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Continuous Integration server and on-demand, lightweight, package building pypi mirror


Still in early stages and not yet entirely stable, actively being worked on.


  • Continuous integration: Test all defined source builds at defined intervals (implemented).
    • Pending:
      • Run tests based on git / hg commits.
      • Offer readonly web based interface to past tests and results
  • Pypi like repository: For software you author or python libraries you modify but only publish internally
  • Pypi Mirror: Mirrors packages from
    • On demand: Packages are downloaded only when requested for.
    • Lightweight: Downloads and mirrors only those versions requested for.


  • Apache integration using mod_wsgi
  • Refresh pypi packages and indices
  • Additional python versions (currently tested only with python 3.3)
  • Create and activate a python virtual environment

    • Currently only tested with python version 3.3. Support for additional versions to be added later.
  • Install package:

    $ pip install
  • Create configuration file for nestegg in your home directory $HOME/nestegg.yml

storage_dir: /var/cache/nestegg                         # Where nestegg makes a nest
port: 7654                                              # Port to run on
index-url:               # Pypi Index URL
refresh_interval: 1d                                    # Frequency to check for new versions
repositories :                                          # List of source builds
  - name: my_package_name                               # package name
    vcs: git                                            # git and hg supported
    url:       # git url here
                                                        # could also be file:///.....
    private: Yes                                        # private or public
                                                        # Private if package does not exist on pypi
    releases:                                           # Packages built for these
      - version: 1.0.0                                  # python version
        tag: 1.0.0                                      # [not required if same as version]
                                                        # the git/hg branch/tag name
        dist_file: mypackage-1.0.0.tar.gz               # not required if same as
                                                        #    {tag}-{version}-{.tar.gz|.zip|.egg}
                                                        # source dist file name
        python: /usr/bin/python2.7                      # optional. Required only if you want
                                                        # particular version of python to run "sdist"
  - name: package_to_be_tested
    vcs: git
    url: file:////project_dir                           # could be remote repo also (as above)
    private: Yes
    branches:                                           # List your testable software here
      - name: master
        dist_file: package-version.tar.gz
        python: /usr/bin/mypython                       # python exe to use for running tests
        schedule:                                       # schedule for triggering tests
          hour: *                                       # cron like parameters for APScheduler
          minute: *

For each release / version defined, nestegg will :

  • Create a git or hg clone from the git / hg repo
  • Checkout the defined tag / branch
  • Create a source distribution using python sdist
  • Publish the distribution to the nestegg package repository.
  • You can install/use the distribution using pip, easy_install etc.

For each release / branch defined nestegg will : * Clone the branch from git or hg * Run tests on the branch at predefined intervals

All the source builds and versions you defined will be cloned, the corresponding tag checked out and source distributi

  • Start nestegg server:
$ nestegg
Bottle v0.11.6 server starting up (using WSGIRefServer())...
Listening on
Hit Ctrl-C to quit.

Use http://localhost:7654/simple as the index url with pip or tox or other clients. eg.

$ pip install SQLAlchemy==0.8.2 --index-url=http://localhost:7654/simple
  • Continuous Integration tool for python packages
  • Run tests based on :
    • Predefined cron like schedules
    • Signals from git / hg clients
    • Explicit commands
  • Create a desktop / intranet mirror of all packages used. Create new test virtualenvs readily without having to wait for long downloads
  • Manage versions of your package dependencies (even if pypi eventually unpublishes the versions you rely upon)
  • Publish versions of libraries you fork, or any you create to a pypi like repository without having to publish it globally.
  • Access control on git / hg repos can make it hard to use github / bitbucket tarballs in dependency_links. This circumvents that issue.