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The C++ Programming Language, 4th Edition - 2013.epub
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- Digital Forensics with Kali Linux - 2017.pdf
- Hacking with Kali Practical Penetration Testing Techniques -2014.epub
- Kali Linux 2 Windows Penetration Testing - 2016.pdf
- Kali Linux 2 – Assuring Security by Penetration Testing 3rd - 2016.pdf
- Kali Linux Cookbook Second Edition - 2017.pdf
- Kali Linux Intrusion and Exploitation Cookbook - 2017.pdf
- Kali Linux Network Scanning Cookbook - 2014.pdf
- Kali Linux Pentesting Cookbook - 2017.pdf
- Kali Linux Web Penetration Testing Cookbook - 2016.pdf
- Mastering Kali Linux for Advanced Penetration Testing - Second Edition - 2017.pdf
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- Offsec Press Kali Linux Revealed Mastering the Penetration Testing Distribution - 2017.pdf Learning Kali Linux Security Testing, Penetration Testing, and Ethical Hacking - 2018.pdf
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- IGI Global Mobile Application Development Usability and Security - 2017.pdf
- Kali Linux Wireless Penetration 3rd - Cameron Buchanan - 2017.pdf
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- Mobile Forensics Cookbook - 2018.pdf
- Packt Mobile Application Penetration Testing - 2016.pdf
- Practical Mobile Forensics, 3rd Edition - 2018.pdf
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- The Mobile Application Hacker’s Handbook - 2015.pdf
- Kali Linux Wireless Penetration Testing Cookbook - 2017.pdf
- Kali Linux Web Penetration Testing Cookbook 2nd - 2018.pdf
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- Network Analysis using Wireshark 2 Cookbook 2nd Edition - 2018.epub
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