Earth -
How can geodesics be used in hyperbolic spaces?
And How can there be any geodesics in hyperbolic spaces(curve)?
"it is not touching" and so it is not definable.
Here are some useful resources and examples related to differential geometry:
Differential geometry - Wikipedia: This article provides a comprehensive overview of differential geometry, including concepts such as Riemannian geometry, symplectic geometry, and various applications.
Real-Life Applications of Differential Geometry: This article explains how differential geometry is used to study surfaces in three-dimensional space, such as spheres, cylinders, and cones, and introduces concepts like Gaussian curvature and geodesics.
Introduction to Differential Geometry - University of Toronto: This PDF provides lecture notes on differential geometry, covering topics such as differential forms, normal forms for constant rank maps, flows of vector fields, and Frobenius' theorem.
INTRODUCTION TO DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY - ETH Z: This document introduces the foundational concepts used in differential geometry, including a brief historical introduction and explanations of the extrinsic versus intrinsic viewpoints.
Math 162A - Introduction to Differential Geometry: These lecture notes from a course at the University of California, Irvine, provide examples and definitions, such as tangent vectors and their applications to curves like helices.
These resources should give you a good starting point for understanding and exploring differential geometry.
Everoyne likes pizza. Have you try New York favor? I like Dominones pizza lolllllllllllll
(School Pizza doesnt have any vegetable and they were frozen and is meant for serving like a buffet so they were design to feed calories for the most part)
Damn it I should go for the salads...
TOMATO vegatle vs fruit.....
america says so manyt time. we is commie