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IEEE 802.15.4 PHY test tool

The IEEE 802.15.4 PHY test tool performs 802.15.4 RF Performance and PHY Certification tests, and can also provide information for a general evaluation of the performance of the integrated 802.15.4 radio.

The sample supports the following development kits:

.. table-from-sample-yaml::

Conducting tests using the sample also requires a testing device, like another development kit running the same sample, set into DUT mode. For more information, see :ref:`802154_phy_test_testing`.


You can perform the testing using other equipment, like spectrum analyzers, oscilloscopes, or RF power meters, but these methods are not covered by this documentation.

To perform the tests, connect to the development kit through the serial port and send supported commands.

See the :ref:`802154_phy_test_ui` for the list of the available commands.

This section lists the serial commands that are supported by the sample.

It changes the device mode if both modes are available.

custom changemode <mode>

The <mode> argument assumes one of the following values:

  • 0 - DUT
  • 1 - CMD

For example:

custom changemode 1

It makes the CMD device control the LED indicating packet reception.

custom lindication <value>

The <value> argument assumes one of the following values:

  • 0 - none
  • 1 - LED packet reception indication

For example:

custom lindication 1

It makes the CMD device send a PING to the DUT device and wait for the reply.

custom rping

It makes the CMD device set the timeout in milliseconds for receiving the pong responses from the DUT device.

custom lpingtimeout <timeout:1> <timeout:0>
  • The <timeout:1> value indicates the higher byte of the timeout.
  • The <timeout:0> value indicates the lower byte of the timeout.

For example:

custom lpingtimeout 0 255

It sets a common radio channel for the DUT and CMD devices, sends a PING, and waits for the response.

custom setchannel <channel:3> <channel:2> <channel:1> <channel:0>.

The four <channel:x> arguments are four octets defining the channel page and number.

For example:

custom setchannel 0 0 8 0

It sets radio channel of the CMD device.

custom lsetchannel <channel:3> <channel:2> <channel:1> <channel:0>.

The four <channel:x> arguments are four bytes defining the channel page and number.

For example:

custom lsetchannel 0 0 16 0

It sets the radio channel of the DUT device.

custom rsetchannel <channel>

The <channel> argument indicates the selected channel’s number.

For example:

custom rsetchannel 13

It gets the current configured channel of the CMD device.

custom lgetchannel

It sets the CMD device's TX power.

custom lsetpower <mode:1> <mode:0> <power>
  • The <mode:1> and <mode:0> arguments are currently unsupported. Use 0 for both.
  • The <power> argument indicates the TX power as a signed integer in dBm.

For example:

custom rsetpower 0 0 -17

It gets the current configured power of the CMD device.

custom lgetpower

It gets the current configured power of the DUT device.

custom rgetpower

It commands the DUT device to start a modulated waveform transmission of a certain duration in milliseconds.

custom rstream <duration:1> <duration:0>
  • The <duration:1> argument indicates the higher byte of the duration value.
  • The <duration:0> argument indicates the lower byte of the duration value.

For example:

custom rstream 255 255

It makes the DUT device start the RX test routine, clearing previous statistics.

custom rstart

It makes the DUT device terminate the RX test routine. The DUT device also sends the test results to the CMD device

custom rend

It makes the CMD device cycle all the channels (11-26) trying to PING the DUT device. It stops upon receiving a reply.

custom find

It makes the CMD device perform a Clear Channel Assessment (CCA) with the requested mode and print the result.

custom lgetcca <mode>

The <mode> argument indicates the IEEE 802.15.4 CCA mode (1-3).

For example:

custom lgetcca 1

If enabled, it makes the CMD device perform a Clear Channel Assessment (CCA) before each transmission.

custom lsetcca <toggle>

The <toggle> argument enables or disables the execution of a CCA before each transmission. You can set it to the following values:

  • 1 - enable CCA
  • 0 - disable CCA

For example:

custom lsetcca 1

It starts the energy detection and reports the result as 2 hexadecimal bytes.

custom lgeted

It puts the CMD device in receive mode and makes it wait for a packet. It then outputs the result as 2 hexadecimal bytes.

custom lgetlqi

It gets the RSSI in dBm.

custom lgetrssi

It sets the CMD device's short address. It is used for frame filtering and acknowledgment transmission.

custom lsetshort 0x<short_address>

The <short_address> argument indicates the IEEE 802.15.4 short, two-byte address.

For example:

custom lsetshort 0x00FF

It sets the CMD device's extended address. It is used for frame filtering and acknowledgment transmission.

custom lsetextended 0x<extended_address>

The <extended_address> argument indicates the IEEE 802.15.4 long, 8-byte address.

For example:

custom lsetextended 0x000000000000FFFF

It sets the PAN ID. It is used for frame filtering and acknowledgment transmission.

custom lsetpanid 0x<panid>

The <panid> argument indicates the two-bytes of the IEEE 802.15.4 PAN ID.

For example:

custom lsetpanid 0x000A

It sets an arbitrary payload of a raw IEEE 802.15.4 packet.

custom lsetpayload <length> <payload>
  • The <length> argument indicates the length of the payload in bytes.
  • The <payload> argument indicates the bytes of the packet payload.

For example:

custom lsetpayload 5 FFFFFFFFFF

It starts the transmission of packets with a random (or previously defined) payload.

custom ltx <number> <delay>
  • The <number> argument indicates the number of packets to be sent. Set to 0 for an infinite transmission.
  • The <delay> argument indicates the delay in milliseconds between the transmissions.

For example:

custom ltx 10 1000

It makes the CMD device stop current burst transmission.

custom ltxend

It makes the sample enter the continuous receive mode and print the received packet information over a serial connection. The sample does not accept any other command until it receives custom lend.

custom lstart

It makes the sample leave the continuous receive mode and print statistics

custom lend

The statistics are shown in the following format:

[total]0x%x%x%x%x [protocol]0x%x%x%x%x [totalLqi]0x%x%x%x%x [totalRssiMgnitude]0x%x%x%x%x

It sets the antenna used by the CMD device for both TX and RX operations.

custom lsetantenna <antenna>

The <antenna> argument indicates the antenna ID. It can either be 0 or 1.

For example:

custom lsetantenna 1

It sets the antenna used by the CMD device for RX operations.

custom lsetrxantenna <antenna>

The <antenna> argument indicates the antenna ID. It can either be 0 or 1.

For example:

custom lsetrxantenna 1

It sets the antenna used by the CMD device for TX operations.

custom lsettxantenna <antenna>

The <antenna> argument indicates the antenna ID. It can either be 0 or 1.

For example:

custom lsettxantenna 1

It gets the antenna used by the CMD device for RX operations.

custom lgetrxantenna

It gets the antenna used by the CMD device for TX operations.

custom lgettxantenna

It gets the last best antenna selected for RX operations by the antenna diversity algorithm.

custom lgetbestrxantenna

It sets the antenna used by the DUT device for both TX and RX operations.

custom rsetantenna <antenna>

The <antenna> argument indicates the antenna ID. It can either be 0 or 1.

For example:

custom rsetantenna 1

It sets the antenna used by the DUT device for TX operations.

custom rsettxantenna <antenna>

The <antenna> argument indicates the antenna ID. It can either be 0 or 1.

For example:

custom rsettxantenna 1

It sets the antenna used by the DUT device for RX operations.

custom rsetrxantenna <antenna>

The <antenna> argument indicates the antenna ID. It can either be 0 or 1.

For example:

custom rsetrxantenna 1

It gets the antenna used by the DUT device for TX operations.

custom rgettxantenna

It gets the antenna used by the DUT device for RX operations.

custom rgetrxantenna

It gets the last best antenna selected for RX operations by the antenna diversity algorithm.

custom rgetbestrxantenna

It starts the transmission of the unmodulated carrier.

custom lcarrier <pulse_duration> <interval> <transmission_duration>
  • The <pulse_duration> argument indicates the duration of the continuous signal transmission. It ranges between 1 and 32767 milliseconds.
  • The <interval> argument indicates the duration of the interval between the pulses. It ranges between 0 and 32767 milliseconds.
  • The <transmission_duration> argument indicates the upper limit for the command’s execution. It ranges between 0 and 32767 milliseconds. Set to 0 for infinite transmission.

For example:

custom lcarrier 10 200 2000

It starts a modulated waveform transmission.

custom lstream <pulse_duration> <interval> <transmission_duration>
  • The <pulse_duration> argument indicates the duration of the continuous packet transmission. It ranges between 1 and 32767 milliseconds.
  • The <interval> argument indicates the duration of the interval between the pulses. It ranges between 0 and 32767 milliseconds.
  • The <transmission_duration> argument indicates the upper limit for the command’s execution. It ranges between 0 and 32767 milliseconds. Set to 0 for infinite transmission.

For example:

custom lstream 100 200 20000

It gets the hardware version of the DUT device.

custom rhardwareversion

It gets the software version of the DUT device.

custom rsoftwareversion

It makes the CMD device disable or enable the high-frequency clock output on a selected pin. The actual clock frequency depends on the SoC used. It is the highest possible considering the GPIO and CLOCK modules possibilities.

custom lclk <pin> <value>
  • The <pin> argument indicates the GPIO pin number. It ranges between 0 and the number of GPIO pins supported by the SoC.
  • The <value> argument can assume one of the following values:
    • 0 - disabled
    • 1 - enabled

For example:

custom lclk 10 1

It makes the CMD device set the value of the selected GPIO out pin.

custom lsetgpio <pin> <value>
  • The <pin> argument indicates the GPIO pin number. It ranges between 0 and the number of GPIO pins supported by the SoC.
  • The <value> argument can assume one of the following values:
    • 0 - low
    • 1 - high

For example:

custom lsetgpio 29 0

It makes CMD reconfigure the selected GPIO pin to INPUT mode and read its value.

custom lgetgpio <pin>
  • The <pin> argument indicates the GPIO pin number. It ranges between 0 and the number of GPIO pins supported by the SoC.

For example:

custom lgetgpio 29

It makes the CMD device disable or enable the DC/DC mode. It has no effects on unsupported boards.

custom lsetdcdc <value>
  • The <value> argument can assume one of the following values:
    • 0 - disabled
    • 1 - enabled

For example:

custom lsetdcdc 1

It gets the DC/DC mode of the CMD device. It is always 0 for unsupported boards.

custom lgetdcdc

It makes the CMD device disable or enable the ICACHE

custom lseticache <value>
  • The <value> argument can assume one of the following values:
    • 0 - disabled
    • 1 - enabled

For example:

custom lseticache 1

It makes the CMD device print the SoC temperature in the format <.%02>.

custom lgettemp

It makes the CMD device put the radio in sleep mode.

custom lsleep

It makes the CMD device put the radio in receive mode.

custom lreceive

It reboots the device

custom lreboot



The sample provides support for the antenna diversity feature on the nRF52840. To enable the feature, set the :kconfig:option:`CONFIG_PTT_ANTENNA_DIVERSITY` option as enabled.


On the |nRF5340DKnoref|, the IEEE 802.15.4 PHY Test Tool sample is designed to run on the network core and requires the :ref:`nrf5340_remote_shell` running on the application core. This sample uses the :ref:`shell_ipc_readme` library to forward shell data through the physical UART interface of the application core. The Remote IPC shell sample is built and programmed automatically by default.

After programming the sample to your development kit, complete the following steps to test it:

  1. Connect the development kit to the computer using a USB cable. Use the development kit's programmer USB port (J2). The kits are assigned a COM port (in Windows) or a ttyACM device (in Linux), visible in the Device Manager or in the :file:`/dev` directory.

  2. |connect_terminal|

  3. If the sample is configured to support both modes (the default setting), switch the development kit into CMD mode by sending the following command:

    custom changemode 1
  4. On the bottom side of your development kit, locate the table describing the GPIO pin assignment to the LEDs.

  5. Read the numbers of the GPIO pins assigned to all LEDs.

    For example, on the nRF52840DK, the LEDs are controlled by the pins ranging between P0.13 and P0.16. The LEDs on nRF5340DK and nRF52840DK are in the sink configuration.

  6. To turn the LEDs on, set the respective pin's state to low to let the current flow through the LED, using the custom lsetgpio <pin> 0 command, where <pin> is the number of the pin assigned for selected LED.

    See the following example for how to light up LED 1 on the nRF5340 DK:

    custom lsetgpio 28 0

If the selected LED lights up, the sample works as expected and is ready for use.

  1. Make sure that at least one of the development kits can be set into CMD mode and the other one to the DUT mode.

    The DUT device does not initialize the serial interface. The easiest way to achieve this is to flash both devices with the sample configured to support both modes (default setting).

  2. Connect both development kits to the computer using a USB cable.

    The kits are assigned a COM port (in Windows) or a ttyACM device (in Linux), visible in the Device Manager or the :file:`/dev` directory.

  3. |connect_terminal|

  4. If the samples are configured to support both modes (the default setting), switch one of the development kits into CMD mode by sending the following command:

    custom changemode 1
  5. Run the following command on the development kit running in CMD mode:

    custom find
  6. The development kit running in CMD mode should respond with one of the following two responses:

    • channel <ch> find <ack> - if the CMD device successfully communicates with the DUT device.
    • DUT NOT FOUND - if it could not exchange packets with the DUT device.

Refer to the :ref:`802154_phy_test_ui` for the complete list of the available commands.