- For more detail information, please take look at github commit log
- (done, tested) add backend template as suggested by mbuurman at http://codeigniter.com/forums/viewthread/209171/P10/
- (done, tested) fix user management bug as reported by panega at goFrendiAsgard#6
- (done, tested) costumizable Site Logo
- (done, tested) costumizable Language
- (done, tested) make .htaccess automatically to hide index.php
- (done, tested) finishing WYSIWIG (navigation language quicklink, widget)
- (in progress) documentation
- (cancelled) Fully using AR, so that we can support more than just MySQL (inspired by django)
- (done, tested) Add "module_name" function in CMS_Module_Installer
- (done, tested) Change all hardcoded URL in modules & installation by using module_name, so that the modules will be more portable
- (cancelled) Change "install" into a module, and use db_forge instead of hardcode-sql
- (done, tested) bootstrap integration and new responsive theme
- (done, tested) use CI 2.1.2, HMVC 5.4, Phil Sturgeon template 1.9, groceryCRUD 1.2.3
- (done, tested) add scrollbar
- (done, tested) flexigrid should also be responsive
- (done, tested) use "slow slidetoggle" in help and bootstrap theme
- (done, tested) use bootstrap for installation
- (done, tested) use database for help module
- (done, tested) upload new module feature
- (done, tested) upload new theme feature
- (done, tested) use 'title' for blog url
- (cancelled) change default controller programmatically and use it on $this->view
- (done, tested) add how to change default_controller instructions
- (done, tested) module generated by module generator should backup all needed database everytime uninstalled
- (done, tested) put main controllers and views in module directory
- (done, tested) use grocery-CRUD 1.3 stable
- (done, tested) add "toggle" navigation feature on table view (also will be applied for widget etc)
- (done, tested) wysiwyg error on IE
- (done, tested) ensure installer also works in xampp (htaccess issue)
- (done, tested) more simple widget
- (cancelled) asset management library using head.js
- (done, tested) asset management library using jsmin
- (done, tested) using MX_Controller as CMS_Controller base class
- (cancelled) master-detail by using grocery-crud
- (done, tested) add only_content in navigation management
- (done, tested) preconditional check for cms_show_json_encode()
- (done, tested) use UTF 8 as default collation
- (done, tested) repairing WYSIWYG upload for favicon and logo
- (done, tested) add "fake" library to make autocompletion work (as suggested by Skombourdis here http://www.web-and-development.com/codeigniter-and-eclipse-autocomplete/)
- (done, tested) use CodeIgniter 2.1.3
- (done, tested) make navigation page more interactive when editing static content
- (done, tested) repair login and logout widget since {{ site_url }} is already add trailing slash automatically
- (done, tested) wysiwyg upload limit problem
- (done, tested) make widget order works
- (done, tested) make dynamic widget works properly
- (done, tested) add per-session language setting
- (done, tested) better language handling
- (done, tested) fix infinite-recursion bugs as reported by Joseph Marikle, by adding "raw" parameter in cms_get_config
- (done, tested) add "sign-up" email notification setting
- (done, tested) more complete keyword, such as {{ activation_code }}, {{ real_name }}, {{ if_language:indonesia}} ... {{ end_if_language }}
- (done, tested) keyword is now also works for dynamic pages, except for value property and textarea
- (done, tested) use groceryCRUD 1.3.3 stable
- (done, tested) use HMVC commit 868e975
- (done, tested) use Module::run instead of AJAX to show widget
- (done, tested) facebook, twitter and open ID login
- (done, tested) avoid SQL injection on login. Damn, just know about it. Thank you for Idris Sardi
- (done, tested) fix active & inactive link on navigation management and widget management
- (done, tested) fix theme appearance for "inactive page", Thank you for Sugeng Widodo
- (done, tested) add theme setting for each page
- (done, tested) multi slug for widget
- (done, tested) change view mechanism
- (done, tested) per page keyword and per page title
- (done, tested) Include JQuery by default,
- (cancelled) use jquerytools CDN if possible <-- using file_get_content or CURL is very slow
- (done, tested) add google analytic configuration
- (done, tested) automatically create thumbnail for blog's photos
- (done, tested) add
function for better authorization - (done, tested) create thumbnail automatically for blog module's photo
- (done, tested) add "admin controller" like bonfire and other CI Based framework
- (done, tested) delete the legacy old_gray theme
- (done, tested) Rename CMS_Controller into MY_Controller, put CMS_Model in MY_Model
- (done, tested) Add widget and navigation tag
- (done, tested) Update module scenario
- (done, tested) add cms & module prefix setting
- (done, tested) Make nordrassil generated code extends CMS_Priv_Controller
- (done, tested) Create default setting for nordrassil generated code
- (done, tested) Recode all module to fullfill No-CMS new standard (table prefix & module prefix)
- (done, tested) Fix nordrassil bug when table prefix is empty
- (cancelled) Drupal's CCK like mechanism <-- It is impossible to build such a feature with groceryCRUD
- (done, tested)
{{ widget:slug }}
,{{ quicklink }}
,{{ navigation_top }}
,{{ navigation_top_quicklink }}
, and{{ navigation_left }}
tag is deprecated. - (done, tested)
is deprecated, and can be fully replaced by using tags. - (done, tested)
{{ widget_name:widget_code }}
and{{ widget_slug:slug }}
- (done, tested) quicklink, navigation_top, and navigation_left are now widgets and can be called as needed by using tag.
- (done, tested) fix Nordrassil generation bug
- (done, tested) static page
- (done, tested) fix nordrassil generated code on insert without goback to list
- (done, tested) fix invalid
{{ module_path }}
tag - (done, tested) fix theme bug
- (done, tested) fix AJAX delete feature on blog module
- (done, tested) add donation button
- (done, tested) bugfix: immediately apply language changes when user change language without login
- (done, tested) bugfix: Editing configuration doesn't change
automatically - (done, tested) bugfix: nordrassil generated script shown weird when using one-to-many detail without any "chosen" component in master table
- (cancelled) automatically create thumbnail in wysiwyg, use better uploader library <-- there is no more WYSIWYG
- (done, tested) make language and module list sorted
- (done, tested) support PDO, use groceryCRUD that support PDO, use CodeIgniter 3.0
- (done, tested) new installer that will also support PDO
- (done, tested) make nordrassil generated code also support PDO
- (done, tested) change all default module to use dbforge on installation
- (done, tested) make navigation management more intuitive
- (done, tested) allowing widget inside widget
- (done, tested) remove WYSIWYG, use layout management instead.
- (done, tested) use APPPATH to fetch language & modules in case of the user move index.php. Thanks to Petr Valenta
- (done, tested) fix infinite redirection potential in cms_redirect if combined with dynamic widget
- (done, tested) rename
at blog & static_accessories to avoid conflict - (done, tested) use AJAX when load widget via
- (done, tested) Add icon for navigation and quicklink.
- (done, tested) Make set_rule callback of groceryCRUD works.
- (done, tested) Fix bug: nordrassil generate buggy one to many input.
- (done, tested) Add old Mysql & Mysqli driver again.
- (done, tested) Check email on registration & change profile.
- (done, tested) Better redirection in case of user accidentally logged out but still do
on GroceryCRUD generated form. Once he logged in again, he should be redirected to the grid, not to the error message - (done, tested) Gravatar integration at blog comment
- (done, tested) Make "Contact Us" module, and make it secure
- (done, tested) Secure Registration form
- (done, tested) Secure comment
- (done, tested) Blog writer (which is not super admin) can only edit/delete his own article
- (done, tested) working
and smallerchzn-results
- (done, tested) fix hardcoded sql that contain ```
- (done, tested) Fix layout for small device.
- (done, tested) Fix bug: when screen resized to smaller width, the button cannot be clicked
- (done, tested) Use newest CodeIgniter 3.0.0 and modify the rule so that the old naming convention still works (Thanks Ivan)
- (done, tested) Make
environment as suggested by cesarliws (goFrendiAsgard#79) - (done, tested) Update CKEditor of groceryCRUD, add kcfinder.
- (done, tested) Fix Multiple widget from different modules problem (referenced by missidentified issue: goFrendiAsgard#88)
- (cancelled) Not using AJAX anymore to fetch module status on module management. This is impossible since HMVC does not allow us to has different classes with the same name.
- (done, tested) Multisite management.
- (done, tested) Use bootstrap 3.0.
- (done, tested) Widget rendering is now does not depend on session, ommiting possibility of clutter display
- (done, tested) Per subsite module & theme configuration
- (done, tested) module & theme subsite privilege mechanism (subsite_auth)
- (done, tested) nordrassil priority index and table prefix
- (done, tested) IP Deny manager.
v0.6.6 rev 1
- (done, tested) New section in layout management: custom script that contains any custom css/js
- (done, tested) "minimal" layout
- (done, tested) blog reply comment
- (done, tested) notification url
- (done, tested)
{{ base_url }}
fix in ck_editor - (done, tested) active menu
- (done, tested) login/logout change status automatic redirection (e.g: when session expired)
- (done, tested) seamless update
- (cancelled) namespace
- (done, tested) Navigation: move to anywhere.
- (proposed) Wait for the new version of CI 3.0 or apply this fix to Codeigniter development team: select_max does not escape field_name, pgsql driver should convert
since there is noDATETIME
in postgre <-- The first one seems to be fixed
- (done, tested) export and import project feature in Nordrassil
- (done, tested) fetch from database feature in Nordrassil
- (done, tested) Grocery-Crud Multiple-Delete
- (done, tested) Grocery-Crud Tab
- (done, tested) add grocery_CRUD_Automatic_Model (which is smartly choose for the correct model base)
- (done, tested) Refine subdomain detection
- (done, tested) Add "default homepage content" for subsite
- (done, tested) Subsite activation also works for user activation by mail.
- (done, tested) Fix "template" for relation_field_title
- (done, tested) Now "one-to-many" can has "datetime"
- (done, tested) Replace ":" with "_" for database backup file name
- (done, tested) Fix subquery, add parantheses for search_where in
- (done, tested) Fix twitter authentication by ask email manually.
- (done, tested) Add missing
parameter, so that dropdown menu is also works in firefox. - (done, tested) Add
(depend on internet connection status) - (done, tested) Add configurations: subsite-configs & subsite-modules (JSON Format) for default installation on register
- (done, tested) Add setting for third party authentication
- (done, tested) Change registration, let registrant upload favicon, logo, set slogan & site name
- (done, tested) Custom search form
- (done, tested) Fix nested quicklink
- (done, tested) Automatic module update
- (done, tested) Better encryption
- (done, tested) ommit ck_adjust_script
- (done, tested) Blog clear fix
- (done, tested) Add name length for subsite, check registration user with sanitized site, allow underscore
- (done, tested) Fix newly registered user redirection
- (done, tested) Show subsite summary properly even if the table broken
- (done, tested) Imperfect CRUD load
- (done, tested) Delete subsite
- (done, tested) google login fixed, hybridauth updated
- (done, tested) better grocery-crud themes
- (done, tested) update chosen
- (done, tested) make js & css minification works again
- (done, tested) reduce query number
- (done, tested) new mechanism for master-detail
- (done, tested) add search module and theme capability
v1.0.0 (inner: 0.7.5)
- (done, tested) Using CI 3
- (done, tested) New module mechanism, reduce AJAX and unnecessary queries.
- (done, tested) Route management
- (done, tested) Hide navigation
- (done, tested) One user table to avoid duplication and complication
- (done, tested) Create routes for blog to make url cleaner
- (done, tested) Add caption to blog's photo
- (done, tested) Add moderation setting