A summary of facts about the second ClojureBridge Berlin workshop for future reference
- Arne
- Bettina
- Franziska
- Jelle
- Lisa
- Malwine
- Martin
- Nicola
Coaches training: 2016-01-07 from 19:00
Installfest: 2016-01-22 from 18:00 till about 22:00
Workshop: 2016-01-23 from 9:00 till about 18:00
Event page on ClojureBridge.org
All three events happened at the offices 6Wunderkinder, Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 32, Berlin, Germany
33 students
- 22 Mac, 8 Windows, 3 Linux
- 4 German, 11 English, 18 Either
- 14 Beginner, 13 Intermediate no Clojure, 1 Intermediate with Clojure, 5 advanced
20 coaches (?)
Wunderlist/ Microsoft: use of the offices
Dawanda: drinks (~220)
Purefunctional.tv: Access to LispCasts
Metosin: 200
Red Pineapple Media: 200
bitcrowd: 500
LambdaWerk: 250
Fy (Project J): 250
Babbel: 200
Ticketsolve: 360
Soundcloud: 360
Zalando: 500
private: 120
Total : 3160
Left over in Travis Fnd : 224.56
Total & Reserve : 3384.56
- Catering coaches training + main event (Cate Lawrence) €594
- Soup for Friday evening Installfest: €449.82
- Stickers: € ?
- Notebooks: €285.85
- Modulor labels and stationary: €76
- Breakfast Brezel Company: € 43.87
- Breakfast LPG (vegan): € 49.50
- Drinks: € 220?
Total: 1719.04
Left in Travis: 1665.52 (?)
Cate Lawrence
Cate Lawrence, Brezel Company, LPG
Came from Brezel Company Berlin
Dawanda ordered through their supplier, paid for drinks and delivery. Water was made available by Wunderlist.
No t-shirts this time, we did notebooks instead.
For the coaches training we adapted the Teacher Training slides from RailsBridge and made them more suitable to our needs.
- Original RailsBridge slides and source on Github
- ClojureBridge Berlin Coaches training slides and source on Github
We had an introductory talk
We used the main ClojureBridge curriculum slides
We used NightCode as the recommended editor/environment, and installed it by passing around USB sticks at the installfest.
We used google forms to register coaches and students
- student form
- coaches form
We set up a GMail account (clojurebridge.berlin@gmail.com) that forwards to the organizers.
We tweet as @ClojureBerlin.
Most discussion and tracking of tasks happened through Github issues on the clojurebridge-berlin/organization repo.
We sent out emails to both coaches and students asking to confirm close to the event, to limit no-shows.
The various emails that went out to attendees can be found here: All emails to attendees.