A remake of the Maslow’s pyramid, but for software developers.
- Original pyramid
- Developer pyramid
- Env: a comfortable environment, with good chair and coffee!
- Tools: a quiet computer with a good screen, mouse and keyboard.
- Process: light processes, iterative instead of waterfall
- Code: avoid technical debt, and no deprecated frameworks
- Meaning: your work makes sense, product will be used
- Wage: the remuneration reflects the work
- Career: it is possible to progress
- Vision: project vision is clear
- Community: belong to a community, not solo developer
- Manager: manager who actually gets down to work
- Recognition: be recognized as an asset
- Learning: work add experience to developer’s profile
- Contributor: developer adds value to community
- Responsibility: to receive responsibility, be in charge
- Creativity: have the freedom to create your solutions
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow%27s_hierarchy_of_needs https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow%27s_hierarchy_of_needs
http://www.softfluent.fr/blog/societe/2015/07/22/Comment-motiver-les-developpeurs http://www.softfluent.fr/blog/societe/2015/07/22/Comment-motiver-les-developpeurs
https://github.com/DamienFremont/blog/tree/master/20171111-dev-maslow-pyramid https://github.com/DamienFremont/blog/tree/master/20171111-dev-maslow-pyramid