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File metadata and controls

148 lines (110 loc) · 5.69 KB


Writing Plugins

From the Caddy docs:

Oh yes, those pesky return values on ServeHTTP(). You read the documentation so you already know what they mean. But what does that imply for the behavior of your plugin?

Basically, return a status code only if you did NOT write to the response body. If you DO write to the response body, return a status code of 0. Return an error value if your plugin encountered an error that you want logged. It is common to return an error status and an error value together, so that the error handler up the chain can write the correct error page.

The returned status code is not logged directly; rather, it tells plugin higher up the chain what status code to use if/when the response body is written. Again, return a 0 status if you've already written a body!

In the DNS status codes are called rcodes and it's slightly harder to return the correct answer in case of failure.

So CoreDNS treats:

  • SERVFAIL (dns.RcodeServerFailure)
  • REFUSED (dns.RcodeRefused)
  • FORMERR (dns.RcodeFormatError)
  • NOTIMP (dns.RcodeNotImplemented)

as special and will then assume nothing has written to the client. In all other cases it is assumes something has been written to the client (by the plugin).

Hooking It Up

See a couple of blog posts on how to write and add plugin to CoreDNS:


When exporting metrics the Namespace should be plugin.Namespace (="coredns"), and the Subsystem should be the name of the plugin. The for the plugin should then also contain a Metrics section detailing the metrics. If the plugin supports dynamic health reporting it should also have Health section detailing on its inner workings.


Each plugin should have a explaining what the plugin does and how it is configured. The file should have the following layout:

  • Title: use the plugin's name
  • Subsection titled: "Syntax"
  • Subsection titled: "Examples"

More sections are of course possible.


We use the Unix manual page style:

  • The name of plugin in the running text should be italic: plugin.
  • all CAPITAL: user supplied argument, in the running text references this use strong text: **: EXAMPLE.
  • Optional text: in block quotes: [optional].
  • Use three dots to indicate multiple options are allowed: arg....
  • Item used literal: literal.

Example Domain Names

Please be sure to use or in any examples you provide. These are the standard domain names created for this purpose.


In a perfect world the following would be true for plugin: "Either you are responsible for a zone or not". If the answer is "not", the plugin should call the next plugin in the chain. If "yes" it should handle all names that fall in this zone and the names below - i.e. it should handle the entire domain.

. {
    file db.example

In this example the file plugin is handling all names below (and including) If a query comes in that is not a subdomain (or equal to) the next plugin is called.

Now, the world isn't perfect, and there are good reasons to "fallthrough" to the next middlware, meaning a plugin is only responsible for a subset of names within the zone. The first of these to appear was the reverse plugin that synthesis PTR and A/AAAA responses (useful with IPv6).

The nature of the reverse plugin is such that it only deals with A,AAAA and PTR and then only for a subset of the names. Ideally you would want to layer reverse in front off another plugin such as file or auto (or even proxy). This means reverse handles some special reverse cases and all other request are handled by the backing plugin. This is exactly what "fallthrough" does. To keep things explicit we've opted that plugins implement such behavior should implement a fallthrough keyword.

Example Fallthrough Usage

The following Corefile example, sets up the reverse plugin, but disables fallthrough. It also defines a zonefile for use with the file plugin for other names in the compute.internal.

arpa compute.internal {
    reverse {
        hostname ip-{ip}.{zone[2]}
    file db.compute.internal compute.internal

This works for returning a response to a PTR request:

% dig +nocmd @localhost +noall +ans -x	3600	IN	PTR	ip-10-32-0-1.compute.internal.

And for the forward:

% dig +nocmd @localhost +noall +ans A ip-10-32-0-1.compute.internal
ip-10-32-0-1.compute.internal. 3600 IN	A

But a query for mx compute.internal will return SERVFAIL. Now when we remove the '#' from fallthrough and reload (on Unix: kill -SIGUSR1 $(pidof coredns)) CoreDNS, we should get an answer for the MX query:

% dig +nocmd @localhost +noall +ans MX compute.internal
compute.internal.	3600	IN	MX	10 mx.compute.internal.

Qualifying for main repo

Plugins for CoreDNS can live out-of-tree, plugin.cfg defaults to CoreDNS' repo but other repos work just as well. So when do we consider the inclusion of a new plugin in the main repo?

  • First, the plugin should be useful for other people. "Useful" is a subjective term. We will probably need to further refine this.
  • It should be sufficiently different from other plugin to warrant inclusion.
  • Current internet standards need be supported: IPv4 and IPv6, so A and AAAA records should be handled (if your plugin is in the business of dealing with address records that is).
  • It must have tests.
  • It must have a for documentation.