- Understand the Agent-Environment interface
- Understand what MDPs (Markov Decision Processes) are and how to interpret transition diagrams
- Understand Value Functions, Action-Value Functions, and Policy Functions
- Understand the Bellman Equations and Bellman Optimality Equations for value functions and action-value functions
- Agent & Environment Interface: At each step
the agent receives a stateS_t
, performs an actionA_t
and receives a rewardR_{t+1}
. The action is chosen according to a policy functionpi
. - The total return
is the sum of all rewards starting from time t . Future rewards are discounted at a discount rategamma^k
. - Markov property: The environment's response at time
depends only on the state and action representations at timet
. The future is independent of the past given the present. Even if an environment doesn't fully satisfy the Markov property we still treat it as if it is and try to construct the state representation to be approximately Markov. - Markov Decision Process (MDP): Defined by a state set S, action set A and one-step dynamics
p(s',r | s,a)
. If we have complete knowledge of the environment we know the transition dynamic. In practice, we often don't know the full MDP (but we know that it's some MDP). - The Value Function
estimates how "good" it is for an agent to be in a particular state. More formally, it's the expected returnG_t
given that the agent is in states
.v(s) = Ex[G_t | S_t = s]
. Note that the value function is specific to a given policypi
. - Action Value function: q(s, a) estimates how "good" it is for an agent to be in states and take action a. Similar to the value function, but also considers the action.
- The Bellman equation expresses the relationship between the value of a state and the values of its successor states. It can be expressed using a "backup" diagram. Bellman equations exist for both the value function and the action value function.
- Value functions define an ordering over policies. A policy
is better thanp2
ifv_p1(s) >= v_p2(s)
for all states s. For MDPs, there exist one or more optimal policies that are better than or equal to all other policies. - The optimal state value function
is the value function for the optimal policy. Same forq*(s, a)
. The Bellman Optimality Equation defines how the optimal value of a state is related to the optimal value of successor states. It has a "max" instead of an average.
- The problem is involved with evuating feedback, as in bandit, but also an associative aspect, i.e. choosing different action in different situation.
- Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction - Chapter 3: Finite Markov Decision Processes
- David Silver's RL Course Lecture 2 - Markov Decision Processes (video, slides)
This chapter is mostly theory so there are no exercises.