This page demonstrates how localization teams works on publican standardized document sources with Zanata. The directory locations and other parameters are specified to author's development environment. Please customize it if needed.
For how to test on local JBoss server, please check out [[How to Test on Local JBoss|HowToTestOnLocalJboss]].
For how to build a document, please check out Publican User Guide.
Make sure a translator has his/her Zanata account created and has joined corresponding "Language team" (ja-JP / Japanese-Japan in this case).
Download and install zanata-python-client client package:
$ rpm -Uvh zanata-python-client-[ver-rel].rpm
Check out publican standardized document sources from repository:
$ svn co
Create POT files from Publican XML files:
$ publican update_pot
Update any existing PO files from Publican XML files:
$ publican update_po --langs=ja-JP
Import PO/POT files to Flies (Add --importpo to import existing translations from PO files. CAUTION: this may overwrite/delete translations stored in Zanata! Don't use --importpo if Zanata translation work has started):
$ flies-publican upload --user admin --key 12345678901234567890123456789012 --src ./ --dst http://localhost:8080/flies/seam/resource/restv1/projects/p/sample-project/iterations/i/1.1/documents
Translators open a document in Zanata and translate.
Export PO/POT files from Zanata (Add --exportpot if POT files are needed):
$ flies-publican download --user admin --key 12345678901234567890123456789012 --src http://localhost:8080/flies/seam/resource/restv1/projects/p/sample-project/iterations/i/1.1/documents --dst ./
Note that you will probably need to change the API key and Zanata URLs given above!