- Every team is expected to give a 15 mins presentation that may include discussions.
- Your presentation must be engaging and show a good summary of the written proposal.
Write up to 10 pages (excluding references) using this template:
- Header
- Title: try to be as catch as possible.
- Course ID and name.
- List of team members.
- Abstract
- Overview of the proposed project.
- Intellectual merit.
- Broader impact.
- Introduction
- Objective: what you want to and can accomplish during this semester.
- Motivation: what makes this research valuable to the world.
- Problem statement: be as specific as possible. For instance, "improving dependency parsing" is too ambiguous to be a research goal. Instead, you want to write something like, "improving the accuracy of transition-based dependency parsing with selectional branching".
- Your research goals must include some kind of novelty. State clearly that which part of your research is considered novel and give evidence by comparing your idea against previous work.
- Background
- Cite related work done by other researchers. For each work, include a brief description about the work, and how your work is distinguished from it.
- If you have done preliminary work, specify what has been already done and what more will be done during this semester.
- Proposed Research
- Be specific about your methodologies; it must be feasible within this semester. If you are planning to work more after this semester, specify the extended timeline in the following section.
- Specify the dataset and evaluation methods for experiments. The proposal will be considered infeasible unless this part is convincing.
- Timeline
- Weekly plans of your research.
- Specify who will do what in each timeline.
- Do not forget to include times for writing the research paper and preparing for the final presentation.
- Participation: 2
- Contribution: 2
- Ranking: 3
- Presentation: 3
- Proposal: 10