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<index image="front_center.png" back="front_panel.xml">
<title>Front Center</title>
<area shape="rect" coords="221,8,356,144" title="Displays indicated airspeed and mach number" impl="yes"><ul><li>Indicated airspeed is displayed by a moving airspeed/mach pointer against a fixed airspeed scale.</li><li>Mach number, which is read against the airspeed/mach pointer, is displayed by a rotating mach scale.</li><li>The range of the indicator is from 80-850 kts and from 0.5-2.2 mach.</li><li>SET INDEX rotary - Set speed index bug (Not implemented).</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="365,8,501,144" title="Altimeter" impl="yes"><ul><li>Displays altitude in reference to sea level (-1000 to 80,000 feet).</li><li>Barometric pressure reading is adjustable (small knob at lower left).</li><li>Instrument can be toggled between electrical (ELECT) and pneumatic (PNEU) power with small knob at lower right (Not implemented).</li><li>The instrument is flagged PNEU and operates as a standard pressure altimeter when it receives only pneumatic pressure and no electrical power.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="224,152,284,288" title="Angle of Attack (AOA) Indicator" impl="yes"><ul><li>Displays actual AOA in degrees on a vertically-moving tape display.</li><li>Operating range is ~ -5 degrees to +32 degrees.</li><li>The tape is color coded from 9-17 degrees to coincide with the color-coded symbols on the AOA Indexer to the left of the HUD.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="292,152,428,288" title="Attitude Direction Indicator (ADI)" impl="yes"><ul><li>Displays pitch and roll attitude information supplied by the INS.</li><li>The ADI is not limited in pitch or roll and displays any aircraft attitude accurately.</li><li>Also displays ILS glide slope and localizer deviation information.</li><li>The slip indicator displays sideslip.</li><li>The turn rate needle displaces one needle width per 1-1/2 degree per second turn rate.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="435,152,497,288" title="Vertical Velocity Indicator (VVI)" impl="yes"><ul><li>Displays rate of climb/descent information in a vertically-moving tape display with a range of +/-6000 fpm.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="291,302,429,440" title="Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI)" impl="yes"><ul><li>Displays an overhead 'top' view of the aircraft with respect to the navigation situation. The miniature aircraft symbol in the center is fixed.</li><li>The face of the HSI is a rotating compass card with aircraft heading indicated at the top of the dial.</li><li>A rotating Course Arrow with a fixed head and tail points to the course selected with the CRS knob. The central portion of the Course Arrow, between the head and tail, deviates left or right to indicate off-course.</li><li>A rotating Heading Reference Marker indicates the heading selected with the HDG knob, and drives the autopilot heading reference. The Bearing Pointer provides bearing information to the INS destination (steerpoint or markpoint in NAV) or the TACAN station.</li><li>The range indicator provides a readout of distance in nm to the INS destination or TACAN station. To/From flags indicate flying towards or away from the INS destination or TACAN station.</li></ul></area>
<!-- Instrument Panel -->
<area shape="rect" coords="229,322,274,369" title="Instrument Mode Knob" impl="yes"><ul><li>Selects between TACAN and INS (NAV) source data, with or without the addition of ILS source data.</li><li>The HUD, HSI and ADI activate in reference to the selected source data.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="238,396,265,424" title="Instrument Heading Knob" impl="no"><ul><li>Set the INS heading to a known magnetic heading in the event of an INS failure.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="215,301,288,442" title="Instrument Panel" />
<!-- Fuel Quantity Select Panel -->
<area shape="circ" coords="448,319,13" title="Marker Beacon Light" impl="yes"><ul><li>Illuminates when flying over a marker beacon as part of an approach.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="449,345,491,392" title="Fuel Quantity Select Knob" impl="yes"><p>Adjusts the AL (Aft/Left) and FR (Front/Right) needles of the Fuel Quantity Indicator to indicate fuel quantity in pounds:</p><ul><li>NORM - Fuel quantity in all internal fuel tanks.</li><li>TEST - Digital display 6000 and the AL/FR needles both point to 2000.</li><li>RSVR - Fuel quantity in the AFT and FWD internal reservoirs.</li><li>INT WING - Fuel quantity in the internal wing tanks.</li><li>EXT WING - Fuel quantity in all external wing tanks.</li><li>EXT CENTER - Fuel quantity in the centerline tank.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="rect" coords="459,427,483,456" title="External Fuel Transfer Switch" impl="yes"><p>Selects priority of fuel transfer from external tanks</p><ul><li>NORM - Centerline tank transfers first, and then wing tanks.</li><li>WINGS FIRST - Wing tanks transfer first, and then centerline tank.</li></ul></area>
<area shape="poly" coords="434,301,510,301,510,437,477,494,414,494,414,443,434,443" title="Fuel Quantity Select Panel" />