Thank you for your interest in contributing to CodeOps Studio! By contributing, you agree to license your work under the GNU GPLv3 under same terms.
We value your input and strive to make the contribution process straightforward and transparent.
This project uses semantic version 2.0.0
spec in the format major.minor.patch(-prerelease)(+buildmetadata)
. When bumping versionName
in constants.gradle
file and when creating a tag for new releases on github, make sure to include the patch number as well, like v1.1.0
instead of just v1.1
. The build.gradle
files for consistency.
You can contribute to CodeOps Studio in several ways:
- Reporting a bug
- Discussing the current state of the code
- Submitting a fix
- Proposing new features
- Becoming a maintainer
All these can be done by opening an issue
We use GitHub to host our codebase, track issues, and manage pull requests. All contributions are managed through GitHub's pull request system.
Branch Policy:
: Stable releases (protected)dev
: Active development
To contribute to CodeOps Studio, follow these steps:
Fork the Repository: Start by forking this repository to your GitHub account.
Create a Branch: Create a new branch from the
branch for your feature or bug fix. -
Implement Changes: Make your changes in the branch you created, ensuring each commit has a clear and descriptive message and must use Conventional Commits specs like:
- Added for new features.
- Changed for changes in existing functionality.
- Deprecated for soon-to-be removed features.
- Removed for now removed features.
- Fixed for any bug fixes.
- Security in case of vulnerabilities.
- Docs for updating documentation.
Submit a Pull Request: Open a pull request (PR) against the
branch of this repository. Provide a detailed description of the changes you've made and the problem they solve. -
License Notice: Ensure that any new files you add include the GPLv3 license header, you can use the automation script to add license headers to new files.
Code Review: Your PR will undergo review by maintainers. Address any feedback or requested changes promptly.
- If you've added code, ensure it is tested thoroughly.
- Update documentation for any changes in APIs or significant features.
- Ensure the code follows our style guidelines and passes linting checks.
We use GitHub issues to track bugs. If you encounter a bug, please report it by opening a new issue. Include detailed steps to reproduce the bug, expected behavior, actual behavior observed, and any relevant code snippets.
By contributing to CodeOps Studio, you agree that your contributions will be licensed under the GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3). For any concerns about licensing, please reach out to the maintainers.
Report violations to the GNU GPLv3 Licence by opening an issue
This contribution guide draws inspiration from various open-source best practices. We aim to foster a welcoming and collaborative community where contributions are valued.
We look forward to your contributions to CodeOps Studio!