Releases: cozy/cozy-banks
☃️ December release
Thanks for using Cozy Banks! In this new version you will find 2 advanced features :
- a balance history graph available on the app home page : you will discover how well you manage to save for the last year
- a better automatic categorization : the next transactions will learn from your manual recatégorizations.
These features are brand new and we are still working on it. Be the first to test them :activate them in the app settings.
We also improved the design of our email notifications.
Enjoy and let us know what you think of these new features !
Merci d'utiliser Cozy Banks!
Dans cette version nous vous mettons à disposition 2 fonctions avancées :
- Une courbe d'historique de vos soldes : Vous découvrirez la vie de vos comptes sur les 12 derniers mois
- Une catégorisation automatique améliorée : les prochaines opérations seront mieux catégorisées en prenant en comptes vos recatégorisations manuelles.
Ces deux fonctions sont toutes nouvelles, soyez les premiers testeurs en les activant depuis la page paramètres de l'app.
Nous avons aussi amélioré le design de nos emails de notifications.
N'hésitez pas à nous donner votre avis !
💎 Release v0.10.3
chore: Bump to v0.10.3-beta1
💎 Release v0.10.2
fix(Balance page): Account can be empty on a group
💎 Release v0.10.1
chore: Bump to v0.10.1-beta.3
chore(deps): update dependency yarnhook to v0.3.0
💎 Release v0.7.10
Thanks for using Cozy Banks. In this new version:
• Infinite scrolling to easily go through your transaction history in the "mouvements" page;
• A new design and a new date picker that ease your budget analysis on the "catégories" page;
• New banks are available;
• We improved synchronization;
• From now on, the bank name is displayed on every transaction.
💎 Release v0.7.9
chore: bump version to in config.xml ⚙️
💎 Release v0.7.7
💎 Release v0.6.5
Thank you for using Cozy Banks!
Here are the latest changes:
- Say hello to mobile notifications! Useful to be notified of an expense
- It is possible to add a connector directly from the expense line
- The app is now compatible with Android 5.0
- The app repository is now on Github, feel free to contribute on