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This documents describes the work-flow and functions which are required for each role. Ideally, tests (preferably automated ones) should be implemented against each item.
The headings with braces are the functionality that haven't been implemented yet, and serve as note of feature requests. The italic shows the issues and concerns that needs discussion and clarification.
An anonymous is not actually an user, but a visitor that have not sign in. Yet, they still been able to do the followings:
- See all unhidden projects.
- See all language team.
Fill in following fields:
- Name
- Email: This will be used to send activation.
- Username:
- All in lower case. (Are numbers, dot, hyphen, underscore allowed?)
- Check the pre-existing accounts.
- Password/Confirm: (Shall we provide advanced features, like reject simple password, max/min expire date? Not in Flies: anyone with complex requirements should be using external authentication. -SF)
- CAPTCHA: May need an option to disable this (eg for testing)
One can then reply the confirmation email and obtain a user account.
Once registration is completed, one can become a user by sign in the system. This role has the capability to perform normal translation tasks, like stating which language is he/she interested in, which project is he/she going to contribute, and of course, inputting the translation.
- If "Remember me" is off, a user must enter username and password to sign in.
- If "Remember me" is on, a user do not need to sign in, simply visiting pages on flies server. (Issues: timeout? what pages are still require sign in (e.g. change profile)?)
- A user can join or leave one or multiple language teams.
- By join a language team, a user can read and edit the translation of that language in any projects.
- By leave a language team, a user stop being able to read and edit the translation of that language in all projects.
A user can join a project by clicking on that project. (Should access control list (ACL) takes effect here?)
A user can select a document by clicking on the project. When in a document, a user can:
- Navigate the entries by using either hotkeys or mouse.
- Edit and save an entries by using either hotkeys or click on other entry.
- Copy the original text to translation.
- Mark an entry as fuzzy/not-fuzzy.
- Move to previous/next fuzzy/untranslated entry by using either hotkeys or mouse.
- Regenerate API key
- (Resend activation mail when change email)
- (Reset password?)
A project maintainer is a user who is granted the nearly full privilege of assigned projects, except to create projects, which need an administrator role to perform.
The project maintainer can perform following:
- Web UI
- Name
- Slug (Shall we enforce naming convention here?)
- Description
- Active
- Command Line options:
- Able to assign above as options.
- Edit Name
- Edit description
- Activate/Deactivate
- From a maven project
- From a publican project
- From an arbitrary project with po files.
- To a maven project
- To a publican project
- To an arbitrary project with po files.
- Add language.
- Remove language.
- Grant world access (any registered user can contribute)
- Allow list
- Deny list
This is a super user of the system. An administrator can perform all task in the system. In addition of capability of user and project maintainer, an administrator can also:
- Define Server URL
- Edit user (Web UI and Command Line )
- Username (Consider use other element instead of input, which gives the false idea that it's editable.)
- Set password
- Member of (Should project maintainer appear here?)
- admin
- user
- Previous created roles.
- Account enabled/disabled
- Delete user: The deleted users should be disappeared after deletion is confirmed. (Should we allow default users to be deleted?)
- Create roles
- Role: Check pre-existing roles
- Member of:
- admin
- user
- Previous created roles.
- Edit roles
- Member of:
- admin
- user
- Previous created roles.
- Delete roles: The deleted roles should be disappeared after deletion is confirmed. (Should we allow default roles to be deleted?)
- Add new languages
- Edit languages
- Re-indexing
- Create Projects
- Web UI
- Name
- Slug (Duplication detect?)
- Description
- Homepage Content
- Command line
- Able to assign above parameters as options.
- (Assign Project Maintainers)