This git repository is for storing and backing up my vimrc
wget -O $HOME/.vimrc
On first opening up vim Syntastic for Vim will be installed. An auto-update script will also be installed. Code for this is embedded in the vimrc. The update script will run approximately every 7 days (only when you open vim). It can be found at $HOME/.vim/auto_update/
This section contains what I consider to be some of the most modified areas of vim settings. This area will not change frequently so the auto update script should be very stable in this area.
This section contains more settings but I cannot gaurantee they will be as stable ar Normal Configuration.
- Includes syntastic sourcing and installation as well as various settings for it.
- Includes some higlight settings used later on
This section contains mappings available in every file opened in vim
- Mapleader is set to space
- Localmapleader set to backslash
- jk set to a version of escape
- Actually a function because it makes more sense
- Also Jk and JK
- <S-tab> (shift-tab) filename autocomplete
- s to insert single character
- S (capital S) to append single character
- j and k set to viually move by line rather than by absolute line
- - (minus) moves a line down
- _ (underscore) moves a line up
- <leader>g Indent an entire file
- <leader>ev edit vimrc file
- <leader>sv source vimrc file
- <leader>s% source current file (useful for vim development)
- <leader>o add line below
- <leader>O (capital O) add line above
- <c-l> (control-l) revomes higlight and reloads buffer
- Section under continuing development