Version 3,2014-03-11
This document shows the steps to install Zanata-3.X on JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP) 6.2.X, MySQL, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6.X. Please make corresponding changes for other configuration.
You can obtain JBoss EAP from the yum repositories from RHN,
if [ ! -e $JBOSS_HOME ];then
sudo yum -y groupinstall jboss-eap6
or download from JBoss Application Server 7 and follow the instruction of JBoss Quick Starts.
We assume that JBoss deployment directory is located in {DEPLOYMENTS_DIR}, and standalone.xml is located in {STANDALONE_XML}.
Set the following environment variable
Install MySQL server, client and java connector:
function install_missing(){
for p in $@; do
if ! rpm -q $p &>/dev/null ;then
_pkg="$_pkg $p"
if [ -n "$_pkg" ];then
sudo yum -y install $_pkg
install_missing mysql mysql-server mysql-connector-java
sudo ln -sf /usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java.jar $DEPLOYMENTS_DIR/mysql-connector-java.jar
To prevent virus infected document being uploaded, Zanata is capable of working with clamav. If clamav is not installed, a warning will be logged when files are uploaded. If clamav is installed but clamd is not running, Zanata may reject all uploaded files (depending on file type). To install and run clamav:
# Assuming the function install_missing() is still available
if [ -e /usr/bin/systemctl ];then
install_missing clamav-server clamav-scanner-systemd
sudo systemctl enable clamd@scan
sudo systemctl start clamd@scan
install_missing clamd
sudo chkconfig clamd on
if ! service clamd status ;then
sudo service clamd start
You should probably also ensure that freshclam is set to run at least once per day, to keep virus definitions up to date. The clamav package will probably do this for you, but you can check by looking for /etc/cron.daily/freshclam. To override the default behaviour above, you can set the system property virusScanner when running the server. DISABLED means no virus scanning will be performed; all files will be assumed safe. Any other value will be treated as the name of a virus scanner command: the command will be called with the name of a file to scan.
Zanata home hosts the documents, indexes, statistics and so on. Note that it should be owned by jboss.
sudo mkdir -p $ZANATA_HOME
sudo chown -R jboss:jboss $ZANATA_HOME
Ensure MySQL is started.
if ! sudo bash -c "service mysqld status"; then
sudo bash -c "service mysqld start"
You may want to use user {zanata_db_user} to access Zanata.
sudo mysql -u root -e "CREATE USER '$ZANATA_DB_USER'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$ZANATA_DB_PASS'" mysql
sudo mysql -u root -e "GRANT ALL ON zanata.* TO '$ZANATA_DB_USER'@'localhost'" mysql
To store multilingual text, Zanata database should be capable of dealing with UTF8 #
sudo mysql -u $ZANATA_DB_USER -e 'CREATE DATABASE zanata /**!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 **/;'
For quick setup, download following example configuration files:
standalone.xml: Example of JBoss setting for internal and openid authentication. Copy this to {standalone_xml}.
zanata-ds.xml: Example of setting MySQL as data source Copy this to {zanata_ds_xml}
module.xml: Example for setting Java melody. Copy this to {module_xml}
Scripts to achieve above:
wget -c -O /tmp/standalone-zanata-release-openid.xml
sudo bash -c "sed -e \"s|/var/lib/zanata|$ZANATA_HOME|\" /tmp/standalone-zanata-release-openid.xml > $STANDALONE_XML"
sudo chown jboss:jboss $STANDALONE_XML
wget -c -O /tmp/zanata-ds.xml
sudo bash -c "sed -e \"s/ZANATA_DB_USER/$ZANATA_DB_USER/\" /tmp/zanata-ds.xml | sed -e \"s/ZANATA_DB_PASS/$ZANATA_DB_PASS/\" > $ZANATA_DS_XML"
sudo chown jboss:jboss $ZANATA_DS_XML
wget -c -O /tmp/module-javamelody.xml
sudo cp /tmp/module-javamelody.xml $MODULE_XML
sudo chown jboss:jboss $MODULE_XML
This can be done by either one of following methods:
Edit zanata-ds.xml
JBoss administration console
Edit standalone.xml
Method 1 is recommended, as it is easier to maintain to be persist when upgrading the JBoss.
In {zanata_ds_xml}, edit:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- -->
Using this datasource:
1. create a jboss module for mysql-connector and activate it using
2. save this datasource as JBOSS_HOME/standalone/deployments/zanata-ds.xml
<datasource jndi-name="java:jboss/datasources/zanataDatasource" enabled="true" use-java-context="true" pool-name="zanataDatasource">
Login with administrator role
Click Profiles on the top tabs.
Expand Subsystems on the left panel.
Expand Datasources on the left panel.
Add datasource
Click Add
in Name -
in JNDI -
Click Next
Select mysql as driver.
Click Next. The data under Attributes should be filled accordingly.
Edit Connection
Click Connection
Click Edit
in Connection URL. -
Click Save
Enable zanataDatasource:
in Table Available Datasources -
Click Enable
Test datasource
Click Connection
Click Test Connection
In {standalone_xml}, search subsystem <datasources>
and inserts the following after that tag:
<datasource jta="false" jndi-name="java:jboss/datasources/zanataDatasource" pool-name="zanataDatasource" enabled="true" use-java-context="true" use-ccm="false">
<user-name>$ZANATA_DB_USER</user-name> # (1)
<password>$ZANATA_DB_PASS</password> # (2)
Replace $ZANATA_DB_USER with your username.
Replace $ZANATA_DB_PASS with your password.
In {standalone_xml}, search subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:naming:"
and add bindings as following. Adjust the value accordingly.
<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:naming:{namingVer}">
<simple name="java:global/zanata/files/document-storage-directory" value="/var/lib/zanata/documents"/> # (1)
<simple name="java:global/zanata/security/auth-policy-names/internal" value="zanata.internal"/> # (2)
<simple name="java:global/zanata/security/auth-policy-names/openid" value="zanata.openid"/> # (3)
<simple name="java:global/zanata/security/admin-users" value="admin"/> # (4)
<simple name="java:global/zanata/email/default-from-address" value=""/> # (5)
Replace /example/path with the absolute path to the directory for document storage.
Remove this line to disable internal authentication.
Remove this line to disable OpenId authentication.
Replace admin with the lists of users that will become the admin once they finished registration. Use with care!
Replace with the email address you want your user to see as "From:".
Please refer to source code in org.zanata.config.JndiBackedConfig. for other JDNI configuration options.
JavaMelody is for monitoring Java or Java EE application servers.
In {standalone_xml}, insert following after +'</extenstion>'
<property name="" value="${user.home}/stats"/>
<property name="" value="${user.home}/indexes"/>
Also insert the following immediately after <paths>
<path name="com/sun/management"/>
Insert following under element <security-domains>:
<security-domain name="zanata">
<login-module code="" flag="required"/>
<security-domain name="zanata.openid">
<login-module code="" flag="required"/>
<security-domain name="zanata.internal">
<login-module code="" flag="required"/>
</security-domains> zanata.war[Download zanata.war], then copy it to /etc/jbossas/deployments/zanata.war
. Such as:
wget -c -O /tmp/zanata-latest.war
sudo cp /tmp/zanata-latest.war $DEPLOYMENTS_DIR/zanata.war
By default, the filename of the war file in /var/lib/jbossas/standalone/deployments determines the URL of your zanata server. In other word, if your war file is zanata-3.0.war, your zanata server URL is http://<zanataHost>:8080/zanata-3.0. Rename the zanata.war to ROOT.war should make the Zanata home page become: http://<zanataHost>:8080 |
Start the zanata server by either start or restart the jbossas services:
if sudo bash -c "service jbossas status"; then
sudo bash -c "service jbossas restart"
sudo bash -c "service jbossas start"
If zanata server start successfully, Zanata server home page is at:
To increase memory for classes (and multiple redeployments), change
To enable debugging, uncomment
JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8787,server=y,suspend=n"
To fix the JBoss EAP 6 problem where most of the logging is missing, add this line: