This is the self-authored origin file for the Cairn character sheet accepted by the Fari App VTT for inclusion as a site-wide template.
Updates to the sheet will be submitted to the Fari repo in the form of pull requests. I will publish major revisions as releases on this repository in case you prefer a previous version of the sheet.
I recently discovered the Fari App and noticed that a character sheet template did not yet exist for Cairn, the wonderful tabletop adventure game written by Yochai Gal and based on Ben Milton's Knave and Chris McDowall's Into The Odd.
Wanting to introduce a few friends to the game with a Cairn session of my own, I set out to create an accessible, streamlined character sheet that new players could use to familiarize themselves with the game's character creation process, core mechanics, and player principles without having to open and navigate the full SRD.
To create a new Cairn character, simply click here. This can also be done by navigating to the My Binder > Characters menu of the Fari App, selecting New, and choosing the "Cairn" template.
Alternatively, download the latest release and import the .fari.json
file through Characters menu by selecting Import instead of New.
The character sheet is composed of the following pages:
The first page of the sheet and the only page necessary to manage access and manage your character during play. Contains fields for character details, trackers for HP, Armor, and the Deprived status, important information related to Cairn's "roll under" resolution system, ability score management and embedded save rolling, inventory and currency tracking, and embedded weapon die rolling.
A reference page designed to concisely explain the magic system in Cairn. This page is split into two columns: one describing the forms of magic present in the game; one describing the procedure for using spells during play.
A reference page containing the full text of the SRD section of the same name. This page contains an embedded link to the full Cairn SRD and includes minor changes to the source text for improved readability.
A reference page containing the full text of the SRD section of the same name. In practice, I suggest that the Warden reads over this page with players after character creation but before play begins.
It's important to keep in mind that, while this character sheet is perfectly usable and feature complete at this point in time, I have not playtested it beyond the creation of a few samples characters in an offline Fari session.
Consider contributing (see below) if you run into issues or notice something strange.
Simply fork this repo, make your edits and submit a pull request with your changes—I'm open to feedback and happy to collaborate.