEA 2019.3.3#IU-193.6494.35 (fb8fb46), closes 2019.3.3#IU-193
- LangDataKeys.MODULE (95a7936)
- TsUtil.isScratchFileType (8875a67)
- update deprecated
=> ScratchUtil.isScratch(virtualFile) (028a353) - 2020.2.25.1 (5de41b4)
- update code (7385b0f)
- . (cdf16d1)
- . (b9c49fc)
- . (6014950)
- IntelliJ IDEA IU-192.5587.17 (3d7318f)
- commandLine.charset = Charset.forName("UTF-8") (5a5d67d)
- DumbAware (50be282)
- small debug (97ff321)
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' (7fffe29)
- . (e74fa2a)
- Update plugin.xml (8e6a818)
- pluginIcon.svg (9c65e20)
- 🐛 Fixing a bug. (23add22)
- 2018.8.8.0 (5fcb4e0)
- 🐛 fix cannot be cast to org.jetbrains.debugger.DebuggableRunConfiguration (d714f76)
- . (7463ea3)
- remove useless icon (f2ee05c)
- fix for 2018.2 (7c1d744)
- 2018.7.25.0 (ced7c88)
- 改進 搜尋 ts-node bin 的方法 (f314487)
- 讀取 ts-node (55f7d63)
- 讀取 node js bin (86171cd)
- same as node.js run add FORCE_COLOR=true (7c0cc9c)
- update readme (6f9ecfd)
- update readme (430f657)
- update readme (3a31247)
- update readme (69c4233)
- update readme (4941711)
- update readme (56c3cab)
- update readme (6a01568)
- . (dd23fe3)
- . (7bb0767)
- . (2626fac)
- . (1cf997f)
- . (238aca7)
- . (24ee43c)
- TsForm (40a1118)
- TsForm (7a77ee0)
- . (f24a968)
- . (050eebe)
- . (022ce1c)
- . (0b28d32)
- . (c0fb391)
- . (042cc2b)
- [done] TsRunConfigurationProducer (fbe4938)
- AllIcons.Actions (2c0cd3d)
- . (3af1098)
- . (6d0d6f3)
- . (18bc2ef)
- fun expectFile(file: String, throwError: Boolean = false, name: String = "path"): Boolean (11ac5e9)
- . (5f64c55)
- . (21b3f9b)
- . (c03e127)
- 方便識別是不是內建的 TypeScript API (2fa5ad6)
- . (66de3e2)
- . (f27e842)
- . (ed84a33)
- . (84b0f08)
- . (7219b94)
- 累了 光靠複製貼上 猜不出來 如何解決問題 (da2c9ee)
- . (0adb089)
- 🎉 Initial commit. (0954c56)
- remove envs2
- not support old ide version
- support
- error yaml syntax on line 21 (9413aeb)
- psiFile null (d9a6aaa)
- project.baseDir.path => project.basePath (49aabfb)
- null (afc0c88)
- make build plugin work at IDEA 2019.1.4#IU-191.8026.42 (fb3e11c), closes 2019.1.4#IU-191
- action: 按鈕只會出現在 ts 上 (cadb742)
- conf: 修正為檔案選擇器 (d3aec6d)
- console: 修正為普通 Run 輸出 (70ea2d1)
- use NodeCommandLineUtil and supported ide => 193.4932.9 (8e23aea)
- try remember ts-node package choose #9 (7d2097f)
- better check
(d5da387) - findPreferredPackage(name: List) (bf59600)
- support select
(178fc00) - showUpdateNotification (dbda60d)
- showUpdateNotification (83a46a0)
- Give up try using Plugin way for Run Debug (c75599c)
- make ScratchFile run in project path (387510e)
- support Scratch File #5 (d9059c2)
- FORCE_COLOR=3 (2360e42)
- support .tsx (79df6ef)
- emit ctrl+c with
by Sergey Simonchik (c2960f0) - action: 支援顯示額外的 Before launch action (例如 build) (5467250)
- action: 支援顯示額外的 Before launch action (例如 build) (51fb083)
- jvmArgs (732acd6)
- add code style config (087aba8)
- add copy plugin.jar from build/libs to releases (405348c)
- deps: use gradle-6.1.1 (528409e)
- update run config setting (e6e3928)
- add run config (372fc36)
- merge config from #10 (a2808ba)
- add updateGradleProperties (ca53188)
- add Gradle from #14 (c1a0277)
- add script for update version (822b5ba)
- Build the plugin using Gradle (dc9bea7)
- skip check version 181 (50cce1f)
- add Plugin compatibility check (3a14b32)
- add miss file (19676d0)
- update config (9f78f45)
- show as deprecated (cd6211a)
- show as deprecated (6093855)
- add .editorconfig (d19b52f)
- release: publish (2cfe95b)
- release: publish (7af8528)
- v2020.03.04.0 (ec0c31d)
- Build Plugin in IntelliJ IDEA 2019.2.4#IU-192.7142.36 (8e81b89), closes 2019.2.4#IU-192
- (c134fd9)
- .idea/artifacts/idea_run_typescript_jar.xml (a845439)
- build plugin/jar at IDEA 2019.1.4#IU-191.8026.42 (1acf695), closes 2019.1.4#IU-191
- svg by Freepik/Flaticon (20849c0)
- remove all log print (99621cb)
- remove all log print (306ecb0)
- #14 (comment) (4d9de1d), closes /
- make
can be fully replaceDebugTsAction
(51cbdd1) - Fetching environment variables from typescript config and setting working directory (9b935ec)
- Update intellij-plugin-verifier.yml (5b74f79)
- [FIX] TsUtil.kt: Fix a NPE (adab34a)
- . (b1accc7)
- Build Plugin in IntelliJ IDEA 2019.3.3#IU-193.6494.35 (fb8fb46), closes 2019.3.3#IU-193
- LangDataKeys.MODULE (95a7936)
- TsUtil.isScratchFileType (8875a67)
- update deprecated
=> ScratchUtil.isScratch(virtualFile) (028a353) - 2020.2.25.1 (5de41b4)
- update code (7385b0f)
- . (cdf16d1)
- . (b9c49fc)
- . (6014950)
- IntelliJ IDEA IU-192.5587.17 (3d7318f)
- commandLine.charset = Charset.forName("UTF-8") (5a5d67d)
- DumbAware (50be282)
- small debug (97ff321)
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' (7fffe29)
- . (e74fa2a)
- Update plugin.xml (8e6a818)
- pluginIcon.svg (9c65e20)
- 🐛 Fixing a bug. (23add22)
- 2018.8.8.0 (5fcb4e0)
- 🐛 fix cannot be cast to org.jetbrains.debugger.DebuggableRunConfiguration (d714f76)
- . (7463ea3)
- remove useless icon (f2ee05c)
- fix for 2018.2 (7c1d744)
- 2018.7.25.0 (ced7c88)
- 改進 搜尋 ts-node bin 的方法 (f314487)
- 讀取 ts-node (55f7d63)
- 讀取 node js bin (86171cd)
- same as node.js run add FORCE_COLOR=true (7c0cc9c)
- update readme (6f9ecfd)
- update readme (430f657)
- update readme (3a31247)
- update readme (69c4233)
- update readme (4941711)
- update readme (56c3cab)
- update readme (6a01568)
- . (dd23fe3)
- . (7bb0767)
- . (2626fac)
- . (1cf997f)
- . (238aca7)
- . (24ee43c)
- TsForm (40a1118)
- TsForm (7a77ee0)
- . (f24a968)
- . (050eebe)
- . (022ce1c)
- . (0b28d32)
- . (c0fb391)
- . (042cc2b)
- [done] TsRunConfigurationProducer (fbe4938)
- AllIcons.Actions (2c0cd3d)
- . (3af1098)
- . (6d0d6f3)
- . (18bc2ef)
- fun expectFile(file: String, throwError: Boolean = false, name: String = "path"): Boolean (11ac5e9)
- . (5f64c55)
- . (21b3f9b)
- . (c03e127)
- 方便識別是不是內建的 TypeScript API (2fa5ad6)
- . (66de3e2)
- . (f27e842)
- . (ed84a33)
- . (84b0f08)
- . (7219b94)
- 累了 光靠複製貼上 猜不出來 如何解決問題 (da2c9ee)
- . (0adb089)
- 🎉 Initial commit. (0954c56)
- remove envs2
- not support old ide version
- psiFile null (d9a6aaa)
- project.baseDir.path => project.basePath (49aabfb)
- null (afc0c88)
- make build plugin work at IDEA 2019.1.4#IU-191.8026.42 (fb3e11c), closes 2019.1.4#IU-191
- action: 按鈕只會出現在 ts 上 (cadb742)
- conf: 修正為檔案選擇器 (d3aec6d)
- console: 修正為普通 Run 輸出 (70ea2d1)
- try remember ts-node package choose #9 (7d2097f)
- better check
(d5da387) - findPreferredPackage(name: List) (bf59600)
- support select
(178fc00) - showUpdateNotification (dbda60d)
- showUpdateNotification (83a46a0)
- Give up try using Plugin way for Run Debug (c75599c)
- make ScratchFile run in project path (387510e)
- support Scratch File #5 (d9059c2)
- FORCE_COLOR=3 (2360e42)
- support .tsx (79df6ef)
- emit ctrl+c with
by Sergey Simonchik (c2960f0) - action: 支援顯示額外的 Before launch action (例如 build) (5467250)
- action: 支援顯示額外的 Before launch action (例如 build) (51fb083)
- add Plugin compatibility check (3a14b32)
- release: publish (7af8528)
- v2020.03.04.0 (ec0c31d)
- Build Plugin in IntelliJ IDEA 2019.2.4#IU-192.7142.36 (8e81b89), closes 2019.2.4#IU-192
- (c134fd9)
- .idea/artifacts/idea_run_typescript_jar.xml (a845439)
- build plugin/jar at IDEA 2019.1.4#IU-191.8026.42 (1acf695), closes 2019.1.4#IU-191
- svg by Freepik/Flaticon (20849c0)
- remove all log print (99621cb)
- remove all log print (306ecb0)
- Fetching environment variables from typescript config and setting working directory (9b935ec)
- Update intellij-plugin-verifier.yml (5b74f79)
- [FIX] TsUtil.kt: Fix a NPE (adab34a)
- . (b1accc7)
- Build Plugin in IntelliJ IDEA 2019.3.3#IU-193.6494.35 (fb8fb46), closes 2019.3.3#IU-193
- LangDataKeys.MODULE (95a7936)
- TsUtil.isScratchFileType (8875a67)
- update deprecated
=> ScratchUtil.isScratch(virtualFile) (028a353) - 2020.2.25.1 (5de41b4)
- update code (7385b0f)
- . (cdf16d1)
- . (b9c49fc)
- . (6014950)
- IntelliJ IDEA IU-192.5587.17 (3d7318f)
- commandLine.charset = Charset.forName("UTF-8") (5a5d67d)
- DumbAware (50be282)
- small debug (97ff321)
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' (7fffe29)
- . (e74fa2a)
- Update plugin.xml (8e6a818)
- pluginIcon.svg (9c65e20)
- 🐛 Fixing a bug. (23add22)
- 2018.8.8.0 (5fcb4e0)
- 🐛 fix cannot be cast to org.jetbrains.debugger.DebuggableRunConfiguration (d714f76)
- . (7463ea3)
- remove useless icon (f2ee05c)
- fix for 2018.2 (7c1d744)
- 2018.7.25.0 (ced7c88)
- 改進 搜尋 ts-node bin 的方法 (f314487)
- 讀取 ts-node (55f7d63)
- 讀取 node js bin (86171cd)
- same as node.js run add FORCE_COLOR=true (7c0cc9c)
- update readme (6f9ecfd)
- update readme (430f657)
- update readme (3a31247)
- update readme (69c4233)
- update readme (4941711)
- update readme (56c3cab)
- update readme (6a01568)
- . (dd23fe3)
- . (7bb0767)
- . (2626fac)
- . (1cf997f)
- . (238aca7)
- . (24ee43c)
- TsForm (40a1118)
- TsForm (7a77ee0)
- . (f24a968)
- . (050eebe)
- . (022ce1c)
- . (0b28d32)
- . (c0fb391)
- . (042cc2b)
- [done] TsRunConfigurationProducer (fbe4938)
- AllIcons.Actions (2c0cd3d)
- . (3af1098)
- . (6d0d6f3)
- . (18bc2ef)
- fun expectFile(file: String, throwError: Boolean = false, name: String = "path"): Boolean (11ac5e9)
- . (5f64c55)
- . (21b3f9b)
- . (c03e127)
- 方便識別是不是內建的 TypeScript API (2fa5ad6)
- . (66de3e2)
- . (f27e842)
- . (ed84a33)
- . (84b0f08)
- . (7219b94)
- 累了 光靠複製貼上 猜不出來 如何解決問題 (da2c9ee)
- . (0adb089)
- 🎉 Initial commit. (0954c56)
- psiFile null (d9a6aaa)
- project.baseDir.path => project.basePath (49aabfb)
- null (afc0c88)
- make build plugin work at IDEA 2019.1.4#IU-191.8026.42 (fb3e11c), closes 2019.1.4#IU-191
- action: 按鈕只會出現在 ts 上 (cadb742)
- conf: 修正為檔案選擇器 (d3aec6d)
- console: 修正為普通 Run 輸出 (70ea2d1)
- try remember ts-node package choose #9 (7d2097f)
- better check
(d5da387) - findPreferredPackage(name: List) (bf59600)
- support select
(178fc00) - showUpdateNotification (dbda60d)
- showUpdateNotification (83a46a0)
- Give up try using Plugin way for Run Debug (c75599c)
- make ScratchFile run in project path (387510e)
- support Scratch File #5 (d9059c2)
- FORCE_COLOR=3 (2360e42)
- support .tsx (79df6ef)
- emit ctrl+c with
by Sergey Simonchik (c2960f0) - action: 支援顯示額外的 Before launch action (例如 build) (5467250)
- action: 支援顯示額外的 Before launch action (例如 build) (51fb083)
- add Plugin compatibility check (3a14b32)
- v2020.03.04.0 (ec0c31d)
- Build Plugin in IntelliJ IDEA 2019.2.4#IU-192.7142.36 (8e81b89), closes 2019.2.4#IU-192
- (c134fd9)
- .idea/artifacts/idea_run_typescript_jar.xml (a845439)
- build plugin/jar at IDEA 2019.1.4#IU-191.8026.42 (1acf695), closes 2019.1.4#IU-191
- svg by Freepik/Flaticon (20849c0)
- remove all log print (99621cb)
- remove all log print (306ecb0)
- Fetching environment variables from typescript config and setting working directory (9b935ec)
- Update intellij-plugin-verifier.yml (5b74f79)
- [FIX] TsUtil.kt: Fix a NPE (adab34a)
- . (b1accc7)
- Build Plugin in IntelliJ IDEA 2019.3.3#IU-193.6494.35 (fb8fb46), closes 2019.3.3#IU-193
- LangDataKeys.MODULE (95a7936)
- TsUtil.isScratchFileType (8875a67)
- update deprecated
=> ScratchUtil.isScratch(virtualFile) (028a353) - 2020.2.25.1 (5de41b4)
- update code (7385b0f)
- . (cdf16d1)
- . (b9c49fc)
- . (6014950)
- IntelliJ IDEA IU-192.5587.17 (3d7318f)
- commandLine.charset = Charset.forName("UTF-8") (5a5d67d)
- DumbAware (50be282)
- small debug (97ff321)
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' (7fffe29)
- . (e74fa2a)
- Update plugin.xml (8e6a818)
- pluginIcon.svg (9c65e20)
- 🐛 Fixing a bug. (23add22)
- 2018.8.8.0 (5fcb4e0)
- 🐛 fix cannot be cast to org.jetbrains.debugger.DebuggableRunConfiguration (d714f76)
- . (7463ea3)
- remove useless icon (f2ee05c)
- fix for 2018.2 (7c1d744)
- 2018.7.25.0 (ced7c88)
- 改進 搜尋 ts-node bin 的方法 (f314487)
- 讀取 ts-node (55f7d63)
- 讀取 node js bin (86171cd)
- same as node.js run add FORCE_COLOR=true (7c0cc9c)
- update readme (6f9ecfd)
- update readme (430f657)
- update readme (3a31247)
- update readme (69c4233)
- update readme (4941711)
- update readme (56c3cab)
- update readme (6a01568)
- . (dd23fe3)
- . (7bb0767)
- . (2626fac)
- . (1cf997f)
- . (238aca7)
- . (24ee43c)
- TsForm (40a1118)
- TsForm (7a77ee0)
- . (f24a968)
- . (050eebe)
- . (022ce1c)
- . (0b28d32)
- . (c0fb391)
- . (042cc2b)
- [done] TsRunConfigurationProducer (fbe4938)
- AllIcons.Actions (2c0cd3d)
- . (3af1098)
- . (6d0d6f3)
- . (18bc2ef)
- fun expectFile(file: String, throwError: Boolean = false, name: String = "path"): Boolean (11ac5e9)
- . (5f64c55)
- . (21b3f9b)
- . (c03e127)
- 方便識別是不是內建的 TypeScript API (2fa5ad6)
- . (66de3e2)
- . (f27e842)
- . (ed84a33)
- . (84b0f08)
- . (7219b94)
- 累了 光靠複製貼上 猜不出來 如何解決問題 (da2c9ee)
- . (0adb089)
- 🎉 Initial commit. (0954c56)