All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Fix errors with manual node creation
- Update for
Still provide allocated processes when allocation factors are zero, as some database uses these zero-burden products
Add check_property_for_process_allocation
- Packaging fix
- Fix #19: Store default allocation value and function string on mutifunctional processes
- Fix #18: Allocation functions should primarily get properties from nodes, not exchanges
- Fix
import doesn't add new process types tolabels.node_types
- Add codes to functional exchanges with zero allocation factors in multifunctional processes
- Allow products to overwrite process names when importing SimaPro
- Remove unneeded dependency on
- Change "manual" allocation and property key to "manual_allocation".
- Add capability for property-based allocation to not be normalized by production amount
- Manual property-based allocation is not normalized by production amount
- Collapse
- Suppress logs to STDOUT by default
- Rewrite allocation functionality to allow for allocation before writing the database
- Allow separate products and processes
- Allow specifying desired codes for allocated processes
- Mark strategy functions used for allocation
First complete release