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This repository contains a library for C programming language. The library consist of a linked-list implementation of default string.h library. Still, there are functions left which are not implemented. I'm going to implement them all in my free time.


Function Parameters Returns Explanation
create_llstring char[] LL_StringNode* The function creates a llstring with given char array, then return the head of the linked list.
delete_character LL_StringNode*, u_int16_t The function deletes a ll-node in llstring in given index. Index are 0-based.
append_llstring LL_StringNode* x, LL_StringNode* y, u_int16_t p The function appends x to y in position p.
printf_llstring LL_StringNode* Prints the string.
llstr2char LL_StringNode* char* The function converts the llstring to a char array and returns the pointer for that char array.
ll_strcpy LL_StringNode* d, LL_StringNode* s LL_StringNode *d The function copies content of s to d. To use the function, d must be a next-letter-is-NULL LL_StringNode.
ll_strncpy LL_StringNode* d, LL_StringNode* s, u_int16_t n LL_StringNode *d The function copies content of s to d for first n characters. To use the function, d must be a next-letter-is-NULL LL_StringNode.
ll_strlen LL_StringNode* size_t The function returns length of the llstring.
ll_strcat LL_StringNode* x, LL_StringNode* y LLStringNode* x The function appends the y into end of the x.
ll_strcmp LL_StringNode*, LL_StringNode* 1, -1, or 0 The function works exactly same as strcmp. 0 means both llstrings are equal. It compares two llstring and if there is a difference, return which one have higher ASCII number.
ll_strncmp LL_StringNode*, LL_StringNode*, u_int16_t n 1, -1, or 0 The function works exactly same as strcmp. 0 means both llstrings are equal. It compares two llstring for first n characters and if there is a difference, return which one have higher ASCII number.
ll_strchr LL_StringNode*, char LL_StringNode* The function returns a pointer to the first occurrence of the character in the llstring. Returns NULL if haven't found any.
ll_strrchr LL_StringNode*, char LL_StringNode* The function returns a pointer to the last occurrence of the character in the llstring. Returns NULL if haven't found any.
ll_strcspn LL_StringNode* llstr1, LL_StringNode* llstr2 size_t The function scans llstr1 for the first occurrence of any of the characters that are part of llstr2, returning the number of characters of llstr1 read before this first occurrence. Returns the length of llstr1 if none of the characters of llstr2 are found in llstr1.
ll_strpbrk LL_StringNode*, LL_StringNode* LL_StringNode* The function works exactly as the ll_strcpsn, but this one returns the pointer of the first occurrence.
ll_strspn LL_StringNode* llstr1, LL_StringNode* llstr2 size_t The function returns the length of the initial portion of llstr1 which consists only of characters that are part of llstr2.
ll_strstr LL_StringNode* llstr1, LL_StringNode* llstr2 LL_StringNode* The function returns a pointer to the first occurrence of llstr2 in llstr1, or a null pointer if str2 is not part of str1.

Further Works

  • Need to implement remaining functions.
    • ll_strncat
    • ll_strcoll
    • ll_strtok
    • and other mems
  • Need to create a function to convert llstring to char[].


Check out the LICENSE file in the repository. The software licensed under MIT License 2021.