There are two parallel line of procedures: Local console UI & Remote Flies UI.
- Prepare Flies server. Write download the URL of the server. (Skip this step if you are not using local deployed server.)
- Have user account prepared in Flies. Write down the Username and API key from profile page.
- Have project prepared in Flies. Write down the project slug.
- Have iteration prepared in Flies, under the project prepared in last step. Write down the iteration slug.
Check out from repository of Fedora Hosted:
$ svn co[ProjectName] # You could use "user-guide" here as example.
Download and install flies-publican client RPM. (Please check out with caius.chance for URL.)
Import the document into the project using the flies-publican client:
$ flies-publican upload --user [Username] --key [APIKey] --src [LocalRepoPath] --dst http://[ServerURLAndPort]/flies/seam/resource/restv1/projects/p/[ProjectSlug]/iterations/i/[IterarionSlug]/documents
The documents should have been imported to Flies server.