- Version: 4.2.2
- License: MIT
- Description: <h1 align="center"> Ant Design Icons for React </h1>
- URL: https://github.com/gsoft-inc/craco
- Version: 5.7.0
- License: Apache-2.0
- Description: Create React App Configuration Override, an easy and comprehensible configuration layer for create-react-app.
- URL: https://ant.design
- Version: 4.6.6
- License: MIT
- Description: An enterprise-class UI design language and React components implementation
- URL: https://github.com/immerjs/immer#readme
- Version: 7.0.9
- License: MIT
- Description: Create your next immutable state by mutating the current one
- URL: https://github.com/erikhofer/liquid-loading#readme
- Version: 1.0.0
- License: MIT
- Description: A rock-solid loading spinner
- URL: https://momentjs.com
- Version: 2.29.1
- License: MIT
- Description: Parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates
- URL: https://reactjs.org/
- Version: 16.13.1
- License: MIT
- Description: React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- URL: https://reactjs.org/
- Version: 16.13.1
- License: MIT
- Description: React package for working with the DOM.
- URL: https://github.com/reduxjs/react-redux
- Version: 7.2.1
- License: MIT
- Description: Official React bindings for Redux
- URL: https://github.com/ReactTraining/react-router#readme
- Version: 5.2.0
- License: MIT
- Description: DOM bindings for React Router
- URL: https://github.com/facebook/create-react-app#readme
- Version: 3.4.3
- License: MIT
- Description: Configuration and scripts for Create React App.
- URL: http://redux.js.org
- Version: 4.0.5
- License: MIT
- Description: Predictable state container for JavaScript apps
- URL: https://github.com/zalmoxisus/redux-devtools-extension
- Version: 2.13.8
- License: MIT
- Description: Wrappers for Redux DevTools Extension.
- URL: https://github.com/rt2zz/redux-persist#readme
- Version: 6.0.0
- License: MIT
- Description: persist and rehydrate redux stores
- URL: https://github.com/zeit/styled-jsx#readme
- Version: 3.3.0
- License: MIT
- Description: Full CSS support for JSX without compromises
- URL: https://github.com/piotrwitek/typesafe-actions
- Version: 5.1.0
- License: MIT
- Description: Typesafe Action Creators for Redux / Flux Architectures (in TypeScript)
- URL: https://www.typescriptlang.org/
- Version: 4.0.3
- License: Apache-2.0
- Description: TypeScript is a language for application scale JavaScript development
- URL: https://github.com/uuidjs/uuid#readme
- Version: 8.3.1
- License: MIT
- Description: RFC4122 (v1, v4, and v5) UUIDs