Unfurl URLs / follow redirects. A link expander.
(because my network blocks ads, and therefore sometimes legitimate links)
unfurl --depth 1 'https://tinyurl.com/2u7bcuny'
unfurld --bind 'localhost' --port '8080' --max-redirects 10
curl '' |
jq -r .result[0].url
Install Go
curl https://webi.sh/go | sh source ~/.config/envman/PATH.env
Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/bnnanet/unfurl
Dev build for the your local machine:
go build ./cmd/unfurld/ ./unfurld --version go build ./cmd/unfurl/ ./unfurl --version
Build with version info, for all targets:
goreleaser release --snapshot --clean --skip=publish
Note: at least on macOS, Android only builds for arm64
, see #1.
This started out as a "vibe coding" session with Grok 3: