- Initial release of "quick-git"
- Added config, you can now change default commit message :)
- Fixed timing on closing the terminal too soon ;)
- Added Pull, Push, Commit and Commit & Push buttons, main Pull and Commit & Push btns are in the top right and the rest are in the bottom left in the status bar.
- Small changes and fixes.
- Big changes, added custom commit message, fixed status bar icon not appearing on load, new extension settings, again fixed timings and made custom logo for Quick Git.
- Added git clone to the Git Actions menu in the status bar, you can customize the directory the repo will clone to and more features coming soon...
- Updated Git clone action, now if you do not have any folder opened you have in the bottom left corner the option to clone git repo, after any folder/file is opened this will change to Git actions.
- Just updated CHANGELOG.md to be more detailed (added commits and dates to all version updates).
- Just updated README.md to be more detailed and to have all the features.
- Optimization update, I added some minor fixes and overall better optimization.
- Bug fixes for the v3.0.5 update.