The Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter (UART) reference application demonstrates using the UART to send a message over the UART Transmitter (TX) and receive data over the UART Receiver (RX).
GPIO Name | Direction | Connected To | Comments |
GPIO0 | Output | LD4 | red LED |
GPIO9 | Output | - | Configured as UART TX |
GPIO8 | Input | - | Configured as UART RX |
To capture the serial logging, the tool minicom can be used:
minicom -D /dev/ttyACM0 115200
Please note that the COM port number and device label may differ on your computer.
After resetting the programmed QPG6105 with the application (press the button SW6 RADIO RESET
), you will see similar output as below:
Hello, World!
Hello, World!
After loading the program to the board and running:
The string “Hello, World!” will be sent at UART TX.
Bytes received via UART RX, will be echoed at UART TX.
The red LED (LD4) blinks for every byte sent.