From 638eac67a83bd3346bb48ae5d5921857f44cf980 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Augustin Chan <>
Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2024 03:02:06 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] feat: improve embeddings, models and connectivity

- Add multiple embedding options:
  - BGE-Small local embeddings (~70-80% of OpenAI quality)
  - Ollama embeddings support
  - Configure via env vars:
    - Both case-insensitive, default to false
- Switch to Claude 3 Haiku from Claude 3.5 Haiku
  - 4x cheaper
  - Better instruction following
  - Improved price/performance ratio
- Enhance Postgres connectivity and reliability
- Fix transcription error handling

Breaking changes:
- Claude 3.5 Haiku replaced with Claude 3 Haiku
- Embedding system now configurable via string env vars (true)

Closes #604
 .editorconfig                                 |   12 +
 .env.example                                  |   79 +-
 .eslintrc.json                                |   47 +
 .vscode/settings.json                         |   45 +
 agent/package.json                            |   15 +-
 agent/src/index.ts                            |   56 +-
 package.json                                  |    8 +-
 packages/adapter-postgres/schema.sql          |   22 +-
 packages/adapter-postgres/src/index.ts        | 1547 ++++++++++++-----
 packages/adapter-supabase/schema.sql          |   52 +-
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 packages/core/src/embedding.ts                |  364 ++--
 packages/core/src/index.ts                    |    4 +-
 packages/core/src/knowledge.ts                |   33 +-
 packages/core/src/logger.ts                   |   18 +-
 packages/core/src/models.ts                   |   10 +-
 packages/core/src/runtime.ts                  |   27 +-
 packages/core/src/settings.ts                 |   26 +
 packages/core/src/types.ts                    |    2 +-
 packages/core/             |    8 +
 .../plugin-node/src/services/transcription.ts |    2 +-
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 scripts/                              |   91 +-
 23 files changed, 1758 insertions(+), 722 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 .editorconfig
 create mode 100644 .eslintrc.json
 create mode 100644 .vscode/settings.json
 create mode 100644 packages/core/src/config.ts
 create mode 100644 packages/core/

diff --git a/.editorconfig b/.editorconfig
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..779f99a12b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.editorconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+root = true
+indent_style = space
+indent_size = 4
+end_of_line = lf
+charset = utf-8
+trim_trailing_whitespace = true
+insert_final_newline = true
+trim_trailing_whitespace = false
diff --git a/.env.example b/.env.example
index 91d354b80eb..622bf27af1b 100644
--- a/.env.example
+++ b/.env.example
@@ -1,22 +1,21 @@
 # Discord Configuration
-DISCORD_API_TOKEN=                     # Bot token
-DISCORD_VOICE_CHANNEL_ID=              # The ID of the voice channel the bot should join (optional)
+DISCORD_API_TOKEN=        # Bot token
+DISCORD_VOICE_CHANNEL_ID= # The ID of the voice channel the bot should join (optional)
 # AI Model API Keys
-OPENAI_API_KEY=                        # OpenAI API key, starting with sk-
+OPENAI_API_KEY= # OpenAI API key, starting with sk-
-GROK_API_KEY=                          # GROK API Key
-GROQ_API_KEY=                          # Starts with gsk_
+GROQ_API_KEY= # Starts with gsk_
-GOOGLE_GENERATIVE_AI_API_KEY=          # Gemini API key
 # Speech Synthesis
-ELEVENLABS_XI_API_KEY=                 # API key from elevenlabs
+ELEVENLABS_XI_API_KEY= # API key from elevenlabs
 # ElevenLabs Settings
@@ -30,53 +29,53 @@ ELEVENLABS_OUTPUT_FORMAT=pcm_16000
 # Twitter/X Configuration
-TWITTER_USERNAME=                       # Account username
-TWITTER_PASSWORD=                       # Account password
-TWITTER_EMAIL=                         # Account email
+TWITTER_USERNAME= # Account username
+TWITTER_PASSWORD= # Account password
+TWITTER_EMAIL=    # Account email
-TWITTER_COOKIES=                       # Account cookies
+TWITTER_COOKIES= # Account cookies
 # Post Interval Settings (in minutes)
-POST_INTERVAL_MIN=                     # Default: 90
-POST_INTERVAL_MAX=                     # Default: 180
+POST_INTERVAL_MIN= # Default: 90
+POST_INTERVAL_MAX= # Default: 180
 # Feature Flags
-IMAGE_GEN=                            # Set to TRUE to enable image generation
-USE_OPENAI_EMBEDDING=                 # Set to TRUE for OpenAI, leave blank for local
+IMAGE_GEN=            # Set to TRUE to enable image generation
+USE_OPENAI_EMBEDDING= # Set to TRUE for OpenAI/1536, leave blank for local
+USE_OLLAMA_EMBEDDING= # Set to TRUE for OLLAMA/1024, leave blank for local
 # OpenRouter Models
-OPENROUTER_MODEL=                     # Default: uses hermes 70b/405b
+OPENROUTER_MODEL= # Default: uses hermes 70b/405b
 # REDPILL Configuration
-REDPILL_API_KEY=                       # REDPILL API Key
-SMALL_REDPILL_MODEL=                   # Default: gpt-4o-mini
-MEDIUM_REDPILL_MODEL=                  # Default: gpt-4o
-LARGE_REDPILL_MODEL=                   # Default: gpt-4o
+SMALL_REDPILL_MODEL=  # Default: gpt-4o-mini
+MEDIUM_REDPILL_MODEL= # Default: gpt-4o
+LARGE_REDPILL_MODEL=  # Default: gpt-4o
 # Ollama Configuration
-OLLAMA_SERVER_URL=                    # Default: localhost:11434
+OLLAMA_SERVER_URL= # Default: localhost:11434
-OLLAMA_EMBEDDING_MODEL=               # Default: mxbai-embed-large
-SMALL_OLLAMA_MODEL=                   # Default: llama3.2
-MEDIUM_OLLAMA_MODEL=                  # Default: hermes3
-LARGE_OLLAMA_MODEL=                   # Default: hermes3:70b
+OLLAMA_EMBEDDING_MODEL= # Default: mxbai-embed-large
+SMALL_OLLAMA_MODEL=     # Default: llama3.2
+MEDIUM_OLLAMA_MODEL=    # Default: hermes3
+LARGE_OLLAMA_MODEL=     # Default: hermes3:70b
 #LlamaLocal Configuration
-LLAMALOCAL_PATH=                      # Default: "" which is the current directory in plugin-node/dist/ which gets destroyed and recreated on every build
+LLAMALOCAL_PATH= # Default: "" which is the current directory in plugin-node/dist/ which gets destroyed and recreated on every build
 # API Keys
-ANTHROPIC_API_KEY=                    # For Claude
-HEURIST_API_KEY=                      # Get from
+HEURIST_API_KEY=   # Get from
 # Heurist Models
@@ -122,7 +121,6 @@ STARKNET_RPC_URL=
 # Intiface Configuration
 # Farcaster
@@ -130,10 +128,10 @@ FARCASTER_PRIVATE_KEY=
 # Coinbase
 COINBASE_COMMERCE_KEY= # from coinbase developer portal
-COINBASE_API_KEY= # from coinbase developer portal
-COINBASE_PRIVATE_KEY= # from coinbase developer portal
+COINBASE_API_KEY=      # from coinbase developer portal
+COINBASE_PRIVATE_KEY=  # from coinbase developer portal
 # if not configured it will be generated and written to runtime.character.settings.secrets.COINBASE_GENERATED_WALLET_ID and runtime.character.settings.secrets.COINBASE_GENERATED_WALLET_HEX_SEED
-COINBASE_GENERATED_WALLET_ID= # not your address but the wallet id from generating a wallet through the plugin
+COINBASE_GENERATED_WALLET_ID=       # not your address but the wallet id from generating a wallet through the plugin
 COINBASE_GENERATED_WALLET_HEX_SEED= # not your address but the wallet hex seed from generating a wallet through the plugin and calling export
 # Conflux Configuration
@@ -149,7 +147,6 @@ ZEROG_EVM_RPC=
 # Coinbase
@@ -170,11 +167,11 @@ FAL_API_KEY=
 # WhatsApp Cloud API Configuration
-WHATSAPP_ACCESS_TOKEN=                # Permanent access token from Facebook Developer Console
-WHATSAPP_PHONE_NUMBER_ID=             # Phone number ID from WhatsApp Business API
-WHATSAPP_BUSINESS_ACCOUNT_ID=         # Business Account ID from Facebook Business Manager
-WHATSAPP_WEBHOOK_VERIFY_TOKEN=        # Custom string for webhook verification
-WHATSAPP_API_VERSION=v17.0            # WhatsApp API version (default: v17.0)
+WHATSAPP_ACCESS_TOKEN=         # Permanent access token from Facebook Developer Console
+WHATSAPP_PHONE_NUMBER_ID=      # Phone number ID from WhatsApp Business API
+WHATSAPP_BUSINESS_ACCOUNT_ID=  # Business Account ID from Facebook Business Manager
+WHATSAPP_WEBHOOK_VERIFY_TOKEN= # Custom string for webhook verification
+WHATSAPP_API_VERSION=v17.0     # WhatsApp API version (default: v17.0)
 # ICP
diff --git a/.eslintrc.json b/.eslintrc.json
new file mode 100644
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+  "plugins": [
+    "@stylistic"
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+        "SwitchCase": 1
+      }
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+          "delimiter": "semi",
+          "requireLast": true
+        },
+        "singleline": {
+          "delimiter": "semi",
+          "requireLast": false
+        }
+      }
+    ],
+    "@stylistic/eol-last": [
+      "error",
+      "always"
+    ],
+    "@stylistic/multiline-ternary": "off",
+    "@stylistic/semi": [
+      "error",
+      "always"
+    ],
+    "@stylistic/quotes": "off",
+    "@stylistic/comma-dangle": "off",
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+      "error",
+      "1tbs"
+    ]
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\ No newline at end of file
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/agent/package.json b/agent/package.json
index 152fc91dc70..0f7b18729d6 100644
--- a/agent/package.json
+++ b/agent/package.json
@@ -4,13 +4,22 @@
     "main": "src/index.ts",
     "type": "module",
     "scripts": {
-        "start": "node --loader ts-node/esm src/index.ts",
-        "dev": "node --loader ts-node/esm src/index.ts",
+        "start": "node --enable-source-maps --loader ts-node/esm src/index.ts",
+        "dev": "tsc && nodemon --watch src --watch ../core/dist --ext ts,json --exec 'node --enable-source-maps --loader ts-node/esm' src/index.ts",
+        "dev:debug": "tsc && nodemon --watch src --watch ../core/dist --ext ts,json --exec 'verbose=true node --enable-source-maps --loader ts-node/esm' src/index.ts",
         "check-types": "tsc --noEmit",
         "start:service:all": "pm2 start pnpm --name=\"all\" --restart-delay=3000 --max-restarts=10 -- run start:all",
         "stop:service:all": "pm2 stop all",
         "start:all": "node --loader ts-node/esm src/index.ts --characters=\"../characters/eliza.json\",\"../characters/degenspartan.json\",\"../characters/ruby.json\",\"../characters/pmairca.json\""
+    "nodemonConfig": {
+        "watch": [
+            "src",
+            "../core/dist"
+        ],
+        "ext": "ts,json",
+        "exec": "node --enable-source-maps --loader ts-node/esm src/index.ts"
+    },
     "dependencies": {
         "@ai16z/adapter-postgres": "workspace:*",
         "@ai16z/adapter-sqlite": "workspace:*",
@@ -39,4 +48,4 @@
         "ts-node": "10.9.2",
         "tsup": "8.3.5"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/agent/src/index.ts b/agent/src/index.ts
index 7103e187519..ab96f408dc9 100644
--- a/agent/src/index.ts
+++ b/agent/src/index.ts
@@ -90,6 +90,24 @@ export async function loadCharacters(
         .map((filePath) => filePath.trim());
     const loadedCharacters = [];
+    // Add logging here
+"Character loading details:", {
+        characterPaths,
+        cwd: process.cwd(),
+        dirname: __dirname,
+        fullPath: path.resolve(
+            process.cwd(),
+            "characters/8bitoracle.laozi.character.json"
+        ),
+        exists: fs.existsSync(
+            path.resolve(
+                process.cwd(),
+                "characters/8bitoracle.laozi.character.json"
+            )
+        ),
+        dirContents: fs.readdirSync(process.cwd()),
+    });
     if (characterPaths?.length > 0) {
         for (const characterPath of characterPaths) {
             let content = null;
@@ -99,7 +117,13 @@ export async function loadCharacters(
             const pathsToTry = [
                 characterPath, // exact path as specified
                 path.resolve(process.cwd(), characterPath), // relative to cwd
+                path.resolve(process.cwd(), "agent", characterPath), // Add this
                 path.resolve(__dirname, characterPath), // relative to current script
+                path.resolve(
+                    __dirname,
+                    "characters",
+                    path.basename(characterPath)
+                ), // relative to agent/characters
@@ -112,6 +136,14 @@ export async function loadCharacters(
                 ), // relative to project root characters dir
+                "Trying paths:",
+       => ({
+                    path: p,
+                    exists: fs.existsSync(p),
+                }))
+            );
             for (const tryPath of pathsToTry) {
                 content = tryLoadFile(tryPath);
                 if (content !== null) {
@@ -231,18 +263,30 @@ export function getTokenForProvider(
         case ModelProviderName.FAL:
             return (
-                character.settings?.secrets?.FAL_API_KEY ||
-                settings.FAL_API_KEY
+                character.settings?.secrets?.FAL_API_KEY || settings.FAL_API_KEY
 function initializeDatabase(dataDir: string) {
     if (process.env.POSTGRES_URL) {
+"Initializing PostgreSQL connection...");
         const db = new PostgresDatabaseAdapter({
             connectionString: process.env.POSTGRES_URL,
             parseInputs: true,
+        // Test the connection
+        db.init()
+            .then(() => {
+                elizaLogger.success(
+                    "Successfully connected to PostgreSQL database"
+                );
+            })
+            .catch((error) => {
+                elizaLogger.error("Failed to connect to PostgreSQL:", error);
+            });
         return db;
     } else {
         const filePath =
@@ -340,8 +384,8 @@ export function createAgent(
                 ? coinbaseCommercePlugin
                 : null,
             getSecret(character, "FAL_API_KEY") ||
-                getSecret(character, "OPENAI_API_KEY") ||
-                getSecret(character, "HEURIST_API_KEY")
+            getSecret(character, "OPENAI_API_KEY") ||
+            getSecret(character, "HEURIST_API_KEY")
                 ? imageGenerationPlugin
                 : null,
             ...(getSecret(character, "COINBASE_API_KEY") &&
@@ -476,7 +520,9 @@ async function handleUserInput(input, agentId) {
         const data = await response.json();
-        data.forEach((message) => elizaLogger.log(`${"Agent"}: ${message.text}`));
+        data.forEach((message) =>
+            elizaLogger.log(`${"Agent"}: ${message.text}`)
+        );
     } catch (error) {
         console.error("Error fetching response:", error);
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 9ba52f9c337..776ccad93ea 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
         "stop:service:all": "pnpm --filter \"@ai16z/agent\" stop:service:all",
         "start": "pnpm --filter \"@ai16z/agent\" start --isRoot",
         "start:client": "pnpm --dir client start --isRoot",
+        "start:debug": "cross-env NODE_ENV=development VERBOSE=true DEBUG=eliza:* pnpm --filter \"@ai16z/agent\" start --isRoot",
         "dev": "bash ./scripts/",
         "lint": "bash ./scripts/",
         "prettier-check": "npx prettier --check .",
@@ -28,7 +29,9 @@
         "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^8.16.0",
         "@typescript-eslint/parser": "^8.16.0",
         "concurrently": "9.1.0",
+        "cross-env": "^7.0.3",
         "eslint": "^9.15.0",
+        "eslint-config-prettier": "9.1.0",
         "husky": "9.1.7",
         "lerna": "8.1.5",
         "only-allow": "1.2.1",
@@ -50,10 +53,13 @@
     "dependencies": {
         "@0glabs/0g-ts-sdk": "^0.2.1",
         "@coinbase/coinbase-sdk": "^0.10.0",
+        "@discordjs/opus": "^0.9.0",
         "amqplib": "0.10.5",
         "csv-parse": "^5.6.0",
+        "node-opus": "^0.3.3",
         "ollama-ai-provider": "^0.16.1",
         "optional": "^0.1.4",
+        "opusscript": "^0.1.1",
         "pnpm": "^9.14.3",
         "sharp": "^0.33.5",
         "tslog": "^4.9.3"
@@ -62,4 +68,4 @@
     "workspaces": [
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/adapter-postgres/schema.sql b/packages/adapter-postgres/schema.sql
index e1122136c12..34493265267 100644
--- a/packages/adapter-postgres/schema.sql
+++ b/packages/adapter-postgres/schema.sql
@@ -14,6 +14,22 @@
+-- Create a function to determine vector dimension
+CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_embedding_dimension()
+    -- Check for OpenAI first
+    IF current_setting('app.use_openai_embedding', TRUE) = 'true' THEN
+        RETURN 1536;  -- OpenAI dimension
+    -- Then check for Ollama
+    ELSIF current_setting('app.use_ollama_embedding', TRUE) = 'true' THEN
+        RETURN 1024;  -- Ollama mxbai-embed-large dimension
+    ELSE
+        RETURN 384;   -- BGE/Other embedding dimension
+    END IF;
+$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
@@ -36,7 +52,7 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS memories (
     "type" TEXT NOT NULL,
     "content" JSONB NOT NULL,
-    "embedding" vector(1536),
+    "embedding" vector(get_embedding_dimension()),  -- Dynamic vector size
     "userId" UUID REFERENCES accounts("id"),
     "agentId" UUID REFERENCES accounts("id"),
     "roomId" UUID REFERENCES rooms("id"),
@@ -97,9 +113,9 @@ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS  relationships (
     "key" TEXT NOT NULL,
     "agentId" TEXT NOT NULL,
-    "value" JSONB DEFAULT '{}'::jsonb, 
+    "value" JSONB DEFAULT '{}'::jsonb,
-    "expiresAt" TIMESTAMP, 
+    "expiresAt" TIMESTAMP,
     PRIMARY KEY ("key", "agentId")
diff --git a/packages/adapter-postgres/src/index.ts b/packages/adapter-postgres/src/index.ts
index ddd89458f9a..9611e7f6e3b 100644
--- a/packages/adapter-postgres/src/index.ts
+++ b/packages/adapter-postgres/src/index.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
 import { v4 } from "uuid";
-import pg, {
-    type Pool,
+// Import the entire module as default
+import pg from "pg";
+const { Pool } = pg;
+type Pool = pg.Pool;
+import {
@@ -18,6 +23,7 @@ import {
+    getEmbeddingConfig,
 } from "@ai16z/eliza";
 import fs from "fs";
 import { fileURLToPath } from "url";
@@ -33,6 +39,11 @@ export class PostgresDatabaseAdapter
     implements IDatabaseCacheAdapter
     private pool: Pool;
+    private readonly maxRetries: number = 3;
+    private readonly baseDelay: number = 1000; // 1 second
+    private readonly maxDelay: number = 10000; // 10 seconds
+    private readonly jitterMax: number = 1000; // 1 second
+    private readonly connectionTimeout: number = 5000; // 5 seconds
     constructor(connectionConfig: any) {
@@ -40,7 +51,7 @@ export class PostgresDatabaseAdapter
         const defaultConfig = {
             max: 20,
             idleTimeoutMillis: 30000,
-            connectionTimeoutMillis: 2000,
+            connectionTimeoutMillis: this.connectionTimeout,
         this.pool = new pg.Pool({
@@ -48,42 +59,103 @@ export class PostgresDatabaseAdapter
             ...connectionConfig, // Allow overriding defaults
-        this.pool.on("error", async (err) => {
-            elizaLogger.error("Unexpected error on idle client", err);
+        this.pool.on("error", (err) => {
+            elizaLogger.error("Unexpected pool error", err);
+            this.handlePoolError(err);
+        });
+        this.setupPoolErrorHandling();
+        this.testConnection();
+    }
-            // Attempt to reconnect with exponential backoff
-            let retryCount = 0;
-            const maxRetries = 5;
-            const baseDelay = 1000; // Start with 1 second delay
+    private setupPoolErrorHandling() {
+        process.on("SIGINT", async () => {
+            await this.cleanup();
+            process.exit(0);
+        });
-            while (retryCount < maxRetries) {
-                try {
-                    const delay = baseDelay * Math.pow(2, retryCount);
-                    elizaLogger.warn(
-                        `Attempting to reconnect in ${delay}ms...`
+        process.on("SIGTERM", async () => {
+            await this.cleanup();
+            process.exit(0);
+        });
+    }
+    private async withRetry<T>(operation: () => Promise<T>): Promise<T> {
+        let lastError: Error = new Error("Unknown error"); // Initialize with default
+        for (let attempt = 1; attempt <= this.maxRetries; attempt++) {
+            try {
+                return await operation();
+            } catch (error) {
+                lastError = error as Error;
+                if (attempt < this.maxRetries) {
+                    // Calculate delay with exponential backoff
+                    const backoffDelay = Math.min(
+                        this.baseDelay * Math.pow(2, attempt - 1),
+                        this.maxDelay
-                    await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, delay));
-                    // Create new pool with same config
-                    this.pool = new pg.Pool(this.pool.options);
-                    await this.testConnection();
+                    // Add jitter to prevent thundering herd
+                    const jitter = Math.random() * this.jitterMax;
+                    const delay = backoffDelay + jitter;
-                    elizaLogger.success("Successfully reconnected to database");
-                    return;
-                } catch (error) {
-                    retryCount++;
-                    elizaLogger.error(
-                        `Reconnection attempt ${retryCount} failed:`,
-                        error
+                    elizaLogger.warn(
+                        `Database operation failed (attempt ${attempt}/${this.maxRetries}):`,
+                        {
+                            error:
+                                error instanceof Error
+                                    ? error.message
+                                    : String(error),
+                            nextRetryIn: `${(delay / 1000).toFixed(1)}s`,
+                        }
+                    await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, delay));
+                } else {
+                    elizaLogger.error("Max retry attempts reached:", {
+                        error:
+                            error instanceof Error
+                                ? error.message
+                                : String(error),
+                        totalAttempts: attempt,
+                    });
+                    throw error instanceof Error
+                        ? error
+                        : new Error(String(error));
+        }
-            elizaLogger.error(
-                `Failed to reconnect after ${maxRetries} attempts`
-            );
-            throw new Error("Database connection lost and unable to reconnect");
+        throw lastError;
+    }
+    private async handlePoolError(error: Error) {
+        elizaLogger.error("Pool error occurred, attempting to reconnect", {
+            error: error.message,
+        try {
+            // Close existing pool
+            await this.pool.end();
+            // Create new pool
+            this.pool = new Pool({
+                ...this.pool.options,
+                connectionTimeoutMillis: this.connectionTimeout,
+            });
+            await this.testConnection();
+            elizaLogger.success("Pool reconnection successful");
+        } catch (reconnectError) {
+            elizaLogger.error("Failed to reconnect pool", {
+                error:
+                    reconnectError instanceof Error
+                        ? reconnectError.message
+                        : String(reconnectError),
+            });
+            throw reconnectError;
+        }
     async query<R extends QueryResultRow = any, I = any[]>(
@@ -137,61 +209,78 @@ export class PostgresDatabaseAdapter
-    async getRoom(roomId: UUID): Promise<UUID | null> {
-        const { rows } = await this.query(
-            "SELECT id FROM rooms WHERE id = $1",
-            [roomId]
-        );
+    async cleanup(): Promise<void> {
+        try {
+            await this.pool.end();
+  "Database pool closed");
+        } catch (error) {
+            elizaLogger.error("Error closing database pool:", error);
+        }
+    }
-        return rows.length > 0 ? (rows[0].id as UUID) : null;
+    async getRoom(roomId: UUID): Promise<UUID | null> {
+        return this.withRetry(async () => {
+            const { rows } = await this.pool.query(
+                "SELECT id FROM rooms WHERE id = $1",
+                [roomId]
+            );
+            return rows.length > 0 ? (rows[0].id as UUID) : null;
+        });
     async getParticipantsForAccount(userId: UUID): Promise<Participant[]> {
-        const { rows } = await this.query(
-            `SELECT id, "userId", "roomId", "last_message_read" 
-            FROM participants 
-            WHERE "userId" = $1`,
-            [userId]
-        );
-        return rows as Participant[];
+        return this.withRetry(async () => {
+            const { rows } = await this.pool.query(
+                `SELECT id, "userId", "roomId", "last_message_read"
+                FROM participants
+                WHERE "userId" = $1`,
+                [userId]
+            );
+            return rows as Participant[];
+        });
     async getParticipantUserState(
         roomId: UUID,
         userId: UUID
     ): Promise<"FOLLOWED" | "MUTED" | null> {
-        const { rows } = await this.query(
-            `SELECT "userState" FROM participants WHERE "roomId" = $1 AND "userId" = $2`,
-            [roomId, userId]
-        );
-        return rows.length > 0 ? rows[0].userState : null;
+        return this.withRetry(async () => {
+            const { rows } = await this.pool.query(
+                `SELECT "userState" FROM participants WHERE "roomId" = $1 AND "userId" = $2`,
+                [roomId, userId]
+            );
+            return rows.length > 0 ? rows[0].userState : null;
+        });
     async getMemoriesByRoomIds(params: {
-        agentId: UUID;
         roomIds: UUID[];
+        agentId?: UUID;
         tableName: string;
     }): Promise<Memory[]> {
-        if (params.roomIds.length === 0) return [];
-        const placeholders = params.roomIds
-            .map((_, i) => `$${i + 3}`)
-            .join(", ");
-        const query = `SELECT * FROM memories WHERE type = $1 AND "agentId" = $2 AND "roomId" IN (${placeholders})`;
-        const queryParams = [
-            params.tableName,
-            params.agentId,
-            ...params.roomIds,
-        ];
-        const { rows } = await this.query(query, queryParams);
-        return => ({
-            ...row,
-            content:
-                typeof row.content === "string"
-                    ? JSON.parse(row.content)
-                    : row.content,
-        }));
+        return this.withRetry(async () => {
+            if (params.roomIds.length === 0) return [];
+            const placeholders = params.roomIds
+                .map((_, i) => `$${i + 2}`)
+                .join(", ");
+            let query = `SELECT * FROM memories WHERE type = $1 AND "roomId" IN (${placeholders})`;
+            let queryParams = [params.tableName, ...params.roomIds];
+            if (params.agentId) {
+                query += ` AND "agentId" = $${params.roomIds.length + 2}`;
+                queryParams = [...queryParams, params.agentId];
+            }
+            const { rows } = await this.pool.query(query, queryParams);
+            return => ({
+                ...row,
+                content:
+                    typeof row.content === "string"
+                        ? JSON.parse(row.content)
+                        : row.content,
+            }));
+        });
     async setParticipantUserState(
@@ -199,125 +288,187 @@ export class PostgresDatabaseAdapter
         userId: UUID,
         state: "FOLLOWED" | "MUTED" | null
     ): Promise<void> {
-        await this.query(
-            `UPDATE participants SET "userState" = $1 WHERE "roomId" = $2 AND "userId" = $3`,
-            [state, roomId, userId]
-        );
+        return this.withRetry(async () => {
+            await this.pool.query(
+                `UPDATE participants SET "userState" = $1 WHERE "roomId" = $2 AND "userId" = $3`,
+                [state, roomId, userId]
+            );
+        });
     async getParticipantsForRoom(roomId: UUID): Promise<UUID[]> {
-        const { rows } = await this.query(
-            'SELECT "userId" FROM participants WHERE "roomId" = $1',
-            [roomId]
-        );
-        return => row.userId);
+        return this.withRetry(async () => {
+            const { rows } = await this.pool.query(
+                'SELECT "userId" FROM participants WHERE "roomId" = $1',
+                [roomId]
+            );
+            return => row.userId);
+        });
     async getAccountById(userId: UUID): Promise<Account | null> {
-        const { rows } = await this.query(
-            "SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE id = $1",
-            [userId]
-        );
-        if (rows.length === 0) return null;
-        const account = rows[0];
-        elizaLogger.debug("account", account);
-        return {
-            ...account,
-            details:
-                typeof account.details === "string"
-                    ? JSON.parse(account.details)
-                    : account.details,
-        };
+        return this.withRetry(async () => {
+            const { rows } = await this.pool.query(
+                "SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE id = $1",
+                [userId]
+            );
+            if (rows.length === 0) {
+                elizaLogger.debug("Account not found:", { userId });
+                return null;
+            }
+            const account = rows[0];
+            // elizaLogger.debug("Account retrieved:", {
+            //     userId,
+            //     hasDetails: !!account.details,
+            // });
+            return {
+                ...account,
+                details:
+                    typeof account.details === "string"
+                        ? JSON.parse(account.details)
+                        : account.details,
+            };
+        });
     async createAccount(account: Account): Promise<boolean> {
-        try {
-            await this.query(
-                `INSERT INTO accounts (id, name, username, email, "avatarUrl", details)
-            VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6)`,
-                [
-           ?? v4(),
-          ,
-                    account.username || "",
-           || "",
-                    account.avatarUrl || "",
-                    JSON.stringify(account.details),
-                ]
-            );
-            return true;
-        } catch (error) {
-            elizaLogger.log("Error creating account", error);
-            return false;
-        }
+        return this.withRetry(async () => {
+            try {
+                const accountId = ?? v4();
+                await this.pool.query(
+                    `INSERT INTO accounts (id, name, username, email, "avatarUrl", details)
+                    VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6)`,
+                    [
+                        accountId,
+              ,
+                        account.username || "",
+               || "",
+                        account.avatarUrl || "",
+                        JSON.stringify(account.details),
+                    ]
+                );
+                elizaLogger.debug("Account created successfully:", {
+                    accountId,
+                });
+                return true;
+            } catch (error) {
+                elizaLogger.error("Error creating account:", {
+                    error:
+                        error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error),
+                    accountId:,
+                    name:, // Only log non-sensitive fields
+                });
+                return false; // Return false instead of throwing to maintain existing behavior
+            }
+        });
     async getActorById(params: { roomId: UUID }): Promise<Actor[]> {
-        const { rows } = await this.query(
-            `SELECT,, a.username, a.details
-            FROM participants p
-            LEFT JOIN accounts a ON p."userId" =
-            WHERE p."roomId" = $1`,
-            [params.roomId]
-        );
-        return => ({
-            ...row,
-            details:
-                typeof row.details === "string"
-                    ? JSON.parse(row.details)
-                    : row.details,
-        }));
+        return this.withRetry(async () => {
+            const { rows } = await this.pool.query(
+                `SELECT,, a.username, a.details
+                FROM participants p
+                LEFT JOIN accounts a ON p."userId" =
+                WHERE p."roomId" = $1`,
+                [params.roomId]
+            );
+            elizaLogger.debug("Retrieved actors:", {
+                roomId: params.roomId,
+                actorCount: rows.length,
+            });
+            return => {
+                try {
+                    return {
+                        ...row,
+                        details:
+                            typeof row.details === "string"
+                                ? JSON.parse(row.details)
+                                : row.details,
+                    };
+                } catch (error) {
+                    elizaLogger.warn("Failed to parse actor details:", {
+                        actorId:,
+                        error:
+                            error instanceof Error
+                                ? error.message
+                                : String(error),
+                    });
+                    return {
+                        ...row,
+                        details: {}, // Provide default empty details on parse error
+                    };
+                }
+            });
+        }).catch((error) => {
+            elizaLogger.error("Failed to get actors:", {
+                roomId: params.roomId,
+                error: error.message,
+            });
+            throw error; // Re-throw to let caller handle database errors
+        });
     async getMemoryById(id: UUID): Promise<Memory | null> {
-        const { rows } = await this.query(
-            "SELECT * FROM memories WHERE id = $1",
-            [id]
-        );
-        if (rows.length === 0) return null;
-        return {
-            ...rows[0],
-            content:
-                typeof rows[0].content === "string"
-                    ? JSON.parse(rows[0].content)
-                    : rows[0].content,
-        };
+        return this.withRetry(async () => {
+            const { rows } = await this.pool.query(
+                "SELECT * FROM memories WHERE id = $1",
+                [id]
+            );
+            if (rows.length === 0) return null;
+            return {
+                ...rows[0],
+                content:
+                    typeof rows[0].content === "string"
+                        ? JSON.parse(rows[0].content)
+                        : rows[0].content,
+            };
+        });
     async createMemory(memory: Memory, tableName: string): Promise<void> {
-        let isUnique = true;
-        if (memory.embedding) {
-            const similarMemories = await this.searchMemoriesByEmbedding(
-                memory.embedding,
-                {
+        return this.withRetry(async () => {
+            elizaLogger.debug("PostgresAdapter createMemory:", {
+                memoryId:,
+                embeddingLength: memory.embedding?.length,
+                contentLength: memory.content?.text?.length,
+            });
+            let isUnique = true;
+            if (memory.embedding) {
+                const similarMemories = await this.searchMemoriesByEmbedding(
+                    memory.embedding,
+                    {
+                        tableName,
+                        roomId: memory.roomId,
+                        match_threshold: 0.95,
+                        count: 1,
+                    }
+                );
+                isUnique = similarMemories.length === 0;
+            }
+            await this.pool.query(
+                `INSERT INTO memories (
+                    id, type, content, embedding, "userId", "roomId", "agentId", "unique", "createdAt"
+                ) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5::uuid, $6::uuid, $7::uuid, $8, to_timestamp($9/1000.0))`,
+                [
+           ?? v4(),
-                    agentId: memory.agentId,
-                    roomId: memory.roomId,
-                    match_threshold: 0.95,
-                    count: 1,
-                }
+                    JSON.stringify(memory.content),
+                    memory.embedding ? `[${memory.embedding.join(",")}]` : null,
+                    memory.userId,
+                    memory.roomId,
+                    memory.agentId,
+                    memory.unique ?? isUnique,
+          ,
+                ]
-            isUnique = similarMemories.length === 0;
-        }
-        await this.query(
-            `INSERT INTO memories (
-                id, type, content, embedding, "userId", "roomId", "agentId", "unique", "createdAt"
-            ) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5::uuid, $6::uuid, $7::uuid, $8, to_timestamp($9/1000.0))`,
-            [
-       ?? v4(),
-                tableName,
-                JSON.stringify(memory.content),
-                memory.embedding ? `[${memory.embedding.join(",")}]` : null,
-                memory.userId,
-                memory.roomId,
-                memory.agentId,
-                memory.unique ?? isUnique,
-      ,
-            ]
-        );
+        });
     async searchMemories(params: {
@@ -344,48 +495,81 @@ export class PostgresDatabaseAdapter
         count?: number;
         unique?: boolean;
         tableName: string;
-        agentId: UUID;
+        agentId?: UUID;
         start?: number;
         end?: number;
     }): Promise<Memory[]> {
+        // Parameter validation
         if (!params.tableName) throw new Error("tableName is required");
         if (!params.roomId) throw new Error("roomId is required");
-        let sql = `SELECT * FROM memories WHERE type = $1 AND "agentId" = $2 AND "roomId" = $3`;
-        const values: any[] = [params.tableName, params.agentId, params.roomId];
-        let paramCount = 3; // Updated to start at 3 since we already have 3 parameters
-        if (params.start) {
-            paramCount++;
-            sql += ` AND "createdAt" >= to_timestamp($${paramCount})`;
-            values.push(params.start / 1000);
-        }
-        if (params.end) {
-            paramCount++;
-            sql += ` AND "createdAt" <= to_timestamp($${paramCount})`;
-            values.push(params.end / 1000);
-        }
+        return this.withRetry(async () => {
+            // Build query
+            let sql = `SELECT * FROM memories WHERE type = $1 AND "roomId" = $2`;
+            const values: any[] = [params.tableName, params.roomId];
+            let paramCount = 2;
+            // Add time range filters
+            if (params.start) {
+                paramCount++;
+                sql += ` AND "createdAt" >= to_timestamp($${paramCount})`;
+                values.push(params.start / 1000);
+            }
-        if (params.unique) {
-            sql += ` AND "unique" = true`;
-        }
+            if (params.end) {
+                paramCount++;
+                sql += ` AND "createdAt" <= to_timestamp($${paramCount})`;
+                values.push(params.end / 1000);
+            }
-        sql += ' ORDER BY "createdAt" DESC';
+            // Add other filters
+            if (params.unique) {
+                sql += ` AND "unique" = true`;
+            }
-        if (params.count && typeof params.count === "number") {
-            paramCount++;
-            sql += ` LIMIT $${paramCount}::integer`; // Cast to integer
-            values.push(params.count);
-        }
+            if (params.agentId) {
+                paramCount++;
+                sql += ` AND "agentId" = $${paramCount}`;
+                values.push(params.agentId);
+            }
-        const { rows } = await this.query(sql, values);
-        return => ({
-            ...row,
-            content:
-                typeof row.content === "string"
-                    ? JSON.parse(row.content)
-                    : row.content,
-        }));
+            // Add ordering and limit
+            sql += ' ORDER BY "createdAt" DESC';
+            if (params.count) {
+                paramCount++;
+                sql += ` LIMIT $${paramCount}`;
+                values.push(params.count);
+            }
+            elizaLogger.debug("Fetching memories:", {
+                roomId: params.roomId,
+                tableName: params.tableName,
+                unique: params.unique,
+                agentId: params.agentId,
+                timeRange:
+                    params.start || params.end
+                        ? {
+                              start: params.start
+                                  ? new Date(params.start).toISOString()
+                                  : undefined,
+                              end: params.end
+                                  ? new Date(params.end).toISOString()
+                                  : undefined,
+                          }
+                        : undefined,
+                limit: params.count,
+            });
+            const { rows } = await this.pool.query(sql, values);
+            return => ({
+                ...row,
+                content:
+                    typeof row.content === "string"
+                        ? JSON.parse(row.content)
+                        : row.content,
+            }));
+        });
     async getGoals(params: {
@@ -394,111 +578,299 @@ export class PostgresDatabaseAdapter
         onlyInProgress?: boolean;
         count?: number;
     }): Promise<Goal[]> {
-        let sql = `SELECT * FROM goals WHERE "roomId" = $1`;
-        const values: any[] = [params.roomId];
-        let paramCount = 1;
-        if (params.userId) {
-            paramCount++;
-            sql += ` AND "userId" = $${paramCount}`;
-            values.push(params.userId);
-        }
+        return this.withRetry(async () => {
+            let sql = `SELECT * FROM goals WHERE "roomId" = $1`;
+            const values: any[] = [params.roomId];
+            let paramCount = 1;
+            if (params.userId) {
+                paramCount++;
+                sql += ` AND "userId" = $${paramCount}`;
+                values.push(params.userId);
+            }
-        if (params.onlyInProgress) {
-            sql += " AND status = 'IN_PROGRESS'";
-        }
+            if (params.onlyInProgress) {
+                sql += " AND status = 'IN_PROGRESS'";
+            }
-        if (params.count) {
-            paramCount++;
-            sql += ` LIMIT $${paramCount}`;
-            values.push(params.count);
-        }
+            if (params.count) {
+                paramCount++;
+                sql += ` LIMIT $${paramCount}`;
+                values.push(params.count);
+            }
-        const { rows } = await this.query(sql, values);
-        return => ({
-            ...row,
-            objectives:
-                typeof row.objectives === "string"
-                    ? JSON.parse(row.objectives)
-                    : row.objectives,
-        }));
+            const { rows } = await this.pool.query(sql, values);
+            return => ({
+                ...row,
+                objectives:
+                    typeof row.objectives === "string"
+                        ? JSON.parse(row.objectives)
+                        : row.objectives,
+            }));
+        });
     async updateGoal(goal: Goal): Promise<void> {
-        await this.query(
-            `UPDATE goals SET name = $1, status = $2, objectives = $3 WHERE id = $4`,
-            [, goal.status, JSON.stringify(goal.objectives),]
-        );
+        return this.withRetry(async () => {
+            try {
+                await this.pool.query(
+                    `UPDATE goals SET name = $1, status = $2, objectives = $3 WHERE id = $4`,
+                    [
+              ,
+                        goal.status,
+                        JSON.stringify(goal.objectives),
+              ,
+                    ]
+                );
+            } catch (error) {
+                elizaLogger.error("Failed to update goal:", {
+                    goalId:,
+                    error:
+                        error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error),
+                    status: goal.status,
+                });
+                throw error;
+            }
+        });
     async createGoal(goal: Goal): Promise<void> {
-        await this.query(
-            `INSERT INTO goals (id, "roomId", "userId", name, status, objectives)
-            VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6)`,
-            [
-       ?? v4(),
-                goal.roomId,
-                goal.userId,
-      ,
-                goal.status,
-                JSON.stringify(goal.objectives),
-            ]
-        );
+        return this.withRetry(async () => {
+            await this.pool.query(
+                `INSERT INTO goals (id, "roomId", "userId", name, status, objectives)
+                VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6)`,
+                [
+           ?? v4(),
+                    goal.roomId,
+                    goal.userId,
+          ,
+                    goal.status,
+                    JSON.stringify(goal.objectives),
+                ]
+            );
+        });
     async removeGoal(goalId: UUID): Promise<void> {
-        await this.query("DELETE FROM goals WHERE id = $1", [goalId]);
+        if (!goalId) throw new Error("Goal ID is required");
+        return this.withRetry(async () => {
+            try {
+                const result = await this.pool.query(
+                    "DELETE FROM goals WHERE id = $1 RETURNING id",
+                    [goalId]
+                );
+                elizaLogger.debug("Goal removal attempt:", {
+                    goalId,
+                    removed: result?.rowCount ?? 0 > 0,
+                });
+            } catch (error) {
+                elizaLogger.error("Failed to remove goal:", {
+                    goalId,
+                    error:
+                        error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error),
+                });
+                throw error;
+            }
+        });
     async createRoom(roomId?: UUID): Promise<UUID> {
-        const newRoomId = roomId || v4();
-        await this.query("INSERT INTO rooms (id) VALUES ($1)", [newRoomId]);
-        return newRoomId as UUID;
+        return this.withRetry(async () => {
+            const newRoomId = roomId || v4();
+            await this.pool.query("INSERT INTO rooms (id) VALUES ($1)", [
+                newRoomId,
+            ]);
+            return newRoomId as UUID;
+        });
     async removeRoom(roomId: UUID): Promise<void> {
-        await this.query("DELETE FROM rooms WHERE id = $1", [roomId]);
+        if (!roomId) throw new Error("Room ID is required");
+        return this.withRetry(async () => {
+            const client = await this.pool.connect();
+            try {
+                await client.query("BEGIN");
+                // First check if room exists
+                const checkResult = await client.query(
+                    "SELECT id FROM rooms WHERE id = $1",
+                    [roomId]
+                );
+                if (checkResult.rowCount === 0) {
+                    elizaLogger.warn("No room found to remove:", { roomId });
+                    throw new Error(`Room not found: ${roomId}`);
+                }
+                // Remove related data first (if not using CASCADE)
+                await client.query('DELETE FROM memories WHERE "roomId" = $1', [
+                    roomId,
+                ]);
+                await client.query(
+                    'DELETE FROM participants WHERE "roomId" = $1',
+                    [roomId]
+                );
+                await client.query('DELETE FROM goals WHERE "roomId" = $1', [
+                    roomId,
+                ]);
+                // Finally remove the room
+                const result = await client.query(
+                    "DELETE FROM rooms WHERE id = $1 RETURNING id",
+                    [roomId]
+                );
+                await client.query("COMMIT");
+                elizaLogger.debug(
+                    "Room and related data removed successfully:",
+                    {
+                        roomId,
+                        removed: result?.rowCount ?? 0 > 0,
+                    }
+                );
+            } catch (error) {
+                await client.query("ROLLBACK");
+                elizaLogger.error("Failed to remove room:", {
+                    roomId,
+                    error:
+                        error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error),
+                });
+                throw error;
+            } finally {
+                client.release();
+            }
+        });
     async createRelationship(params: {
         userA: UUID;
         userB: UUID;
     }): Promise<boolean> {
+        // Input validation
         if (!params.userA || !params.userB) {
             throw new Error("userA and userB are required");
-        try {
-            await this.query(
-                `INSERT INTO relationships (id, "userA", "userB", "userId")
-                VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4)`,
-                [v4(), params.userA, params.userB, params.userA]
-            );
-            return true;
-        } catch (error) {
-            elizaLogger.log("Error creating relationship", error);
-            return false;
-        }
+        return this.withRetry(async () => {
+            try {
+                const relationshipId = v4();
+                const result = await this.pool.query(
+                    `INSERT INTO relationships (id, "userA", "userB", "userId")
+                    VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4)
+                    RETURNING id`,
+                    [relationshipId, params.userA, params.userB, params.userA]
+                );
+                elizaLogger.debug("Relationship created successfully:", {
+                    relationshipId,
+                    userA: params.userA,
+                    userB: params.userB,
+                });
+                return true;
+            } catch (error) {
+                // Check for unique constraint violation or other specific errors
+                if ((error as { code?: string }).code === "23505") {
+                    // Unique violation
+                    elizaLogger.warn("Relationship already exists:", {
+                        userA: params.userA,
+                        userB: params.userB,
+                        error:
+                            error instanceof Error
+                                ? error.message
+                                : String(error),
+                    });
+                } else {
+                    elizaLogger.error("Failed to create relationship:", {
+                        userA: params.userA,
+                        userB: params.userB,
+                        error:
+                            error instanceof Error
+                                ? error.message
+                                : String(error),
+                    });
+                }
+                return false;
+            }
+        });
     async getRelationship(params: {
         userA: UUID;
         userB: UUID;
     }): Promise<Relationship | null> {
-        const { rows } = await this.query(
-            `SELECT * FROM relationships 
-            WHERE ("userA" = $1 AND "userB" = $2) OR ("userA" = $2 AND "userB" = $1)`,
-            [params.userA, params.userB]
-        );
-        return rows.length > 0 ? rows[0] : null;
+        if (!params.userA || !params.userB) {
+            throw new Error("userA and userB are required");
+        }
+        return this.withRetry(async () => {
+            try {
+                const { rows } = await this.pool.query(
+                    `SELECT * FROM relationships
+                    WHERE ("userA" = $1 AND "userB" = $2)
+                    OR ("userA" = $2 AND "userB" = $1)`,
+                    [params.userA, params.userB]
+                );
+                if (rows.length > 0) {
+                    elizaLogger.debug("Relationship found:", {
+                        relationshipId: rows[0].id,
+                        userA: params.userA,
+                        userB: params.userB,
+                    });
+                    return rows[0];
+                }
+                elizaLogger.debug("No relationship found between users:", {
+                    userA: params.userA,
+                    userB: params.userB,
+                });
+                return null;
+            } catch (error) {
+                elizaLogger.error("Error fetching relationship:", {
+                    userA: params.userA,
+                    userB: params.userB,
+                    error:
+                        error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error),
+                });
+                throw error;
+            }
+        });
     async getRelationships(params: { userId: UUID }): Promise<Relationship[]> {
-        const { rows } = await this.query(
-            `SELECT * FROM relationships WHERE "userA" = $1 OR "userB" = $1`,
-            [params.userId]
-        );
-        return rows;
+        if (!params.userId) {
+            throw new Error("userId is required");
+        }
+        return this.withRetry(async () => {
+            try {
+                const { rows } = await this.pool.query(
+                    `SELECT * FROM relationships
+                    WHERE "userA" = $1 OR "userB" = $1
+                    ORDER BY "createdAt" DESC`, // Add ordering if you have this field
+                    [params.userId]
+                );
+                elizaLogger.debug("Retrieved relationships:", {
+                    userId: params.userId,
+                    count: rows.length,
+                });
+                return rows;
+            } catch (error) {
+                elizaLogger.error("Failed to fetch relationships:", {
+                    userId: params.userId,
+                    error:
+                        error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error),
+                });
+                throw error;
+            }
+        });
     async getCachedEmbeddings(opts: {
@@ -509,42 +881,104 @@ export class PostgresDatabaseAdapter
         query_field_sub_name: string;
         query_match_count: number;
     }): Promise<{ embedding: number[]; levenshtein_score: number }[]> {
-        // Get the JSON field content as text first
-        const sql = `
-                WITH content_text AS (
-                    SELECT 
+        // Input validation
+        if (!opts.query_table_name)
+            throw new Error("query_table_name is required");
+        if (!opts.query_input) throw new Error("query_input is required");
+        if (!opts.query_field_name)
+            throw new Error("query_field_name is required");
+        if (!opts.query_field_sub_name)
+            throw new Error("query_field_sub_name is required");
+        if (opts.query_match_count <= 0)
+            throw new Error("query_match_count must be positive");
+        return this.withRetry(async () => {
+            try {
+                elizaLogger.debug("Fetching cached embeddings:", {
+                    tableName: opts.query_table_name,
+                    fieldName: opts.query_field_name,
+                    subFieldName: opts.query_field_sub_name,
+                    matchCount: opts.query_match_count,
+                    inputLength: opts.query_input.length,
+                });
+                const sql = `
+                    WITH content_text AS (
+                        SELECT
+                            embedding,
+                            COALESCE(
+                                content->$2->>$3,
+                                ''
+                            ) as content_text
+                        FROM memories
+                        WHERE type = $4
+                        AND content->$2->>$3 IS NOT NULL
+                    )
+                    SELECT
-                        COALESCE(
-                            content->$2->>$3,
-                            ''
-                        ) as content_text
-                    FROM memories 
-                    WHERE type = $4
-                    AND content->$2->>$3 IS NOT NULL
-                )
-                SELECT 
-                    embedding,
-                    levenshtein(
+                        levenshtein(
+                            $1,
+                            content_text
+                        ) as levenshtein_score
+                    FROM content_text
+                    WHERE levenshtein(
-                    ) as levenshtein_score
-                FROM content_text
-                ORDER BY levenshtein_score
-                LIMIT $5
-            `;
-        const { rows } = await this.query(sql, [
-            opts.query_input,
-            opts.query_field_name,
-            opts.query_field_sub_name,
-            opts.query_table_name,
-            opts.query_match_count,
-        ]);
-        return => ({
-            embedding: row.embedding,
-            levenshtein_score: row.levenshtein_score,
-        }));
+                    ) <= $6  -- Add threshold check
+                    ORDER BY levenshtein_score
+                    LIMIT $5
+                `;
+                const { rows } = await this.pool.query(sql, [
+                    opts.query_input,
+                    opts.query_field_name,
+                    opts.query_field_sub_name,
+                    opts.query_table_name,
+                    opts.query_match_count,
+                    opts.query_threshold,
+                ]);
+                elizaLogger.debug("Retrieved cached embeddings:", {
+                    count: rows.length,
+                    tableName: opts.query_table_name,
+                    matchCount: opts.query_match_count,
+                });
+                return rows
+                    .map(
+                        (
+                            row
+                        ): {
+                            embedding: number[];
+                            levenshtein_score: number;
+                        } | null => {
+                            if (!Array.isArray(row.embedding)) return null;
+                            return {
+                                embedding: row.embedding,
+                                levenshtein_score: Number(
+                                    row.levenshtein_score
+                                ),
+                            };
+                        }
+                    )
+                    .filter(
+                        (
+                            row
+                        ): row is {
+                            embedding: number[];
+                            levenshtein_score: number;
+                        } => row !== null
+                    );
+            } catch (error) {
+                elizaLogger.error("Error in getCachedEmbeddings:", {
+                    error:
+                        error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error),
+                    tableName: opts.query_table_name,
+                    fieldName: opts.query_field_name,
+                });
+                throw error;
+            }
+        });
     async log(params: {
@@ -553,11 +987,54 @@ export class PostgresDatabaseAdapter
         roomId: UUID;
         type: string;
     }): Promise<void> {
-        await this.query(
-            `INSERT INTO logs (body, "userId", "roomId", type) 
-            VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4)`,
-            [params.body, params.userId, params.roomId, params.type]
-        );
+        // Input validation
+        if (!params.userId) throw new Error("userId is required");
+        if (!params.roomId) throw new Error("roomId is required");
+        if (!params.type) throw new Error("type is required");
+        if (!params.body || typeof params.body !== "object") {
+            throw new Error("body must be a valid object");
+        }
+        return this.withRetry(async () => {
+            try {
+                const logId = v4(); // Generate ID for tracking
+                await this.pool.query(
+                    `INSERT INTO logs (
+                        id,
+                        body,
+                        "userId",
+                        "roomId",
+                        type,
+                        "createdAt"
+                    ) VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, NOW())
+                    RETURNING id`,
+                    [
+                        logId,
+                        JSON.stringify(params.body), // Ensure body is stringified
+                        params.userId,
+                        params.roomId,
+                        params.type,
+                    ]
+                );
+                elizaLogger.debug("Log entry created:", {
+                    logId,
+                    type: params.type,
+                    roomId: params.roomId,
+                    userId: params.userId,
+                    bodyKeys: Object.keys(params.body),
+                });
+            } catch (error) {
+                elizaLogger.error("Failed to create log entry:", {
+                    error:
+                        error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error),
+                    type: params.type,
+                    roomId: params.roomId,
+                    userId: params.userId,
+                });
+                throw error;
+            }
+        });
     async searchMemoriesByEmbedding(
@@ -571,138 +1048,156 @@ export class PostgresDatabaseAdapter
             tableName: string;
     ): Promise<Memory[]> {
-        const vectorStr = `[${embedding.join(",")}]`;
+        return this.withRetry(async () => {
+            elizaLogger.debug("Incoming vector:", {
+                length: embedding.length,
+                sample: embedding.slice(0, 5),
+                isArray: Array.isArray(embedding),
+                allNumbers: embedding.every((n) => typeof n === "number"),
+            });
+            // Validate embedding dimension
+            if (embedding.length !== getEmbeddingConfig().dimensions) {
+                throw new Error(
+                    `Invalid embedding dimension: expected ${getEmbeddingConfig().dimensions}, got ${embedding.length}`
+                );
+            }
+            // Ensure vector is properly formatted
+            const cleanVector = => {
+                if (!Number.isFinite(n)) return 0;
+                // Limit precision to avoid floating point issues
+                return Number(n.toFixed(6));
+            });
+            // Format for Postgres pgvector
+            const vectorStr = `[${cleanVector.join(",")}]`;
-        let sql = `
+            elizaLogger.debug("Vector debug:", {
+                originalLength: embedding.length,
+                cleanLength: cleanVector.length,
+                sampleStr: vectorStr.slice(0, 100),
+            });
+            let sql = `
                 SELECT *,
-                1 - (embedding <-> $1::vector) as similarity
+                1 - (embedding <-> $1::vector(${getEmbeddingConfig().dimensions})) as similarity
                 FROM memories
                 WHERE type = $2
-        const values: any[] = [vectorStr, params.tableName];
-        let paramCount = 2;
+            const values: any[] = [vectorStr, params.tableName];
-        if (params.unique) {
-            sql += ` AND "unique" = true`;
-        }
+            // Log the query for debugging
+            elizaLogger.debug("Query debug:", {
+                sql: sql.slice(0, 200),
+                paramTypes: => typeof v),
+                vectorStrLength: vectorStr.length,
+            });
-        if (params.agentId) {
-            paramCount++;
-            sql += ` AND "agentId" = $${paramCount}`;
-            values.push(params.agentId);
-        }
+            let paramCount = 2;
-        if (params.roomId) {
-            paramCount++;
-            sql += ` AND "roomId" = $${paramCount}::uuid`;
-            values.push(params.roomId);
-        }
+            if (params.unique) {
+                sql += ` AND "unique" = true`;
+            }
-        if (params.match_threshold) {
-            paramCount++;
-            sql += ` AND 1 - (embedding <-> $1::vector) >= $${paramCount}`;
-            values.push(params.match_threshold);
-        }
+            if (params.agentId) {
+                paramCount++;
+                sql += ` AND "agentId" = $${paramCount}`;
+                values.push(params.agentId);
+            }
-        sql += ` ORDER BY embedding <-> $1::vector`;
+            if (params.roomId) {
+                paramCount++;
+                sql += ` AND "roomId" = $${paramCount}::uuid`;
+                values.push(params.roomId);
+            }
-        if (params.count) {
-            paramCount++;
-            sql += ` LIMIT $${paramCount}`;
-            values.push(params.count);
-        }
+            if (params.match_threshold) {
+                paramCount++;
+                sql += ` AND 1 - (embedding <-> $1::vector) >= $${paramCount}`;
+                values.push(params.match_threshold);
+            }
-        const { rows } = await this.query(sql, values);
+            sql += ` ORDER BY embedding <-> $1::vector`;
-        return => ({
-            ...row,
-            content:
-                typeof row.content === "string"
-                    ? JSON.parse(row.content)
-                    : row.content,
-            similarity: row.similarity,
-        }));
+            if (params.count) {
+                paramCount++;
+                sql += ` LIMIT $${paramCount}`;
+                values.push(params.count);
+            }
+            const { rows } = await this.pool.query(sql, values);
+            return => ({
+                ...row,
+                content:
+                    typeof row.content === "string"
+                        ? JSON.parse(row.content)
+                        : row.content,
+                similarity: row.similarity,
+            }));
+        });
     async addParticipant(userId: UUID, roomId: UUID): Promise<boolean> {
-        try {
-            const existingParticipant = await this.query(
-                // Check if the participant already exists
-                `SELECT * FROM participants WHERE "userId" = $1 AND "roomId" = $2`,
-                [userId, roomId]
-            );
-            if (existingParticipant.rows.length > 0) {
-                elizaLogger.error(
-                    `Participant with userId ${userId} already exists in room ${roomId}.`
+        return this.withRetry(async () => {
+            try {
+                await this.pool.query(
+                    `INSERT INTO participants (id, "userId", "roomId")
+                    VALUES ($1, $2, $3)`,
+                    [v4(), userId, roomId]
-                return true; // Exit early if the participant already exists
-            }
-            // Proceed to add the participant if they do not exist
-            await this.query(
-                `INSERT INTO participants (id, "userId", "roomId") 
-                VALUES ($1, $2, $3)`,
-                [v4(), userId, roomId]
-            );
-            return true;
-        } catch (error) {
-            if (error instanceof DatabaseError) {
-                elizaLogger.error("Error adding participant", error);
-                // This is to prevent duplicate participant error in case of a race condition
-                // Handle unique constraint violation error (code 23505)
-                if (error.code === "23505") {
-                    elizaLogger.warn(
-                        `Participant with userId ${userId} already exists in room ${roomId}.`
-                    ); // Optionally, you can log this or handle it differently
-                    return true;
-                } else {
-                    // Handle other errors
-                    elizaLogger.error("Error adding participant:", error);
-                    return false;
-                }
+                return true;
+            } catch (error) {
+                console.log("Error adding participant", error);
+                return false;
-            return false;
-        }
+        });
     async removeParticipant(userId: UUID, roomId: UUID): Promise<boolean> {
-        try {
-            await this.query(
-                `DELETE FROM participants WHERE "userId" = $1 AND "roomId" = $2`,
-                [userId, roomId]
-            );
-            return true;
-        } catch (error) {
-            elizaLogger.log("Error removing participant", error);
-            return false;
-        }
+        return this.withRetry(async () => {
+            try {
+                await this.pool.query(
+                    `DELETE FROM participants WHERE "userId" = $1 AND "roomId" = $2`,
+                    [userId, roomId]
+                );
+                return true;
+            } catch (error) {
+                console.log("Error removing participant", error);
+                return false;
+            }
+        });
     async updateGoalStatus(params: {
         goalId: UUID;
         status: GoalStatus;
     }): Promise<void> {
-        await this.query("UPDATE goals SET status = $1 WHERE id = $2", [
-            params.status,
-            params.goalId,
-        ]);
+        return this.withRetry(async () => {
+            await this.pool.query(
+                "UPDATE goals SET status = $1 WHERE id = $2",
+                [params.status, params.goalId]
+            );
+        });
     async removeMemory(memoryId: UUID, tableName: string): Promise<void> {
-        await this.query("DELETE FROM memories WHERE type = $1 AND id = $2", [
-            tableName,
-            memoryId,
-        ]);
+        return this.withRetry(async () => {
+            await this.pool.query(
+                "DELETE FROM memories WHERE type = $1 AND id = $2",
+                [tableName, memoryId]
+            );
+        });
     async removeAllMemories(roomId: UUID, tableName: string): Promise<void> {
-        await this.query(
-            `DELETE FROM memories WHERE type = $1 AND "roomId" = $2`,
-            [tableName, roomId]
-        );
+        return this.withRetry(async () => {
+            await this.pool.query(
+                `DELETE FROM memories WHERE type = $1 AND "roomId" = $2`,
+                [tableName, roomId]
+            );
+        });
     async countMemories(
@@ -712,75 +1207,133 @@ export class PostgresDatabaseAdapter
     ): Promise<number> {
         if (!tableName) throw new Error("tableName is required");
-        let sql = `SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM memories WHERE type = $1 AND "roomId" = $2`;
-        if (unique) {
-            sql += ` AND "unique" = true`;
-        }
+        return this.withRetry(async () => {
+            let sql = `SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM memories WHERE type = $1 AND "roomId" = $2`;
+            if (unique) {
+                sql += ` AND "unique" = true`;
+            }
-        const { rows } = await this.query(sql, [tableName, roomId]);
-        return parseInt(rows[0].count);
+            const { rows } = await this.pool.query(sql, [tableName, roomId]);
+            return parseInt(rows[0].count);
+        });
     async removeAllGoals(roomId: UUID): Promise<void> {
-        await this.query(`DELETE FROM goals WHERE "roomId" = $1`, [roomId]);
+        return this.withRetry(async () => {
+            await this.pool.query(`DELETE FROM goals WHERE "roomId" = $1`, [
+                roomId,
+            ]);
+        });
     async getRoomsForParticipant(userId: UUID): Promise<UUID[]> {
-        const { rows } = await this.query(
-            `SELECT "roomId" FROM participants WHERE "userId" = $1`,
-            [userId]
-        );
-        return => row.roomId);
+        return this.withRetry(async () => {
+            const { rows } = await this.pool.query(
+                `SELECT "roomId" FROM participants WHERE "userId" = $1`,
+                [userId]
+            );
+            return => row.roomId);
+        });
     async getRoomsForParticipants(userIds: UUID[]): Promise<UUID[]> {
-        const placeholders =, i) => `$${i + 1}`).join(", ");
-        const { rows } = await this.query(
-            `SELECT DISTINCT "roomId" FROM participants WHERE "userId" IN (${placeholders})`,
-            userIds
-        );
-        return => row.roomId);
+        return this.withRetry(async () => {
+            const placeholders =, i) => `$${i + 1}`).join(", ");
+            const { rows } = await this.pool.query(
+                `SELECT DISTINCT "roomId" FROM participants WHERE "userId" IN (${placeholders})`,
+                userIds
+            );
+            return => row.roomId);
+        });
     async getActorDetails(params: { roomId: string }): Promise<Actor[]> {
-        const sql = `
-            SELECT 
-      ,
-      ,
-                a.username,
-                COALESCE(a.details::jsonb, '{}'::jsonb) as details
-            FROM participants p
-            LEFT JOIN accounts a ON p."userId" =
-            WHERE p."roomId" = $1
-        `;
-        try {
-            const result = await this.query<Actor>(sql, [params.roomId]);
-            return => ({
-                ...row,
-                details: row.details, // PostgreSQL automatically handles JSON parsing
-            }));
-        } catch (error) {
-            elizaLogger.error("Error fetching actor details:", error);
-            throw new Error("Failed to fetch actor details");
+        if (!params.roomId) {
+            throw new Error("roomId is required");
+        return this.withRetry(async () => {
+            try {
+                const sql = `
+                    SELECT
+              ,
+              ,
+                        a.username,
+                        a."avatarUrl",
+                        COALESCE(a.details::jsonb, '{}'::jsonb) as details
+                    FROM participants p
+                    LEFT JOIN accounts a ON p."userId" =
+                    WHERE p."roomId" = $1
+                    ORDER BY
+                `;
+                const result = await this.pool.query<Actor>(sql, [
+                    params.roomId,
+                ]);
+                elizaLogger.debug("Retrieved actor details:", {
+                    roomId: params.roomId,
+                    actorCount: result.rows.length,
+                });
+                return => {
+                    try {
+                        return {
+                            ...row,
+                            details:
+                                typeof row.details === "string"
+                                    ? JSON.parse(row.details)
+                                    : row.details,
+                        };
+                    } catch (parseError) {
+                        elizaLogger.warn("Failed to parse actor details:", {
+                            actorId:,
+                            error:
+                                parseError instanceof Error
+                                    ? parseError.message
+                                    : String(parseError),
+                        });
+                        return {
+                            ...row,
+                            details: {}, // Fallback to empty object if parsing fails
+                        };
+                    }
+                });
+            } catch (error) {
+                elizaLogger.error("Failed to fetch actor details:", {
+                    roomId: params.roomId,
+                    error:
+                        error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error),
+                });
+                throw new Error(
+                    `Failed to fetch actor details: ${error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error)}`
+                );
+            }
+        });
     async getCache(params: {
         key: string;
         agentId: UUID;
     }): Promise<string | undefined> {
-        try {
-            const sql = `SELECT "value"::TEXT FROM cache WHERE "key" = $1 AND "agentId" = $2`;
-            const { rows } = await this.query<{ value: string }>(sql, [
-                params.key,
-                params.agentId,
-            ]);
-            return rows[0]?.value ?? undefined;
-        } catch (error) {
-            elizaLogger.log("Error fetching cache", error);
-            return undefined;
-        }
+        return this.withRetry(async () => {
+            try {
+                const sql = `SELECT "value"::TEXT FROM cache WHERE "key" = $1 AND "agentId" = $2`;
+                const { rows } = await this.query<{ value: string }>(sql, [
+                    params.key,
+                    params.agentId,
+                ]);
+                return rows[0]?.value ?? undefined;
+            } catch (error) {
+                elizaLogger.error("Error fetching cache", {
+                    error:
+                        error instanceof Error ? error.message : String(error),
+                    key: params.key,
+                    agentId: params.agentId,
+                });
+                return undefined;
+            }
+        });
     async setCache(params: {
@@ -788,33 +1341,81 @@ export class PostgresDatabaseAdapter
         agentId: UUID;
         value: string;
     }): Promise<boolean> {
-        try {
-            await this.query(
-                `INSERT INTO cache ("key", "agentId", "value", "createdAt") VALUES ($1, $2, $3, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)
-                    ON CONFLICT ("key", "agentId")
-                    DO UPDATE SET "value" = EXCLUDED.value, "createdAt" = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`,
-                [params.key, params.agentId, params.value]
-            );
-            return true;
-        } catch (error) {
-            elizaLogger.log("Error setting cache", error);
-            return false;
-        }
+        return this.withRetry(async () => {
+            try {
+                const client = await this.pool.connect();
+                try {
+                    await client.query("BEGIN");
+                    await client.query(
+                        `INSERT INTO cache ("key", "agentId", "value", "createdAt")
+                         VALUES ($1, $2, $3, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)
+                         ON CONFLICT ("key", "agentId")
+                         DO UPDATE SET "value" = EXCLUDED.value, "createdAt" = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP`,
+                        [params.key, params.agentId, params.value]
+                    );
+                    await client.query("COMMIT");
+                    return true;
+                } catch (error) {
+                    await client.query("ROLLBACK");
+                    elizaLogger.error("Error setting cache", {
+                        error:
+                            error instanceof Error
+                                ? error.message
+                                : String(error),
+                        key: params.key,
+                        agentId: params.agentId,
+                    });
+                    return false;
+                } finally {
+                    client.release();
+                }
+            } catch (error) {
+                elizaLogger.error(
+                    "Database connection error in setCache",
+                    error
+                );
+                return false;
+            }
+        });
     async deleteCache(params: {
         key: string;
         agentId: UUID;
     }): Promise<boolean> {
-        try {
-            await this.query(
-                `DELETE FROM cache WHERE "key" = $1 AND "agentId" = $2`,
-                [params.key, params.agentId]
-            );
-            return true;
-        } catch {
-            return false;
-        }
+        return this.withRetry(async () => {
+            try {
+                const client = await this.pool.connect();
+                try {
+                    await client.query("BEGIN");
+                    await client.query(
+                        `DELETE FROM cache WHERE "key" = $1 AND "agentId" = $2`,
+                        [params.key, params.agentId]
+                    );
+                    await client.query("COMMIT");
+                    return true;
+                } catch (error) {
+                    await client.query("ROLLBACK");
+                    elizaLogger.error("Error deleting cache", {
+                        error:
+                            error instanceof Error
+                                ? error.message
+                                : String(error),
+                        key: params.key,
+                        agentId: params.agentId,
+                    });
+                    return false;
+                } finally {
+                    client.release();
+                }
+            } catch (error) {
+                elizaLogger.error(
+                    "Database connection error in deleteCache",
+                    error
+                );
+                return false;
+            }
+        });
diff --git a/packages/adapter-supabase/schema.sql b/packages/adapter-supabase/schema.sql
index b2e77227c2f..69771f5793c 100644
--- a/packages/adapter-supabase/schema.sql
+++ b/packages/adapter-supabase/schema.sql
@@ -30,7 +30,8 @@ CREATE TABLE rooms (
-CREATE TABLE memories (
+-- Create tables for both vector sizes
+CREATE TABLE memories_1536 (
     "type" TEXT NOT NULL,
@@ -45,6 +46,45 @@ CREATE TABLE memories (
     CONSTRAINT fk_agent FOREIGN KEY ("agentId") REFERENCES accounts("id") ON DELETE CASCADE
+CREATE TABLE memories_1024 (
+    "type" TEXT NOT NULL,
+    "content" JSONB NOT NULL,
+    "embedding" vector(1024),  -- Ollama mxbai-embed-large
+    "userId" UUID REFERENCES accounts("id"),
+    "agentId" UUID REFERENCES accounts("id"),
+    "roomId" UUID REFERENCES rooms("id"),
+    "unique" BOOLEAN DEFAULT true NOT NULL,
+    CONSTRAINT fk_agent FOREIGN KEY ("agentId") REFERENCES accounts("id") ON DELETE CASCADE
+CREATE TABLE memories_384 (
+    "type" TEXT NOT NULL,
+    "content" JSONB NOT NULL,
+    "embedding" vector(384),
+    "userId" UUID REFERENCES accounts("id"),
+    "agentId" UUID REFERENCES accounts("id"),
+    "roomId" UUID REFERENCES rooms("id"),
+    "unique" BOOLEAN DEFAULT true NOT NULL,
+    CONSTRAINT fk_agent FOREIGN KEY ("agentId") REFERENCES accounts("id") ON DELETE CASCADE
+-- Update view to include Ollama table
+CREATE VIEW memories AS
+    SELECT * FROM memories_1536
+    SELECT * FROM memories_1024
+    SELECT * FROM memories_384;
@@ -93,9 +133,13 @@ CREATE TABLE relationships (
--- Indexes
-CREATE INDEX idx_memories_embedding ON memories USING hnsw ("embedding" vector_cosine_ops);
-CREATE INDEX idx_memories_type_room ON memories("type", "roomId");
+-- Add index for Ollama table
+CREATE INDEX idx_memories_1024_embedding ON memories_1024 USING hnsw ("embedding" vector_cosine_ops);
+CREATE INDEX idx_memories_1024_type_room ON memories_1024("type", "roomId");
+CREATE INDEX idx_memories_1536_embedding ON memories_1536 USING hnsw ("embedding" vector_cosine_ops);
+CREATE INDEX idx_memories_384_embedding ON memories_384 USING hnsw ("embedding" vector_cosine_ops);
+CREATE INDEX idx_memories_1536_type_room ON memories_1536("type", "roomId");
+CREATE INDEX idx_memories_384_type_room ON memories_384("type", "roomId");
 CREATE INDEX idx_participants_user ON participants("userId");
 CREATE INDEX idx_participants_room ON participants("roomId");
 CREATE INDEX idx_relationships_users ON relationships("userA", "userB");
diff --git a/packages/core/src/config.ts b/packages/core/src/config.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5a1e7948d56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/core/src/config.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+import dotenv from "dotenv";
+import path from "path";
+import { fileURLToPath } from "url";
+const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url);
+const __dirname = path.dirname(__filename);
+// Load environment variables from root .env file
+dotenv.config({ path: path.resolve(__dirname, "../../../.env") });
diff --git a/packages/core/src/embedding.ts b/packages/core/src/embedding.ts
index 4082ddd8501..b06a11cf39e 100644
--- a/packages/core/src/embedding.ts
+++ b/packages/core/src/embedding.ts
@@ -1,19 +1,43 @@
 import path from "node:path";
-import { trimTokens } from "./generation.ts";
-import elizaLogger from "./logger.ts";
 import { models } from "./models.ts";
+import { IAgentRuntime, ModelProviderName, ModelClass } from "./types.ts";
+// import fs from "fs";
+import { trimTokens } from "./generation.ts";
 import settings from "./settings.ts";
-import { IAgentRuntime, ModelClass, ModelProviderName } from "./types.ts";
+import elizaLogger from "./logger.ts";
+import { EmbeddingModel } from "fastembed";
 interface EmbeddingOptions {
     model: string;
     endpoint: string;
     apiKey?: string;
     length?: number;
     isOllama?: boolean;
+    dimensions?: number;
+    provider?: string;
+// Add the embedding configuration
+export const getEmbeddingConfig = () => ({
+    dimensions:
+        settings.USE_OPENAI_EMBEDDING?.toLowerCase() === "true"
+            ? 1536 // OpenAI
+            : settings.USE_OLLAMA_EMBEDDING?.toLowerCase() === "true"
+              ? 1024 // Ollama mxbai-embed-large
+              : 384, // BGE
+    model:
+        settings.USE_OPENAI_EMBEDDING?.toLowerCase() === "true"
+            ? "text-embedding-3-small"
+            : settings.USE_OLLAMA_EMBEDDING?.toLowerCase() === "true"
+              ? settings.OLLAMA_EMBEDDING_MODEL || "mxbai-embed-large"
+              : EmbeddingModel.BGESmallENV15,
+    provider:
+        settings.USE_OPENAI_EMBEDDING?.toLowerCase() === "true"
+            ? "OpenAI"
+            : settings.USE_OLLAMA_EMBEDDING?.toLowerCase() === "true"
+              ? "Ollama"
+              : "BGE",
 async function getRemoteEmbedding(
     input: string,
     options: EmbeddingOptions
@@ -37,9 +61,12 @@ async function getRemoteEmbedding(
                 : {}),
         body: JSON.stringify({
-            input: trimTokens(input, 8000, "gpt-4o-mini"),
+            input,
             model: options.model,
-            length: options.length || 384,
+            dimensions:
+                options.dimensions ||
+                options.length ||
+                getEmbeddingConfig().dimensions, // Prefer dimensions, fallback to length
@@ -84,152 +111,239 @@ export function getEmbeddingType(runtime: IAgentRuntime): "local" | "remote" {
 export function getEmbeddingZeroVector(runtime: IAgentRuntime): number[] {
-    const embeddingDimension =
-        getEmbeddingType(runtime) === "local" ? 384 : 1536;
+    let embeddingDimension = 384; // Default BGE dimension
+    if (settings.USE_OPENAI_EMBEDDING?.toLowerCase() === "true") {
+        embeddingDimension = 1536; // OpenAI dimension
+    } else if (settings.USE_OLLAMA_EMBEDDING?.toLowerCase() === "true") {
+        embeddingDimension = 1024; // Ollama mxbai-embed-large dimension
+    }
     return Array(embeddingDimension).fill(0);
- * Send a message to the OpenAI API for embedding.
- * @param input The input to be embedded.
- * @returns The embedding of the input.
- */
- * Generate embeddings for input text using configured model provider
- * @param runtime The agent runtime containing model configuration
- * @param input The text to generate embeddings for
- * @returns Array of embedding numbers
+ * Gets embeddings from a remote API endpoint.  Falls back to local BGE/384
+ *
+ * @param {string} input - The text to generate embeddings for
+ * @param {EmbeddingOptions} options - Configuration options including:
+ *   - model: The model name to use
+ *   - endpoint: Base API endpoint URL
+ *   - apiKey: Optional API key for authentication
+ *   - isOllama: Whether this is an Ollama endpoint
+ *   - dimensions: Desired embedding dimensions
+ * @param {IAgentRuntime} runtime - The agent runtime context
+ * @returns {Promise<number[]>} Array of embedding values
+ * @throws {Error} If the API request fails
 export async function embed(runtime: IAgentRuntime, input: string) {
-    // Get model provider configuration
-    const modelProvider = models[runtime.character.modelProvider];
-    // Determine which embedding model to use:
-    // 1. OpenAI if USE_OPENAI_EMBEDDING is true
-    // 2. Provider's own embedding model if available
-    // 3. Fallback to OpenAI embedding model
-    const embeddingModel = settings.USE_OPENAI_EMBEDDING
-        ? "text-embedding-3-small"
-        : runtime.character.modelProvider === ModelProviderName.OLLAMA
-          ? settings.OLLAMA_EMBEDDING_MODEL || "mxbai-embed-large"
-          : modelProvider.model?.[ModelClass.EMBEDDING] ||
-            models[ModelProviderName.OPENAI].model[ModelClass.EMBEDDING];
-    if (!embeddingModel) {
-        throw new Error("No embedding model configured");
-    }
+    elizaLogger.debug("Embedding request:", {
+        modelProvider: runtime.character.modelProvider,
+        useOpenAI: process.env.USE_OPENAI_EMBEDDING,
+        input: input?.slice(0, 50) + "...",
+        inputType: typeof input,
+        inputLength: input?.length,
+        isString: typeof input === "string",
+        isEmpty: !input,
+    });
-    if (getEmbeddingType(runtime) === "local") {
-        return await getLocalEmbedding(input);
+    // Validate input
+    if (!input || typeof input !== "string" || input.trim().length === 0) {
+        elizaLogger.warn("Invalid embedding input:", {
+            input,
+            type: typeof input,
+            length: input?.length,
+        });
+        return []; // Return empty embedding array
-    // Try to get cached embedding first
+    // Check cache first
     const cachedEmbedding = await retrieveCachedEmbedding(runtime, input);
-    if (cachedEmbedding) {
-        return cachedEmbedding;
+    if (cachedEmbedding) return cachedEmbedding;
+    const config = getEmbeddingConfig();
+    const isNode = typeof process !== "undefined" && process.versions?.node;
+    // Determine which embedding path to use
+    if (config.provider === "OpenAI") {
+        return await getRemoteEmbedding(input, {
+            model: config.model,
+            endpoint: "",
+            apiKey: settings.OPENAI_API_KEY,
+            dimensions: config.dimensions,
+        });
+    }
+    if (config.provider === "Ollama") {
+        return await getRemoteEmbedding(input, {
+            model: config.model,
+            endpoint:
+                runtime.character.modelEndpointOverride ||
+                models[ModelProviderName.OLLAMA].endpoint,
+            isOllama: true,
+            dimensions: config.dimensions,
+        });
+    }
+    // BGE - try local first if in Node
+    if (isNode) {
+        try {
+            return await getLocalEmbedding(input);
+        } catch (error) {
+            elizaLogger.warn(
+                "Local embedding failed, falling back to remote",
+                error
+            );
+        }
-    // Generate new embedding remotely
+    // Fallback to remote override
     return await getRemoteEmbedding(input, {
-        model: embeddingModel,
-        // Use OpenAI endpoint if specified, otherwise use provider endpoint
-        endpoint: settings.USE_OPENAI_EMBEDDING
-            ? ""
-            : runtime.character.modelEndpointOverride || modelProvider.endpoint,
-        // Use OpenAI API key if specified, otherwise use runtime token
-        apiKey: settings.USE_OPENAI_EMBEDDING
-            ? settings.OPENAI_API_KEY
-            : runtime.token,
-        // Special handling for Ollama provider
-        isOllama:
-            runtime.character.modelProvider === ModelProviderName.OLLAMA &&
-            !settings.USE_OPENAI_EMBEDDING,
+        model: config.model,
+        endpoint:
+            runtime.character.modelEndpointOverride ||
+            models[runtime.character.modelProvider].endpoint,
+        apiKey: runtime.token,
+        dimensions: config.dimensions,
-async function getLocalEmbedding(input: string): Promise<number[]> {
-    // Check if we're in Node.js environment
-    const isNode =
-        typeof process !== "undefined" &&
-        process.versions != null &&
-        process.versions.node != null;
+    async function getLocalEmbedding(input: string): Promise<number[]> {
+        elizaLogger.debug("DEBUG - Inside getLocalEmbedding function");
-    if (!isNode) {
-        elizaLogger.warn(
-            "Local embedding not supported in browser, falling back to remote embedding"
-        );
-        throw new Error("Local embedding not supported in browser");
-    }
+        // Check if we're in Node.js environment
+        const isNode =
+            typeof process !== "undefined" &&
+            process.versions != null &&
+            process.versions.node != null;
-    try {
-        // Try to dynamically import all required Node.js modules
-        const moduleImports = await Promise.all([
-            import("fs"),
-            import("url"),
-            // Wrap fastembed import in a try-catch to prevent build errors for non-Node.js environments.
-            (async () => {
-                try {
-                    return await import("fastembed");
-                    // eslint-disable-next-line
-                } catch (_error) {
-                    elizaLogger.error("Failed to load fastembed.");
-                    throw new Error(
-                        "fastembed import failed, falling back to remote embedding"
-                    );
-                }
-            })(),
-        ]);
+        if (isNode) {
+            const fs = await import("fs");
+            const { FlagEmbedding } = await import("fastembed");
+            const { fileURLToPath } = await import("url");
-        const [fs, { fileURLToPath }, fastEmbed] = moduleImports;
-        const { FlagEmbedding } = fastEmbed;
+            function getRootPath() {
+                const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url);
+                const __dirname = path.dirname(__filename);
-        function getRootPath() {
-            const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url);
-            const __dirname = path.dirname(__filename);
+                const rootPath = path.resolve(__dirname, "..");
+                if (rootPath.includes("/eliza/")) {
+                    return rootPath.split("/eliza/")[0] + "/eliza/";
+                }
-            const rootPath = path.resolve(__dirname, "..");
-            if (rootPath.includes("/eliza/")) {
-                return rootPath.split("/eliza/")[0] + "/eliza/";
+                return path.resolve(__dirname, "..");
-            return path.resolve(__dirname, "..");
-        }
+            const cacheDir = getRootPath() + "/cache/";
-        const cacheDir = getRootPath() + "/cache/";
+            if (!fs.existsSync(cacheDir)) {
+                fs.mkdirSync(cacheDir, { recursive: true });
+            }
-        if (!fs.existsSync(cacheDir)) {
-            fs.mkdirSync(cacheDir, { recursive: true });
-        }
+            elizaLogger.debug("Initializing BGE embedding model...");
+            const embeddingModel = await FlagEmbedding.init({
+                cacheDir: cacheDir,
+                model: EmbeddingModel.BGESmallENV15,
+                // BGE-small-en-v1.5 specific settings
+                maxLength: 512, // BGE's context window
+            });
+            elizaLogger.debug("Generating embedding for input:", {
+                inputLength: input.length,
+                inputPreview: input.slice(0, 100) + "...",
+            });
+            // Let fastembed handle tokenization internally
+            const embedding = await embeddingModel.queryEmbed(input);
+            // Debug the raw embedding
+            elizaLogger.debug("Raw embedding from BGE:", {
+                type: typeof embedding,
+                isArray: Array.isArray(embedding),
+                dimensions: Array.isArray(embedding)
+                    ? embedding.length
+                    : "not an array",
+                sample: Array.isArray(embedding)
+                    ? embedding.slice(0, 5)
+                    : embedding,
+            });
+            // Process the embedding into the correct format
+            let finalEmbedding: number[];
+            if (
+                ArrayBuffer.isView(embedding) &&
+                embedding.constructor === Float32Array
+            ) {
+                // Direct Float32Array result
+                finalEmbedding = Array.from(embedding);
+            } else if (
+                Array.isArray(embedding) &&
+                ArrayBuffer.isView(embedding[0]) &&
+                embedding[0].constructor === Float32Array
+            ) {
+                // Nested Float32Array result
+                finalEmbedding = Array.from(embedding[0]);
+            } else if (Array.isArray(embedding)) {
+                // Direct array result
+                finalEmbedding = embedding;
+            } else {
+                throw new Error(
+                    `Unexpected embedding format: ${typeof embedding}`
+                );
+            }
-        const embeddingModel = await FlagEmbedding.init({
-            cacheDir: cacheDir,
-        });
+            elizaLogger.debug("Processed embedding:", {
+                length: finalEmbedding.length,
+                sample: finalEmbedding.slice(0, 5),
+                allNumbers: finalEmbedding.every((n) => typeof n === "number"),
+            });
+            // Ensure all values are proper numbers
+            finalEmbedding = => Number(n));
+            // Validate the final embedding
+            if (
+                !Array.isArray(finalEmbedding) ||
+                finalEmbedding[0] === undefined
+            ) {
+                throw new Error(
+                    "Invalid embedding format: must be an array starting with a number"
+                );
+            }
-        const trimmedInput = trimTokens(input, 8000, "gpt-4o-mini");
-        const embedding = await embeddingModel.queryEmbed(trimmedInput);
-        return embedding;
-        // eslint-disable-next-line
-    } catch (_error) {
-        elizaLogger.warn(
-            "Local embedding not supported in browser, falling back to remote embedding."
-        );
-        throw new Error("Local embedding not supported in browser");
-    }
+            // Validate embedding dimensions (should be 384 for BGE-small)
+            if (finalEmbedding.length !== 384) {
+                elizaLogger.warn(
+                    `Unexpected embedding dimension: ${finalEmbedding.length} (expected 384)`
+                );
+            }
-export async function retrieveCachedEmbedding(
-    runtime: IAgentRuntime,
-    input: string
-) {
-    if (!input) {
-        elizaLogger.log("No input to retrieve cached embedding for");
-        return null;
+            return finalEmbedding;
+        } else {
+            // Browser implementation - fallback to remote embedding
+            elizaLogger.warn(
+                "Local embedding not supported in browser, falling back to remote embedding"
+            );
+            throw new Error("Local embedding not supported in browser");
+        }
-    const similaritySearchResult =
-        await runtime.messageManager.getCachedEmbeddings(input);
-    if (similaritySearchResult.length > 0) {
-        return similaritySearchResult[0].embedding;
+    async function retrieveCachedEmbedding(
+        runtime: IAgentRuntime,
+        input: string
+    ) {
+        if (!input) {
+            elizaLogger.log("No input to retrieve cached embedding for");
+            return null;
+        }
+        const similaritySearchResult =
+            await runtime.messageManager.getCachedEmbeddings(input);
+        if (similaritySearchResult.length > 0) {
+            return similaritySearchResult[0].embedding;
+        }
+        return null;
-    return null;
diff --git a/packages/core/src/index.ts b/packages/core/src/index.ts
index b204add28a6..b9a78da8485 100644
--- a/packages/core/src/index.ts
+++ b/packages/core/src/index.ts
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+import "./config.ts"; // Add this line first
 export * from "./actions.ts";
 export * from "./context.ts";
 export * from "./database.ts";
@@ -21,4 +23,4 @@ export * from "./uuid.ts";
 export * from "./enviroment.ts";
 export * from "./cache.ts";
 export { default as knowledge } from "./knowledge.ts";
-export * from "./utils.ts";
\ No newline at end of file
+export * from "./utils.ts";
diff --git a/packages/core/src/knowledge.ts b/packages/core/src/knowledge.ts
index c29cf48f31e..9277b90e0b5 100644
--- a/packages/core/src/knowledge.ts
+++ b/packages/core/src/knowledge.ts
@@ -9,8 +9,29 @@ async function get(
     runtime: AgentRuntime,
     message: Memory
 ): Promise<KnowledgeItem[]> {
+    // Add validation for message
+    if (!message?.content?.text) {
+        elizaLogger.warn("Invalid message for knowledge query:", {
+            message,
+            content: message?.content,
+            text: message?.content?.text,
+        });
+        return [];
+    }
     const processed = preprocess(message.content.text);
-    elizaLogger.log(`Querying knowledge for: ${processed}`);
+    elizaLogger.debug("Knowledge query:", {
+        original: message.content.text,
+        processed,
+        length: processed?.length,
+    });
+    // Validate processed text
+    if (!processed || processed.trim().length === 0) {
+        elizaLogger.warn("Empty processed text for knowledge query");
+        return [];
+    }
     const embedding = await embed(runtime, processed);
     const fragments = await runtime.knowledgeManager.searchMemoriesByEmbedding(
@@ -82,6 +103,16 @@ async function set(
 export function preprocess(content: string): string {
+    elizaLogger.debug("Preprocessing text:", {
+        input: content,
+        length: content?.length,
+    });
+    if (!content || typeof content !== "string") {
+        elizaLogger.warn("Invalid input for preprocessing");
+        return "";
+    }
     return (
             // Remove code blocks and their content
diff --git a/packages/core/src/logger.ts b/packages/core/src/logger.ts
index a2bd21971e3..978f23e628b 100644
--- a/packages/core/src/logger.ts
+++ b/packages/core/src/logger.ts
@@ -9,7 +9,15 @@ class ElizaLogger {
             process.versions.node != null;
         // Set verbose based on environment
-        this.verbose = this.isNode ? settings.VERBOSE === "true" : false;
+        this.verbose = this.isNode ? process.env.VERBOSE === "true" : false;
+        // Add initialization logging
+        console.log(`[ElizaLogger] Initializing with:
+            isNode: ${this.isNode}
+            verbose: ${this.verbose}
+            VERBOSE env: ${process.env.VERBOSE}
+            NODE_ENV: ${process.env.NODE_ENV}
+        `);
     private isNode: boolean;
@@ -212,7 +220,13 @@ class ElizaLogger {
     debug(...strings) {
-        if (!this.verbose) return;
+        if (!this.verbose) {
+            console.log(
+                "[ElizaLogger] Debug message suppressed (verbose=false):",
+                ...strings
+            );
+            return;
+        }
         this.#logWithStyle(strings, {
             fg: "magenta",
             bg: "",
diff --git a/packages/core/src/models.ts b/packages/core/src/models.ts
index 1ab8749e188..562ccb1e559 100644
--- a/packages/core/src/models.ts
+++ b/packages/core/src/models.ts
@@ -45,14 +45,14 @@ export const models: Models = {
         settings: {
             stop: [],
             maxInputTokens: 200000,
-            maxOutputTokens: 8192,
+            maxOutputTokens: 4096,
             frequency_penalty: 0.4,
             presence_penalty: 0.4,
             temperature: 0.7,
         endpoint: "",
         model: {
-            [ModelClass.SMALL]: "claude-3-5-haiku-20241022",
+            [ModelClass.SMALL]: "claude-3-haiku-20240307",
             [ModelClass.MEDIUM]: "claude-3-5-sonnet-20241022",
             [ModelClass.LARGE]: "claude-3-5-sonnet-20241022",
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ export const models: Models = {
         settings: {
             stop: [],
             maxInputTokens: 128000,
-            maxOutputTokens: 8192, 
+            maxOutputTokens: 8192,
             frequency_penalty: 0.5,
             presence_penalty: 0.5,
             temperature: 0.8,
@@ -293,11 +293,11 @@ export const models: Models = {
             temperature: 0.7,
         imageSettings: {
-            steps: 28,            
+            steps: 28,
         endpoint: "",
         model: {
-            [ModelClass.SMALL]: "",  // FAL doesn't provide text models
+            [ModelClass.SMALL]: "", // FAL doesn't provide text models
             [ModelClass.MEDIUM]: "",
             [ModelClass.LARGE]: "",
             [ModelClass.EMBEDDING]: "",
diff --git a/packages/core/src/runtime.ts b/packages/core/src/runtime.ts
index 50d7c37f893..36fde717eee 100644
--- a/packages/core/src/runtime.ts
+++ b/packages/core/src/runtime.ts
@@ -296,12 +296,15 @@ export class AgentRuntime implements IAgentRuntime {
         this.serverUrl = opts.serverUrl ?? this.serverUrl;
 "Setting model provider...");
-            "- Character model provider:",
-            this.character.modelProvider
-        );
-"- Opts model provider:", opts.modelProvider);
-"- Current model provider:", this.modelProvider);
+"Model Provider Selection:", {
+            characterModelProvider: this.character.modelProvider,
+            optsModelProvider: opts.modelProvider,
+            currentModelProvider: this.modelProvider,
+            finalSelection:
+                this.character.modelProvider ??
+                opts.modelProvider ??
+                this.modelProvider,
+        });
         this.modelProvider =
             this.character.modelProvider ??
@@ -309,11 +312,13 @@ export class AgentRuntime implements IAgentRuntime {
         this.imageModelProvider =
-            this.character.imageModelProvider ??
-            this.modelProvider;
+            this.character.imageModelProvider ?? this.modelProvider;
 "Selected model provider:", this.modelProvider);
-"Selected image model provider:", this.imageModelProvider);
+            "Selected image model provider:",
+            this.imageModelProvider
+        );
         // Validate model provider
         if (!Object.values(ModelProviderName).includes(this.modelProvider)) {
@@ -825,7 +830,7 @@ export class AgentRuntime implements IAgentRuntime {
                 (attachment) =>
                     `ID: ${}
-Name: ${attachment.title} 
+Name: ${attachment.title}
 URL: ${attachment.url}
 Type: ${attachment.source}
 Description: ${attachment.description}
@@ -1227,7 +1232,7 @@ Text: ${attachment.text}
                 (attachment) =>
                     `ID: ${}
 Name: ${attachment.title}
-URL: ${attachment.url} 
+URL: ${attachment.url}
 Type: ${attachment.source}
 Description: ${attachment.description}
 Text: ${attachment.text}
diff --git a/packages/core/src/settings.ts b/packages/core/src/settings.ts
index 92bdc049a5e..29fd4f4752f 100644
--- a/packages/core/src/settings.ts
+++ b/packages/core/src/settings.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,22 @@
 import { config } from "dotenv";
 import fs from "fs";
 import path from "path";
+import elizaLogger from "./logger.ts";
+"Loading embedding settings:", {
+        process.env.OLLAMA_EMBEDDING_MODEL || "mxbai-embed-large",
+// Add this logging block"Loading character settings:", {
+    ARGV: process.argv,
+    CHARACTER_ARG: process.argv.find((arg) => arg.startsWith("--character=")),
+    CWD: process.cwd(),
 interface Settings {
     [key: string]: string | undefined;
@@ -108,4 +124,14 @@ export function hasEnvVariable(key: string): boolean {
 // Initialize settings based on environment
 export const settings = isBrowser() ? environmentSettings : loadEnvConfig();
+"Parsed settings:", {
+        settings.OLLAMA_EMBEDDING_MODEL || "mxbai-embed-large",
 export default settings;
diff --git a/packages/core/src/types.ts b/packages/core/src/types.ts
index 5f9324cb7d6..1edd49de65b 100644
--- a/packages/core/src/types.ts
+++ b/packages/core/src/types.ts
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ export enum ModelProviderName {
     OLLAMA = "ollama",
     HEURIST = "heurist",
     GALADRIEL = "galadriel",
-    FAL = "falai"
+    FAL = "falai",
diff --git a/packages/core/ b/packages/core/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e56b5e155c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/core/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+            "extends": "./tsconfig.json",
+            "compilerOptions": {
+                "sourceMap": true,
+                "inlineSources": true,
+                "sourceRoot": "/"
+            }
+        }
diff --git a/packages/plugin-node/src/services/transcription.ts b/packages/plugin-node/src/services/transcription.ts
index 763982e4a16..43bbf373607 100644
--- a/packages/plugin-node/src/services/transcription.ts
+++ b/packages/plugin-node/src/services/transcription.ts
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ export class TranscriptionService
                     translateToEnglish: false,
                     wordTimestamps: false,
                     timestamps_length: 60,
-                    splitOnWord: true,
+                    // splitOnWord: true,
diff --git a/prettier.config.cjs b/prettier.config.cjs
index c882598e1ce..6384caaceab 100644
--- a/prettier.config.cjs
+++ b/prettier.config.cjs
@@ -7,4 +7,7 @@ module.exports = {
     trailingComma: "es5",
     bracketSpacing: true,
     printWidth: 80,
+    useTabs: false,         // Add this to enforce spaces
+    indent: 4,             // Add this to match tabWidth
+    trimTrailingWhitespace: true  // Add this for trailing spaces
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index 48c965e7377..05502052ad4 100644
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 CURRENT_NODE_VERSION=$(node -v | cut -d'.' -f1 | sed 's/v//')
     echo "Error: Node.js version must be $REQUIRED_NODE_VERSION or higher. Current version is $CURRENT_NODE_VERSION."
     exit 1
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ PACKAGES=(
-    "plugin-buttplug"
+    # "plugin-buttplug"
@@ -69,52 +69,53 @@ for package in "${PACKAGES[@]}"; do
         echo "No package.json found in $package, skipping..."
-    cd - > /dev/null || exit
+    cd - >/dev/null || exit
 # Download the latest intiface-engine release from GitHub based on OS (linux/macos/win)
 # Determine OS type
-case "$(uname -s)" in
-    Linux*)     OS="linux";;
-    Darwin*)    OS="macos";;
-    MINGW*|MSYS*|CYGWIN*) OS="win";;
-    *)          echo "Unsupported OS"; exit 1;;
-echo -e "\033[1mDownloading intiface-engine for $OS...\033[0m"
-# Get latest release info from GitHub API
-DOWNLOAD_URL=$(echo "$LATEST_RELEASE" | grep -o "https://.*intiface-engine-$OS-x64-Release\.zip" | head -n 1)
-if [ -z "$DOWNLOAD_URL" ]; then
-    echo -e "\033[1;31mCould not find download URL for $OS\033[0m"
-    exit 1
-# Download and extract into packages/plugin-buttplug/intiface-engine
-if curl -L "$DOWNLOAD_URL" -o "packages/plugin-buttplug/"; then
-    echo -e "\033[1;32mSuccessfully downloaded intiface-engine\033[0m"
-    # Clean previous installation if exists
-    rm -rf packages/plugin-buttplug/intiface-engine
-    # Extract
-    unzip -q packages/plugin-buttplug/ -d packages/plugin-buttplug/intiface-engine
-    rm packages/plugin-buttplug/
-    # Make binary executable on Unix-like systems
-    if [ "$OS" != "win" ]; then
-        chmod +x packages/plugin-buttplug/intiface-engine/intiface-engine
-    fi
-    echo -e "\033[1;32mSuccessfully set up intiface-engine\033[0m"
-    echo -e "\033[1;31mFailed to download intiface-engine\033[0m"
-    exit 1
+# OS=""
+# case "$(uname -s)" in
+# Linux*) OS="linux" ;;
+# Darwin*) OS="macos" ;;
+# MINGW* | MSYS* | CYGWIN*) OS="win" ;;
+# *)
+#     echo "Unsupported OS"
+#     exit 1
+#     ;;
+# esac
+# echo -e "\033[1mDownloading intiface-engine for $OS...\033[0m"
+# # Get latest release info from GitHub API
+# LATEST_RELEASE=$(curl -s
+# DOWNLOAD_URL=$(echo "$LATEST_RELEASE" | grep -o "https://.*intiface-engine-$OS-x64-Release\.zip" | head -n 1)
+# if [ -z "$DOWNLOAD_URL" ]; then
+#     echo -e "\033[1;31mCould not find download URL for $OS\033[0m"
+#     exit 1
+# fi
+# # Download and extract into packages/plugin-buttplug/intiface-engine
+# if curl -L "$DOWNLOAD_URL" -o "packages/plugin-buttplug/"; then
+#     echo -e "\033[1;32mSuccessfully downloaded intiface-engine\033[0m"
+#     # Clean previous installation if exists
+#     rm -rf packages/plugin-buttplug/intiface-engine
+#     # Extract
+#     unzip -q packages/plugin-buttplug/ -d packages/plugin-buttplug/intiface-engine
+#     rm packages/plugin-buttplug/
+#     # Make binary executable on Unix-like systems
+#     if [ "$OS" != "win" ]; then
+#         chmod +x packages/plugin-buttplug/intiface-engine/intiface-engine
+#     fi
+#     echo -e "\033[1;32mSuccessfully set up intiface-engine\033[0m"
+# else
+#     echo -e "\033[1;31mFailed to download intiface-engine\033[0m"
+#     exit 1
+# fi
 echo -e "\033[1mBuild process completed.😎\033[0m"

From 2d7e1b0e100d5e2d0ff433a4c4a4e4bf28c2f7db Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Augustin Chan <>
Date: Sat, 30 Nov 2024 03:32:17 +0800
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] fix linter errors

 packages/core/src/embedding.ts | 6 ++----
 packages/core/src/logger.ts    | 2 --
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/packages/core/src/embedding.ts b/packages/core/src/embedding.ts
index b06a11cf39e..f9e8ba27d3f 100644
--- a/packages/core/src/embedding.ts
+++ b/packages/core/src/embedding.ts
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
 import path from "node:path";
 import { models } from "./models.ts";
-import { IAgentRuntime, ModelProviderName, ModelClass } from "./types.ts";
-// import fs from "fs";
-import { trimTokens } from "./generation.ts";
+import { IAgentRuntime, ModelProviderName } from "./types.ts";
 import settings from "./settings.ts";
 import elizaLogger from "./logger.ts";
 import { EmbeddingModel } from "fastembed";
@@ -110,7 +108,7 @@ export function getEmbeddingType(runtime: IAgentRuntime): "local" | "remote" {
     return isLocal ? "local" : "remote";
-export function getEmbeddingZeroVector(runtime: IAgentRuntime): number[] {
+export function getEmbeddingZeroVector(): number[] {
     let embeddingDimension = 384; // Default BGE dimension
     if (settings.USE_OPENAI_EMBEDDING?.toLowerCase() === "true") {
diff --git a/packages/core/src/logger.ts b/packages/core/src/logger.ts
index 978f23e628b..4e270f70bb4 100644
--- a/packages/core/src/logger.ts
+++ b/packages/core/src/logger.ts
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-import settings from "./settings.ts";
 class ElizaLogger {
     constructor() {
         // Check if we're in Node.js environment