1 |
| -// |
2 |
| -// Copyright (c) 2018 Nordic Semiconductor ASA. All Rights Reserved. |
3 |
| -// |
4 |
| -// The information contained herein is confidential property of Nordic Semiconductor ASA. |
5 |
| -// The use, copying, transfer or disclosure of such information is prohibited except by |
6 |
| -// express written agreement with Nordic Semiconductor ASA. |
7 |
| -// |
8 |
| - |
9 | 1 | @Library("CI_LIB") _
10 |
| -HashMap CI_STATE = lib_State.getConfig(JOB_NAME) |
11 |
| -properties(lib_State.getTriggers()) |
12 |
| - |
13 |
| -def TestExecutionList = [:] |
14 |
| - |
15 |
| -pipeline { |
16 |
| - |
17 |
| - parameters { |
18 |
| - booleanParam(name: 'RUN_DOWNSTREAM', description: 'if false skip downstream jobs', defaultValue: true) |
19 |
| - booleanParam(name: 'RUN_TESTS', description: 'if false skip testing', defaultValue: true) |
20 |
| - booleanParam(name: 'RUN_BUILD', description: 'if false skip building', defaultValue: true) |
21 |
| - string(name: 'PLATFORMS', description: 'Default Platforms to test', defaultValue: 'nrf9160dk_nrf9160 nrf52dk_nrf52832 nrf52840dk_nrf52840 nrf5340pdk_nrf5340_cpuapp') |
22 |
| - string(name: 'jsonstr_CI_STATE', description: 'Default State if no upstream job', defaultValue: CI_STATE.CFG.INPUT_STATE_STR) |
23 |
| - choice(name: 'CRON', choices: ['COMMIT', 'NIGHTLY', 'WEEKLY'], description: 'Cron Test Phase') |
24 |
| - } |
25 |
| - agent none |
26 |
| - |
27 |
| - options { |
28 |
| - parallelsAlwaysFailFast() |
29 |
| - timeout(time: CI_STATE.CFG.TIMEOUT.time, unit: CI_STATE.CFG.TIMEOUT.unit) |
30 |
| - } |
31 |
| - |
32 |
| - environment { |
33 |
| - GH_TOKEN = credentials('nordicbuilder-compliance-token') // This token is used to by check_compliance to comment on PRs and use checks |
34 |
| - GH_USERNAME = "NordicBuilder" |
35 |
| - COMPLIANCE_ARGS = "-r nrfconnect/sdk-nrf" |
36 |
| - ARCH = "-a arm" |
37 |
38 |
| - --board-root nrf/boards \ |
39 |
| - --testcase-root nrf/samples \ |
40 |
| - --testcase-root nrf/applications \ |
41 |
| - --testcase-root nrf/tests \ |
42 |
| - --inline-logs --disable-unrecognized-section-test \ |
43 |
| - --tag ci_build \ |
44 |
| - --retry-failed 7 \ |
45 |
| - ''' |
46 |
| - } |
47 |
| - |
48 |
| - stages { |
49 |
| - stage('Load') { |
50 |
| - agent { label CI_STATE.CFG.AGENT_LABELS } |
51 |
| - steps { script { CI_STATE = lib_State.load('NRF', CI_STATE) }} |
52 |
| - } |
53 |
| - stage('Specification') { steps { script { |
54 |
| - def TestStages = [:] |
55 |
| - TestStages["compliance"] = { |
56 |
57 |
| - stage('Compliance Test'){ |
58 |
| - println "Using Node:$NODE_NAME" |
59 |
| - docker.image("$CI_STATE.CFG.DOCKER_REG/$CI_STATE.CFG.IMAGE_TAG").inside { |
60 |
| - dir('nrf') { |
61 |
| - checkout scm |
62 |
| - CI_STATE.SELF.REPORT_SHA = lib_Main.checkoutRepo( |
63 |
64 |
| - lib_Status.set("PENDING", 'NRF', CI_STATE); |
65 |
| - lib_West.AddManifestUpdate("NRF", 'nrf', |
66 |
67 |
| - } |
68 |
| - lib_West.InitUpdate('nrf') |
69 |
| - lib_West.ApplyManifestUpdates(CI_STATE) |
70 |
| - |
71 |
| - dir('nrf') { |
72 |
| - script { |
73 |
| - // If we're a pull request, compare the target branch against the current HEAD (the PR), and also report issues to the PR |
74 |
| - def BUILD_TYPE = lib_Main.getBuildType(CI_STATE.SELF) |
75 |
| - if (BUILD_TYPE == "PR") { |
76 |
77 |
78 |
| - println "Building a PR [$CHANGE_ID]: $COMMIT_RANGE" |
79 |
| - } |
80 |
| - else if (BUILD_TYPE == "TAG") { |
81 |
| - COMMIT_RANGE = "tags/${env.BRANCH_NAME}..tags/${env.BRANCH_NAME}" |
82 |
| - println "Building a Tag: " + COMMIT_RANGE |
83 |
| - } |
84 |
| - // If not a PR, it's a non-PR-branch or master build. Compare against the origin. |
85 |
| - else if (BUILD_TYPE == "BRANCH") { |
86 |
| - COMMIT_RANGE = "origin/${env.BRANCH_NAME}..HEAD" |
87 |
| - println "Building a Branch: " + COMMIT_RANGE |
88 |
| - } |
89 |
| - else { |
90 |
| - assert condition : "Build fails because it is not a PR/Tag/Branch" |
91 |
| - } |
92 |
| - |
93 |
| - // Run the compliance check |
94 |
| - try { |
95 |
| - sh """ \ |
96 |
| - (source ../zephyr/zephyr-env.sh && \ |
97 |
| - pip install --user -r ../tools/ci-tools/requirements.txt && \ |
98 |
| - pip install --user pylint && \ |
99 |
| - echo "<?xml version=\\"1.0\\" encoding=\\"utf-8\\"?>" > compliance.xml |
100 |
| - echo "<testsuites errors=\\"0\\" failures=\\"0\\" tests=\\"1\\">" >> compliance.xml |
101 |
| - echo "<testsuite errors=\\"0\\" failures=\\"0\\" tests=\\"1\\">" >> compliance.xml |
102 |
| - echo "<testcase classname=\\"nop\\" name=\\"nop\\"/>" >> compliance.xml |
103 |
| - echo "</testsuite>" >> compliance.xml |
104 |
| - echo "</testsuites>" >> compliance.xml) |
105 |
| - """ |
106 |
| - } |
107 |
| - finally { |
108 |
| - junit 'compliance.xml' |
109 |
| - archiveArtifacts artifacts: 'compliance.xml' |
110 |
| - lib_Main.storeArtifacts("compliance", 'compliance.xml', 'NRF', CI_STATE) |
111 |
| - } |
112 |
| - } |
113 |
| - } |
114 |
| - } |
115 |
| - cleanWs() |
116 |
| - } |
117 |
| - } |
118 |
| - } |
119 |
| - |
120 |
| - if (CI_STATE.SELF.CRON == 'COMMIT') { |
121 |
| - println "Running Commit Tests" |
122 |
| - } else if (CI_STATE.SELF.CRON == 'NIGHTLY') { |
123 |
| - println "Running Nightly Tests" |
124 |
| - } else if (CI_STATE.SELF.CRON == 'WEEKLY') { |
125 |
| - println "Running Weekly Tests" |
126 |
| - } |
127 |
| - |
128 |
| - def PLATFORM_LIST = lib_Main.getPlatformList(CI_STATE.SELF.PLATFORMS) |
129 |
| - |
130 |
| - def COMPILER_LIST = ['gnuarmemb'] //'zephyr', |
131 |
132 |
| - def PLATFORM_COMPILER_MAP = INPUT_MAP.values().combinations { args -> |
133 |
| - [INPUT_MAP.keySet().toList(), args].transpose().collectEntries { [(it[0]): it[1]]} |
134 |
| - } |
135 |
| - |
136 |
| - def sanityCheckStages = PLATFORM_COMPILER_MAP.collectEntries { |
137 |
| - ["SanityCheck\n${it.c}\n${it.p}" : generateParallelStage(it.p, it.c, JOB_NAME, CI_STATE, SANITYCHECK_OPTIONS_COMMON)] |
138 |
| - } |
139 |
| - |
140 |
141 |
| - TestExecutionList['compliance'] = TestStages["compliance"] |
142 |
| - } |
143 |
| - |
144 |
145 |
| - TestExecutionList = TestExecutionList.plus(sanityCheckStages) |
146 |
| - } |
147 |
| - |
148 |
| - println "TestExecutionList = $TestExecutionList" |
149 |
| - |
150 |
| - }}} |
151 |
| - |
152 |
| - stage('Execution') { steps { script { |
153 |
| - parallel TestExecutionList |
154 |
| - // FilePath context variable is required to send Github notifications |
155 |
156 |
| - lib_Status.set("${currentBuild.currentResult}", 'NRF', CI_STATE) |
157 |
| - } |
158 |
| - }}} |
159 |
| - |
160 |
| - stage('Trigger Downstream Jobs') { |
161 |
| - when { expression { CI_STATE.SELF.RUN_DOWNSTREAM } } |
162 |
| - steps { script { lib_Stage.runDownstream(JOB_NAME, CI_STATE) } } |
163 |
| - } |
164 |
| - |
165 |
| - stage('Report') { |
166 |
| - when { expression { CI_STATE.SELF.RUN_TESTS } } |
167 |
| - steps { script { |
168 |
| - println 'no report generation yet' |
169 |
| - } } |
170 |
| - } |
171 |
| - } |
172 |
| - post { |
173 |
| - // This is the order that the methods are run. {always->success/abort/failure/unstable->cleanup} |
174 |
| - always { |
175 |
| - script { |
176 |
| - echo "always"; |
177 |
| - // FilePath context variable is required to send Github notifications |
178 |
179 |
| - lib_Status.set( "${currentBuild.currentResult}" , 'FULL_CI', CI_STATE) |
180 |
| - } |
181 |
| - } |
182 |
| - } |
183 |
| - |
184 |
| - /* uncomment if logic is needed |
185 |
| - success { } |
186 |
| - aborted { } |
187 |
| - unstable { } |
188 |
| - failure { } |
189 |
| - cleanup { } |
190 |
| - */ |
191 |
| - } |
192 |
| -} |
193 | 2 |
| 3 | +def pipeline = new ncs.sdk_nrf.Main() |
194 | 4 |
195 |
| -def generateParallelStage(platform, compiler, JOB_NAME, CI_STATE, SANITYCHECK_OPTIONS_COMMON) { |
196 |
| - return { |
197 |
198 |
| - stage('.'){ |
199 |
| - println "Using Node:$NODE_NAME" |
200 |
| - docker.image("$CI_STATE.CFG.DOCKER_REG/$CI_STATE.CFG.IMAGE_TAG").inside { |
201 |
| - dir('nrf') { |
202 |
| - checkout scm |
203 |
| - CI_STATE.SELF.REPORT_SHA = lib_Main.checkoutRepo( |
204 |
205 |
| - lib_West.AddManifestUpdate("NRF", 'nrf', |
206 |
207 |
| - } |
208 |
| - lib_West.InitUpdate('nrf') |
209 |
| - lib_West.ApplyManifestUpdates(CI_STATE) |
210 |
| - PLATFORM_ARGS = lib_Main.getPlatformArgs(platform) |
211 |
212 |
213 |
| - export ZEPHYR_TOOLCHAIN_VARIANT='$compiler' && \ |
214 |
| - source zephyr/zephyr-env.sh && \ |
215 |
| - pip install --user -r nrf/scripts/requirements-ci.txt && \ |
216 |
| - export && \ |
217 |
218 |
| - """ |
219 |
220 |
221 |
| - } |
222 |
| - cleanWs() |
223 |
| - } |
224 |
| - } |
225 |
| - } |
226 |
| -} |
| 5 | +pipeline.run(JOB_NAME) |
0 commit comments