diff --git a/client/README.md b/client/README.md
deleted file mode 100644
index b6897e3f0a9..00000000000
--- a/client/README.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-# React + TypeScript + Vite
-This template provides a minimal setup to get React working in Vite with HMR and some ESLint rules.
-Currently, two official plugins are available:
--   [@vitejs/plugin-react](https://github.com/vitejs/vite-plugin-react/blob/main/packages/plugin-react/README.md) uses [Babel](https://babeljs.io/) for Fast Refresh
--   [@vitejs/plugin-react-swc](https://github.com/vitejs/vite-plugin-react-swc) uses [SWC](https://swc.rs/) for Fast Refresh
-## Expanding the ESLint configuration
-If you are developing a production application, we recommend updating the configuration to enable type aware lint rules:
--   Configure the top-level `parserOptions` property like this:
-export default tseslint.config({
-    languageOptions: {
-        // other options...
-        parserOptions: {
-            project: ["./tsconfig.node.json", "./tsconfig.app.json"],
-            tsconfigRootDir: import.meta.dirname,
-        },
-    },
--   Replace `tseslint.configs.recommended` to `tseslint.configs.recommendedTypeChecked` or `tseslint.configs.strictTypeChecked`
--   Optionally add `...tseslint.configs.stylisticTypeChecked`
--   Install [eslint-plugin-react](https://github.com/jsx-eslint/eslint-plugin-react) and update the config:
-// eslint.config.js
-import react from "eslint-plugin-react";
-export default tseslint.config({
-    // Set the react version
-    settings: { react: { version: "18.3" } },
-    plugins: {
-        // Add the react plugin
-        react,
-    },
-    rules: {
-        // other rules...
-        // Enable its recommended rules
-        ...react.configs.recommended.rules,
-        ...react.configs["jsx-runtime"].rules,
-    },
diff --git a/client/index.html b/client/index.html
index e0ef3be8332..342f8872933 100644
--- a/client/index.html
+++ b/client/index.html
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
         <meta charset="UTF-8" />
         <link rel="icon" type="image/svg+xml" href="/vite.svg" />
         <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
-        <title>Vite + React + TS</title>
+        <title>Eliza</title>
         <div id="root"></div>
diff --git a/client/package.json b/client/package.json
index 4f861e5f868..3c467263ece 100644
--- a/client/package.json
+++ b/client/package.json
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-    "name": "eliza",
+    "name": "eliza-client",
     "private": true,
     "version": "0.0.0",
     "type": "module",
@@ -11,13 +11,18 @@
     "dependencies": {
         "@ai16z/eliza": "workspace:*",
+        "@radix-ui/react-dialog": "1.1.2",
+        "@radix-ui/react-separator": "1.1.0",
         "@radix-ui/react-slot": "1.1.0",
+        "@radix-ui/react-tooltip": "1.1.4",
+        "@tanstack/react-query": "5.61.0",
         "class-variance-authority": "0.7.0",
-        "clsx": "2.1.1",
+        "clsx": "2.1.0",
         "lucide-react": "0.460.0",
         "react": "18.3.1",
         "react-dom": "18.3.1",
-        "tailwind-merge": "2.5.5",
+        "react-router-dom": "6.22.1",
+        "tailwind-merge": "2.5.4",
         "tailwindcss-animate": "1.0.7",
         "vite-plugin-top-level-await": "1.4.4",
         "vite-plugin-wasm": "3.3.0"
@@ -32,11 +37,11 @@
         "eslint": "9.13.0",
         "eslint-plugin-react-hooks": "5.0.0",
         "eslint-plugin-react-refresh": "0.4.14",
-        "globals": "15.12.0",
+        "globals": "15.11.0",
         "postcss": "8.4.49",
         "tailwindcss": "3.4.15",
         "typescript": "~5.6.2",
-        "typescript-eslint": "8.15.0",
-        "vite": "5.4.11"
+        "typescript-eslint": "8.11.0",
+        "vite": "link:@tanstack/router-plugin/vite"
diff --git a/client/src/Agent.tsx b/client/src/Agent.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f3094f14ebb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/Agent.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+export default function Agent() {
+    return (
+        <div className="min-h-screen flex flex-col items-center justify-center p-4">
+            <p className="text-lg text-gray-600">
+                Select an option from the sidebar to configure, view, or chat
+                with your ELIZA agent
+            </p>
+        </div>
+    );
diff --git a/client/src/Agents.tsx b/client/src/Agents.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..06e2c56b495
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/Agents.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+import { useQuery } from "@tanstack/react-query";
+import { Button } from "@/components/ui/button";
+import { useNavigate } from "react-router-dom";
+import "./App.css";
+type Agent = {
+    id: string;
+    name: string;
+function Agents() {
+    const navigate = useNavigate();
+    const { data: agents, isLoading } = useQuery({
+        queryKey: ["agents"],
+        queryFn: async () => {
+            const res = await fetch("/api/agents");
+            const data = await res.json();
+            return data.agents as Agent[];
+        },
+    });
+    return (
+        <div className="min-h-screen flex flex-col items-center justify-center p-4">
+            <h1 className="text-2xl font-bold mb-8">Select your agent:</h1>
+            {isLoading ? (
+                <div>Loading agents...</div>
+            ) : (
+                <div className="grid gap-4 w-full max-w-md">
+                    {agents?.map((agent) => (
+                        <Button
+                            key={agent.id}
+                            className="w-full text-lg py-6"
+                            onClick={() => {
+                                navigate(`/${agent.id}`);
+                            }}
+                        >
+                            {agent.name}
+                        </Button>
+                    ))}
+                </div>
+            )}
+        </div>
+    );
+export default Agents;
diff --git a/client/src/App.css b/client/src/App.css
index f44fb79ad33..d6055f0d020 100644
--- a/client/src/App.css
+++ b/client/src/App.css
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 #root {
     max-width: 1280px;
     margin: 0 auto;
-    padding: 2rem;
     text-align: center;
diff --git a/client/src/App.tsx b/client/src/App.tsx
index f48537f0cbb..c5b0826f12e 100644
--- a/client/src/App.tsx
+++ b/client/src/App.tsx
@@ -1,71 +1,10 @@
-import { useState } from "react";
-import { Input } from "@/components/ui/input";
-import { Button } from "@/components/ui/button";
 import "./App.css";
-import { stringToUuid } from "@ai16z/eliza";
-type TextResponse = {
-    text: string;
-    user: string;
+import Agents from "./Agents";
 function App() {
-    const [input, setInput] = useState("");
-    const [response, setResponse] = useState<TextResponse[]>([]);
-    const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);
-    const handleSubmit = async (e: React.FormEvent) => {
-        e.preventDefault();
-        setLoading(true);
-        try {
-            const res = await fetch(`/api/${stringToUuid("Eliza")}/message`, {
-                method: "POST",
-                headers: {
-                    "Content-Type": "application/json",
-                },
-                body: JSON.stringify({
-                    text: input,
-                    userId: "user",
-                    roomId: `default-room-${stringToUuid("Eliza")}`,
-                }),
-            });
-            const data: TextResponse[] = await res.json();
-            console.log(data);
-            setResponse(data);
-            setInput("");
-        } catch (error) {
-            console.error("Error:", error);
-            setResponse([{ text: "An error occurred", user: "system" }]);
-        } finally {
-            setLoading(false);
-        }
-    };
     return (
         <div className="min-h-screen flex flex-col items-center justify-center p-4">
-            <h1 className="text-2xl font-bold mb-4">Chat with Eliza</h1>
-            <form onSubmit={handleSubmit} className="w-full max-w-md space-y-4">
-                <Input
-                    value={input}
-                    onChange={(e) => setInput(e.target.value)}
-                    placeholder="Enter your message..."
-                    className="w-full"
-                />
-                <Button type="submit" className="w-full" disabled={loading}>
-                    {loading ? "Sending..." : "Send"}
-                </Button>
-            </form>
-            {(loading || response) && (
-                <div className="mt-8 p-4 w-full max-w-md bg-gray-100 rounded-lg">
-                    {response.map((r) => (
-                        <p key={r.text}>{r.text}</p>
-                    ))}
-                </div>
-            )}
+            <Agents />
diff --git a/client/src/Character.tsx b/client/src/Character.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bdb53882adf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/Character.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+export default function Character() {
+    return (
+        <div className="min-h-screen w-full flex flex-col items-center justify-center p-4">
+            <p className="text-lg text-gray-600">WIP</p>
+        </div>
+    );
diff --git a/client/src/Chat.tsx b/client/src/Chat.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b32cc0b83ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/Chat.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+import { useState } from "react";
+import { useParams } from "react-router-dom";
+import { useMutation } from "@tanstack/react-query";
+import { Input } from "@/components/ui/input";
+import { Button } from "@/components/ui/button";
+import "./App.css";
+type TextResponse = {
+    text: string;
+    user: string;
+export default function Chat() {
+    const { agentId } = useParams();
+    const [input, setInput] = useState("");
+    const [messages, setMessages] = useState<TextResponse[]>([]);
+    const mutation = useMutation({
+        mutationFn: async (text: string) => {
+            const res = await fetch(`/api/${agentId}/message`, {
+                method: "POST",
+                headers: {
+                    "Content-Type": "application/json",
+                },
+                body: JSON.stringify({
+                    text,
+                    userId: "user",
+                    roomId: `default-room-${agentId}`,
+                }),
+            });
+            return res.json() as Promise<TextResponse[]>;
+        },
+        onSuccess: (data) => {
+            setMessages((prev) => [...prev, ...data]);
+        },
+    });
+    const handleSubmit = async (e: React.FormEvent) => {
+        e.preventDefault();
+        if (!input.trim()) return;
+        // Add user message immediately to state
+        const userMessage: TextResponse = {
+            text: input,
+            user: "user",
+        };
+        setMessages((prev) => [...prev, userMessage]);
+        mutation.mutate(input);
+        setInput("");
+    };
+    return (
+        <div className="flex flex-col h-screen max-h-screen w-full">
+            <div className="flex-1 min-h-0 overflow-y-auto p-4">
+                <div className="max-w-3xl mx-auto space-y-4">
+                    {messages.length > 0 ? (
+                        messages.map((message, index) => (
+                            <div
+                                key={index}
+                                className={`flex ${
+                                    message.user === "user"
+                                        ? "justify-end"
+                                        : "justify-start"
+                                }`}
+                            >
+                                <div
+                                    className={`max-w-[80%] rounded-lg px-4 py-2 ${
+                                        message.user === "user"
+                                            ? "bg-primary text-primary-foreground"
+                                            : "bg-muted"
+                                    }`}
+                                >
+                                    {message.text}
+                                </div>
+                            </div>
+                        ))
+                    ) : (
+                        <div className="text-center text-muted-foreground">
+                            No messages yet. Start a conversation!
+                        </div>
+                    )}
+                </div>
+            </div>
+            <div className="border-t p-4 bg-background">
+                <div className="max-w-3xl mx-auto">
+                    <form onSubmit={handleSubmit} className="flex gap-2">
+                        <Input
+                            value={input}
+                            onChange={(e) => setInput(e.target.value)}
+                            placeholder="Type a message..."
+                            className="flex-1"
+                            disabled={mutation.isPending}
+                        />
+                        <Button type="submit" disabled={mutation.isPending}>
+                            {mutation.isPending ? "..." : "Send"}
+                        </Button>
+                    </form>
+                </div>
+            </div>
+        </div>
+    );
diff --git a/client/src/Layout.tsx b/client/src/Layout.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..70c79f74032
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/Layout.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import { SidebarProvider } from "@/components/ui/sidebar";
+import { AppSidebar } from "@/components/app-sidebar";
+import { Outlet } from "react-router-dom";
+export default function Layout() {
+    return (
+        <SidebarProvider>
+            <AppSidebar />
+            <Outlet />
+        </SidebarProvider>
+    );
diff --git a/client/src/components/app-sidebar.tsx b/client/src/components/app-sidebar.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5245ad8febd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/components/app-sidebar.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+import { Calendar, Home, Inbox, Search, Settings } from "lucide-react";
+import { useParams } from "react-router-dom";
+import {
+    Sidebar,
+    SidebarContent,
+    SidebarGroup,
+    SidebarGroupContent,
+    SidebarGroupLabel,
+    SidebarMenu,
+    SidebarMenuButton,
+    SidebarMenuItem,
+    SidebarTrigger,
+} from "@/components/ui/sidebar";
+// Menu items.
+const items = [
+    {
+        title: "Chat",
+        url: "chat",
+        icon: Inbox,
+    },
+    {
+        title: "Character Overview",
+        url: "character",
+        icon: Calendar,
+    },
+export function AppSidebar() {
+    const { agentId } = useParams();
+    return (
+        <Sidebar>
+            <SidebarContent>
+                <SidebarGroup>
+                    <SidebarGroupLabel>Application</SidebarGroupLabel>
+                    <SidebarGroupContent>
+                        <SidebarMenu>
+                            {items.map((item) => (
+                                <SidebarMenuItem key={item.title}>
+                                    <SidebarMenuButton asChild>
+                                        <a href={`/${agentId}/${item.url}`}>
+                                            <item.icon />
+                                            <span>{item.title}</span>
+                                        </a>
+                                    </SidebarMenuButton>
+                                </SidebarMenuItem>
+                            ))}
+                        </SidebarMenu>
+                    </SidebarGroupContent>
+                </SidebarGroup>
+            </SidebarContent>
+        </Sidebar>
+    );
diff --git a/client/src/components/ui/separator.tsx b/client/src/components/ui/separator.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..2af4ec891eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/components/ui/separator.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+"use client";
+import * as React from "react";
+import * as SeparatorPrimitive from "@radix-ui/react-separator";
+import { cn } from "@/lib/utils";
+const Separator = React.forwardRef<
+    React.ElementRef<typeof SeparatorPrimitive.Root>,
+    React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<typeof SeparatorPrimitive.Root>
+    (
+        { className, orientation = "horizontal", decorative = true, ...props },
+        ref
+    ) => (
+        <SeparatorPrimitive.Root
+            ref={ref}
+            decorative={decorative}
+            orientation={orientation}
+            className={cn(
+                "shrink-0 bg-border",
+                orientation === "horizontal"
+                    ? "h-[1px] w-full"
+                    : "h-full w-[1px]",
+                className
+            )}
+            {...props}
+        />
+    )
+Separator.displayName = SeparatorPrimitive.Root.displayName;
+export { Separator };
diff --git a/client/src/components/ui/sheet.tsx b/client/src/components/ui/sheet.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e18e295c73c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/components/ui/sheet.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+import * as React from "react";
+import * as SheetPrimitive from "@radix-ui/react-dialog";
+import { cva, type VariantProps } from "class-variance-authority";
+import { X } from "lucide-react";
+import { cn } from "@/lib/utils";
+const Sheet = SheetPrimitive.Root;
+const SheetTrigger = SheetPrimitive.Trigger;
+const SheetClose = SheetPrimitive.Close;
+const SheetPortal = SheetPrimitive.Portal;
+const SheetOverlay = React.forwardRef<
+    React.ElementRef<typeof SheetPrimitive.Overlay>,
+    React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<typeof SheetPrimitive.Overlay>
+>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
+    <SheetPrimitive.Overlay
+        className={cn(
+            "fixed inset-0 z-50 bg-black/80  data-[state=open]:animate-in data-[state=closed]:animate-out data-[state=closed]:fade-out-0 data-[state=open]:fade-in-0",
+            className
+        )}
+        {...props}
+        ref={ref}
+    />
+SheetOverlay.displayName = SheetPrimitive.Overlay.displayName;
+const sheetVariants = cva(
+    "fixed z-50 gap-4 bg-background p-6 shadow-lg transition ease-in-out data-[state=closed]:duration-300 data-[state=open]:duration-500 data-[state=open]:animate-in data-[state=closed]:animate-out",
+    {
+        variants: {
+            side: {
+                top: "inset-x-0 top-0 border-b data-[state=closed]:slide-out-to-top data-[state=open]:slide-in-from-top",
+                bottom: "inset-x-0 bottom-0 border-t data-[state=closed]:slide-out-to-bottom data-[state=open]:slide-in-from-bottom",
+                left: "inset-y-0 left-0 h-full w-3/4 border-r data-[state=closed]:slide-out-to-left data-[state=open]:slide-in-from-left sm:max-w-sm",
+                right: "inset-y-0 right-0 h-full w-3/4 border-l data-[state=closed]:slide-out-to-right data-[state=open]:slide-in-from-right sm:max-w-sm",
+            },
+        },
+        defaultVariants: {
+            side: "right",
+        },
+    }
+interface SheetContentProps
+    extends React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<typeof SheetPrimitive.Content>,
+        VariantProps<typeof sheetVariants> {}
+const SheetContent = React.forwardRef<
+    React.ElementRef<typeof SheetPrimitive.Content>,
+    SheetContentProps
+>(({ side = "right", className, children, ...props }, ref) => (
+    <SheetPortal>
+        <SheetOverlay />
+        <SheetPrimitive.Content
+            ref={ref}
+            className={cn(sheetVariants({ side }), className)}
+            {...props}
+        >
+            <SheetPrimitive.Close className="absolute right-4 top-4 rounded-sm opacity-70 ring-offset-background transition-opacity hover:opacity-100 focus:outline-none focus:ring-2 focus:ring-ring focus:ring-offset-2 disabled:pointer-events-none data-[state=open]:bg-secondary">
+                <X className="h-4 w-4" />
+                <span className="sr-only">Close</span>
+            </SheetPrimitive.Close>
+            {children}
+        </SheetPrimitive.Content>
+    </SheetPortal>
+SheetContent.displayName = SheetPrimitive.Content.displayName;
+const SheetHeader = ({
+    className,
+    ...props
+}: React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>) => (
+    <div
+        className={cn(
+            "flex flex-col space-y-2 text-center sm:text-left",
+            className
+        )}
+        {...props}
+    />
+SheetHeader.displayName = "SheetHeader";
+const SheetFooter = ({
+    className,
+    ...props
+}: React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>) => (
+    <div
+        className={cn(
+            "flex flex-col-reverse sm:flex-row sm:justify-end sm:space-x-2",
+            className
+        )}
+        {...props}
+    />
+SheetFooter.displayName = "SheetFooter";
+const SheetTitle = React.forwardRef<
+    React.ElementRef<typeof SheetPrimitive.Title>,
+    React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<typeof SheetPrimitive.Title>
+>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
+    <SheetPrimitive.Title
+        ref={ref}
+        className={cn("text-lg font-semibold text-foreground", className)}
+        {...props}
+    />
+SheetTitle.displayName = SheetPrimitive.Title.displayName;
+const SheetDescription = React.forwardRef<
+    React.ElementRef<typeof SheetPrimitive.Description>,
+    React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<typeof SheetPrimitive.Description>
+>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
+    <SheetPrimitive.Description
+        ref={ref}
+        className={cn("text-sm text-muted-foreground", className)}
+        {...props}
+    />
+SheetDescription.displayName = SheetPrimitive.Description.displayName;
+export {
+    Sheet,
+    SheetPortal,
+    SheetOverlay,
+    SheetTrigger,
+    SheetClose,
+    SheetContent,
+    SheetHeader,
+    SheetFooter,
+    SheetTitle,
+    SheetDescription,
diff --git a/client/src/components/ui/sidebar.tsx b/client/src/components/ui/sidebar.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ab5862ab35a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/components/ui/sidebar.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,786 @@
+import * as React from "react";
+import { Slot } from "@radix-ui/react-slot";
+import { VariantProps, cva } from "class-variance-authority";
+import { PanelLeft } from "lucide-react";
+import { useIsMobile } from "@/hooks/use-mobile";
+import { cn } from "@/lib/utils";
+import { Button } from "@/components/ui/button";
+import { Input } from "@/components/ui/input";
+import { Separator } from "@/components/ui/separator";
+import { Sheet, SheetContent } from "@/components/ui/sheet";
+import { Skeleton } from "@/components/ui/skeleton";
+import {
+    Tooltip,
+    TooltipContent,
+    TooltipProvider,
+    TooltipTrigger,
+} from "@/components/ui/tooltip";
+const SIDEBAR_COOKIE_NAME = "sidebar:state";
+const SIDEBAR_COOKIE_MAX_AGE = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7;
+const SIDEBAR_WIDTH = "16rem";
+const SIDEBAR_WIDTH_MOBILE = "18rem";
+const SIDEBAR_WIDTH_ICON = "3rem";
+type SidebarContext = {
+    state: "expanded" | "collapsed";
+    open: boolean;
+    setOpen: (open: boolean) => void;
+    openMobile: boolean;
+    setOpenMobile: (open: boolean) => void;
+    isMobile: boolean;
+    toggleSidebar: () => void;
+const SidebarContext = React.createContext<SidebarContext | null>(null);
+function useSidebar() {
+    const context = React.useContext(SidebarContext);
+    if (!context) {
+        throw new Error("useSidebar must be used within a SidebarProvider.");
+    }
+    return context;
+const SidebarProvider = React.forwardRef<
+    HTMLDivElement,
+    React.ComponentProps<"div"> & {
+        defaultOpen?: boolean;
+        open?: boolean;
+        onOpenChange?: (open: boolean) => void;
+    }
+    (
+        {
+            defaultOpen = true,
+            open: openProp,
+            onOpenChange: setOpenProp,
+            className,
+            style,
+            children,
+            ...props
+        },
+        ref
+    ) => {
+        const isMobile = useIsMobile();
+        const [openMobile, setOpenMobile] = React.useState(false);
+        // This is the internal state of the sidebar.
+        // We use openProp and setOpenProp for control from outside the component.
+        const [_open, _setOpen] = React.useState(defaultOpen);
+        const open = openProp ?? _open;
+        const setOpen = React.useCallback(
+            (value: boolean | ((value: boolean) => boolean)) => {
+                const openState =
+                    typeof value === "function" ? value(open) : value;
+                if (setOpenProp) {
+                    setOpenProp(openState);
+                } else {
+                    _setOpen(openState);
+                }
+                // This sets the cookie to keep the sidebar state.
+                document.cookie = `${SIDEBAR_COOKIE_NAME}=${openState}; path=/; max-age=${SIDEBAR_COOKIE_MAX_AGE}`;
+            },
+            [setOpenProp, open]
+        );
+        // Helper to toggle the sidebar.
+        const toggleSidebar = React.useCallback(() => {
+            return isMobile
+                ? setOpenMobile((open) => !open)
+                : setOpen((open) => !open);
+        }, [isMobile, setOpen, setOpenMobile]);
+        // Adds a keyboard shortcut to toggle the sidebar.
+        React.useEffect(() => {
+            const handleKeyDown = (event: KeyboardEvent) => {
+                if (
+                    event.key === SIDEBAR_KEYBOARD_SHORTCUT &&
+                    (event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey)
+                ) {
+                    event.preventDefault();
+                    toggleSidebar();
+                }
+            };
+            window.addEventListener("keydown", handleKeyDown);
+            return () => window.removeEventListener("keydown", handleKeyDown);
+        }, [toggleSidebar]);
+        // We add a state so that we can do data-state="expanded" or "collapsed".
+        // This makes it easier to style the sidebar with Tailwind classes.
+        const state = open ? "expanded" : "collapsed";
+        const contextValue = React.useMemo<SidebarContext>(
+            () => ({
+                state,
+                open,
+                setOpen,
+                isMobile,
+                openMobile,
+                setOpenMobile,
+                toggleSidebar,
+            }),
+            [
+                state,
+                open,
+                setOpen,
+                isMobile,
+                openMobile,
+                setOpenMobile,
+                toggleSidebar,
+            ]
+        );
+        return (
+            <SidebarContext.Provider value={contextValue}>
+                <TooltipProvider delayDuration={0}>
+                    <div
+                        style={
+                            {
+                                "--sidebar-width": SIDEBAR_WIDTH,
+                                "--sidebar-width-icon": SIDEBAR_WIDTH_ICON,
+                                ...style,
+                            } as React.CSSProperties
+                        }
+                        className={cn(
+                            "group/sidebar-wrapper flex min-h-svh w-full has-[[data-variant=inset]]:bg-sidebar",
+                            className
+                        )}
+                        ref={ref}
+                        {...props}
+                    >
+                        {children}
+                    </div>
+                </TooltipProvider>
+            </SidebarContext.Provider>
+        );
+    }
+SidebarProvider.displayName = "SidebarProvider";
+const Sidebar = React.forwardRef<
+    HTMLDivElement,
+    React.ComponentProps<"div"> & {
+        side?: "left" | "right";
+        variant?: "sidebar" | "floating" | "inset";
+        collapsible?: "offcanvas" | "icon" | "none";
+    }
+    (
+        {
+            side = "left",
+            variant = "sidebar",
+            collapsible = "offcanvas",
+            className,
+            children,
+            ...props
+        },
+        ref
+    ) => {
+        const { isMobile, state, openMobile, setOpenMobile } = useSidebar();
+        if (collapsible === "none") {
+            return (
+                <div
+                    className={cn(
+                        "flex h-full w-[--sidebar-width] flex-col bg-sidebar text-sidebar-foreground",
+                        className
+                    )}
+                    ref={ref}
+                    {...props}
+                >
+                    {children}
+                </div>
+            );
+        }
+        if (isMobile) {
+            return (
+                <Sheet
+                    open={openMobile}
+                    onOpenChange={setOpenMobile}
+                    {...props}
+                >
+                    <SheetContent
+                        data-sidebar="sidebar"
+                        data-mobile="true"
+                        className="w-[--sidebar-width] bg-sidebar p-0 text-sidebar-foreground [&>button]:hidden"
+                        style={
+                            {
+                                "--sidebar-width": SIDEBAR_WIDTH_MOBILE,
+                            } as React.CSSProperties
+                        }
+                        side={side}
+                    >
+                        <div className="flex h-full w-full flex-col">
+                            {children}
+                        </div>
+                    </SheetContent>
+                </Sheet>
+            );
+        }
+        return (
+            <div
+                ref={ref}
+                className="group peer hidden md:block text-sidebar-foreground"
+                data-state={state}
+                data-collapsible={state === "collapsed" ? collapsible : ""}
+                data-variant={variant}
+                data-side={side}
+            >
+                {/* This is what handles the sidebar gap on desktop */}
+                <div
+                    className={cn(
+                        "duration-200 relative h-svh w-[--sidebar-width] bg-transparent transition-[width] ease-linear",
+                        "group-data-[collapsible=offcanvas]:w-0",
+                        "group-data-[side=right]:rotate-180",
+                        variant === "floating" || variant === "inset"
+                            ? "group-data-[collapsible=icon]:w-[calc(var(--sidebar-width-icon)_+_theme(spacing.4))]"
+                            : "group-data-[collapsible=icon]:w-[--sidebar-width-icon]"
+                    )}
+                />
+                <div
+                    className={cn(
+                        "duration-200 fixed inset-y-0 z-10 hidden h-svh w-[--sidebar-width] transition-[left,right,width] ease-linear md:flex",
+                        side === "left"
+                            ? "left-0 group-data-[collapsible=offcanvas]:left-[calc(var(--sidebar-width)*-1)]"
+                            : "right-0 group-data-[collapsible=offcanvas]:right-[calc(var(--sidebar-width)*-1)]",
+                        // Adjust the padding for floating and inset variants.
+                        variant === "floating" || variant === "inset"
+                            ? "p-2 group-data-[collapsible=icon]:w-[calc(var(--sidebar-width-icon)_+_theme(spacing.4)_+2px)]"
+                            : "group-data-[collapsible=icon]:w-[--sidebar-width-icon] group-data-[side=left]:border-r group-data-[side=right]:border-l",
+                        className
+                    )}
+                    {...props}
+                >
+                    <div
+                        data-sidebar="sidebar"
+                        className="flex h-full w-full flex-col bg-sidebar group-data-[variant=floating]:rounded-lg group-data-[variant=floating]:border group-data-[variant=floating]:border-sidebar-border group-data-[variant=floating]:shadow"
+                    >
+                        {children}
+                    </div>
+                </div>
+            </div>
+        );
+    }
+Sidebar.displayName = "Sidebar";
+const SidebarTrigger = React.forwardRef<
+    React.ElementRef<typeof Button>,
+    React.ComponentProps<typeof Button>
+>(({ className, onClick, ...props }, ref) => {
+    const { toggleSidebar } = useSidebar();
+    return (
+        <Button
+            ref={ref}
+            data-sidebar="trigger"
+            variant="ghost"
+            size="icon"
+            className={cn("h-7 w-7", className)}
+            onClick={(event) => {
+                onClick?.(event);
+                toggleSidebar();
+            }}
+            {...props}
+        >
+            <PanelLeft />
+            <span className="sr-only">Toggle Sidebar</span>
+        </Button>
+    );
+SidebarTrigger.displayName = "SidebarTrigger";
+const SidebarRail = React.forwardRef<
+    HTMLButtonElement,
+    React.ComponentProps<"button">
+>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => {
+    const { toggleSidebar } = useSidebar();
+    return (
+        <button
+            ref={ref}
+            data-sidebar="rail"
+            aria-label="Toggle Sidebar"
+            tabIndex={-1}
+            onClick={toggleSidebar}
+            title="Toggle Sidebar"
+            className={cn(
+                "absolute inset-y-0 z-20 hidden w-4 -translate-x-1/2 transition-all ease-linear after:absolute after:inset-y-0 after:left-1/2 after:w-[2px] hover:after:bg-sidebar-border group-data-[side=left]:-right-4 group-data-[side=right]:left-0 sm:flex",
+                "[[data-side=left]_&]:cursor-w-resize [[data-side=right]_&]:cursor-e-resize",
+                "[[data-side=left][data-state=collapsed]_&]:cursor-e-resize [[data-side=right][data-state=collapsed]_&]:cursor-w-resize",
+                "group-data-[collapsible=offcanvas]:translate-x-0 group-data-[collapsible=offcanvas]:after:left-full group-data-[collapsible=offcanvas]:hover:bg-sidebar",
+                "[[data-side=left][data-collapsible=offcanvas]_&]:-right-2",
+                "[[data-side=right][data-collapsible=offcanvas]_&]:-left-2",
+                className
+            )}
+            {...props}
+        />
+    );
+SidebarRail.displayName = "SidebarRail";
+const SidebarInset = React.forwardRef<
+    HTMLDivElement,
+    React.ComponentProps<"main">
+>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => {
+    return (
+        <main
+            ref={ref}
+            className={cn(
+                "relative flex min-h-svh flex-1 flex-col bg-background",
+                "peer-data-[variant=inset]:min-h-[calc(100svh-theme(spacing.4))] md:peer-data-[variant=inset]:m-2 md:peer-data-[state=collapsed]:peer-data-[variant=inset]:ml-2 md:peer-data-[variant=inset]:ml-0 md:peer-data-[variant=inset]:rounded-xl md:peer-data-[variant=inset]:shadow",
+                className
+            )}
+            {...props}
+        />
+    );
+SidebarInset.displayName = "SidebarInset";
+const SidebarInput = React.forwardRef<
+    React.ElementRef<typeof Input>,
+    React.ComponentProps<typeof Input>
+>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => {
+    return (
+        <Input
+            ref={ref}
+            data-sidebar="input"
+            className={cn(
+                "h-8 w-full bg-background shadow-none focus-visible:ring-2 focus-visible:ring-sidebar-ring",
+                className
+            )}
+            {...props}
+        />
+    );
+SidebarInput.displayName = "SidebarInput";
+const SidebarHeader = React.forwardRef<
+    HTMLDivElement,
+    React.ComponentProps<"div">
+>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => {
+    return (
+        <div
+            ref={ref}
+            data-sidebar="header"
+            className={cn("flex flex-col gap-2 p-2", className)}
+            {...props}
+        />
+    );
+SidebarHeader.displayName = "SidebarHeader";
+const SidebarFooter = React.forwardRef<
+    HTMLDivElement,
+    React.ComponentProps<"div">
+>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => {
+    return (
+        <div
+            ref={ref}
+            data-sidebar="footer"
+            className={cn("flex flex-col gap-2 p-2", className)}
+            {...props}
+        />
+    );
+SidebarFooter.displayName = "SidebarFooter";
+const SidebarSeparator = React.forwardRef<
+    React.ElementRef<typeof Separator>,
+    React.ComponentProps<typeof Separator>
+>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => {
+    return (
+        <Separator
+            ref={ref}
+            data-sidebar="separator"
+            className={cn("mx-2 w-auto bg-sidebar-border", className)}
+            {...props}
+        />
+    );
+SidebarSeparator.displayName = "SidebarSeparator";
+const SidebarContent = React.forwardRef<
+    HTMLDivElement,
+    React.ComponentProps<"div">
+>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => {
+    return (
+        <div
+            ref={ref}
+            data-sidebar="content"
+            className={cn(
+                "flex min-h-0 flex-1 flex-col gap-2 overflow-auto group-data-[collapsible=icon]:overflow-hidden",
+                className
+            )}
+            {...props}
+        />
+    );
+SidebarContent.displayName = "SidebarContent";
+const SidebarGroup = React.forwardRef<
+    HTMLDivElement,
+    React.ComponentProps<"div">
+>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => {
+    return (
+        <div
+            ref={ref}
+            data-sidebar="group"
+            className={cn(
+                "relative flex w-full min-w-0 flex-col p-2",
+                className
+            )}
+            {...props}
+        />
+    );
+SidebarGroup.displayName = "SidebarGroup";
+const SidebarGroupLabel = React.forwardRef<
+    HTMLDivElement,
+    React.ComponentProps<"div"> & { asChild?: boolean }
+>(({ className, asChild = false, ...props }, ref) => {
+    const Comp = asChild ? Slot : "div";
+    return (
+        <Comp
+            ref={ref}
+            data-sidebar="group-label"
+            className={cn(
+                "duration-200 flex h-8 shrink-0 items-center rounded-md px-2 text-xs font-medium text-sidebar-foreground/70 outline-none ring-sidebar-ring transition-[margin,opa] ease-linear focus-visible:ring-2 [&>svg]:size-4 [&>svg]:shrink-0",
+                "group-data-[collapsible=icon]:-mt-8 group-data-[collapsible=icon]:opacity-0",
+                className
+            )}
+            {...props}
+        />
+    );
+SidebarGroupLabel.displayName = "SidebarGroupLabel";
+const SidebarGroupAction = React.forwardRef<
+    HTMLButtonElement,
+    React.ComponentProps<"button"> & { asChild?: boolean }
+>(({ className, asChild = false, ...props }, ref) => {
+    const Comp = asChild ? Slot : "button";
+    return (
+        <Comp
+            ref={ref}
+            data-sidebar="group-action"
+            className={cn(
+                "absolute right-3 top-3.5 flex aspect-square w-5 items-center justify-center rounded-md p-0 text-sidebar-foreground outline-none ring-sidebar-ring transition-transform hover:bg-sidebar-accent hover:text-sidebar-accent-foreground focus-visible:ring-2 [&>svg]:size-4 [&>svg]:shrink-0",
+                // Increases the hit area of the button on mobile.
+                "after:absolute after:-inset-2 after:md:hidden",
+                "group-data-[collapsible=icon]:hidden",
+                className
+            )}
+            {...props}
+        />
+    );
+SidebarGroupAction.displayName = "SidebarGroupAction";
+const SidebarGroupContent = React.forwardRef<
+    HTMLDivElement,
+    React.ComponentProps<"div">
+>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
+    <div
+        ref={ref}
+        data-sidebar="group-content"
+        className={cn("w-full text-sm", className)}
+        {...props}
+    />
+SidebarGroupContent.displayName = "SidebarGroupContent";
+const SidebarMenu = React.forwardRef<
+    HTMLUListElement,
+    React.ComponentProps<"ul">
+>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
+    <ul
+        ref={ref}
+        data-sidebar="menu"
+        className={cn("flex w-full min-w-0 flex-col gap-1", className)}
+        {...props}
+    />
+SidebarMenu.displayName = "SidebarMenu";
+const SidebarMenuItem = React.forwardRef<
+    HTMLLIElement,
+    React.ComponentProps<"li">
+>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
+    <li
+        ref={ref}
+        data-sidebar="menu-item"
+        className={cn("group/menu-item relative", className)}
+        {...props}
+    />
+SidebarMenuItem.displayName = "SidebarMenuItem";
+const sidebarMenuButtonVariants = cva(
+    "peer/menu-button flex w-full items-center gap-2 overflow-hidden rounded-md p-2 text-left text-sm outline-none ring-sidebar-ring transition-[width,height,padding] hover:bg-sidebar-accent hover:text-sidebar-accent-foreground focus-visible:ring-2 active:bg-sidebar-accent active:text-sidebar-accent-foreground disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 group-has-[[data-sidebar=menu-action]]/menu-item:pr-8 aria-disabled:pointer-events-none aria-disabled:opacity-50 data-[active=true]:bg-sidebar-accent data-[active=true]:font-medium data-[active=true]:text-sidebar-accent-foreground data-[state=open]:hover:bg-sidebar-accent data-[state=open]:hover:text-sidebar-accent-foreground group-data-[collapsible=icon]:!size-8 group-data-[collapsible=icon]:!p-2 [&>span:last-child]:truncate [&>svg]:size-4 [&>svg]:shrink-0",
+    {
+        variants: {
+            variant: {
+                default:
+                    "hover:bg-sidebar-accent hover:text-sidebar-accent-foreground",
+                outline:
+                    "bg-background shadow-[0_0_0_1px_hsl(var(--sidebar-border))] hover:bg-sidebar-accent hover:text-sidebar-accent-foreground hover:shadow-[0_0_0_1px_hsl(var(--sidebar-accent))]",
+            },
+            size: {
+                default: "h-8 text-sm",
+                sm: "h-7 text-xs",
+                lg: "h-12 text-sm group-data-[collapsible=icon]:!p-0",
+            },
+        },
+        defaultVariants: {
+            variant: "default",
+            size: "default",
+        },
+    }
+const SidebarMenuButton = React.forwardRef<
+    HTMLButtonElement,
+    React.ComponentProps<"button"> & {
+        asChild?: boolean;
+        isActive?: boolean;
+        tooltip?: string | React.ComponentProps<typeof TooltipContent>;
+    } & VariantProps<typeof sidebarMenuButtonVariants>
+    (
+        {
+            asChild = false,
+            isActive = false,
+            variant = "default",
+            size = "default",
+            tooltip,
+            className,
+            ...props
+        },
+        ref
+    ) => {
+        const Comp = asChild ? Slot : "button";
+        const { isMobile, state } = useSidebar();
+        const button = (
+            <Comp
+                ref={ref}
+                data-sidebar="menu-button"
+                data-size={size}
+                data-active={isActive}
+                className={cn(
+                    sidebarMenuButtonVariants({ variant, size }),
+                    className
+                )}
+                {...props}
+            />
+        );
+        if (!tooltip) {
+            return button;
+        }
+        if (typeof tooltip === "string") {
+            tooltip = {
+                children: tooltip,
+            };
+        }
+        return (
+            <Tooltip>
+                <TooltipTrigger asChild>{button}</TooltipTrigger>
+                <TooltipContent
+                    side="right"
+                    align="center"
+                    hidden={state !== "collapsed" || isMobile}
+                    {...tooltip}
+                />
+            </Tooltip>
+        );
+    }
+SidebarMenuButton.displayName = "SidebarMenuButton";
+const SidebarMenuAction = React.forwardRef<
+    HTMLButtonElement,
+    React.ComponentProps<"button"> & {
+        asChild?: boolean;
+        showOnHover?: boolean;
+    }
+>(({ className, asChild = false, showOnHover = false, ...props }, ref) => {
+    const Comp = asChild ? Slot : "button";
+    return (
+        <Comp
+            ref={ref}
+            data-sidebar="menu-action"
+            className={cn(
+                "absolute right-1 top-1.5 flex aspect-square w-5 items-center justify-center rounded-md p-0 text-sidebar-foreground outline-none ring-sidebar-ring transition-transform hover:bg-sidebar-accent hover:text-sidebar-accent-foreground focus-visible:ring-2 peer-hover/menu-button:text-sidebar-accent-foreground [&>svg]:size-4 [&>svg]:shrink-0",
+                // Increases the hit area of the button on mobile.
+                "after:absolute after:-inset-2 after:md:hidden",
+                "peer-data-[size=sm]/menu-button:top-1",
+                "peer-data-[size=default]/menu-button:top-1.5",
+                "peer-data-[size=lg]/menu-button:top-2.5",
+                "group-data-[collapsible=icon]:hidden",
+                showOnHover &&
+                    "group-focus-within/menu-item:opacity-100 group-hover/menu-item:opacity-100 data-[state=open]:opacity-100 peer-data-[active=true]/menu-button:text-sidebar-accent-foreground md:opacity-0",
+                className
+            )}
+            {...props}
+        />
+    );
+SidebarMenuAction.displayName = "SidebarMenuAction";
+const SidebarMenuBadge = React.forwardRef<
+    HTMLDivElement,
+    React.ComponentProps<"div">
+>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
+    <div
+        ref={ref}
+        data-sidebar="menu-badge"
+        className={cn(
+            "absolute right-1 flex h-5 min-w-5 items-center justify-center rounded-md px-1 text-xs font-medium tabular-nums text-sidebar-foreground select-none pointer-events-none",
+            "peer-hover/menu-button:text-sidebar-accent-foreground peer-data-[active=true]/menu-button:text-sidebar-accent-foreground",
+            "peer-data-[size=sm]/menu-button:top-1",
+            "peer-data-[size=default]/menu-button:top-1.5",
+            "peer-data-[size=lg]/menu-button:top-2.5",
+            "group-data-[collapsible=icon]:hidden",
+            className
+        )}
+        {...props}
+    />
+SidebarMenuBadge.displayName = "SidebarMenuBadge";
+const SidebarMenuSkeleton = React.forwardRef<
+    HTMLDivElement,
+    React.ComponentProps<"div"> & {
+        showIcon?: boolean;
+    }
+>(({ className, showIcon = false, ...props }, ref) => {
+    // Random width between 50 to 90%.
+    const width = React.useMemo(() => {
+        return `${Math.floor(Math.random() * 40) + 50}%`;
+    }, []);
+    return (
+        <div
+            ref={ref}
+            data-sidebar="menu-skeleton"
+            className={cn(
+                "rounded-md h-8 flex gap-2 px-2 items-center",
+                className
+            )}
+            {...props}
+        >
+            {showIcon && (
+                <Skeleton
+                    className="size-4 rounded-md"
+                    data-sidebar="menu-skeleton-icon"
+                />
+            )}
+            <Skeleton
+                className="h-4 flex-1 max-w-[--skeleton-width]"
+                data-sidebar="menu-skeleton-text"
+                style={
+                    {
+                        "--skeleton-width": width,
+                    } as React.CSSProperties
+                }
+            />
+        </div>
+    );
+SidebarMenuSkeleton.displayName = "SidebarMenuSkeleton";
+const SidebarMenuSub = React.forwardRef<
+    HTMLUListElement,
+    React.ComponentProps<"ul">
+>(({ className, ...props }, ref) => (
+    <ul
+        ref={ref}
+        data-sidebar="menu-sub"
+        className={cn(
+            "mx-3.5 flex min-w-0 translate-x-px flex-col gap-1 border-l border-sidebar-border px-2.5 py-0.5",
+            "group-data-[collapsible=icon]:hidden",
+            className
+        )}
+        {...props}
+    />
+SidebarMenuSub.displayName = "SidebarMenuSub";
+const SidebarMenuSubItem = React.forwardRef<
+    HTMLLIElement,
+    React.ComponentProps<"li">
+>(({ ...props }, ref) => <li ref={ref} {...props} />);
+SidebarMenuSubItem.displayName = "SidebarMenuSubItem";
+const SidebarMenuSubButton = React.forwardRef<
+    HTMLAnchorElement,
+    React.ComponentProps<"a"> & {
+        asChild?: boolean;
+        size?: "sm" | "md";
+        isActive?: boolean;
+    }
+>(({ asChild = false, size = "md", isActive, className, ...props }, ref) => {
+    const Comp = asChild ? Slot : "a";
+    return (
+        <Comp
+            ref={ref}
+            data-sidebar="menu-sub-button"
+            data-size={size}
+            data-active={isActive}
+            className={cn(
+                "flex h-7 min-w-0 -translate-x-px items-center gap-2 overflow-hidden rounded-md px-2 text-sidebar-foreground outline-none ring-sidebar-ring hover:bg-sidebar-accent hover:text-sidebar-accent-foreground focus-visible:ring-2 active:bg-sidebar-accent active:text-sidebar-accent-foreground disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 aria-disabled:pointer-events-none aria-disabled:opacity-50 [&>span:last-child]:truncate [&>svg]:size-4 [&>svg]:shrink-0 [&>svg]:text-sidebar-accent-foreground",
+                "data-[active=true]:bg-sidebar-accent data-[active=true]:text-sidebar-accent-foreground",
+                size === "sm" && "text-xs",
+                size === "md" && "text-sm",
+                "group-data-[collapsible=icon]:hidden",
+                className
+            )}
+            {...props}
+        />
+    );
+SidebarMenuSubButton.displayName = "SidebarMenuSubButton";
+export {
+    Sidebar,
+    SidebarContent,
+    SidebarFooter,
+    SidebarGroup,
+    SidebarGroupAction,
+    SidebarGroupContent,
+    SidebarGroupLabel,
+    SidebarHeader,
+    SidebarInput,
+    SidebarInset,
+    SidebarMenu,
+    SidebarMenuAction,
+    SidebarMenuBadge,
+    SidebarMenuButton,
+    SidebarMenuItem,
+    SidebarMenuSkeleton,
+    SidebarMenuSub,
+    SidebarMenuSubButton,
+    SidebarMenuSubItem,
+    SidebarProvider,
+    SidebarRail,
+    SidebarSeparator,
+    SidebarTrigger,
+    useSidebar,
diff --git a/client/src/components/ui/skeleton.tsx b/client/src/components/ui/skeleton.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ff991180f69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/components/ui/skeleton.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+import { cn } from "@/lib/utils";
+function Skeleton({
+    className,
+    ...props
+}: React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>) {
+    return (
+        <div
+            className={cn("animate-pulse rounded-md bg-primary/10", className)}
+            {...props}
+        />
+    );
+export { Skeleton };
diff --git a/client/src/components/ui/tooltip.tsx b/client/src/components/ui/tooltip.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..521ff4db27e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/components/ui/tooltip.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+"use client";
+import * as React from "react";
+import * as TooltipPrimitive from "@radix-ui/react-tooltip";
+import { cn } from "@/lib/utils";
+const TooltipProvider = TooltipPrimitive.Provider;
+const Tooltip = TooltipPrimitive.Root;
+const TooltipTrigger = TooltipPrimitive.Trigger;
+const TooltipContent = React.forwardRef<
+    React.ElementRef<typeof TooltipPrimitive.Content>,
+    React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<typeof TooltipPrimitive.Content>
+>(({ className, sideOffset = 4, ...props }, ref) => (
+    <TooltipPrimitive.Portal>
+        <TooltipPrimitive.Content
+            ref={ref}
+            sideOffset={sideOffset}
+            className={cn(
+                "z-50 overflow-hidden rounded-md bg-primary px-3 py-1.5 text-xs text-primary-foreground animate-in fade-in-0 zoom-in-95 data-[state=closed]:animate-out data-[state=closed]:fade-out-0 data-[state=closed]:zoom-out-95 data-[side=bottom]:slide-in-from-top-2 data-[side=left]:slide-in-from-right-2 data-[side=right]:slide-in-from-left-2 data-[side=top]:slide-in-from-bottom-2",
+                className
+            )}
+            {...props}
+        />
+    </TooltipPrimitive.Portal>
+TooltipContent.displayName = TooltipPrimitive.Content.displayName;
+export { Tooltip, TooltipTrigger, TooltipContent, TooltipProvider };
diff --git a/client/src/hooks/use-mobile.tsx b/client/src/hooks/use-mobile.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e172bb3fed0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/hooks/use-mobile.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+import * as React from "react";
+export function useIsMobile() {
+    const [isMobile, setIsMobile] = React.useState<boolean | undefined>(
+        undefined
+    );
+    React.useEffect(() => {
+        const mql = window.matchMedia(
+            `(max-width: ${MOBILE_BREAKPOINT - 1}px)`
+        );
+        const onChange = () => {
+            setIsMobile(window.innerWidth < MOBILE_BREAKPOINT);
+        };
+        mql.addEventListener("change", onChange);
+        setIsMobile(window.innerWidth < MOBILE_BREAKPOINT);
+        return () => mql.removeEventListener("change", onChange);
+    }, []);
+    return !!isMobile;
diff --git a/client/src/index.css b/client/src/index.css
index afc95589b40..1ecdbdd9be6 100644
--- a/client/src/index.css
+++ b/client/src/index.css
@@ -29,6 +29,14 @@
         --chart-3: 197 37% 24%;
         --chart-4: 43 74% 66%;
         --chart-5: 27 87% 67%;
+        --sidebar-background: 0 0% 98%;
+        --sidebar-foreground: 240 5.3% 26.1%;
+        --sidebar-primary: 240 5.9% 10%;
+        --sidebar-primary-foreground: 0 0% 98%;
+        --sidebar-accent: 240 4.8% 95.9%;
+        --sidebar-accent-foreground: 240 5.9% 10%;
+        --sidebar-border: 220 13% 91%;
+        --sidebar-ring: 217.2 91.2% 59.8%;
     .dark {
@@ -56,6 +64,14 @@
         --chart-3: 30 80% 55%;
         --chart-4: 280 65% 60%;
         --chart-5: 340 75% 55%;
+        --sidebar-background: 240 5.9% 10%;
+        --sidebar-foreground: 240 4.8% 95.9%;
+        --sidebar-primary: 224.3 76.3% 48%;
+        --sidebar-primary-foreground: 0 0% 100%;
+        --sidebar-accent: 240 3.7% 15.9%;
+        --sidebar-accent-foreground: 240 4.8% 95.9%;
+        --sidebar-border: 240 3.7% 15.9%;
+        --sidebar-ring: 217.2 91.2% 59.8%;
@@ -67,3 +83,27 @@
         @apply bg-background text-foreground;
+@layer base {
+    :root {
+        --sidebar-background: 0 0% 98%;
+        --sidebar-foreground: 240 5.3% 26.1%;
+        --sidebar-primary: 240 5.9% 10%;
+        --sidebar-primary-foreground: 0 0% 98%;
+        --sidebar-accent: 240 4.8% 95.9%;
+        --sidebar-accent-foreground: 240 5.9% 10%;
+        --sidebar-border: 220 13% 91%;
+        --sidebar-ring: 217.2 91.2% 59.8%;
+    }
+    .dark {
+        --sidebar-background: 240 5.9% 10%;
+        --sidebar-foreground: 240 4.8% 95.9%;
+        --sidebar-primary: 224.3 76.3% 48%;
+        --sidebar-primary-foreground: 0 0% 100%;
+        --sidebar-accent: 240 3.7% 15.9%;
+        --sidebar-accent-foreground: 240 4.8% 95.9%;
+        --sidebar-border: 240 3.7% 15.9%;
+        --sidebar-ring: 217.2 91.2% 59.8%;
+    }
diff --git a/client/src/main.tsx b/client/src/main.tsx
index 1e008043f6b..9b1aa69de2d 100644
--- a/client/src/main.tsx
+++ b/client/src/main.tsx
@@ -1,10 +1,17 @@
 import { StrictMode } from "react";
 import { createRoot } from "react-dom/client";
 import "./index.css";
-import App from "./App.tsx";
+import { QueryClient, QueryClientProvider } from "@tanstack/react-query";
+import { RouterProvider } from "react-router-dom";
+import { router } from "./router.tsx";
+// Create a client
+const queryClient = new QueryClient();
-        <App />
+        <QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}>
+            <RouterProvider router={router} />
+        </QueryClientProvider>
diff --git a/client/src/router.tsx b/client/src/router.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3127e13fc7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/router.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+// In your router configuration file (e.g., App.jsx or router.jsx)
+import { createBrowserRouter } from "react-router-dom";
+import Agents from "./Agents";
+import Agent from "./Agent"; // We'll create this component
+import Layout from "./Layout";
+import Chat from "./Chat";
+import Character from "./Character";
+export const router = createBrowserRouter([
+    {
+        path: "/",
+        element: <Agents />,
+    },
+    {
+        path: "/:agentId",
+        element: <Layout />,
+        children: [
+            {
+                path: "", // This matches /:agentId exactly
+                element: <Agent />,
+            },
+            {
+                path: "chat", // This matches /:agentId/chat
+                element: <Chat />,
+            },
+            {
+                path: "character", // This matches /:agentId/chat
+                element: <Character />,
+            },
+        ],
+    },
diff --git a/client/tailwind.config.js b/client/tailwind.config.js
index 295d4283663..d049a57827a 100644
--- a/client/tailwind.config.js
+++ b/client/tailwind.config.js
@@ -53,5 +53,5 @@ export default {
-    plugins: [require("tailwindcss-animate")],
+    plugins: [],
diff --git a/packages/client-direct/package.json b/packages/client-direct/package.json
index e29877bab10..dbaf93e1f32 100644
--- a/packages/client-direct/package.json
+++ b/packages/client-direct/package.json
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
         "@types/express": "5.0.0",
         "body-parser": "1.20.3",
         "cors": "2.8.5",
+        "discord.js": "14.16.3",
         "express": "4.21.1",
         "multer": "1.4.5-lts.1"
diff --git a/packages/client-direct/src/api.ts b/packages/client-direct/src/api.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3b3394dd210
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/client-direct/src/api.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+import express from "express";
+import bodyParser from "body-parser";
+import cors from "cors";
+import { AgentRuntime } from "@ai16z/eliza";
+import { REST, Routes } from "discord.js";
+export function createApiRouter(agents: Map<string, AgentRuntime>) {
+    const router = express.Router();
+    router.use(cors());
+    router.use(bodyParser.json());
+    router.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));
+    router.get("/hello", (req, res) => {
+        res.json({ message: "Hello World!" });
+    });
+    router.get("/agents", (req, res) => {
+        const agentsList = Array.from(agents.values()).map((agent) => ({
+            id: agent.agentId,
+            name: agent.character.name,
+        }));
+        res.json({ agents: agentsList });
+    });
+    router.get("/agents/:agentId", (req, res) => {
+        const agentId = req.params.agentId;
+        const agent = agents.get(agentId);
+        if (!agent) {
+            res.status(404).json({ error: "Agent not found" });
+            return;
+        }
+        res.json({
+            id: agent.agentId,
+            character: agent.character,
+        });
+    });
+    router.get("/agents/:agentId/channels", async (req, res) => {
+        const agentId = req.params.agentId;
+        const runtime = agents.get(agentId);
+        if (!runtime) {
+            res.status(404).json({ error: "Runtime not found" });
+            return;
+        }
+        const API_TOKEN = runtime.getSetting("DISCORD_API_TOKEN") as string;
+        const rest = new REST({ version: "10" }).setToken(API_TOKEN);
+        try {
+            const guilds = (await rest.get(Routes.userGuilds())) as Array<any>;
+            res.json({
+                id: runtime.agentId,
+                guilds: guilds,
+                serverCount: guilds.length,
+            });
+        } catch (error) {
+            console.error("Error fetching guilds:", error);
+            res.status(500).json({ error: "Failed to fetch guilds" });
+        }
+    });
+    return router;
diff --git a/packages/client-direct/src/index.ts b/packages/client-direct/src/index.ts
index 7ddc5fa233f..4920b231803 100644
--- a/packages/client-direct/src/index.ts
+++ b/packages/client-direct/src/index.ts
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ import {
 } from "@ai16z/eliza";
 import { stringToUuid } from "@ai16z/eliza";
 import { settings } from "@ai16z/eliza";
+import { createApiRouter } from "./api.ts";
 const upload = multer({ storage: multer.memoryStorage() });
 export const messageHandlerTemplate =
@@ -68,6 +69,9 @@ export class DirectClient {
         this.app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));
+        const apiRouter = createApiRouter(this.agents);
+        this.app.use(apiRouter);
         // Define an interface that extends the Express Request interface
         interface CustomRequest extends ExpressRequest {
             file: File;
diff --git a/packages/core/src/tests/goals.test.ts b/packages/core/src/tests/goals.test.ts
index 52d8cafab45..101d5956df7 100644
--- a/packages/core/src/tests/goals.test.ts
+++ b/packages/core/src/tests/goals.test.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import { CacheManager, MemoryCacheAdapter } from "../cache";
 import {
diff --git a/packages/plugin-node/package.json b/packages/plugin-node/package.json
index 5370df35ca0..09cf9e61fae 100644
--- a/packages/plugin-node/package.json
+++ b/packages/plugin-node/package.json
@@ -80,4 +80,4 @@
         "onnxruntime-node": "^1.20.0",
         "sharp": "^0.33.5"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pnpm-lock.yaml b/pnpm-lock.yaml
index 8537ec11cee..2835eb6884f 100644
--- a/pnpm-lock.yaml
+++ b/pnpm-lock.yaml
@@ -130,15 +130,27 @@ importers:
         specifier: workspace:*
         version: link:../packages/core
+      '@radix-ui/react-dialog':
+        specifier: 1.1.2
+        version: 1.1.2(@types/react-dom@18.3.1)(@types/react@18.3.12)(react-dom@18.3.1(react@18.3.1))(react@18.3.1)
+      '@radix-ui/react-separator':
+        specifier: 1.1.0
+        version: 1.1.0(@types/react-dom@18.3.1)(@types/react@18.3.12)(react-dom@18.3.1(react@18.3.1))(react@18.3.1)
         specifier: 1.1.0
         version: 1.1.0(@types/react@18.3.12)(react@18.3.1)
+      '@radix-ui/react-tooltip':
+        specifier: 1.1.4
+        version: 1.1.4(@types/react-dom@18.3.1)(@types/react@18.3.12)(react-dom@18.3.1(react@18.3.1))(react@18.3.1)
+      '@tanstack/react-query':
+        specifier: 5.61.0
+        version: 5.61.0(react@18.3.1)
         specifier: 0.7.0
         version: 0.7.0
-        specifier: 2.1.1
-        version: 2.1.1
+        specifier: 2.1.0
+        version: 2.1.0
         specifier: 0.460.0
         version: 0.460.0(react@18.3.1)
@@ -148,18 +160,21 @@ importers:
         specifier: 18.3.1
         version: 18.3.1(react@18.3.1)
+      react-router-dom:
+        specifier: 6.22.1
+        version: 6.22.1(react-dom@18.3.1(react@18.3.1))(react@18.3.1)
-        specifier: 2.5.5
-        version: 2.5.5
+        specifier: 2.5.4
+        version: 2.5.4
         specifier: 1.0.7
         version: 1.0.7(tailwindcss@3.4.15(ts-node@10.9.2(@swc/core@1.9.3(@swc/helpers@0.5.15))(@types/node@22.8.4)(typescript@5.6.3)))
         specifier: 1.4.4
-        version: 1.4.4(@swc/helpers@0.5.15)(rollup@4.27.4)(vite@5.4.11(@types/node@22.8.4)(terser@5.36.0))
+        version: 1.4.4(@swc/helpers@0.5.15)(rollup@4.27.4)(vite@client+@tanstack+router-plugin+vite)
         specifier: 3.3.0
-        version: 3.3.0(vite@5.4.11(@types/node@22.8.4)(terser@5.36.0))
+        version: 3.3.0(vite@client+@tanstack+router-plugin+vite)
         specifier: 9.15.0
@@ -175,7 +190,7 @@ importers:
         version: 18.3.1
         specifier: 4.3.3
-        version: 4.3.3(vite@5.4.11(@types/node@22.8.4)(terser@5.36.0))
+        version: 4.3.3(vite@client+@tanstack+router-plugin+vite)
         specifier: 10.4.20
         version: 10.4.20(postcss@8.4.49)
@@ -189,8 +204,8 @@ importers:
         specifier: 0.4.14
         version: 0.4.14(eslint@9.13.0(jiti@2.4.0))
-        specifier: 15.12.0
-        version: 15.12.0
+        specifier: 15.11.0
+        version: 15.11.0
         specifier: 8.4.49
         version: 8.4.49
@@ -201,11 +216,11 @@ importers:
         specifier: ~5.6.2
         version: 5.6.3
-        specifier: 8.15.0
-        version: 8.15.0(eslint@9.13.0(jiti@2.4.0))(typescript@5.6.3)
+        specifier: 8.11.0
+        version: 8.11.0(eslint@9.13.0(jiti@2.4.0))(typescript@5.6.3)
-        specifier: 5.4.11
-        version: 5.4.11(@types/node@22.8.4)(terser@5.36.0)
+        specifier: link:@tanstack/router-plugin/vite
+        version: link:@tanstack/router-plugin/vite
@@ -464,6 +479,9 @@ importers:
         specifier: 2.8.5
         version: 2.8.5
+      discord.js:
+        specifier: 14.16.3
+        version: 14.16.3(bufferutil@4.0.8)(utf-8-validate@5.0.10)
         specifier: 4.21.1
         version: 4.21.1
@@ -2815,7 +2833,6 @@ packages:
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-hArn9FF5ZYi1IkxdJEVnJi+OxlwLV0NJYWpKXsmNOojtGtAZHxmsELA+MZlu2KW1F/K1/nt7lFOfcMXNYweq9w==}
     version: 0.17.0
     engines: {node: '>=16.11.0'}
-    deprecated: This version uses deprecated encryption modes. Please use a newer version.
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-PZ+vLpxGCRtmr2RMkqh8Zp+BenUaJqlS6xhgWKEZcgC/vfHLEzpHtKkB0sl3nZWpwtcKk6YWy+pU3okL2I97FA==}
@@ -3572,6 +3589,21 @@ packages:
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-/9nu+lj0YswRNSH0NXYqrh8775XNyEdUQAuf3f+SmOrnVewcJ5SBNAjF7lpgehKi4abvNNXyf+HX86czCdJ8Mg==}
+  '@floating-ui/core@1.6.8':
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-7XJ9cPU+yI2QeLS+FCSlqNFZJq8arvswefkZrYI1yQBbftw6FyrZOxYSh+9S7z7TpeWlRt9zJ5IhM1WIL334jA==}
+  '@floating-ui/dom@1.6.12':
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-NP83c0HjokcGVEMeoStg317VD9W7eDlGK7457dMBANbKA6GJZdc7rjujdgqzTaz93jkGgc5P/jeWbaCHnMNc+w==}
+  '@floating-ui/react-dom@2.1.2':
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-06okr5cgPzMNBy+Ycse2A6udMi4bqwW/zgBF/rwjcNqWkyr82Mcg8b0vjX8OJpZFy/FKjJmw6wV7t44kK6kW7A==}
+    peerDependencies:
+      react: '>=16.8.0'
+      react-dom: '>=16.8.0'
+  '@floating-ui/utils@0.2.8':
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-kym7SodPp8/wloecOpcmSnWJsK7M0E5Wg8UcFA+uO4B9s5d0ywXOEro/8HM9x0rW+TljRzul/14UYz3TleT3ig==}
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-8brlcJwFXI4fPuBtsDNQqCdWZmz8gV9jeEKOU0vc5H2SjehCQpXK/NwuSEr916zbhlBHtg/sU37qQQdgvh5BRA==}
     engines: {node: '>=18.0.0'}
@@ -4521,6 +4553,22 @@ packages:
         optional: true
+  '@radix-ui/primitive@1.1.0':
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-4Z8dn6Upk0qk4P74xBhZ6Hd/w0mPEzOOLxy4xiPXOXqjF7jZS0VAKk7/x/H6FyY2zCkYJqePf1G5KmkmNJ4RBA==}
+  '@radix-ui/react-arrow@1.1.0':
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-FmlW1rCg7hBpEBwFbjHwCW6AmWLQM6g/v0Sn8XbP9NvmSZ2San1FpQeyPtufzOMSIx7Y4dzjlHoifhp+7NkZhw==}
+    peerDependencies:
+      '@types/react': '*'
+      '@types/react-dom': '*'
+      react: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+      react-dom: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+    peerDependenciesMeta:
+      '@types/react':
+        optional: true
+      '@types/react-dom':
+        optional: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-b4inOtiaOnYf9KWyO3jAeeCG6FeyfY6ldiEPanbUjWd+xIk5wZeHa8yVwmrJ2vderhu/BQvzCrJI0lHd+wIiqw==}
@@ -4530,6 +4578,146 @@ packages:
         optional: true
+  '@radix-ui/react-context@1.1.0':
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-OKrckBy+sMEgYM/sMmqmErVn0kZqrHPJze+Ql3DzYsDDp0hl0L62nx/2122/Bvps1qz645jlcu2tD9lrRSdf8A==}
+    peerDependencies:
+      '@types/react': '*'
+      react: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+    peerDependenciesMeta:
+      '@types/react':
+        optional: true
+  '@radix-ui/react-context@1.1.1':
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-UASk9zi+crv9WteK/NU4PLvOoL3OuE6BWVKNF6hPRBtYBDXQ2u5iu3O59zUlJiTVvkyuycnqrztsHVJwcK9K+Q==}
+    peerDependencies:
+      '@types/react': '*'
+      react: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+    peerDependenciesMeta:
+      '@types/react':
+        optional: true
+  '@radix-ui/react-dialog@1.1.2':
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-Yj4dZtqa2o+kG61fzB0H2qUvmwBA2oyQroGLyNtBj1beo1khoQ3q1a2AO8rrQYjd8256CO9+N8L9tvsS+bnIyA==}
+    peerDependencies:
+      '@types/react': '*'
+      '@types/react-dom': '*'
+      react: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+      react-dom: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+    peerDependenciesMeta:
+      '@types/react':
+        optional: true
+      '@types/react-dom':
+        optional: true
+  '@radix-ui/react-dismissable-layer@1.1.1':
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-QSxg29lfr/xcev6kSz7MAlmDnzbP1eI/Dwn3Tp1ip0KT5CUELsxkekFEMVBEoykI3oV39hKT4TKZzBNMbcTZYQ==}
+    peerDependencies:
+      '@types/react': '*'
+      '@types/react-dom': '*'
+      react: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+      react-dom: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+    peerDependenciesMeta:
+      '@types/react':
+        optional: true
+      '@types/react-dom':
+        optional: true
+  '@radix-ui/react-focus-guards@1.1.1':
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-pSIwfrT1a6sIoDASCSpFwOasEwKTZWDw/iBdtnqKO7v6FeOzYJ7U53cPzYFVR3geGGXgVHaH+CdngrrAzqUGxg==}
+    peerDependencies:
+      '@types/react': '*'
+      react: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+    peerDependenciesMeta:
+      '@types/react':
+        optional: true
+  '@radix-ui/react-focus-scope@1.1.0':
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-200UD8zylvEyL8Bx+z76RJnASR2gRMuxlgFCPAe/Q/679a/r0eK3MBVYMb7vZODZcffZBdob1EGnky78xmVvcA==}
+    peerDependencies:
+      '@types/react': '*'
+      '@types/react-dom': '*'
+      react: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+      react-dom: ^16.8 || ^17.0 || ^18.0 || ^19.0 || ^19.0.0-rc
+    peerDependenciesMeta:
+      '@types/react':
+        optional: true
+      '@types/react-dom':
+        optional: true
+  '@radix-ui/react-id@1.1.0':
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-EJUrI8yYh7WOjNOqpoJaf1jlFIH2LvtgAl+YcFqNCa+4hj64ZXmPkAKOFs/ukjz3byN6bdb/AVUqHkI8/uWWMA==}
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+  '@radix-ui/react-popper@1.2.0':
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+  '@radix-ui/react-portal@1.1.2':
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+  '@radix-ui/react-presence@1.1.1':
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+  '@radix-ui/react-primitive@2.0.0':
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     resolution: {integrity: sha512-FUCf5XMfmW4dtYl69pdS4DbxKy8nj4M7SafBgPllysxmdachynNflAdp/gCsnYWNDnge6tI9onzMp5ARYc1KNw==}
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+  '@radix-ui/react-use-callback-ref@1.1.0':
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+  '@radix-ui/react-use-controllable-state@1.1.0':
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+  '@radix-ui/react-use-escape-keydown@1.1.0':
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-L7vwWlR1kTTQ3oh7g1O0CBF3YCyyTj8NmhLR+phShpyA50HCfBFKVJTpshm9PzLiKmehsrQzTYTpX9HvmC9rhw==}
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+  '@radix-ui/react-use-rect@1.1.0':
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-0Fmkebhr6PiseyZlYAOtLS+nb7jLmpqTrJyv61Pe68MKYW6OWdRE2kI70TaYY27u7H0lajqM3hSMMLFq18Z7nQ==}
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+  '@radix-ui/react-use-size@1.1.0':
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-XW3/vWuIXHa+2Uwcc2ABSfcCledmXhhQPlGbfcRXbiUQI5Icjcg19BGCZVKKInYbvUCut/ufbbLLPFC5cbb1hw==}
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+        optional: true
+  '@radix-ui/react-visually-hidden@1.1.0':
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-N8MDZqtgCgG5S3aV60INAB475osJousYpZ4cTJ2cFbMpdHS5Y6loLTH8LPtkj2QN0x93J30HT/M3qJXM0+lyeQ==}
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+  '@radix-ui/rect@1.1.0':
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     engines: {node: '>=14.16'}
+  '@tanstack/query-core@5.60.6':
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-tI+k0KyCo1EBJ54vxK1kY24LWj673ujTydCZmzEZKAew4NqZzTaVQJEuaG1qKj2M03kUHN46rchLRd+TxVq/zQ==}
+  '@tanstack/react-query@5.61.0':
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-SBzV27XAeCRBOQ8QcC94w2H1Md0+LI0gTWwc3qRJoaGuewKn5FNW4LSqwPFJZVEItfhMfGT7RpZuSFXjTi12pQ==}
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+      react: ^18 || ^19
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-kGevOIbpMcIlCDeorKGpwZmdH7kHbqlk/Yj6dEpJMKEQw5lk0KVQY0OLXaCswy8GqlIVLd5625OB+rAntP9xVw==}
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-  '@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin@8.12.2':
-    resolution: {integrity: sha512-gQxbxM8mcxBwaEmWdtLCIGLfixBMHhQjBqR8sVWNTPpcj45WlYL2IObS/DNMLH1DBP0n8qz+aiiLTGfopPEebw==}
+  '@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin@8.11.0':
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-KhGn2LjW1PJT2A/GfDpiyOfS4a8xHQv2myUagTM5+zsormOmBlYsnQ6pobJ8XxJmh6hnHwa2Mbe3fPrDJoDhbA==}
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       '@typescript-eslint/parser': ^8.0.0 || ^8.0.0-alpha.0
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-  '@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin@8.15.0':
-    resolution: {integrity: sha512-+zkm9AR1Ds9uLWN3fkoeXgFppaQ+uEVtfOV62dDmsy9QCNqlRHWNEck4yarvRNrvRcHQLGfqBNui3cimoz8XAg==}
+  '@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin@8.12.2':
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-gQxbxM8mcxBwaEmWdtLCIGLfixBMHhQjBqR8sVWNTPpcj45WlYL2IObS/DNMLH1DBP0n8qz+aiiLTGfopPEebw==}
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-  '@typescript-eslint/parser@8.12.2':
-    resolution: {integrity: sha512-MrvlXNfGPLH3Z+r7Tk+Z5moZAc0dzdVjTgUgwsdGweH7lydysQsnSww3nAmsq8blFuRD5VRlAr9YdEFw3e6PBw==}
+  '@typescript-eslint/parser@8.11.0':
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-lmt73NeHdy1Q/2ul295Qy3uninSqi6wQI18XwSpm8w0ZbQXUpjCAWP1Vlv/obudoBiIjJVjlztjQ+d/Md98Yxg==}
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-  '@typescript-eslint/parser@8.15.0':
-    resolution: {integrity: sha512-7n59qFpghG4uazrF9qtGKBZXn7Oz4sOMm8dwNWDQY96Xlm2oX67eipqcblDj+oY1lLCbf1oltMZFpUso66Kl1A==}
+  '@typescript-eslint/parser@8.12.2':
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-MrvlXNfGPLH3Z+r7Tk+Z5moZAc0dzdVjTgUgwsdGweH7lydysQsnSww3nAmsq8blFuRD5VRlAr9YdEFw3e6PBw==}
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     engines: {node: ^18.18.0 || >=20.0.0}
-  '@typescript-eslint/scope-manager@8.12.2':
-    resolution: {integrity: sha512-gPLpLtrj9aMHOvxJkSbDBmbRuYdtiEbnvO25bCMza3DhMjTQw0u7Y1M+YR5JPbMsXXnSPuCf5hfq0nEkQDL/JQ==}
+  '@typescript-eslint/scope-manager@8.11.0':
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-Uholz7tWhXmA4r6epo+vaeV7yjdKy5QFCERMjs1kMVsLRKIrSdM6o21W2He9ftp5PP6aWOVpD5zvrvuHZC0bMQ==}
     engines: {node: ^18.18.0 || ^20.9.0 || >=21.1.0}
-  '@typescript-eslint/scope-manager@8.15.0':
-    resolution: {integrity: sha512-QRGy8ADi4J7ii95xz4UoiymmmMd/zuy9azCaamnZ3FM8T5fZcex8UfJcjkiEZjJSztKfEBe3dZ5T/5RHAmw2mA==}
+  '@typescript-eslint/scope-manager@8.12.2':
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-gPLpLtrj9aMHOvxJkSbDBmbRuYdtiEbnvO25bCMza3DhMjTQw0u7Y1M+YR5JPbMsXXnSPuCf5hfq0nEkQDL/JQ==}
     engines: {node: ^18.18.0 || ^20.9.0 || >=21.1.0}
-  '@typescript-eslint/type-utils@8.12.2':
-    resolution: {integrity: sha512-bwuU4TAogPI+1q/IJSKuD4shBLc/d2vGcRT588q+jzayQyjVK2X6v/fbR4InY2U2sgf8MEvVCqEWUzYzgBNcGQ==}
+  '@typescript-eslint/type-utils@8.11.0':
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-ItiMfJS6pQU0NIKAaybBKkuVzo6IdnAhPFZA/2Mba/uBjuPQPet/8+zh5GtLHwmuFRShZx+8lhIs7/QeDHflOg==}
     engines: {node: ^18.18.0 || ^20.9.0 || >=21.1.0}
       typescript: '*'
@@ -5868,11 +6147,10 @@ packages:
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-  '@typescript-eslint/type-utils@8.15.0':
-    resolution: {integrity: sha512-UU6uwXDoI3JGSXmcdnP5d8Fffa2KayOhUUqr/AiBnG1Gl7+7ut/oyagVeSkh7bxQ0zSXV9ptRh/4N15nkCqnpw==}
+  '@typescript-eslint/type-utils@8.12.2':
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-bwuU4TAogPI+1q/IJSKuD4shBLc/d2vGcRT588q+jzayQyjVK2X6v/fbR4InY2U2sgf8MEvVCqEWUzYzgBNcGQ==}
     engines: {node: ^18.18.0 || ^20.9.0 || >=21.1.0}
-      eslint: ^8.57.0 || ^9.0.0
       typescript: '*'
@@ -5882,12 +6160,12 @@ packages:
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     engines: {node: ^18.18.0 || >=20.0.0}
-  '@typescript-eslint/types@8.12.2':
-    resolution: {integrity: sha512-VwDwMF1SZ7wPBUZwmMdnDJ6sIFk4K4s+ALKLP6aIQsISkPv8jhiw65sAK6SuWODN/ix+m+HgbYDkH+zLjrzvOA==}
+  '@typescript-eslint/types@8.11.0':
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-tn6sNMHf6EBAYMvmPUaKaVeYvhUsrE6x+bXQTxjQRp360h1giATU0WvgeEys1spbvb5R+VpNOZ+XJmjD8wOUHw==}
     engines: {node: ^18.18.0 || ^20.9.0 || >=21.1.0}
-  '@typescript-eslint/types@8.15.0':
-    resolution: {integrity: sha512-n3Gt8Y/KyJNe0S3yDCD2RVKrHBC4gTUcLTebVBXacPy091E6tNspFLKRXlk3hwT4G55nfr1n2AdFqi/XMxzmPQ==}
+  '@typescript-eslint/types@8.12.2':
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-VwDwMF1SZ7wPBUZwmMdnDJ6sIFk4K4s+ALKLP6aIQsISkPv8jhiw65sAK6SuWODN/ix+m+HgbYDkH+zLjrzvOA==}
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@@ -5899,8 +6177,8 @@ packages:
         optional: true
-  '@typescript-eslint/typescript-estree@8.12.2':
-    resolution: {integrity: sha512-mME5MDwGe30Pq9zKPvyduyU86PH7aixwqYR2grTglAdB+AN8xXQ1vFGpYaUSJ5o5P/5znsSBeNcs5g5/2aQwow==}
+  '@typescript-eslint/typescript-estree@8.11.0':
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-yHC3s1z1RCHoCz5t06gf7jH24rr3vns08XXhfEqzYpd6Hll3z/3g23JRi0jM8A47UFKNc3u/y5KIMx8Ynbjohg==}
     engines: {node: ^18.18.0 || ^20.9.0 || >=21.1.0}
       typescript: '*'
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-  '@typescript-eslint/typescript-estree@8.15.0':
-    resolution: {integrity: sha512-1eMp2JgNec/niZsR7ioFBlsh/Fk0oJbhaqO0jRyQBMgkz7RrFfkqF9lYYmBoGBaSiLnu8TAPQTwoTUiSTUW9dg==}
+  '@typescript-eslint/typescript-estree@8.12.2':
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-mME5MDwGe30Pq9zKPvyduyU86PH7aixwqYR2grTglAdB+AN8xXQ1vFGpYaUSJ5o5P/5znsSBeNcs5g5/2aQwow==}
     engines: {node: ^18.18.0 || ^20.9.0 || >=21.1.0}
       typescript: '*'
@@ -5923,32 +6201,28 @@ packages:
       eslint: ^8.56.0
-  '@typescript-eslint/utils@8.12.2':
-    resolution: {integrity: sha512-UTTuDIX3fkfAz6iSVa5rTuSfWIYZ6ATtEocQ/umkRSyC9O919lbZ8dcH7mysshrCdrAM03skJOEYaBugxN+M6A==}
+  '@typescript-eslint/utils@8.11.0':
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-CYiX6WZcbXNJV7UNB4PLDIBtSdRmRI/nb0FMyqHPTQD1rMjA0foPLaPUV39C/MxkTd/QKSeX+Gb34PPsDVC35g==}
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-  '@typescript-eslint/utils@8.15.0':
-    resolution: {integrity: sha512-k82RI9yGhr0QM3Dnq+egEpz9qB6Un+WLYhmoNcvl8ltMEededhh7otBVVIDDsEEttauwdY/hQoSsOv13lxrFzQ==}
+  '@typescript-eslint/utils@8.12.2':
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-UTTuDIX3fkfAz6iSVa5rTuSfWIYZ6ATtEocQ/umkRSyC9O919lbZ8dcH7mysshrCdrAM03skJOEYaBugxN+M6A==}
     engines: {node: ^18.18.0 || ^20.9.0 || >=21.1.0}
       eslint: ^8.57.0 || ^9.0.0
-      typescript: '*'
-    peerDependenciesMeta:
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-        optional: true
     resolution: {integrity: sha512-cDF0/Gf81QpY3xYyJKDV14Zwdmid5+uuENhjH2EqFaF0ni+yAyq/LzMaIJdhNJXZI7uLzwIlA+V7oWoyn6Curg==}
     engines: {node: ^18.18.0 || >=20.0.0}
-  '@typescript-eslint/visitor-keys@8.12.2':
-    resolution: {integrity: sha512-PChz8UaKQAVNHghsHcPyx1OMHoFRUEA7rJSK/mDhdq85bk+PLsUHUBqTQTFt18VJZbmxBovM65fezlheQRsSDA==}
+  '@typescript-eslint/visitor-keys@8.11.0':
+    resolution: {integrity: sha512-EaewX6lxSjRJnc+99+dqzTeoDZUfyrA52d2/HRrkI830kgovWsmIiTfmr0NZorzqic7ga+1bS60lRBUgR3n/Bw==}
     engines: {node: ^18.18.0 || ^20.9.0 || >=21.1.0}
-  '@typescript-eslint/visitor-keys@8.15.0':
-    resolution: {integrity: sha512-h8vYOulWec9LhpwfAdZf2bjr8xIp0KNKnpgqSz0qqYYKAW/QZKw3ktRndbiAtUz4acH4QLQavwZBYCc0wulA/Q==}
+  '@typescript-eslint/visitor-keys@8.12.2':
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-      '@typescript-eslint/utils': 8.15.0(eslint@9.13.0(jiti@2.4.0))(typescript@5.6.3)
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+      - eslint
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+      react: 18.3.1
+      tslib: 2.8.0
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+      '@types/react': 18.3.12
       react: 18.3.1
@@ -32031,19 +32654,19 @@ snapshots:
       - supports-color
       - terser
-  vite-plugin-top-level-await@1.4.4(@swc/helpers@0.5.15)(rollup@4.27.4)(vite@5.4.11(@types/node@22.8.4)(terser@5.36.0)):
+  vite-plugin-top-level-await@1.4.4(@swc/helpers@0.5.15)(rollup@4.27.4)(vite@client+@tanstack+router-plugin+vite):
       '@rollup/plugin-virtual': 3.0.2(rollup@4.27.4)
       '@swc/core': 1.9.3(@swc/helpers@0.5.15)
       uuid: 10.0.0
-      vite: 5.4.11(@types/node@22.8.4)(terser@5.36.0)
+      vite: link:client/@tanstack/router-plugin/vite
       - '@swc/helpers'
       - rollup
-  vite-plugin-wasm@3.3.0(vite@5.4.11(@types/node@22.8.4)(terser@5.36.0)):
+  vite-plugin-wasm@3.3.0(vite@client+@tanstack+router-plugin+vite):
-      vite: 5.4.11(@types/node@22.8.4)(terser@5.36.0)
+      vite: link:client/@tanstack/router-plugin/vite
diff --git a/scripts/dev.sh b/scripts/dev.sh
index e65a3eb5869..2aa7f5ecfab 100644
--- a/scripts/dev.sh
+++ b/scripts/dev.sh
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 echo "Passing arguments: $*"
 npx concurrently --raw \
   "pnpm --dir packages/core dev -- $*" \
+  "pnpm --dir client dev -- $*" \
   "pnpm --dir packages/client-telegram dev -- $*" \
   "pnpm --dir packages/client-discord dev -- $*" \
   "pnpm --dir packages/client-twitter dev -- $*" \