Qorvo's QPG6105 Matter base example can be used as basis for creating your own custom device, with Thread connectivity, using Matter. It is using Bluetooth™ LE to perform Matter provisioning. This example contains a minimal application layer. In this document, an overview of the Matter base example will be given, together with step-by-step instructions to customize this application for your needs.
Features of this application are:
- Stripped down application layer to be used as framework for custom Matter applications.
- Bluetooth LE for Matter commissioning procedure.
- Factory reset implementation.
- Button control
- LED output
- Factory reset
- Logging output
- Building and flashing
- Testing the example
- Creating Matter device
This application uses following buttons of the DK board:
: Used to perform a HW reset for the full boardSW5[PB4]
: Used to perform, depending on the time the button is kept pressed,- Trigger Software update (released 0-3s)
- Factory reset (released after 6s)
The buttons SW1
, SW2
, SW3
, SW4
and the slider switch SW7
are unused.
The following LEDs are used during the application:
- RED led - shows the device state and its connectivity. Following states are defined:- Short blink every 1s: Bluetooth LE advertising. The device is not commissioned yet.
- Fast blinks: Bluetooth LE connected and subscribed but not yet commissioned.
- On: Full service connectivity
Factory reset of the Matter device can be triggered by holding SW5
at least 6 seconds.
For instructions to view the serial logging, refer to Enable serial logging
At startup you will see:
qvCHIP <version> ROMv1/1 (CL:0) r:3
[P][DL] BLEManagerImpl::Init() complete
[P][-] Initializing OpenThread stack
[P][DL] OpenThread started: OK
[P][DL] Setting OpenThread device type to ROUTER
[P][-] Starting OpenThread task
[P][-] Starting Platform Manager Event Loop
[P][-] ============================
[P][-] Qorvo Base-Matter-app Launching
[P][-] ============================
See Building and flashing the example applications section to get instructions how to build and program the Matter base example application.
The Matter base application will start Bluetooth LE advertising automatically at start-up. Once it is advertising, it is discoverable for a Matter controller to start the Matter commissioning.
The commissioning procedure is done over Bluetooth LE where a connection is setup between a Matter device and a Matter controller. This Matter controller takes the role of a commissioner. The commissioner needs to get information from the Matter device to start the commissioning. This information can be obtained by a QR code or from the serial output of the Matter device.
The final phase in the commissioning procedure is Thread provisioning. This involves sending the Thread network credentials over Bluetooth LE to the Matter device. Once this is done, the device joins the Thread network and communication with other Thread devices in the network can be achieved.
For a commissioning guide that makes use of the Android chip-tool, please refer to Commissioning Qorvo Matter device with Android chip-tool
For a commissioning guide that makes use of the POSIX cli chip-tool, please refer to Commissioning Qorvo Matter device with POSIX CLI chip-tool
To create your Matter device, you can start from this Matter base application and extend with the needed functionalities. To demonstrate how this is done in practice, below sections will show how the base application can be extended to create a Matter Temperature Sensor. For this exercise the ADC peripheral will be used on the QPG6105 development board to report the measured temperature in the Matter network. In below picture you can find an overview of a Matter node architecture.
A Matter node represents a single device in the Matter network. In this chapter we will focus on the application layers (dark blue) of the Matter node. Each Matter node application layer is defined by Matter's data model layer. The data model layer is defined by a set of clusters. These clusters contain commands and attributes that can be accessed over the Matter network. There are two types of clusters. Base clusters and Application clusters. Base clusters are clusters that do not implement an application specific feature set. These are used for management and diagnostic purposes in the Matter network. These are common for all Matter devices. Application clusters are used to enable specific functionalities that are application specific. In this example, we will enable the Temperature Measurement cluster to create the Matter temperature sensor.
Clusters are grouped together in endpoints to seperate certain application blocks within the Matter node. In this base example, a Matter Root Node endpoint is made that enables all mandatory clusters to perform Matter commissioning. This endpoint needs to be available for all Matter devices to be created. Next to this endpoint, you can define a new endpoint that contains the application specific features. In this example, we will create an endpoint that will enable the temperature measurement.
To summarize, in this chapter we will:
- Create a Matter node that can commission the Matter network and report the Temperature
- Create an additional endpoint next to the Matter root node that enables the temperature measurements.
- Enable the needed clusters on the second endpoint for temperature measurements.
Make sure to get familiar with the base example first. Below we will extend this base example to create a Matter temperature sensor. Matter's ZCL Advanced Platform (ZAP) tooling will be used for this.
In this section, instructions will be given to add, edit and configure clusters using the ZAP tool. Modifying and adding
clusters can be done by modifying the .zap
file. This .zap
file defines all the endpoints and clusters to be enabled on
the Matter device. The .zap
file for the base example can be found next to this README.md file (base.zap).
This .zap
file is not used by the Matter application itself, but it is used to generate the necessary source files.
The ZAP tool is a tool that can be used to modify this .zap
file. Before using the ZAP tool, make sure your environment
is set up correclty. This can be achieved by executing following command:
source Scripts/activate.sh
To bring up the ZAP tool, execute following command:
python3 ./Tools/Zap/generate_zap_files.py --input Applications/Matter/base/base.zap --output Applications/Matter/base/src/zap-generated
Now, below window should appear:
As seen in above screenshot, only one endpoint is defined: "Matter Root Node". This endpoint enables all mandatory clusters
to be able to operate in a Matter network. In this example we will not touch the configuration of this endpoint. To
enable Temperature Measurement functionality, we will create a new endpoint. Therefore, click ADD NEW ENDPOINT
in the
ZAP tool. Below menu will appear:
Fill in the fields as represented in the screenshot to create an endpoint that represents the Matter Temperature Sensor
device type.
Once this is done, all mandatory clusters related to Matter Temperature Sensor device type will be enabled automatically.
You can filter in the Tool on Only Enabled
clusters to see what clusters are enabled on that endpoint. As you can see
in below screenshot, the Temperature Measurement cluster is enabled as well by default.
In this exercise, the device needs to report the measured temperature so make sure MeasuredValue
attribute is enabled as
seen in below picture (should be done by default).
Now, save the file and exit. The script will automatically generate the needed source files in the given output directory.
In this section updates that needs to be done in the Application layer that interact with the used clusters will be described.
If additional clusters are added in the .zap file, you can check the corresponding cluster sources in
in the source tree.
To avoid having to add the cluster sources manually everytime new clusters are enabled, a script in Makefile.base_qpg6105
was added to include these files automatically based on the used .zap
CLUSTERS = $(shell $(ZAP_SCRIPT) --zap_file=$(ZAP_FILE))
CLUSTER_BASE = $(BASEDIR)/../../../Components/ThirdParty/Matter/repo/src/app/clusters
SRC += $(foreach CLUSTER_NAME,$(CLUSTERS),$(wildcard $(CLUSTER_BASE)/$(CLUSTER_NAME)/*.cpp))
As we want to enable Temperature sensing in the application, we also need the sources of QPG6105 ADC peripheral to be
added. Copy QMatter/Applications/Peripherals/adc/src/adc.c
to QMatter/Applications/Matter/base/src/adc.c
and copy QMatter/Applications/Peripherals/adc/inc/adc.h
to QMatter/Applications/Matter/base/include/adc.h
. Also
make sure that the sources are added in the build tree:
First the QPG6105 ADC peripheral needs to be initialized when the application starts. This application init is done in
the function void Application_Init(void)
in adc.c
. As this function definition is already used in the Matter
application, rename the function to void ADC_Init(void)
. Make sure to comment the gpBaseComps_StackInit()
Qorvo's software stack will already be initialized as part of the Matter initialization flow. The function in adc.c
shall now look like below:
/** @brief Initialize application
void ADC_Init(void)
/* Initialize stack */
/* Initialize adc */
Also make sure to make this function publically available by adding its definition in adc.h
. Add following lines
in the file:
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
void ADC_Init(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus
Now you can call the ADC initialization routine from CHIP_ERROR AppTask::Init()
function in AppTask.cpp
CHIP_ERROR AppTask::Init()
// Enable BLE advertisements
ChipLogProgress(NotSpecified, "BLE advertising started. Waiting for Pairing.");
return err;
Make sure to add #include "adc.h"
to the include lists in AppTask.cpp
Once this is done, QPG6105's ADC peripheral will be enabled at start-up of the Matter device. At this stage this will only log the temperature every 25 seconds. We still need to have a callback function implemented so the application layer receives the temperature from the temperature sensor.
To achieve this, add following function definition in adc.h
: void ADC_TempChangedCallback(UInt16 temp);
. This
callback needs to be called from the location where the temperature is logged and needs to be implemented in the
application layer (in this example, in AppTask.cpp
Snippet of adc.h
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
void ADC_Init(void);
void ADC_TempChangedCallback(UInt16 temp);
#ifdef __cplusplus
At the bottom of the function Application_MeasureBatteryAndTemperature
in adc.c
add the following to call
the callback:
/** @brief Function to perform a single Battery and temperature measurement */
void Application_MeasureBatteryAndTemperature(void)
uint16_t tempAdc;
Implementation of void ADC_TempChangedCallback(UInt16 temp)
belongs to the application layer. So add this function
in AppTask.cpp
void ADC_TempChangedCallback(UInt16 temp)
//Here we need to link to the Temperature Measurement cluster
Now the only missing part is to link this reported temperature to the Temperature Measurement cluster so the temperature can be distributed within the Matter network.
In this exercise we are interested in the MeasuredValue
attribute of the Temperature Measurement cluster. So when an
update of the temperature sensor comes in, we need to make sure the corresponding attribute gets updated. To do this,
we need to trigger a write to the MeasuredValue attribute of the Temperature Measurement cluster:
void ADC_TempChangedCallback(UInt16 temp)
(uint8_t *) &temp, ZCL_INT16S_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE);
ChipLogError(NotSpecified, "ERR: updating Temperature %x", status);
To test the created Matter temperature sensor, complete following steps:
- Make sure your device is commissioned in the Matter network. Follow the guide Commissioning Qorvo Matter device with POSIX CLI chip-tool
- Read out the temperature, using POSIX CLI chip-tool can be done by using this command:
sudo ./chip-tool.elf temperaturemeasurement read measured-value 1 1
Based on this command, similar temperature statements should be visible in the logs
from the base application:
from the chiptool:
[1655468807.846370][8788:8793] CHIP:TOO: MeasuredValue: 3336
Above example gives a very basic hands-on on how to enable clusters and configure them and how to write to its corresponding attributes. This should also work the other way around. Sometimes attributes can get written due to a command that comes in from another device in the Matter network. For example, a Matter light switch can send a toggle command to a Matter light bulb. In that case the write attribute (OnOff attribute of the OnOff cluster in this case) will be done as part of the OnOff implementation of Matter. This needs to be pushed through the application layer so the application knows it needs to toggle the light.
This means a callback function needs to be implemented so the application is aware that the OnOff attribute is updated.
Implementation of this callback is done in MatterPostAttributeChangeCallback
function. This function is defined
as __attribute__((weak))
in the generated file src/zap-generated/callback-stub.cpp
and can be implemented
as part of the application layer. Stubbed implementation is currently foreseen in src/ZclCallbacks.cpp
void MatterPostAttributeChangeCallback(const chip::app::ConcreteAttributePath & attributePath, uint8_t mask, uint8_t type,
uint16_t size, uint8_t * value)
In the ZclCallbacks.cpp
implementation of the Matter light reference you can find
an example implementation of this function. This will push updates in the OnOff and LevelControl cluster attributes to
the application layer.
In the file src/zap-generated/callback-stub.cpp
, you can find other callback functions defined as
that can be implemented in the application if needed.